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Epigenetics, brain, behavior, and the environment

Article in Hormones (Athens, Greece) · January 2010

DOI: 10.14310/horm.2002.1251 · Source: PubMed


50 546

1 author:

David Crews
University of Texas at Austin


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HORMONES 2010, 9(1):41-50


Epigenetics, brain, behavior, and the environment

David Crews

Ashbel Smith Professor of Zoology and Psychology, Section of Integrative Biology, University of Texas at Austin,

Early experiences can modify regulatory factors affecting gene expression in such a way that,
although the DNA sequence itself is not changed, the individual’s physiology and behavior is
substantially influenced. In some instances these epigenetic effects are exerted upon exposure,
while in other instances they are transmitted across generations via incorporation into the
germline. Examples of both types of epigenetic effects are presented. First, experience with
siblings (littermates) organizes behaviors and their underlying neural substrates in such a way
that, as adults, rats and knockout mice behave differently. Second, exposure to the fungicide
vinclozolin early in pregnancy imprints the male lineage in such a manner that rats exhibit
distinct behavioral profiles as well as unique patterns of gene expression in relevant brain
regions. Taken together, this work demonstrates that both the present and past environments
alike modify both social and affiliative related behaviors and their related metabolic activity
in specific brain nuclei as well as influencing the abundance of specific genes altering the epi-
genome in the target brain areas.
Key words: Behavior, Environmental influences, Epigenetics

Introduction higher or more than in men. Males are at higher risk

Many psychiatric disorders exhibit significant for early onset disorders such as autism and schizo-
gender differences in relative risk level and severity. phrenia. It is clear that in some manner reproductive
In women, the incidence of some disorders (e.g. eating and adrenal hormones play a role in the development
disorders, major depressive disorder, obsessive-com- and display of these disorders since, in many instances,
pulsive disorder, posttraumatic stress disorders, anxi- the sex differences manifest at puberty. In some cases
ety and panic disorders, seasonal affective disorder, the relationship is clear-cut, as is the case with stress
and Alzheimer’s disease and dementia) is two-fold hormones and anxiety-related behaviors. However, a
direct causative (vs. consequential) nature of sex ster-
Address for correspondence: oid hormones has been more difficult to demonstrate
David Crews, Ashbel Smith Professor of Zoology and even though, for example, in the case of schizophrenia
Psychology, Section of Integrative Biology, University of Texas in women, worsening of symptoms is experienced dur-
at Austin, Austin, Texas 78712, Tel.: 512-471-1804 (direct),
512-471-1113 or 475-6738, e-mail:,
ing pregnancy, postpartum, and perimenopause.1-3 A
Tel.: 512-471-6078 (direct), 512-471-3878 (department), clearer picture emerges when we consider individuals
Website: exposed to exogenous steroids or their mimics. It is
Received 21-09-09, Revised 15-11-09, Accepted 18-12-09 well known that conditions such as congenital adrenal
42 D. Crews

