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Assessment of 9-Layer
Film Blowing Process by
Using Variational
PolyFill Co.
Official supplier of filler masterbatch, white 3 artigos Seguindo
masterbatch, carbon black masterbatch…

21 de outubro de 2018


In this work, coextrusion tests using a modern 9-layer

Brampton Engineering coextrusion film blowing line for
creation has been performed under various preparing
conditions (diverse air cooling force and mass stream rate)
with the end goal to assess variational standards-based
displaying approach for the multi-layer film blowing
process. It has been uncovered that the variational
guideline based model can portray the air pocket shape,
temperature profile and foresee inner air pocket weight
sensibly well for all connected preparing conditions
regardless of whether the multi-layer film has been seen as
the static flexible layer described just by one material
parameter - bubble consistence J, which was not permitted
to fluctuate along the multi-layer bubble.


Creation of thin polymer films is generally presented by the

film blowing process. Despite the fact that this procedure is
broadly utilized, the single layer films don't achieve
particular properties required particularly in a sustenance
bundling industry, for example, boundary properties (low
porousness to oxygen or carbon dioxide), warm seal
capacity, high film quality, printability, bond and low
expenses [1-2]. Every one of these properties are effectively
and monetarily achievable in multi-layer films created by
coextrusion. 1/11
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In coextrusion, at least two diverse polymer softens (having

different rheological properties and temperatures) are
expelled from individual extruders, through a coextrusion
pass on, to a constant tube which is cooled by an air ring
and inward air pocket cooling framework, IBC, pivotally
extended by the take-up power, F, and circumferentially
swelled by the inside air pocket weight, Δp, to required air
pocket measurements. At that point, over the freeze line
stature, the stable set air pocket is collapsed by the
crumbling outlines and subsequently drawn upward by the
pinch moves to a breeze up roll. At that point, the last lay-
level coextruded multi-layer film, which speaks to a blend
of the best properties of each utilized polymers, can be
connected for instance in sustenance bundling, restorative
and electronic industry. The most every now and again
utilized materials in coextrusion are polar obstruction
polymers, for example, nylon (PA), ethylene vinyl liquor
(EVOH), polyvinylidene chloride (PVDC), and nonpolar
polyolefines, i.e. polyethylene (PE), polypropylene (PP),
polystyrene (PS) [1-2].

Regardless of a fast development of a blown film

coextrusion in the most recent decades, the quantity of trial
and displaying investigations of the multi-layer process is
extremely constrained. In 1978, Han and Shetty [3]
tentatively and hypothetically examined blown film
coextrusion of two polymers in different blends, i.e. low
thickness polyethylene (LDPE) with ethylene-vinyl acetic
acid derivation (EVA), LDPE with high thickness
polyethylene (HDPE), LDPE with polypropylene (PP) and
HDPE with EVA. Further, they played out a hypothetical
report where the investigation was hypothetically dissected
by utilizing a power-law nonNewtonian show incorporated
into a computational technique foreseeing the quantity of
layers, layer thickness and the volumetric stream rate
contrasted and the analysis. Hypothetical examination of
two-layer coextruded passed up Yoon and Park [4] in 1992.
In their work, considering isothermal handling conditions,
two film layers are depicted by a Newtonian and an Upper-
Convected Maxwell liquid (UCM). With the end goal to
assess impact of gooey and viscoelastic powers on the
stream mechanics of the procedure, the different stream
rate proportion estimations of the liquids are connected for
numerical assurance of the air pocket sweep and the film
thickness profiles. It was uncovered, that on account of the 2/11
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little unwinding time the stream mechanics of UCM layer is

