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Students who are given grades work harder than those who are not.

Grading is an integral part of the education system. It is a tool used by teachers

to evaluate a student's performance in a particular subject. It is often said that
grading system motivates students to work harder. I agree with this statement
and here are the reasons why I think so.
First of all, grades are a reflection of a student's academic performance. When
students receive good grades, it motivates them to continue working hard and
striving for excellence. On the other hand, if a student receives a poor grade, it
can serve as a wake-up call and motivate them to work harder to improve their
performance.Moreover, grades are also used as a benchmark for success in the
academic world. For instance, good grades are often required to get into top
universities, graduate programs, or secure high-paying jobs. Therefore, students
understand the importance of grades and work hard to achieve them.
On the other hand, some argue that grading can have negative effects on student
learning. For example, grades can create a competitive learning environment
where students focus on achieving high marks rather than learning the material.
This can lead to rote memorization and a lack of critical thinking skills.
Nevertheless, grades also provide feedback to students on their performance.
This feedback can help students identify areas of strength and weakness in their
learning. Students can then use this feedback to develop study strategies and
improve their performance in the future. This feedback is especially important for
students who struggle with a particular subject, as it can help them identify areas
where they need to focus more attention.
In conclusion, grades are an important part of the education system. They
provide students with a sense of accomplishment and motivation to continue
working hard.
Movies and television strongly influence the way people behave. Do you agree
or disagree? Use reasons and specific examples to support your answer.

All forms of modern entertainment influence the perceptions of society. I

strongly agree that television shows influence the behavior of common people. I
feel this way for two main reasons which I will explore in the following
First and foremost, there are many movies and television shows that portray a
positive input in many people's lives. In particular, these kinds of motivational
events showcases the life of successful people. Evidently, they do not just depict a
positive message, but also changes the way people think. From my own personal
experience, I can say that when I failed an entrance examination, I felt distressed
and overwhelmed. But, later when I watched a television show focusing on a
student who transforms his failure into success, it changed my perspective of
failure. I restarted my studies and later, cracked the exam with flying colours. I am
sure that if I had not seen the program, I would not have restarted my studies. So,
it is certainly clear to say that films can positively influence a person.
Secondly, films and television programs provide society with a lot of negative
messages. These anti-heroic icons are often portrayed as role models to a large
number of teenagers and youngsters. Consequently, these characters do not
follow the rules put forward by society and often plays an antisocial role. My own
personal experience is an example of such a type of personality. When I was
studying in my senior secondary schooling my classmate, who is influenced by a
negative movie character, turned himself into rude behaviour. He started taking
drugs and is involved in many quarrels and fights. Thus, he had stopped his
education midway and is now unemployed. As a result, people started observing
him as a person with negative qualities. For this reason, I can say that movies can
negatively influence a person.
In conclusion, I am of the opinion that movies and television can cause an impact
on society. This can be either detrimental or can embrace us with positive values.
The knowledge we gain from our personal experiences is more valuable than
knowledge we gain from books.

Knowledge is a valuable commodity that can be acquired from various sources,

such as personal experiences and books. Many people believe that the
knowledge we gain from personal experiences is more valuable than the
knowledge we gain from books. I disagree with this statement and here are the
reasons why I think so.
To begin with, it is important to note that books are an essential source of
knowledge. Books provide a wealth of information and allow individuals to learn
from the experiences of others. Reading books can expose individuals to new
ideas, perspectives, and cultures, which can broaden their worldview.
On the other hand, personal experiences provide a deep understanding of a
subject that cannot be gained from reading books alone. For instance, if someone
reads about the effects of poverty on a community, they may not fully understand
the reality of living in poverty. However, books can provide a theoretical
understanding of a subject which can serve as a perfect bases for the practical
solutions to real-world problems.
In conclusion, while personal experiences provide a unique perspective and offer
valuable lessons, books are also an essential source of knowledge. Both methods
of learning are valuable, and individuals should strive to use them together to
gain a more comprehensive understanding of the world around them.
Some people believe that eventually all jobs will be done by artificially
intelligent robots. What is your opinion?
As technology advances, people are worried that most jobs will be replaced by
cutting-edge technologies such as artificial intelligence. I disagree with this
opinion. There are tasks that AI could not take over.
To begin with, tasks that require repeatability and could be easily done will be
definitely taken over by advanced technologies. To explain, today's time robot has
already substituted work such as finding drugs in magazines and delivering them
to doctors, which have replaced substantial manpower. Taking tesla, for example,
the production process of vehicles has been done by robot machines.
Furthermore, using robot has many benefits since they can work interruptedly
and does not need a salary constantly.
On the other hand, there are several sectors that might not be taken over by
robots. To elaborate, the entertainment field is difficult to substitute by AI
because there is a need such as loneliness that robots could not fulfil. For
example, in china being a live streaming anchor is a profession that an individual
could earn a great amount of money and is unlikely that a robot can hold up this
In conclusion ,I think that as technologies such as artificial intelligence become
more and more mature , it is undoubtedly that will change our workforce
structure. However, jobs such as those mentioned above could not.
Friends have more impact on the academic performance of students than their
teachers do. Do you agree or disagree with this opinion? State your opinion and
support it with reasons and examples.