hyperplasia, resulting in elevated androgen levels, effects might be transmitted across generations. First,
influence subsequent gender identity and role.4,5 Even it is important to distinguish mitotic (non-germline)
modestly higher in utero androgen exposure during from meiotic (germline) epigenetic imprints.
fetal life has detectable effects in later adulthood. For
example, a female dizygotic twin with a twin brother, Context-Dependent vs. Germline-
as compared with a female dizygotic twin with a twin Dependent Epigenetic ModificationS
sister, exhibits more risk-taking behavior, has a more
masculine pattern of cerebral lateralization, and is Transgenerational effects can be observed if the
prone to aggression.6-8 Both men and women exposed environmental factors that bring about the epigenetic
to diethylstilbestrol (DES) in utero (hence having modification simply continue to persist.18,19 For ex-
a body burden of the chemical) are more prone to ample, if the diet, behavior (see below), or environ-
depression compared to their unexposed siblings.9-11 mental toxicant (e.g. lead) continues to be present in
Indeed, an issue of national concern is the significant the environment, then epigenetic modification will
environmental exposure to common-use chemicals be manifested in each generation.20,21 This situation
in the household, a factor suggested as contributing leads to readily available therapeutic venues such as
to the increased incidence of affective disorders in those providing methyl donors to the diet or directly
the general population.12 to the young, or simply removing the environmental
toxicant.22-24 Hence, the environment can induce epial-
When and how are these gender biases established? leles, but this environmentally induced epigenetic state
Hormones and genotype determine an individual’s can be reversed by a different environmental factor.
responses to experiences throughout the life cycle as I term this mitotically based transgenerational effect
well as the susceptibility to developing disorders.13- ‘Context-Dependent’ epigenetic change and the best
Embryonic development is the time of maximal example comes from the work of Meaney and col-
neuronal and behavioral plasticity, although the leagues.18,23,25,26 In a long series of elegant studies, this
individual’s capacity to respond to environmental group has demonstrated that nature and the amount
change or insult with heritable phenotypic variation of care a pup receives from the mother modulates its
at a later stage is also possible. For the purposes of reaction to stress later in life largely through effects on
this essay, plasticity is defined as the ability of the the glucocorticoid receptor (GR) in the hippocampus.
genotype to produce different phenotypes in response This maternal effect can cross generations, provided
to different environments. In both instances, suites that the pup’s experience occurs in the first week of
of genes underlie the fundamental plasticity of an life. Recently, this group has documented that infu-
organism, particularly during development or life sion of methionine, a histone deacetylase inhibitor,
history transitions. Exploration of such gene-envi- into the hippocampus can also reverse these events. Is
ronment interactions furthers our understanding there a counterpart in humans? Caspi and colleagues
of how the environment influences the relationship have demonstrated how the rearing environment can
between genotype and behavior during sensitive overcome the influence of genotype in the etiology
developmental periods. of violent behavior.27,28
Affective disorders result from the interplay of Germline-dependent epigenetic modification is
environmental, genetic, and epigenetic factors dur- fundamentally different than Context-dependent epi-
ing neural development, but exactly how this comes genetic modification.18 This type of transgenerational
about is relatively unknown.16,17 Recent studies at both epigenetic imprint is mediated through the germline
the molecular and organismal levels indicate that the and tends to be sex-linked. That is, an epigenetic
origin of such effects may be in previous generations. modification is transferred to subsequent generations
That is, experiences of earlier generations modify because the change in the epigenome is incorporated
regulatory factors affecting gene expression in such a into the germline. Thus, the effect is manifested in
way that the DNA sequence itself is not changed but each generation in the absence of the causative agent.
the individual’s physiology and behavior are substan- In such instances the DNA methylation of heritable
tially influenced. Of particular interest is how such
Epigenetics, Brain, Behavior, and the Environment 43

