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Initial rites

Entrance of the cortege

Entrance of the bride



In the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, R/Amen


Grace and peace from God, our Father, and from Jesus Christ, the Lord, be with you. R/
And with your spirit.

Motion for entry


We have gathered around the presence of the good God to celebrate the sacred union of
the Spouses' names, who today before God and in the presence of the community
commit themselves to live forever.

Marriage is a mystery that we cannot sustain in our own strength. Jesus must always be
present in this young couple to be a source of love and unity and to be attentive to do
what God asks of them.

Penitential Act

I confess before Almighty God and before you, my brothers and sisters, that I have
sinned greatly in thought, word, deed and omission. Because of me, because of my great
fault. Therefore I pray to the ever-virgin Mary, to the angels, to the saints and to you,
my brothers and sisters, to intercede for me before God our Lord: Amen.

May God Almighty have mercy on us, forgive us our sins and bring us to eternal life.
R/. Amen.

Prayer Collection

Lord, you who with a marvelous design consecrated the conjugal union to prefigure in it
the union of Christ with the Church, grant that these children of yours , in the Name of
the Bridegroom , may realize this design which they know by faith. Through our Lord
Jesus Christ. R/Amen.

First Reading:

Reading from the book of Tobit

On the night of their wedding, Tobiah said to Sarah: We are descendants of a people of
saints, and we cannot unite like the heathen, who do not know God. They both got up
and, together, began to pray fervently. Asking God for His protection. Tobiah said:
Lord, God of our fathers, may heaven and earth, the sea, the fountains, the rivers, and all
the creatures therein, bless you. You made Adam from the clay of the earth and gave
him Eve as a companion. Now, Lord, you know that if I marry this daughter of Israel, it
is not to satisfy my passions, but to found a family in which your name will be blessed
forever. And Sarah said, "Have mercy on us, Lord, have mercy on us. May the two of us
live happily together until old age. This is the word of God. R/ We praise you Lord.

Responsorial Psalm

Blessed is he who fears the Lord

R/. Blessed is he who fears the Lord

Blessed is the one who fears the Lord and follows his ways. He will eat the fruit of his
labor, he will be happy, he will do well. R/

His wife, like a fruitful vine, in the midst of his house; his children like olive branches
around his table. R/.

This is the blessing of the man who fears the Lord: may the Lord bless you from Zion,
may you see the prosperity of Jerusalem, all the days of your life. R/.

Second Reading
A reading from the first letter of the Apostle Paul to the Corinthians.

Brethren: aspire to the most excellent gifts of God. I am going to show you the best way
of all. Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, if I have not love, I am
but a sounding brass or stupefying cymbals.
Even if I have the gift of prophecy, if I penetrate all mysteries, if I possess all
knowledge, and if my faith is so great as to move mountains, if I have not love, I am
Even if I were to distribute all my goods in alms, and even if I were to let myself be
burned alive, if I have not love, it profits me nothing.
Love is understanding; love is helpful and does not envy; love is not conceited; it is not
conceited; it is not ill-mannered or selfish; it is not irritable or resentful; it does not
rejoice in the truth. Apologize without limits, endure without limits.

Love will never pass away, even if prophecies pass away, even if tongues disappear,
even if science is destroyed; for we know something, but not everything, and even the
prophets do not tell everything.

Acclamation before the Gospel

R/ Alleluia, alleluia.

L. We must love one another; thus God abides in us and his love among us is perfect.
R/. Hallelujah, hallelujah
Reading from the Holy Gospel according to St. Matthew: 22:35-40

At that time, a doctor of the law asked Jesus to test him: Master, what is the greatest
commandment in the Law?
Jesus answered him, "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all
your soul and with all your mind. This is the greatest and the first of the
commandments. The second is like it: Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself, On these
two commandments are founded all the law and the prophets.

This is the word of the Lord.

R. / Honor and glory to you Lord Jesus.


Rite of Marriage


You have come here in the name of the bride and groom so that the Lord, before the
minister of the Church and before this Christian community, may consecrate with his
seal the love that you have for each other.
This love Christ blesses abundantly, and with a new sacrament, you whom He has
already sanctified by Baptism, which will enrich and strengthen you so that you may
always keep mutual fidelity and be able to fulfill the other obligations of marriage.

So, before this Christian community representing the church, I ask you:

Name of the bride and groom Have you come here to marry of your own free and full
will and without any pressure from anyone or anything?

R. / Yes, we come freely.

Are you willing to love and honor each other in your marriage throughout your life?

