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1st Semester

Data Structures and Algorithms Lab IT 663

1. Implement operations (traverse, insert, delete, linear search, selection

sort) on an array.
2. Implement insertion (at the beginning, at the specified location, at the
end) and deletion (at the beginning, at the specified location, at the end)
on a single linked list and circular single linked list.
3. Implement insertion (at the beginning, at the specified location, at the
end) and deletion (at the beginning, at the specified location, at the end)
on a double linked list and circular double linked list.
4. Write a program to count the number of nodes & reverse the single linked
5. Implement operations (push, pop) on a stack using arrays. Check the
status of the stack whether there is underflow or overflow.
6. Implement the conversion of infix notation to postfix notation
7. Implement evaluation of postfix notation using stacks.
8. Implement operations (enqueue, dequeue) on a queue using arrays. Check
the status of the queue whether it is empty or full.
9. Implement a circular queue using arrays and linked list.
10.Implement stacks and queues using a linked list.
11.Implement Sparse Array.
12.Implement operations on Binary Search Tree (Insertion, Deletion, Search,
Traversals (using recursion)- Inorder, Preorder, Postorder).
13.Implement traversals on Binary Search Tree (using stacks) - Inorder,
Preorder, Postorder).
14.Implement graph traversal (DFS & BFS)
15.Make a menu driven program to perform various sorting techniques -
insertion, merge, heap, quick, counting, radix, bucket.
16.Implement AVL tree
17.Implement Kruskal’s and Prim’s Minimum Spanning Tree algorithms.
18.Make a menu driven program to perform various shortest path
algorithms-Floyd Warshall, Bellman-Ford, Dijkshtra.
19.Write a program to implement Dynamic Programming Algorithms-
Matrix Chain Multiplication, Longest Common Subsequence.
20.Implement Huffman Code Algorithm.

Dr. Reena Gupta

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