epialleles are passed through to subsequent genera- lamus-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis shows adapta-
tions rather than being erased as occurs normally tion and levels are back to normal. However, there
during gametogenesis and shortly after fertilization. is a progressive atrophy of the dendrite length and
It should be emphasized that Germline-dependent branching of pyramidal neurons in the CA3 region, a
epigenetic modifications are not equivalent to ge- process mediated by corticosterone potentiating the
nomic imprinting in which genes are monoallelically release and postsynaptic activity of excitatory amino
expressed in a parent-of-origin dependent manner.29,30 acids from adjacent mossy fiber terminals arising from
In the latter case of genomic imprinting, subsets of the granule neurons in the dentate gyrus and acting
genes are silenced and influence development; silenc- via N-Methyl-D-Aspartate (NMDA) receptors. 38
ing of genes is erased and not transmitted to the next Conversely, there is an increase in dendritic spine
generation. To date, there is but a single example of density of neurons in the basolateral amygdala and
Germline-Dependent epigenetic modification on Medial Prefrontal Cortex (mPFC), and decreased
behavior. neurogenesis in the dentate gyrus. 39-43 In addition
to suppressing proliferation of new cells, chronic
Epigenetics and Mental Health restraint markedly increases polysialic acid, a devel-
opmentally regulated carbohydrate associated with
A growing body of information suggests that Neural Cell Adhesion Molecule (NCAM).44 Stressed
epigenetic effects might extend to gender differences rats also exhibit a variety of specific cognitive deficits
in brain and behavior.18,31 For example, Woolf and in spatial learning and memory, as well as increased
Grossman and colleagues have presented, compel- anxiety-like and agonistic behavior.39,45,46
ling arguments that for certain psychopathological
conditions (schizophrenia, fragile X syndrome, fetal The effects of stress appear to vary depending
alcohol syndrome, and depression), early develop- upon the sex of the individual and when they occur.47
mental events canalize the individual into an ever- For the purposes of this essay, I will only consider the
narrowing range of responses.32,33 It is significant that literature on males. In males, the effects of chronic
methylation has been implicated in the etiology of all stress early in development tend to be irreversible,
of these disorders. resulting in permanent structural changes in the
hippocampus and altered adult sociosexual and anxi-
More than 70 years of research with animal models ety-related behaviors, while those experienced as an
has demonstrated that gonadal and adrenal hormones adult can be reversed. If the stress occurs during the
organize the brain perinatally in such a way that peripubertal-juvenile transition, the effects are simi-
the individual’s perception, behavior, and learning lar to the early effects, if not exaggerated.48 In rats,
abilities are modified. Not only does the nature and chronic restraint influences serotonin and dopamine
amount of hormone affect individual development activity in CA3 of the hippocampus, dopamine and
but also the timing of hormone exposure is impor- its metabolites in CA1 of the hippocampus as well
tant. However, while the principle of critical periods as the mPFC, and dopamine and its metabolites in
of hormone sensitivity is well established in animal the basolateral amygdala.
studies, the data on human behavior is only now being
collected.34 Perhaps the best studied phenomenon is The context in which the stress is experienced
that of stress and how, if it is sustained, it can lead is also important, perhaps not surprisingly as rats
to impaired immunity, disease, and neurological and humans are social animals. For example, stress
changes characteristic of major depressive illness and decreases neurogenesis in the dentate gyrus of male
particularly chronic anxiety disorders.35-37 Chronic rats that are individually housed but not in those that
restraint stress in rats has been a standard paradigm are socially housed.49 In humans, some disorders are
for studying such effects on physiology, brain and be- precipitated by stress, which itself alters endocrine
havior. For example, six hours daily of immobilization state. For example, only some of the pregnant women
restraint for three weeks results initially in elevated exposed directly to the World Trade Center collapse
corticosterone levels but after 21 days, the hypotha- developed Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).50
These women and their babies had lower cortisol levels
44 D. Crews