like a Newtonian single-layer. Then again, expanding
unwinding time underpins the viscoelasticity impact of the
UCM layer prompting strength of air pocket elements. In
2000, Yoon and Park [5] played out a direct security
investigation of the above displayed polymer framework. It
was seen that the basic film thickness diminishes with
expanding explode proportion which makes the procedure
unsteady. In more detail, in the event of a Newtonian
single-layer stream, there exists an upper precarious area
where the air pocket is shaky when the BUR is more
prominent than a specific basic esteem. Then again by the
nearness of a thin viscoelastic layer this limitation can be
expelled bringing about upgraded stable region at higher
estimations of BUR. In 2000, Stasiek [6] contemplated the
warmth exchange between three-layer blown film and
cooling medium. In his work, scientific model, assessing
length of a cooling way and considering crystallization
impact, was created and used to portray the connection
between the temperature changes in each layer and the
warm vitality. In 2005, Elkoun et al. [7] explored impact of
structure and design of layers on end-utilize properties of a
coextruded LLDPE five-layer blown film. For coextruded
structure, a regular Ziegler-Natta LLDPE gas stage butene
copolymer, a propelled Ziegler-Natta LLDPE arrangement
octene copolymer, and a solitary site LLDPE arrangement
octene copolymer were utilized and contrasted and
monolayer mixed film. It was watched, that mix of the
LLDPE butene and the single site LLDPE in a fivelayer
coextruded film uncovers enhanced tear opposition
because of a nearness of interfacial transcrystalline layers.
Further, mix of coextruded single site LLDPE and the
Ziegler-Natta octane copolymers prompts improved tear
quality, as well. At long last, noteworthy fog decrease,
caused by putting the single site LLDPE outwardly layers of
the multi-layer films, was watched. In 2005, Gamache et al.
[8] performed trial and hypothetical investigation assessing
worries in a two-layer coextruded blown film of LDPE, ultra
low thickness polyethylene (ULDPE), LDPE/ULDPE and
ULDPE/LDPE. At that point, the pivotal and transverse
anxieties were tentatively estimated under different
handling conditions, which were then effectively contrasted
and hypothetically ascertained ones by the non-isothermal
Newtonian model. In 2007, Gururajan and Ogale [9] 3/11
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contemplated impact of coextrusion on the introduction

and morphology of the coextruded movies of PP and LDPE
by utilizing Raman spectroscopy. On account of multi-layer
films, no noteworthy contrast in by and large atomic
introduction of PP and LDPE was found. Then again, single-
layer LDPE films demonstrated presence of some column
nucleation of gems which was not seen in the LDPE layer in
coextruded film. In 2009, a 2-D demonstrate depicting non-
isothermal two-layer passed up Xu and McHugh [10]. This
model depends on the 1-D model of Henrichsen and
McHugh [11] considering viscoelasticity and flowenhanced
crystallinity. The 2-D demonstrate presents numerical
outcomes indicating impact of the rheological, warm and
crystallization properties on the crystallinity improvement
and worries specifically layers. It was watched, that the
individual layers of similar materials contain altogether
unique worries because of the temperature distinction.
Further, unique material properties in a specific layer
influence stresses and crystallinity in its very own layer and
in addition in another layer through warmth exchange. At
long last, stresses and semicrystalline stage introduction at
the freezeline, i.e. last film properties, are influenced by the
layer course of action.

As can be seen from the writing diagram, the quantity of

hypothetical investigations of the multi-layer film blowing
process is somewhat uncommon, considering maximally 3
layers and laboratory preparing conditions just due to
amazingly high scientific and rheological multifaceted
nature of the issue. Because of this, the multi-layer film
blowing process for the high number of layers and modern
preparing conditions isn't completely seen yet. As of late, it
has been discovered that use of the variational rule-based
single-layer film blowing process demonstrating prompts
exceptionally stable numerical plans permitting subjective
and also quantitative portrayal of the test reality [12-18].
The fundamental objective of this work is to explore
whether it is conceivable to use the variational standards-
based demonstrating approach for the multi-layer film
blowing process. For the model approval purposes,
mechanical 9 layer film blowing line has been used to
create multi-layer rises under various handling conditions.

