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[You’re Franchise Name] Business Plan

Executive Summary

 Business Name: [Your Franchise Name]

 Founders/Owners: [Your Name(s)]

 Date: [Date]

Business Concept

 Provide a brief description of your franchise concept.

 Highlight the unique selling points (USPs) of your franchise.

Mission Statement

 Clearly state the mission and vision of your franchise.

Goals and Objectives

 Outline your short-term and long-term business goals.

Business Description

Industry Overview

 Provide an overview of the franchising industry.

 Include relevant industry statistics and trends.

Franchise Concept

 Describe your franchise concept in detail.

 Explain how it fills a gap in the market.

 Discuss any innovative or unique aspects of your concept.

Target Market

 Define your target audience and their demographics.

 Explain why this market is attractive for your franchise.

Market Research

Market Analysis
 Analyze the competitive landscape.

 Identify key competitors and their strengths/weaknesses.

 Explain how your franchise stands out.

SWOT Analysis

 Conduct a SWOT analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) for your


Franchise Model

Franchise Structure

 Explain your franchise model (e.g., single-unit, multi-unit, master franchise).

 Describe the franchisee selection process.

Franchise Support

 Detail the support and training you'll provide to franchisees.

 Discuss ongoing assistance and resources.

Marketing and Sales Strategy

Marketing Plan

 Outline your marketing strategies (online, offline, social media, etc.).

 Include a budget allocation for marketing activities.

Sales Strategy

 Describe your sales process.

 Explain how you will attract and retain customers.

Financial Projections

Startup Costs

 List the initial investment required to start a franchise unit.

 Include expenses such as franchise fees, equipment, and build-out costs.

Revenue Projections

 Provide revenue projections for the first 3-5 years.

 Include sales forecasts, pricing strategies, and growth assumptions.

Operating Expenses

 Detail ongoing operational costs, including rent, utilities, and employee salaries.

Break-Even Analysis

 Calculate the point at which your franchise unit becomes profitable.

Legal and Regulatory Compliance

 Explain any legal requirements for operating a franchise.

 Detail compliance with franchising laws and regulations.

Franchisee Training and Support

 Describe the training programs you'll offer to franchisees.

 Explain ongoing support, including marketing assistance and operational guidance.


 Include any additional information such as market research data, resumes of key team
members, or legal documents.


 Summarize your business plan and emphasize why your franchise concept is a lucrative

Remember to customize this template to fit your specific franchise concept and business goals.
A well-structured and detailed business plan is crucial for attracting potential investors and

Prepared by:

Mr. Allan Santillana, MBA, LPT

Subject Professor

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