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World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research

Waykule et al. World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research

SJIF Impact Factor 8.084

Volume 11, Issue 6, 710-722. Research Article ISSN 2277– 7105



Nishigandha Waykule*, Prachet Bagewadikar and Somasharan Kale

D. S. T. S. Mandal’s College of Pharmacy, Solapur 413004 Maharashtra, India.

Article Received on
24 March 2022, The lip care products of day-to-day use contain heavy metals and
Revised on 14 April 2022, preservatives in their formulations. The heavy metals have adverse
Accepted on 04 May 2022
DOI: 10.20959/wjpr20226-24082
effects on the lips that these leach through the pores of the lips and
may accidently get ingested internally. One of the heavy metal Lead
and its substitutes affects the nervous and cardiac functioning while
*Corresponding Author
Cadmium and Chromium may lead to Carcinoma of various vital
Nishigandha Waykule
D. S. T. S. Mandal’s College
organs. The rising global demand for natural products whose
of Pharmacy, Solapur 413004 production is harmless to the human body and environment has
Maharashtra, India. developed the novel method of formulations of cosmetics. The image
of environment friendly formulation is one of the strongest attractions
of the organic or herbal cosmetics. While the lip balm is such a cosmetic product similar to
lipstick which prevents the dryness of lips, nourish the lips and protects against the
surrounding factors. The lip balm resist from the external temperature variations and other
factors. Lip balm is not gender specific product that is anyone can easily use this cosmetic.
The present formulations of lip balm cover all the criteria of the nourishment and protection
of lips.

KEYWORDS: Herbal, Organic, Lip Balm, Sesame oil.

There is increasing public demands on herbal formulations of cosmetics. For these new
methods, technologies and strategies have been implemented to formulate using organic raw
materials.[1] These raw materials and products certified as organic are chosen from systematic
growth and care of the raw materials for the formulation of lip balm, which are preferred to
be unused of harmful chemical pesticides or manures and which are stored by natural
methods declining the usage of modern methods at adequate conditions.[2] The lips become │ Vol 11, Issue 6, 2022. │ ISO 9001:2015 Certified Journal │ 710
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chapped, dry and develop cracks particularly in harsh environmental conditions. As the lips
do not have any oil glands in the anatomical structure, these require extra care, extra
moisturization and protection throughout the daytimes. There is a huge population which
have problem of dryness of lips in winters and some of these problems are continued to
summer seasons also. The synthetic lip balms contain petrolatum, synthetic waxes, parabens,
alumina and artificial fragrances and colours which are toxic. The lip balms may accidently
be eaten by the people and should a detailed study on the ingredients used to formulate the lip
balms to avoid any acute or chronic effects due to these ingredients.[1] The lipsticks and lip
balms have significant differences regarding the function of both of the formulations that the
lipsticks have the function of imparting the colour to the lips while the lip balms have the
function of nourishment and protection to the lips.

Fig. 1: Anatomy of lips.

The anatomy of lips

The lips serve as organs of prehension, suction and speech. It is composed of the skin,
superficial fascia, orbicularis muscle and the muscles inserted around it (areolar tissue &
mucous membrane). The margins of the lips are covered with dry, red mucous membrane,
continuous with the skin and containing numerous vascular papillae and touch corpuscles.
The mucous membrane internally is reflected from the upper and lower lip upon the gums,
and in the median line forms two folds of superioris and inferioris. The areolar tissue or
sub-mucous layer contains the coronary vessels which completely encircle the buccal orifice
near the free margin of the lips. The coronary vessels are the superior and inferior coronary
arteries which arise from the facial. The superior coronary is larger than the inferior, and
anastomoses with its fellow of the opposite side and gives off a small artery to the septum
arteriaseptinasi. Compression of this artery will sometimes control nasal hemorrhage. │ Vol 11, Issue 6, 2022. │ ISO 9001:2015 Certified Journal │ 711
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The superior labial or coronary vein begins as a plexus in the orbicular is muscle of the upper
lip, passes with the coronary artery and drains into the facial vein a little below the alae of the
nose of the veins which drain the lower lip the inferior coronary empties into the facial a little
below the superior labial; but the chief branch from the lower lip descends as a rule to the
submental vein, thence to the facial or often to the anterior jugular. The nerves supplying the
lower lip are derived from the mental which emerges from the bone through the mental
foramen and sends large twigs to the mucous membrane, the integument and the fascia of the
lip and chin.