compared with those mothers who did not develop finding a range of concordance from <1 to 42%.63
PTSD. The issue here is whether stress potentiates More relevant to this discussion, a comparison of
a predisposition to develop mental disorder(s). A two MZ twin pairs, one concordant for the diagnosis
similar point has been raised by Petronis and col- of schizophrenia and the other discordant, revealed
leagues regarding pre- and perinatal environmental larger epigenetic difference in the regulatory region
risks for Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder of the DRD2 gene.56
It is now well accepted that life history events in- Neural Mechanisms Underlying
teract with genetic predispositions to induce disease. Sociosexual and Emotional Behaviors
For example, Eker rats carry a germ-line defect in the There is now a substantial body of literature indi-
tuberous sclerosis complex 2 tumor-suppressor gene cating that in mammals, specific nuclei in the limbic
and approximately 65% develop hormone-dependent and forebrain areas are critical to the display of repro-
uterine leiomyomas.52 Exposure of females to DES ductive, agonistic and emotional behaviors.64-71 These
on days 3-5 after birth increases the tumor-suppres- nuclei, which include the lateral septum, amygdala,
sor-gene penetrance to more than 90%. In principle, hippocampus, bed nucleus of the stria terminalis,
stress, which has been shown to have organizational medial preoptic area, anterior hypothalamus, and
actions of behavior in rats via an effect on the HPA, ventral tegmental area, are interconnected, contain
could have a similar potentiating effect on epigeneti- steroid hormone receptors, and tend to be sexually
cally induced transgenerational imprints as well as dimorphic in their volume and synaptic organization
on genetic predisposition to develop disease. Indeed, as a consequence of the nature and frequency of sex
glucocorticoid receptor regulates DNA methylation steroid hormones secreted perinatally. Ablation of
within a key enhancer of the rat liver-specific tyrosine individual nuclei often leads to diminution or even
aminotransferase gene, resulting in rapid chromatin abolition of social and reproductive behaviors, whereas
remodeling. This demethylated state is stable and stimulation in individuals gonadectomized in adult-
results in an enhanced hormonal response to gluco- hood restores these behaviors. Stress influences cogni-
corticoids on additional exposure. 53 An intriguing tion and anxiety, effects that are sexually dimorphic
recent finding concerns differences in D2 Dopamine and hormonally modulated. Moreover, the functional
Receptor (DRD2) variants in PTSD patients that neuroendocrinology of brain areas associated with
are co-morbid for anxiety, social dysfunction, and stress have been delineated (see above and below).
depression; methylation plays a role in DRD2 ex- The display of these complex behaviors is reflected
pression.54-58 in increased expression of immediate early genes as
Finally, perhaps the best evidence for epigenetic well as electrophysiological and metabolic activity in
influences in affective disorders comes from studies multiple nuclei that can form an integrated neuronal
of Monozygotic (MZ) twins.2,59 In such instances, the circuit. This has led to increased appreciation that
concordance rate for both of the twins to suffer from social and reproductive behaviors “emerge from the
an affective disorder is higher than that observed in activity of a unitary neuroanatomical framework” in
dizygotic twins or sib pairs (e.g. schizophrenia-70% the brain.72 The Crews lab has been at the forefront
and autism-60%). The fact that it is not complete is of developing analytic methods for evaluating change
of interest but outside the scope of this brief review. in such networks.73
Epigenetic MZ twin differences have been identified
that vary with age, but also between twin-pairs.60,61 Context-dependent Epigenetic Changes
For example, the Catechol-O-Methyltransferase in Brain and Behavior
(COMT) gene is located on chromosome 22q11, a
region implicated in the etiology of schizophrenia.62 Life history is continuous but can be viewed as
Mill et al. studied the concordance rate for CpG the cumulation of discrete segments; each period
methylation in the promoter region of this gene in 12 emerges from what goes before and, at the same
5-year-old MZ twin pairs discordant for birth weight, time, sets the stage for what follows. Although the
Epigenetics, Brain, Behavior, and the Environment 45

