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¿How does technology affect young people today?

The problems associated with new technologies that most frequently

appear to young people are: Interference with other activities: study,

exercise and sports, leisure, sociability, Lack of privacy and improper

use of personal data, Excess information available, Inappropriate


The continued use of new technologies by adolescents can generate

social isolation by stopping carrying out activities with the social groups

they belong to and with this, social skills, essential for many

surroundings, can be affected.

How does technology affect us in society?

Well applied technology helps us, for example: to organize ourselves

better, to learn new things, to keep track of our goals and personal

progress or to shorten distances with friends or family.

As technology advances, human work is undervalued. Dependence on

technological devices. This misuse and excessive use of technology is

leading to major health problems such as addiction, depression, social

isolation, anxiety, hearing damage or eye diseases.

What is the negative impact of technology?

As technology advances, human work is undervalued. Dependence on

technological devices. This misuse and excessive use of technology is

leading to major health problems such as addiction, depression, social

isolation, anxiety, hearing damage or eye diseases.


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