Some of the lymphatic vessels of the lips pass to a gland just above the body of the hyoid
bone, while others pass to the sub maxillary glands. The labial glands are in the submucous
layer of the lips around the orifice of the mouth. They secrete a mucous fluid. Mucous
retention cysts develop when the ducts of these glands become occluded.[5][6][7]

Diseases and Disorders related to lips

An allergic reaction can make the lips swell. The reaction may be caused by sensitivity to
certain foods or beverages, drugs, lipstick, or airborne irritants. When a cause can be
identified and then eliminated, the lips usually return to normal. But frequently, the cause of
the swelling remains a mystery. A condition called hereditary angioedema may cause
recurring bouts of swelling. Nonhereditary conditions such as erythema multiforme, sunburn,
cold and dry weather, or trauma may also cause the lips to swell. Sun damage may make the
lips, especially the lower lip, hard and dry. Red speckles or a white filmy look signal damage
that increases the chance of subsequent cancer. This type of damage can be reduced by
covering the lips with a lip balm containing sunscreen or by shielding the face from the sun's
harmful rays with a wide-brimmed hat. The inflammation of the lips (cheilitis) involve, the
corners of the mouth may become painful, irritated, red, cracked, and scaly. Cheilitis may
result from a deficiency of vitamin B2 in the diet.

The Freckles and irregularly shaped brownish areas (melanotic macules) are common around
the lips and may last for many years. These marks are not cause for concern. Multiple, small,
scattered brownish black spots may be a sign of a hereditary disease called Peutz-Jeghers
syndrome, in which polyps form in the stomach and intestines. Kawasaki disease, a disease of
unknown cause that usually occurs in infants and children 8 years old or younger, can cause
dryness and cracking of the lips and reddening of the lining of the mouth.[5][6][7] │ Vol 11, Issue 6, 2022. │ ISO 9001:2015 Certified Journal │ 712
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Lip balms are formulations applied onto the lips to prevent drying and protect against adverse
environmental factors. Numerous lip balms of chemical origin are currently available in the
market from companies like The body shop, Nivea, Himalaya, Blistex, etc. The cosmetic
literature reports limited data on this type of formulation, although references related to
lipstick apply because it is a cosmetic form similar to lip balm. This similarity extends to
include organoleptic and stability requirements such as resistance to temperature variations,
pleasant taste, innocuousness, smoothness during application, adherence and easy intentional
removal. Lip balm should not be considered equivalent to the lip gloss, with the former being
a product intended for use by both men and women. Lips contain Melanin, which provides
some protection against harmful sunrays. But then usage of ingredients like Ghee, Honey,
Vitamin E, etc. keep the lips hydrated for long time. The Bees Wax is base of the formulation
which is obtained from natural origin which mainly acts as natural emulsifier, Sesame Oil is
used as a remedy for burning sensation, nourishment of tissues and facilitating debridment,
protection from UV radiation, Sesame oil is also one among the agents that are currently used
to treat burns; it has shown different effects on wound healing. Sesame oil was reported to be
effective in reduction of cholesterol and blood glucose and it has antioxidant effect. Olive oil
was studied for its antioxidant effect and was found to have beneficial effects in
cardiovascular diseases and cancers. In traditional medicine, olive oil has been considered to
be effective in skin healing; however, this issue has not been studied in advanced medicine.
Unfortunately, very few studies have been done on sesame oil, olive oil, and their effects in
healing wounds, while some studies have shown their beneficial effects. However, the effect
of honey has been studied in animal and human subjects. Combining honey with olive oil and
sesame oil may increase their beneficial effects in healing wounds. Also, this combination
may reduce bacterial wound colonization; however, no study has been conducted to examine
this idea.

While Castor oil penetrates into deep skin and acts as moisturizer for lips, used in the
treatment of dry and chapped lips. Honey lightens up the dark lips that it acts in re-
pigmentation to the lips, it also protects lips from UV radiation. Recently, some studies have
investigated the use of honey to prevent infection and treat burns; they used honey as a
remedy for the prevention of infection in bedsores and burns. It has been reported that honey
can facilitate removing necrotic tissues, increase the granulation and epithelialization speed,
and reduce scars. The antimicrobial power of honey prevents the growth of bacteria on the
moist environment of skin surface. The factors that make honey a useful remedy for burns │ Vol 11, Issue 6, 2022. │ ISO 9001:2015 Certified Journal │ 713
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are: Acidic environment (pH= 3.4–6.1), high osmotic properties, avoids dressing from
sticking to the wound, and decreases the dislodgement of granulation tissues at the time of

The Vitamin E source (tocopherol acetate) is a known potential contact sensitizer. It is a

lipophilic antioxidant and has been used for many years. It was noted that ACD from vitamin
E is rare and that both tocopherol and tocopherol acetate are considered safe for skin care
products. However, the it was found that the incidence of sensitization to vitamin E has been
increasing. Tocopherol acetate is found incorporated into a number of lip care products and
cosmetics. Vitamin E has been reported to cause widespread ACD on the body, including a
case involving the face, penis, and extremities. However, the literature has reported no cases
of ACC due to vitamin E. It is used to maintain the softness and acts a s anti-aging agent for
the lips[19] and lastly for fragrance the Rose oil is used.