The statement that friends have more impact on the academic performance of
students than their teachers do is debatable. I disagree with this opinion and here
are the reasons why I think so.
Firstly, teachers play a significant role in the academic progress of students, as
they are trained professionals who have the knowledge and experience to impart
education effectively. Moreover, teachers are responsible for designing the
curriculum, delivering lectures, and assessing the students' performance, which
all have a direct impact on the academic progress of students.
Friends, on the other hand, are undoubtedly influential in shaping a student's
social life, but their influence on academics is limited. While friends can provide
emotional support and motivation, they may also be a source of distraction and
hinder a student's academic progress. In addition, the peer pressure to conform
to their friends' expectations may lead students to prioritize social activities over
studies. However, while friends may have a certain impact on a student's
academic progress, their role is limited compared to the crucial role that teachers
In conclusion, Teachers are trained professionals who have the expertise to
impart knowledge effectively and provide guidance to students in achieving their
academic goals. Therefore, it is essential to value the role of teachers in shaping
the future of students.
Reading is a waste of time agree or not?

Reading is an essential component of modern society. The ability to read and comprehend
written text is crucial for obtaining knowledge, learning new skills, and expanding one's
worldview. Some individuals argue that reading is a waste of time. I disagree with this opinion
and here are the reasons why I think so.
On the one hand, there are several reasons why reading is not a waste of time. Firstly, reading
is a valuable form of intellectual exercise that helps to develop critical thinking skills, improve
memory and vocabulary, and broaden one's worldview. Reading requires concentration and
focus, which can help individuals develop self-discipline and focus, essential qualities in any
profession or personal goal.
On the other hand, reading takes too much time and effort, and the benefits are not always
tangible. Some may argue that reading fiction is particularly wasteful as it does not have any
practical application. They also contend that reading is becoming an outdated activity with the
rise of other forms of media, such as videos and podcasts, which are more accessible and
engaging. However, reading is an excellent source of inspiration, motivation and personal
growth. Reading can also offer an escape from the stresses of daily life, providing a sense of
relaxation and pleasure.
In conclusion, reading is not a waste of time, but an essential activity that has many benefits.
While it is true that reading can sometimes be passive or less efficient than other forms of
learning, it is crucial to recognize the intellectual and practical benefits of reading. Reading can
keep the mind active, provide inspiration and motivation, and have practical applications in
both personal and professional contexts. Therefore, it is essential to encourage and promote
reading as a vital aspect of personal growth and development.
Exams are fair way of testing students knowledge. Agree or not?
Exams have long been a traditional method of assessing students' knowledge. I
agree with the opinion that exams are a fair way of testing students' knowledge.
Here are the reasons why I think so.
Firstly, exams provide an objective evaluation system. By the exams, all students
are assessed under the same conditions and with the same criteria. This approach
provides an equal opportunity for every student to showcase their knowledge.
Secondly, exams promote discipline and time management skills. The preparation
required for exams encourages students to develop effective study habits and
organize their time efficiently. These skills are essential for success in academic
and professional fields. Exams are not only a measure of knowledge but also a
tool for personal growth.
On the other hand, exams emphasize rote memorization rather than critical
thinking skills. They do not promote a deep understanding of the subject matter.
However, well-designed exams can include a mix of questions that test both
memorization and critical thinking abilities, ensuring a balanced evaluation.
Moreover, exams encourage comprehensive learning. Students are compelled to
understand and retain knowledge across various topics in order to succeed in
In conclusion, exams are a valuable tool in evaluating students' academic
achievements and preparing them for future challenges.

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