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Have you ever thought to live without internet for a month?

In an era where we are always connected to imagine something like this could appear really strange!
How could our lives change?

I have asked to myself this question and I have found three things which could really change in my

In the first place, I would get up in the morning and I could not scroll the news on my phone. Then the
first thing after the breakfast that I probably would do, It could be dress up really fast and go to the
shop nearest to my home in order to buy the latest newspaper!

Also if I had to research some information about something, I could not use google! It could be the
most strange thing! I am always looking for everything online, as for example “How to make an apple
cake?”. In this case, I would phone to my mum asking for the recipe of her marvelous apple cake! And
if I had to do a research for university? I could collect many encyclopedias in order to find information!

Lastly, when I was outside with my family I could be fully concentrating on it ! I would never have to
see any updates on Facebook or Instagram! it could be an amazing thing!

In conclusion, a life without internet could be pretty difficult, even for one month! Internet has changed
our way to live and thanks to it all things are easier. Perhaps only one thing could be better without
internet: the relationships. If internet did not exist we would be more focused on the present and on
the person with us.

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