The ingredients which are used in the formulation of lip balms that are

Ingredients Manufacturers
Bees wax Lab Scale
Sesame oil Kapiva organic sesame oil
Castor oil Neurochem Labs Pvt. Ltd
Honey Patanjali Ayurved Pvt. Ltd.
Vitamin E (Evion 400mg capsule) Merck Consumer Healthcare Ltd.
Rose oil Arvedikas Rose oil

Formulation of lip balm

Weigh accurately all the required ingredients as per Table 1. In a clean evaporating dish, take
Bees wax firstly and melt it on a water bath (not exceeding the temperature range of 50-
64°C). Then add the Sesame oil and castor oil respectively and stir vigorously and label it as
A. Then in another evaporating porcelain dish, take Honey and Vitamin E (pour the capsule
content into Honey) and mix thoroughly and label it as B. Pour the contents of porcelain
Dish B into Dish A by observing the uniform temperatures of both the dishes and adding it
drop by drop with vigorous stirring. Finally add Rose oil to the Formulation and lastly pour
the liquid lip balm into a clean wide mouth container. Keep the lip balm for cooling at room
temperature. │ Vol 11, Issue 6, 2022. │ ISO 9001:2015 Certified Journal │ 714
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Table no. 1: Formulation table of lip balm.

Sr. no. Ingredients F1 F2 F3
1 Bees wax 2.5 gm 2.5 gm 2.5 gm
2 Sesame oil 2.5 ml 5 ml 7.5 ml
3 Castor oil 2.5 ml 5 ml 7.5 ml
4 Honey 2.8 gm 2.8 gm 2.8 gm
5 Vitamin E 2.5gm 2.5 gm 2.5 gm
6 Rose oil qs qs qs

Evaluation of Lip-balm
Melting point
Melting point apparatus (Veego melting point apparatus Model -VMP -AD(CFT)) melting
point of lip balm was determined as the melting point sample of lip balm was taken in a
glass capillary whose one was sealed by using a flame . The capillary containing the
formulation was dipped in liquid paraffin inside the melting point apparatus which was
equipped with magnetic stirring facing. Melting was determined visually and melting point
was reported.

Organoleptic properties
The organoleptic characters such as colour, odour, taste and appearance of lip balm was

Test of spreadability
The test of spreadability is carried out by applying the product at room temperature
repeatedly on the glass slide to visually observe the uniformity in the formation of the
protective layer and it is observed that wheather the stick fragmented, broke or deformed
during the application. For this test following criteria were established by analyst:
G - Good: uniform, perfect application, no fragmentation, without deformation of lip balm.
I – Intermediate: uniform, leaves few fragmentation, appropriate application, few
deformation of lip balm.
B- Not uniform, leaves many fragments, inappropriate application, intence deformation of the
lip balm.

Measurement of pH
The pH of the lip balm was determined to investigate the possibility of any side effects . As
an acidic or alkaline pH may cause irritation to lips, it was determined to keep the pH of the │ Vol 11, Issue 6, 2022. │ ISO 9001:2015 Certified Journal │ 715
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formulation as close to neutral as possible .The pH measurement was studied by dissolving

1gm of sample into 100ml of water . The pH measurement was done by using pH meter.

Stability studies
Prepared lip-balm was studied for testing and for the acceleration of stability studies at room
temperature (25 3 ) refrigeration (5 2.0 ) and oven temperature (40 2.0 ) for 30
days and it was characterized for organoleptic properties, melting point, pH and


Organoleptic characteristics
Prepared lip balm has shown faint yellowish coloured with pleasant odour. All results are
presented in in Table 2 and fig.

Figure no. 1: Prepared herbal lip balm.

Table no. 2: Organoleptic characteristics of lip balm.

Parameters Observations
Colour Faint yellowish
Odour Pleasant
Appearance Excellent, Smooth

Melting point
Melting point of lip balm was found to be in the range of 66 - 68 , which matches with
the appropriate melting point of between 65 and 75 . │ Vol 11, Issue 6, 2022. │ ISO 9001:2015 Certified Journal │ 716
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Test of spreadability
Prepared lip balm was tested for its ability of spreading which initially has shown G –
uniform, no fragmentation perfect application, without any deformation at room temperature
as given in figure no 2.

Figure no. 2: Spreadability of lip balm at room temperature.

Measurement of Ph
The pH of lip balm, was near to neutral pH i, e 7.2 this would not cause any irritation to lips.

