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Project Outline

Submitted by:

Course: PMGT3107N-Risk Mitigation and Crisis Recovery

Instructor: Professor Mario Pieries

Due Date: June 15, 2022

Toronto Staffing Services 2

Case Study

Organization Name

Toronto Staffing Services.


In project management, the word scope is a widely used term. Project management refers to

the planning and organization of the human, financial, and other company's or project

resources to execute a certain specified task or event within given timelines. Through project

management, the project is completed in time and uses the minimum resources to achieve the

optimal potential of the project. Scope, therefore, refers to the processes, and resources

required in completing a project or producing products. There are two types of scope, product

scope, and project scope. Product scope identifies the product or services to be offered while

project scope highlights processes needed to achieve the project.

The scope of Toronto staffing services is recruitment, selection, training, and compensation of

manpower they hire for their clients and ensuring they get value for their human resources.

Objectives of the organization

Objectives refer to the short, medium, and long-term goals that a company seeks to accomplish

so that it meets its strategic goals. The objectives of Toronto Staffing services are listed as short-

term, long term and non-financial objectives through partnering with clients that are looking

forward to hiring competent employees.

Toronto Staffing Services 3

Short term Objectives

The short-term goal of Toronto Staffing Services is hiring and job placement. The organization

provides detailed job descriptions to enable the most qualified candidates to make their

applications. Through this, the organization can make the applicants understand the

qualifications and responsibilities that come with the advertised roles.

The second objective of the organization is to train and assimilate the successful candidates

into the corporate culture. The training will entail the rules, policies, and procedures regarding

the company and providing peer training and mentorship services.

The organization also seeks to advertise and market its clients through rebranding and

developing its public image to attract the best customers and employees willing to work with


Long term objectives

The long-term objective of the organization is to develop an efficient workforce. This is through

long-term training and assigning the right job responsibilities to the right person. Through

talent assessment, skills development, and continuous sharpening of knowledge, the

organization seeks to have the most efficient workforce.

The other objective of Toronto Staffing Services is to ensure efficiency in business operations.

To its clients, the organization seeks to provide job shadowing that will lead to the

improvement of their organization's health.

Toronto Staffing Services 4

The organization seeks to negotiate salary and benefits for the clients they are hiring for in the

long run. This will ensure that everyone is satisfied with the value for money that is obtained.

Finally, the organization seeks to ensure workforce longevity. It will achieve this by ensuring

small and large business clients retain their employees in the long term by providing

opportunities for growth and earning. Through motivation, it will boost the company's

productivity by supporting long-term stay in the workplace.

Non-financial objectives

The organization seeks to develop the mental strength of the recruited employees to help them

overcome the stress at their places of work. In addition, it seeks to help in the development of

places of work to suit better working conditions for the employees.

Organizational Chart

An organization chart refers to the vertical or horizontal organization of the hierarchy of the key

positions in a company.

HR Manager Hiring Manager Kaur Janntul

Recruiting Manager Assistant HR Suhas Devi

Sourcing Manager Director of Selection Ankur Satbir

Background Check Manager Assistant sourcing officer Pieres Kaur

Coordinator Facilitator Malhorta Hashi

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