divisions are somewhat arbitrary and some traits can postnatally. Similarly, research demonstrating that the
span conventional divisions, in mammals the usual sex ratio of the litter influences maternal behaviour
classification is prenatal (intrauterine), postnatal (until has not taken into account the prenatal sex ratio of
weaning), adolescence (after weaning), peripubertal, the pregnant mother.
sexual maturity, and reproductive senescence. Each
However, and contrary to the literature, decon-
period has its own characteristic ethologies and par-
structing these sequential experiences reveals that
ticular contribution to the behavioral phenotype. It
it is the sex ratio of the litter postnatally that affects
is possible to deconstruct early life events and study
sexuality in adult males, not intrauterine position or
each period both in its own right and how it interacts
maternal behavior.73,78 After controlling for prenatal
with the other stages.
sex ratio, we find that males raised in female-biased
In the field of behavioral neuroscience, complex litters exhibit less mounting compared to males raised
behavioral traits are typically studied in the adult in litters of equal sex ratio or in male-biased litters.
organism. In mammals, the formative environment Further, males from female-biased litters are less
for social and anxiety-related behaviors is the fam- attractive to sexually receptive females. These dif-
ily unit; in the case of rodents, this is the litter and ferences are not erased by sexual experience, sug-
the mother-young bond.25,74,75 Normally, investiga- gesting that the effects of the sibling environment
tors utilize individuals without consideration of the are permanent. Surprisingly, these males compensate
litter in which they were born. However, the litter for their lower attractiveness by being more efficient
is a structured unit involving the mother and her copulators.
life history as well as the pups as they interact with
In genetically-modified mice, not only is the sex
one another and with the mother and research has
ratio of the litter an issue, but the ratio of the various
demonstrated how much of adult behavior has its
genotypes is an equally important variable, particularly
antecedents early in life.
in model systems that are the result of the mating of
A deciding factor in this environment is the sex Heterozygotes (HTZ) to yield litters of varying num-
ratio of the litter and, in the case of mice lacking bers of Wildtype (WT), HTZ, and Knockout (KO)
functional copies of gene(s), the ratio of the various young of both sexes. Typically, researchers using KO
genotypes in the litter. Recent studies have decon- mice do not control for the early social environment
structed these two confounds and demonstrated that of their experimental animals. This is a mistake since
they have separate and distinct effects on the nature this early social environment has a powerful effect on
and quality of the individual’s behavior later in adult- shaping the adult behavioral phenotype and brain. A
hood, as well as on the metabolic activity in brain common mouse model is the Estrogen Receptor α
nuclei related to these behaviors.73,76,77 The finding (ERa) knockout that lacks a functional copy of this
that functional neural systems can be re-organized, important sex steroid receptor. Not only has research
depending upon the composition of the litter in which revealed the role of this gene in differentiation of
the individual develops, is startling. Yet it yields a morphology and physiology but distinct behavioral
deeper understanding of how neural systems are phenotypes have also been characterized. The question
organized early in life. is, to what extent are the behavioral phenotypes due
to the absence of the gene, or to the litter in which
Normally, litter composition reflects the sex ratio
the individual develops.
produced at birth, but there is evidence that prenatal
environment (who your fetal neighbors are) and the Not only is it possible to distinguish males and
postnatal period (the nature and quantity of maternal females on the day of birth but it is also possible to
care) affect the adult behavioral phenotype. However, genotype each individual in the litter using PCR to
in none of these studies have these two periods been distinguish WT, HTZ, and KO individuals. Using this
disassociated. Specifically, research demonstrat- approach litters were reconstituted to control for sex
ing that the intrauterine sex ratio influences adult ratio and genotype ratio.76,77 Results indicate that sex
behavior failed to control for sex ratio of the litter and genotype of siblings in the litter affected aggres-
46 D. Crews

