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Core Competency Reflection

Personal Awarerness & Responsibility:


1. I am personally responsible, self motivated, and can advocate for myself.

Through my academic path, I have always demonstrated my personal responsibility

by consistently working hard on every assignment and doing my best to submit on
time with extending qualities. In order to achieve my consistent work habit, I
organized my study schedules, recording deadlines and study goals. Whenever I
encountered difficulties, I did not hesitate to reach out to teachers or tutors for

2. I take personal responsibility for my choices and actions.

Prior to making decisions or embarking on any course of action, I habitually

contemplate the potential outcomes it may yield. This thoughtful consideration of its
consequences enables me to proactively assume personal responsibility for the
repercussions of my actions. I have had an experience where I inadvertently hurt
someone by speaking without much thought. Reflecting on this incident, I realized
that making decisions or taking actions hastily can lead to unintended consequences
and failures. As a result, I have since adopted a habit of careful consideration and
thinking twice before making choices or taking actions, recognizing the importance of
deliberate decision-making to avoid such situations in the future.


1. I understand learning takes patience and time.

Even though I recognize the importance of patience and time in the learning process,
sometimes, I found myself getting challenged to maintain motivation when facing
complex subjects. For example, currently I am challenged with my patience when I
am taking difficult courses such as Calculus. However, I can overcome this
weakness by seeking additional support from teachers and peers and setting
realistic goals to track my progress.

Social Responsiblilty:

1. I can identify and appreciate different perspectives on issues and use and
evaluate strategies to resolve problems.

If we do any discussion addressing a controversial issue, I used to excel on the

argument by listening to my peers actively, encouraging constructive dialogue, and
proposing solutions that incorporate various perspectives. For example, during
discussions in my history class, I have often put these skills into action. As the
conversation unfolded, I actively listened to my peers’ opinions ensuring that every
perspective was acknowledged and respected. I also encouraged a constructive
dialogue by asking questions and seeking common ground. When it came time to
propose a solution or reach out to conclusion, I considered the concerns and insights
of all participants and formulated a comprehensive and inclusive resolution.

2. I have positive peer and intergenerational relationships.

I have nurtured positive peer and intergenerational relationships, demonstrating my

proficiency in forming harmonious connections across various age groups. My
genuine enjoyment of engaging with people of different backgrounds and ages has
allowed me to learn lots of values by respecting their diverse perspectives. For
instance, I often enjoy having conversations with not only friends but also with
seniors or younger generations because I experience various insights by just sharing
our thoughts.


1. I am aware of my community and environment and work independently and

collaboratively for the benefit of others.

While I am aware of the issues and needs within my community, I occasionally face
difficulties in actively participating in volunteer initiatives to benefit our community. I
frequently observed that I postponed community activities or participation due to the
demands of my schoolwork. To enhance my commitment and contribution, I am
committed to proactively seeking out volunteer opportunities and engaging in
activities that have a positive impact on our community.

Critical Thinking:


1. I can analyze and critique my work and my learning.

I consistently demonstrated my ability to analyze and criticize my work and learning
by engaging in thorough self-reflection on essays, embracing multiple rounds of
revision, conducting rigorous independent research with constant self-questioning,
learning from early mistakes, and actively participating in peer reflecting sessions.
This proactive approach not only improved the quality of my work but also enriched
my own critical thinking and learning skills.

2. I can ask good quality questions, gather relevant information, and come up
with well-developed conclusions.

I excelled in researching and gathering useful information and by using that, to come
up with well-structured conclusions supported by credible sources. Also, I displayed
my exceptional critical thinking skill by formulating insightful research questions. For
example, when I did my research project, I showed my skill to pose incisive research
questions that served as the foundation of our investigation. By having clear
research questions, I benefited by having a certain direction of research to do.
Moreover, through gathering information from a variety of credible sources such as
websites URL ends with org, academic articles, or expert opinions, I could also
formulate well-structured conclusions that provided valuable insights.


1. I can explore and create new ways to represent my learning around a variety
of problems, events, issues, and needs.

I recognized that there is a room for improvement in representing my learning

creatively. To address my weakness, I need to experiment with multimedia
presentations, infographics, and other creative methods to display my understanding
of subjects. By embracing such creative methods, I aim to continually improve how I
represent my learning across a variety of topics, making my educational journey both
more enriching and impactful.

