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Name: Planco, Julie Ann S.

Year and section: BNS-2M

Subject: Pharmacology

Activity in Module 3

MJ, age 16 years, is a high school junior who is 59.3 inches tall and weighs 126 lb. He is having increased
feelings of discomfort about not fitting in with the other students at school because he has not yet begun sexual
maturation. He is a good student and an accomplish violinist in the school orchestra. His father stated that he
also was a late bloomer, but both parents are concerned about MJ's increasing social withdrawal and seem
determined to seek medical intervention for him. The nurse at the clinic assesses the needs and the status of MT
and his parents

As a nurse what health teaching should you prepare before the parents decide whether to start their son on
androgen therapy?
The decision is made to prescribe methyltestosterone (strict) 30mg twice daily by buccal tablet ( held inside the
cheek until it dissolves)
MT will be given on this regimen for 4 months, during which time h is to come to the clinic at monthly

- Before the parents decide whether to start their son on androgen therapy, the nurse should prepare the
following health teaching:

 Explain the potential benefits and risks of androgen therapy, including the possible side effects such as
acne, hair growth, and mood changes.
 Discuss the importance of regular follow-up visits to monitor MJ's response to the treatment and any
potential adverse effects.
 Emphasize the need for MJ to continue his regular activities, such as school and music, and to maintain
a healthy lifestyle, including a balanced diet and regular exercise.
 Encourage open communication between MJ and his parents, as well as with his healthcare provider, to
address any concerns or questions that may arise during the treatment.

After the decision is made to prescribe methyltestosterone, the nurse should provide the following health

 Instruct MJ and his parents on how to take the medication as prescribed, including holding the buccal
tablet inside the cheek until it dissolves.
 Explain the importance of taking the medication at the same time each day to maintain consistent blood
 Discuss the potential side effects of the medication and when to contact the healthcare provider if they
 Emphasize the need for MJ to continue his regular activities and to attend his monthly follow-up visits
to monitor his response to the treatment.

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