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DIRECTIONS: Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. The century where radio broadcasting was a hit.

A. 19th B. 20th C. 15th D. 23rd

2. This type of music projects a hazy atmosphere and dreamlike quality.

A. Impressionism C. Expressionism
B. Harmony D. Tonality

3. His first mentor was Jean-Francois Marmontel.

A. Claude Debussy C. Arnold Schoenberg
B. Maurice Ravel D. Igor Stravinsky

4. He is the composer of Bolero.

A.Claude Debussy C. Arnold Schoenberg
B. Maurice Ravel D. Igor Stravinsky

5. It is a work by Claude Debussy’s that imbued with deep melancholy of sweetness,

fire, humor and nostalgia.
A. Anime et Tres Decide C. Pelleas et Melisande

B. Reflects dans l’eau D. Violin Sonata

6. A work of Joseph Maurice Ravel that is an original piano depicting childhood

themes performed as Ballet.
A.Bolero C. Mother Goose
B. Nature Stories D. Mirrors

7. Ravel served in what capacity during World War I?

A. Pilot C. News correspondent
B. Truck driver D. Painter

8. Who was the proponent of Claire de Lune and the foremost impressionist
A. Joseph Maurice Ravel C. Claude Debussy
B. Arnold Schoenberg D. Claude Monet

9. Which of the following countries Claude Debussy was born?

A. France C. Italy
B. Germany D. Sweden
10. It was described as harmonic evolution, descriptive and pictorial.
A.Bolero C. Mother Goose
B. Nature Stories D. Mirrors


DIRECTIONS: Choose the letter of the best answer.

1. Who is a famous Impressionist artist?

A. Pablo Picasso
B. Claude Monet
C. Andy Warhol

2. What country did Impressionism originate from?

A. England
B. Spain
C. France

3. When did the Impressionist movement start?

A. 1860's
B. 1850's
C. 1870’s

4. Which of these did impressionists paint?

A. Animals
B. Cars
C. Landscapes

5. Which of these did impressionists not paint?

A. People
B. Musical instruments
C. Landscapes

6. What type of colours did Impressionists use?

A Bright
B. Dull
C. Dark

7. What can you see in their work?

A. Pencil lines
B. Brush strokes
C. Rubbings out

8. What word best describes Impressionist paintings?

A. Dull
B. Flat
C. Lively

9. The materials that Impressionists used most were?

A Pastels
B. Watercolour
C. Oil on canvas

10. The Impressionist movement was not?

A. One of the most revolutionary in art history
B. Short lived and nothing special
C. Influential all over the western world

DIRECTIONS: Write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if it is not.

_______ 1. Impressionist painters used quick, sudden, weak, large brushes.

_______ 2. This technique separated them from traditional painting, which required
invisible brushes to make the painting very realistic.

_______ 3. Impressionist painters painted in the open air, escaped from workshops, and
used light effects to reinterpret reality, giving objects new values of colour.

_______ 4. The impressionists didn’t choose open-air painting, plain air, and everyday
life subjects.

_______ 5. The impressionists did not want to find the perfect light to illustrate their


DIRECTIONS: Describe the masterpieces of the following artists/painters. (3pts each)

1. Paul Cezanne

2. Henri Matisse

3. Vicente Manansala

4. Paco Gorospe

5. Anita Magsaysay-Ho

ACT#4: PE (Lifelong Fitness and Physical Activity Habits)

DIRECTIONS: Explain what is being asked by the following questions. (2pts each)

1. Define physical fitness.


2. What do you do to achieve physical fitness?


3. What is the importance of doing the physical fitness test?


4. What is cardiovascular strength?


5. What is balance?

QUIZ #1: PE (Lifelong Fitness and Physical Activity Habits)

DIRECTIONS: Define the following Health-Related Fitness Components. (2pts each)

1. Strength

2. Cardiovascular strength

3. Flexibility

4. Muscular Endurance

5. Muscular Strength

6. Body composition

7. Agility
8. Balance

9. Coordination

10. Reaction Time


ACT#51 HEALTH (Consumer Health)

DIRECTIONS: Explain what is being asked by the following questions. (5pts each)

1. If you were given a chance to make a commercial about a certain product, what
qualities should the product possess in order for you to decide about modeling for it?

2. What qualities of a product would you consider before buying it?


3. As a wise consumer, would you recommend a brand of product just because it

was endorse by your favorite star and you own the company which made the product?
#2 HEALTH (Health Service Providers)

DIRECTIONS: Fill in the blanks with the correct word for each of the following

1. A ____________ specializes in the health of infants, children and adolescents.

2. For health insurance, the coverage age is _________________.
3. All Filipino citizens are entitled to free healthcare under ________________.
4. An ______________ gives medicinal and surgical care of the eye, including the
prescription of glasses.
5. _______________ is another healthcare plan that offers a more comprehensive
private healthcare networks than HMOs.
6. About ___________________ of medical professionals work in the private sector.
7. _____________________ is a Public-Private Partnership program that was
launched to aid public hospitals in modernizing their facilities and equipment.
8. A __________________ treats mental and emotional problems.
9. ____________________ is the governing agency that regulates HMO Companies.
10. ___________________ is another health care plan that offers a more
comprehensive private health care networks than HMOs.

#2 HEALTH (Health Service Providers)

DIRECTIONS: Write the duties and responsibilities of the following healthcare service

1. Dermatologist

2. Nurse Practitioner

3. Pediatrician

4. Psychiatrist

5. Allergist

6. Surgeon

7. Orthopedist

8. Urologist

9. Radiologist

10. Opthalmologist
SW #3 MUSIC (Schoenberg and Expressionism)

DIRECTIONS: Explain what is being asked by the following questions. (10pts)

1. Describe Expressionism.


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