sive behaviors as well as patterns of metabolic activity epigenetic transgenerational phenotype that is not
in limbic nuclei in the social behavior network later Context-dependent.80-83 This demonstrates that expos-
in adulthood. Further, this pattern in males varied ing gestating female rats to Vinclozolin during the
depending upon the genotype of their brothers and period of sex determination induces an epigenetic
sisters. Principal components analysis revealed two transgenerational phenotype through reprogramming
components comprised of several amygdala and hy- the germline in a sex-specific manner. Specifically,
pothalamic nuclei; the Ventromedial Hypothalamic in each generation males whose ancestor had been
nucleus (VMH) showed strong correlations in both treated showed accelerated onset of adult diseases
clusters, suggesting its pivotal nature in the organiza- such as cancer, prostate disease, kidney disease and
tion of the two neural networks. For example, WT immune defects. The appearance of a series of new
females spend significantly more time in social contact imprinted-like genes that transgenerationally transmits
in a Resident-Intruder test compared to KO females this altered epigenome to promote disease phenotypes
raised in same-sex, same-genotype litters. Further, appear not only in the sperm epigenome but also
it appears that female WT siblings are able to com- in the brain epigenome.82,83 Recently, a Germline-
pensate for this deficit, just as KO siblings cause a Dependent epigenetic modification effect on mate
deficit in WT females. preference has been demonstrated.84
Cytochrome Oxidase (CO) histochemistry is a The transcriptomes of the whole brain, amygdala,
particularly useful tool for studies of the long-term and hippocampus of these same F3 generation Vin-
effects of significant life history events. The abundance clozolin-lineage and Control-lineage males show the
and activity of CO in a brain area is a measure of same trends in expression with the COMT microarray
the metabolic capacity of that brain region. In other results, demonstrating a decrease in all the vinclozolin
words, the CO abundance not only reflects the meta- gene sets in both the amygdala and hippocampus, but
bolic history of an area but, because it determines to a lesser extent in the latter.85 Hundreds of genes
the amount of ATP available in a neuron, constrains have altered expression in a transgenerational manner.
the amount of activity a neuron can sustain.79 Us- Of these, a limited number show similar changes in
ing this tool, we find that the neural networks that the whole brain, amygdala, and hippocampus. Genes
subserve sociosexual behavior vary in different ways. common to all three include Senp5 (SUMO/sen-
First, there is a significant genotype difference in the trin specific protease 5), Nfix (Nuclear factor I/X),
neural network of WT and KO mice and, further, the Akap5 (A kinase PRKA) anchor protein 5, NTrkb
compensation/deficit in the behavior are reflected (Neurotrophic tyrosine kinase receptor) and COMT;
in the metabolic activity of the neural circuit. The the latter three genes having been implicated in the
relative effects of sex, independent of genotype, and etiology of schizophrenia and other affective disor-
of genotype, independent of sex are striking. Taken ders including autism and depression.62,86-89 Camk2a
together, these findings indicate that in studies with (calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II
genetically modified mice, the litter composition alpha subunit) was also regulated in the amygdala
during the pre-weaning period must be considered and hippocampus, this being a gene implicated ef-
as it can effect the development of behavior and the fect in both learning and memory and stress-induced
neural network responsible for the regulation of anxiety behavior.90,91
emotional behaviors.
Vinclozolin-lineage males spent more time in the
light compartment and had more transitions than did
Transgenerational Epigenetic control males. In the Elevated Plus maze, there was
Programming of the Brain no difference between the lineages in % open arm
Transcriptome and Anxiety Behavior time and entries, but with significantly greater total
Michael Skinner and colleagues have developed arm entries for the Vinclozolin-lineage males.85 Taken
a rat model in which the male germline bears a together, these studies indicate that the epigenetic
permanent epigenetic imprint, thereby creating an transgenerational phenotype has a permanent altera-
Epigenetics, Brain, Behavior, and the Environment 47

tion in the brain transcriptome in a manner that can Conclusions

influence behavior and genes implicated in anxiety- The way the genetic background modifies re-
related disorders, learning, and memory. sponses to experiences throughout the life cycle can
Surveying the recent literature for genes implicated ultimately determine an individual’s susceptibility
in mental disorders reported by multiple laboratories to developing affective disorders. Recently, it has
and comparing it with our brain transcriptome analysis been discovered that early experiences can modify
reveals that in the whole brain AUTS1 (candidate regulatory factors affecting gene expression in such a
gene in region of chromosome 7 known as autism way that the DNA sequence itself is not changed but
susceptibility locus 1) and Grik2 (Glutamate recep- for generations afterwards an individual’s physiology
tor, AMPA1) are decreased, while SLC6A4 (Serot- and behavior are substantially influenced. How this
onin transporter gene), Gria1 (Glutamate receptor, epigenetic modification can modulate the interaction
kainite 2), and S100 (calcium binding protein A4) of the environment and genetic constitution at the
are increased; the latter gene also shows a specific level of the brain, ultimately influencing agonistic
increase in the amygdala. Interestingly, AUTS2 (autism and anxiety behaviors, is the next frontier.
susceptibility locus 2 or engrailed homolog- EN2- in
the rat) is not affected.24,92-95 (AUTS1 remains a strong Bibliography
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