R. / Yes we are willing.


Therefore, since you wish to establish the holy covenant of marriage, join hands and
express your consent before God and his Church.

"I Husband's Name accept you, Wife's Name as my wife and promise to be faithful to
you in good times and bad, in sickness and in health, and to love and respect you all the
days of my life."
"I Wife's Name accept you, Spouse's Name as my husband and promise to be faithful
to you in good times and bad, in sickness and in health, and to love and respect you all
the days of my life."

May the Lord confirm this sentiment that you have manifested before the Church and
fulfill in you his blessing. What God has just joined together, let no man put asunder. R.
/ Amen

Blessing and presentation of rings and arras

S. May the Lord bless these rings that are going to be given to each other as a sign of
love and fidelity, and these arras as a symbol of mutual help. T. Amen.

"Wife's name. Receive this ring as a sign of my love and fidelity. In the name of the
Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit."

"Name of the bridegroom, Receive this ring, as a sign of my love and fidelity. In the
name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit."

Delivery of the arras

"Name of wife, receive also these arras are a pledge of the care I will take, that there is
no lack of what is necessary in our home."

I receive them as a sign of the care I will take that everything is put to good use in our

Prayer of the Faithful

S. Let us pray to God that these brothers and sisters of ours Name of the spouses who
today are united in marriage may attain happiness in this life and in the next. May God
bless this holy union, as he sanctified the wedding at Cana.
R. We pray to you, Lord

S. Let us pray to God that these brothers and sisters of ours Name of the spouses who
today are united in marriage may attain happiness in this life and in the next.

L. May God bless this holy union, as he sanctified the wedding at Cana.
R. We pray to you, Lord.

L. May God grant them the grace of children and the happiness of the human family.
R. We pray to you, Lord.

L. May his love support you in all the difficulties of life.

R. We pray to you, Lord.

L. May they remain happy in harmony and happiness so that they may bear good
witness to the Christian man.
R. We pray to YOU, Lord.
L. May the Holy Spirit renew the grace of the sacrament in all the spouses present here.
R. We pray to you, Lord.

L. May all marriages that have fallen apart find love and peace.
R. We pray to you, Lord.

L. Let all rulers watch over the sanctity of marriage.

R. We pray to you, Lord.

L. May Christ, head of the Church, keep her holy and blameless.
R. We pray to you, Lord.

L. Almighty God, be merciful to these your children, keep them united in your love,
grant them the gifts of your grace so that, after this life, they may deserve to arrive in
the company of their children to the place of eternal happiness. Through our Lord Jesus
R. Amen

Prayer over the offerings

S. Receive, Lord, the sacrifice we offer you for this sacred union; and since you are the
author of it, be also its protector and guide. Through Christ our Lord.



Our Father

Prayer for spouses

Brothers and sisters, let us ask God to bless and protect these spouses whom he has
enriched with the Sacrament of Matrimony. Holy Father, author of the whole universe,
who created man and woman in your image and filled their conjugal union with
blessings, we pray for this wife who today is united to her husband through the
sacrament of marriage. May the abundance of your blessing descend, O Lord, upon her
and her life companion, that they may add to the joy of their married life the delight of
children and happiness, that they may seek you in their sorrows, that in their labors they
may find joy in your help and in their need, that they may bear witness to you among
men and after a happy old age reach the kingdom of heaven.May they seek you in their
sorrows, may they find joy in your help in their labors and in their need, may they bear
witness to you among men and after a happy old age reach the kingdom of heaven
accompanied by those who share their joy today. Through Christ our Lord.
R/. Amen.

Communion Antiphon


Christ loved the Church and gave Himself for her to make her appear before Himself as
a Holy and Immaculate Bride.


You who have not allowed us to partake of the table, grant, Lord, in the name of the
spouses who have just united their lives through the Sacrament of Matrimony, to
remain ever faithful to you and to bear witness to your love before men and women.
Through Christ our Lord.
R. / Amen.

Prayer of the Spouses

Lord, Our Father
We bless you
For taking in your hand
Our love
Help us to form our children
To be witnesses of your love
In our family
And in the community
Give us strength in discouragement
Share our joys
Lord bless our love.

Final Blessing

S. May almighty God grant you to share in his joy and bless you in your children.
R/. Amen

S. May the only begotten son of God be with you in your sorrows and your joys.
R/. Amen.

S. May the Holy Spirit of God dwell in you always and fill you with His love.
R/. Amen

S. And may God bless all of you here present. Almighty God, Father, Son and Holy
R/. Amen

S. You can go in peace

R. / Let us give thanks to God.

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