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 Should drugs be decriminalized or not?

Death Penalty

 Is the death penalty effective as a punishment?


 School debate should be compulsory for all students

 There should be no school uniforms or a dress code
 Students should not be allowed to use Facebook.
 Impact of social media on teenagers and high school students.
 Junk food should not be banned in schools
 Energy drinks should be banned from students.
 Students should volunteer for community service.
 Students should not be allowed gadgets in private school.
 Mobile phones should not be allowed in schools
 High school students should not be allowed cell phones in school.
 Online learning vs. traditional learning. Which is better?
 How can technology help to improve education?
 The modern college education system is better than the traditional one.
 How can we engage high school students in the class?
 How is outdoor learning beneficial?
 Homework should be banned in schools.
 How can a college education help you get a good job?
 Should public schools offer educational bonuses?
 Why do kids need recess?
 Traditional teaching methods should be replaced with AI-powered education.
 Public speaking boosts the confidence of students.
 Entertainment and Technology Debate Topics
 Children should not be allowed to play violent video games.
 Pros and cons of using social media.
 Does technology intensify human communication skills?
 Effects of violent cartoons on the mental development of children.
 Playing video games should be banned for kids.
 Environmental Issues
 Global warming and its impacts on humanity.
 Is global warming a real issue?

Fun and Funny Debate Topics

Following fun debate topics are great if you are looking for topics that are light in mood
and offer humorous matters.

 Women are much more complicated than men.

 Which one is better? Eat to live or live to eat?
 Children should not be allowed to watch cartoons as they portray violence.
 Why can men date younger women, but women can’t date younger men?
 Are there some discrete messages in nursery rhymes?
 Morals or money? Which one is necessary to survive?
 Which gender is better? Male or female?
 How does sunlight affect vampires?
 Can vampires get AIDS?
 How will life be after death?
 Barbie is a good role model for young girls.
 Do fairy tales affect children’s reality perception?
 Has the #MeToo movement gone too far?
 Which is the better pet? Dogs or cats.
 What comes first? Chicken or eggs.
 Winters are better than summer.
 Do you want to live forever?
 What is a better dessert? Cake or ice cream.
 What is the best topping for pizza?
 No one should ever tell a lie.
Healthcare Debate Topics

 Marijuana should be legal for its use in medicines.

 Pharmacists should not be allowed to prescribe medicines.
 Obese people should pay more for healthcare.
 Healthcare should not be free for everyone.

Interesting Debate Topics

 Is sex education necessary for middle school students?

 Nuclear powers are the major cause of wars.
 Same-sex marriage should not be allowed.
 Gay relationships are against nature.
 Students are becoming way too dependent on technology.
 Money is a major source of motivation in the workplace.
 Girls should be encouraged and supported to enter the STEM research field.
 Is money a key factor in getting exoneration from crimes?
 Alternative energy resources should be explored and used to preserve natural
 Censorship should be made less lenient for educational documentaries.
 Gay couples should be allowed to adopt children.
 The sale of fur must be banned.
 Reality television is harming society.
 Why is paintball a real sport?
 Sports are more important than arts.
 What are the differences between cricket and hockey?
 Why is it important to ban late-night alcohol sales?
 Unpaid internships should be made illegal.
 Beauty contests should be banned.
 Gay couples should not be allowed to adopt children.

Justice Debate Topics

 The death penalty should be abolished.
 Mental illness should not be grounds for criminal justice exemption.
 The legal age for voting should be lowered.
 Juveniles who commit crimes should not be tried as adults.
 Should police officers wear body cameras?
 Are plea bargains fair to defendants?

Knowledge Debate Topics

 Do humans learn better by reading or listening?

 Should universities offer free tuition to all students?
 Is knowledge more important than experience?
 What is the best way to acquire knowledge?
 Are tests a good indication of student learning?
Do grades accurately measure intellectual abilities

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