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Name: ________________________

Maria Paula Class: ___________________

T-Silver TZ 3 Date: __________ ID: U

Time Zones 3 ExamView Unit 1


Match each job to its description.

a. is great with numbers
b. is good at working with computers
c. is someone who takes care of other people
d. has a job that involves working with animals
e. has an exciting job that allows him or her to travel
____ 1. a vet
____ 2. a pilot
____ 3. a doctor
____ 4. an accountant
____ 5. an app developer
Name: ________________________ ID: U

Indicate whether the statement is true or false.

Read the article. Then answer T for True or F for False.

"What do you want to be when you grow up?" Kids hear this question from the time they are very
young. They will answer with anything from "dancer" to "firefighter" with complete confidence.
However, as we get older, this question becomes more difficult to answer. Some young people
don't know what they want to do after high school or college. So, how do they decide?
One way to choose a job is to look at today's job market. What jobs are in demand? Which fields
are growing? Two fields that are currently growing are health care and web or software
development. In health care, hospitals and doctor's offices are always looking for nurses and other
health care professionals. These jobs are good for people who enjoy helping others, and they
usually pay well.
Software developers think about computer users' needs and make software programs to help them.
Web developers create websites and make sure people can use them easily. Both types of jobs also
pay well, and about 25% of developers are self-employed. This means they can work from home
or work flexible hours.
Some people may never learn the answer to the question, "What do you want to be when you grow
up." Others may only discover the best job for them much later in life. Until then, they still need to
find a job, and popular fields, such as health care and computer technology, are a good place to

____ 6. This article is about how to become a healthcare worker.

____ 7. The author says that most people in health care work from home.

____ 8. In the last sentence of paragraph 2, they refers to people who enjoy helping others.

____ 9. The purpose of this passage is to give suggestions.

____ 10. The author would agree with this statement: "The only job you should do is your dream job."
Name: ________________________ ID: U

Multiple Choice
Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.

Read the article. Then answer the questions.

Dreams for the Future

"I want my students to do something that they love," Ms. Chen says. To help her students think
about their dreams for the future, Ms. Chen often asks guests to come to her class and talk about
their careers. The guests help Ms. Chen's students think about what they want to do when they
finish school.
Last week a firefighter talked about her job. "I love my job!" she said. "It's dangerous, but it's
challenging and fun, too. It allows me to be outside and meet a lot of people." She told the class
that people with jobs like hers have to be healthy and strong. They need to be easygoing and able
to work in teams. They save people and animals - but that's not all they do. They also teach people
about the dangers of fires.
All of Ms. Chen's students want jobs that are exciting and interesting. Three of her students plan
on working as police officers after going to college. Two students want to work with computers, so
they're going to study web design after school. One young man wants a job that allows him to sing
and act in front of people. Another young woman loves science and says, "I want to be an
astronaut and become one of the first people to go to another planet." Ms. Chen believes her
students can do anything, and her advice to them is to be patient and work hard.

____ 11. What is the article about?

a. people with challenging jobs
b. students who like dangerous jobs
c. a teacher who helps her students have career goals
____ 12. The purpose of the second paragraph is to _____.
a. tell about the best job
b. give an example from a guest
c. describe Ms. Chen's students
____ 13. In the last sentence of the first paragraph, the word they refers to ____.
a. Ms. Chen's guests
b. the students' dreams
c. Ms. Chen's students
____ 14. We can infer that people who fight fires _____.
a. work alone
b. like adventure
c. don't like meeting people
Name: ________________________ ID: U

____ 15. All of Ms. Chen's students want to _____.

a. go to college
b. have an interesting job
c. be an actor or singer

Complete the conversations.

____ 16. A: What do you want to be someday?

B: _____.
a. That sounds a little boring
b. I want to be a doctor or a nurse
c. I'd like a job that allows me to travel
____ 17. A: What job does this app say was good for you?
B: _____.
a. He wants to be a vet someday.
b. He'd like a job working with animals
c. A vet.
____ 18. A: _____?
B: I want a job that involves working with computers.
a. What kind of job do you want
b. Why do you want to be a police officer
c. Why don't you become an app developer
____ 19. A: Why don't you work as an accountant?
B: You know, ___
a. I really don't want to work in an office.
b. what do you want to be?
c. I don't know.
____ 20. A: I'm not sure what job I should get.
B: _____? You're really good with computers.
a. What do you work as
b. What job should you get?
c. Why don't you get a tech job

Complete each statement.

Complete the sentences with the correct words from the box.
equipment potential proud remote researcher train

21. Students who want to become doctors have to _______________ for many years.
Name: ________________________ ID: U

22. I'd like to become a(n) _______________ in the health care field and find new ways to treat
different sicknesses.

23. Photographers have to take a lot of _______________ with them, such as lenses and special lights.

24. I want my parents to be _______________ of me, so I study hard and hope to get a good job

25. I read about a(n) _______________ job I would like: being a flight attendant. It sounds like fun,
but I'm not sure I would be good at it.

26. His office is in a very _______________ place. It takes him a long time to get there every day.

Complete each sentence with to be, a job that, or to work.

27. I'd like ____________ allows me to help people.

28. She'd like _______________ a nurse and work in a hospital.

29. I want _______________ as a doctor. I like to help people.

30. Susan would love _______________ a flight attendant. She wants to travel.

31. They want _______________ involves adventure and fun!

Complete the sentences using the words in parentheses.

32. . / a job / to work / with animals / Melissa / that / wants / her / allows

33. . / singer someday / I'd / to / like / famous / be / a


34. . / involves / Evan / a job / working / wants / that / outside


35. ? / you / kind / of / like / what / job / would


36. someday? / do / to / want / what / be / you


Unscramble the words in parentheses. Complete the sentences using their -ous form.

37. I wouldn't mind a _______________ (e r n g d a) job. I like a little risk and adventure!
Name: ________________________ ID: U

38. Don’t drink that liquid! It’s _______________ (n i p s o o).

39. How do you know if a snake is _______________ (m v n o e)?

40. Are you _______________ ( n r d u v a e t e )? Join our team of travel writers today!


41. Write an email to a guidance counselor at your school to ask for job advice. You are looking
for a summer job. Describe what you want to do this summer and what your future career
goals are. Write one or two paragraphs.


42. Put the sentences in the correct order to make a conversation.

_____ a. Well, I'd love to work with animals.

_____ b. Daisy, what kind of job do you want?
_____ c. Really? Why don't you work as a vet?
_____ d. That's true. But when you graduate, you can get a job that you love.
_____ e. You know, that sounds great, but I'd have to go to school for a long time.

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