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International College

3rd CPP – History and Geography of Lebanon

1st Semester Project – 2020

Names: ______________________________________________________________________________

Section: _______ Grade: ___________/ 100

Historians ask questions to uncover the past. In our Social Studies, we covered topics such as the
Renaissance in Europe, The Protestant Reformation and The Age of Exploration. Your task is to research
about Lebanon during the periods of the Renaissance, Protestant Reformation and The Age of
Exploration. You will be asking questions, just like historians, and you will research the answers. Follow
the guidelines below:

 Work in a group of 4 to prepare a presentation

 Create your Google Slides and share them with me before you start working as a team. Make
sure you mention ALL the team members. I will be tracking your work. I need to know who did
 Part of the grade will be individual and based on your classwork, presentation skills and
 Presentations should be done on time. Penalty will be given to late presentations (minus 5 per
day). The deadline will be announced in class
 Your presentations should include 20 relevant questions covering the topics below
 Fakherriddine’s role in bringing Renaissance culture to Lebanon
 Renaissance evidence in Lebanon today
 Different fields of the Renaissance in Lebanon
 Protestantism in Lebanon ( past and the present )
 Protestantism influence of Lebanese society / politics
 The truth about Phoenicians exploring the Americas
 The influence of the Age of Exploration on Lebanon
 Historical questions start with the following terms :
 Who ( countries , persons, communities …)
 What ( events )
 Where ( geographical location )
 When ( exact date, century , historical era)
 Why ( direct and indirect causes )
 How ( sequence of events )

Criteria Value Teacher Additional Remarks

The PowerPoint has an 2
appropriate title ( slide points
Table of Contents/ 2
outline ( 1 slide ) points
Introduction including 3
thesis statement ( 1 points
paragraph , 1 slide )
Content contains 20 20
meaningful questions points
related to the research
topics. All topics must
be covered.
Answers to the 20
questions were points
( minimum of 3 lines
per answer)
Conclusion/ reflection 3
(1 paragraph, 1 slide) points
Citation page (URL 2
only) points
10 relevant visuals 10
were included with points
Classwork/ teamwork. ( 10
individual grade ) points
Presentation skills ( eye 10
contact , tone, volume, points
body language, fluency,
seriousness ) individual
Rehearsal was evident 10
( individual grade ) points
Layout. Slides were 3
organized in categories points
based on the research
Language ( grammar , 5
spelling, punctuation ) points

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