Stability studies
Stability study of formulation can be defined as time from date of manufacture and the
packaging of the formulation, until its chemical or biological activity is not less than
predetermined level of labeled potency and its physical characteristics have not changed
appreciably, The main aim of stability study is to provide evidence on how the quantity of
drug or drug product varies with the time under the influence of the variety of environmental
factors such as temperature, light, humidity. Stability studies were carried out for 1 month /
30 days at room temperature (25 3 ) refrigeration (5 2.0 ) and oven temperature
(40 2.0 ) All results are presented in Table no 3 │ Vol 11, Issue 6, 2022. │ ISO 9001:2015 Certified Journal │ 717
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Figure no. 3: Organoleptic characteristics of lip balm at 1) at 25 , 2) 5 2.0 , 3)

40 2.0

Table no. 3: Stability studies of lip balm at different temperature.

Formulation F 1:
Parameters Colour Odour Melting point Spreadability pH
25 Pleasant 66 I 7.1
5 2.0 Pleasant 67 G 7.1
40 2.0 Pleasant 67 G 7.2

Formulation F2:
Parameters Colour Odour Melting point Spreadability pH
25 Pleasant 66 G 7.1
5 2.0 Pleasant 66 G 7.2
40 2.0 Pleasant 68 I 7.2

Formulation F3:
Parameters Colour Odour Melting point Spreadability pH
25 Pleasant 66 G 7.1
5 2.0 Faint Pleasant 67 G 7.1 │ Vol 11, Issue 6, 2022. │ ISO 9001:2015 Certified Journal │ 718
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40 2.0 Pleasant 67 G 7.0

G -Good: Uniform, Perfect application, No fragmentation, Without deformation of lip balm.

I – Intermediate: Uniform, Leaves few fragmentation, Appropriate application, Few
deformation of lip balm.

It was observed that the prepared formulations F1 shows at room temperature (25 )
Shows G-Good : uniform, leaves no fragmentation, perfect application, without deformation
of lip balm. and good spreadability and at refrigeration temperature (5 2.0 ) as well as at
(40 2.0 G -Good: uniform, perfect application, no fragmentation, without deformation
of lip balm and formulation F2 shows I – intermediate: uniform, appropriate application, few
fragmentation, little deformation of lip balm at oven temperature and at refrigeration and G –
Good: uniform, no fragmentation, proper application, without deformation of lip balm. at
room temperature and refrigeration. as well as in formulation 3 it shows G -Good: uniform,
perfect application, no fragmentation, without deformation of lip balm, at each temperature.
All results are presented in figure no 3 and figure no.4

(1) at 25 (2) 5 2.0 (3) 40 2.0

Fig. no. 4: Spreadability of lip balm.

The rising demands for the herbal formulation of cosmetics and increasing demand to make
them environmentally friendly products favoring the growth of market for the herbal
formulations The development of organic cosmetics have major technical challenges in that, │ Vol 11, Issue 6, 2022. │ ISO 9001:2015 Certified Journal │ 719
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besides requiring skills and experience of the formulator therefore, The cosmetic
manufactures have investigated in research and development of this product category and
willing to formulate environment friendly products according to concern of consumers with
the organic ingredients, which are of organic origin.

Prepared lip balm formulations were evaluated for organoleptic characteristics, melting point,
spreadability, pH, stability studies. It shows melting point in the range of 66 , which
matches the ideal melting point. The test of spreadability was found to be G- Good: uniform,
does not leave fragments, perfect application , without any deformation of lip balm initially at
room temperature. pH of lip balm was found near to neutral i.e 7.2 this would not cause
irritation to lips.

Although compatibility of all components represents an important factor affecting the

stability of a lipstick or lip balm, it is essential to study the spreadability parameter to
measure the spreading ability of lip balm which is influenced by the melting point.after
performing the stability studies at room temperature (25 3 ), refrigeration ( 5 ) and
oven temperature at (40 ) for 30 days and it is observed that the prepared lip balm
shows G- Good: uniform, does not leave fragments, perfect application, without any
deformation of lip balm as well as I – Intermediate: uniform spreadability, leaves few
fragments, appropriate application, little deformation at room temperature.

The formulation stored at room temperature and refrigerator shows similar behavior during
the stability tests. The organoleptic characteristics were also stable and spreadability was
evaluated as “Good”. storage under these conditions was considered and functionality of
product is maintained hence it is concluded as adequate. The melting point shows an range
(mean upto 68 ) the prepared formulation of lip balm shows better stability. According to
the spreadability test, the developed formulation results of spredability test, storage in oven
(40 ) was not recommended because of loss of product functionality observed during
the normal stability test. It was concluded that Herbal lip balm can be better option for
treatment of various lip issues.

The authers would like to thank D.S.T.S. Mandals college of Pharmacy, Solapur. │ Vol 11, Issue 6, 2022. │ ISO 9001:2015 Certified Journal │ 720
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