Creative Thinking:


1. I can take my ideas, evaluate, develop, and refine them and make something
productive out of them.

I often used my skill to evaluate, develop, and refine my ideas and come up with
something productive mostly in my marketing class. I came up with a simple idea
and continually developed that into a well-thought-out plan, and continually refined
them so that they ultimately turned into a productive and beneficial initiative for my
projects. Therefore, I demonstrated my ability to turn ideas into actionable solutions
through careful planning and perseverance.

2. I can persevere, and understand that failure can be productive.

Throughout my academic life, I have already experienced several failures that made
me learn a lot. I also understand that this experience is invaluable to me since it
gives me valuable insights and lessons, ensuring to not make the same mistakes
again in the future. For instance, in grade 9, I experienced a situation where I
inadvertently missed some crucial requirements while completing an assignment. To
my surprise, this oversight resulted in a lower grade than I had anticipated, even
though I had invested a significant amount of time and effort into the project. This
incident served as a valuable lesson, teaching me the importance of meticulously
reviewing all requirements and expectations before undertaking any task.


1. I can create new and unique ideas that may provide new perspectives that
influence how people think about topics.

While I am skilled at refining existing ideas, I sometimes struggled to generate

innovative and unique ideas. To overcome this, I need to actively participate in
brainstorming activities, creative writings, and interdisciplinary projects to foster my
abilities for creative thinking.



1. I can work with other students to plan, inquire, and solve problems.

I have showcased my proficiency in excelling within group research projects by

effectively collaborating with classmates to strategize research methodologies,
gather and access data, and analyze results. Throughout my academic life, my
teamwork and communication skills consistently proved crucial in achieving our
research objectives and producing successful outcomes. For instance, when I was
doing a research project in my English class, I collaborated with teammates to plan
our approach. We divided tasks based on our strengths. Regular communication
allowed us to merge our findings into a comprehensive report with solutions. This
demonstrates my skill in teamwork, showing that by working together, we can solve
complex issues.

2. I can reflect on the processes of learning and share what I have learned.
I have a strong inclination to share my experiences of failure and the lessons I have
derived from them with others. I find great value in opening up about these moments
of adversity, as they have not only profoundly impacted my personal development
but have also allowed me to contribute meaningfully to the growth and understanding
of people around me. My willingness to discuss setbacks would not only help me
build stronger relationships but would also create a supportive environment where
individuals can learn from each other’s missteps and successes, ultimately
promoting personal and collective growth.


1. I can listen, learn to contribute meaningfully to discussion and debate,

consider different perspectives, and build consensus.

During my history class, while I was generally recognized as a proficient

communicator, I acknowledged that I occasionally faced challenges actively listening
and considering different viewpoints during discussions and debates. In one
particularly impactful instance, I was tasked with arguing in favor of a controversial
policy I personally disagreed with, a challenge myself embraced as an opportunity
for growth.

Personal & Cultural Identity:


1. I can define myself in terms of my relationship to others and to the world.

I explored my personal and cultural identity through a project in my English class

where I captured moments that represented my connection to my family, community,
and the broader world. That project helped me to display my ability to define myself
in relation to others.

2. I understand how what I value has and will shape my choices.

During my career life education class in grade 10, we were doing a career planning
activity. By working through that assignment, I identified my core values and used
them to shape my educational and career choices. My awareness of my values and
their influence on my decisions was evident in my thoughtful career goals. After
experiencing this, I could set my goal based on my choices, such as having courses
that are requirements for areas to study in university or gathering more knowledge
about that area that would help me in the future.

1. I understand how to use my strengths and abilities to my advantage and I can

explain how I use them to contribute to my community.

Although I'm aware of my strengths and abilities, there have been instances where I
struggled to explain how I put them to use for the betterment of my community.
Additionally, I've occasionally felt hesitant to step forward and take initiative. To
address these challenges, I believe it's important for me to seek opportunities to
volunteer and apply my skills to make a positive impact in my society.

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