Numerical Modeling

Zatloukal-Vlcek Formulation 4/11
04/08/2023, 08:37 (4) Assessment of 9-Layer Film Blowing Process by Using Variational Principles | LinkedIn

The variational standard based Zatloukal-Vlcek definition

[12] portrays a steady film blowing process as a state when
the air pocket shape fulfills least vitality necessities (here
the air pocket vitality is given by the flexible strain vitality
increment because of take up power and negative work
done by the connected interior load). The air pocket shape
is portrayed by an arrangement of straightforward
explanatory conditions (see Table 1) using four physical
parameters: the freezeline tallness, L, the air pocket arch, pJ
(or, in other words the film consistence, J, and the interior
load, p, speaking to the inside power following up on the
air pocket length because of Δp – see Eq. 6), the internal
kick the bucket sweep, R0 and the explode proportion, BUR.
It ought to be made reference to that the conditions
portraying the freezeline stature (Eq. (7)) and the
temperature profile (Eq. (8)) have been gotten in [13] from
the cross-sectionally arrived at the midpoint of vitality
condition [19] disregarding pivotal conduction, dispersal,
radiation impacts and crystallization. The specific images
regarding model conditions abridged in Table 1 have the
accompanying importance: Cp speaks to the particular
warmth limit, HTC is the warmth exchange coefficient, m is
the mass stream rate, Tmelt(die) speak to the kick the
bucket leave liquefy temperature, Tsolid is the cementing
temperature and Tair is the cooling air temperature.
Parameter φ is characterized by Table 2 where a parameter
An is characterized by Eq. (4).

Table 1. Summary of the Zatloukal-Vlcek film blowing

model equations

Table 2. Parameters A and φ for different bubble shapes (y)


In this work, coextrusion tests were done on a modern 9-

layer Brampton Engineering coextrusion film blowing line
(Figure 1) outfitted with a 350 mm distance across level
winding kick the bucket (R0 = 0.1626 m) with a pass on
hole of 2.032 mm (H0 = 0.002032 m). Amid the procedure,
the air pocket was cooled by an air ring and by an interior
air pocket cooling framework. The coextruded structure was
following layer thicknesses: 17.5 % for LDPE, 5% for tie, 5% 5/11
04/08/2023, 08:37 (4) Assessment of 9-Layer Film Blowing Process by Using Variational Principles | LinkedIn

for PA6 and 10% for EVOH. In all trials, the accompanying
parameters were kept to be consistent: kick the bucket
leave temperature, Tdie = 250°C, by and large film thickness
(check), H1=100 μm, (which relates to draw-down
proportion DDR = 11.17), explode proportion, BUR = 1.8,
and lay-level film, 1000 mm. Amid the exploratory work,
right off the bat, diverse air pocket cooling power was
connected at the steady generally speaking mass stream
rate, 300 kg/h, (i.e. steady line speed 25.9 m/min) and
furthermore, by and large mass stream rate was changed
from 225 kg/h to 375 kg/h (i.e. from 19.4 m/min to 32.3
m/min for the line speed) by keeping the air pocket cooling
force the equivalent. For given preparing conditions, the air
pocket shape was checked by the EOS computerized SLR
photograph camera Canon EOS 450D model (Canon, Inc.,
Japan) with goals of 12.2 Mpx outfitted with Canon focal
point EF-S 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6 IS while the normal air
pocket temperature was estimated by the warmth firearm,
display camera: INFRACAMTM utilizing alignment site FLIR
SYSTEM, AB SWEDEN and comparing programming
(ThermaCAM QuickReport 1.0).

Figure 1. Brampton Engineering 9-layer air cooled blown

film line. 1a) Side view. 1b) Detail view of the 9-layer film
formation at multi-layer die exit region including the scale
for precise bubble shape determination by using digital
image analysis.

Figure 2. Comparison between experimentally determined

multi-layer bubble shape and temperature profile (open
symbols) and model fits (lines) for different air cooling
intensity and fixed mass flow rate equal to 300 kg/h
(cooling ring height, LCRH = 0.26 m). 2a) Bubble shape for
low air cooling intensity. 2b) Bubble shape for high air
cooling intensity. 2c) Temperature profiles for both applied
air cooling intensities.

Figure 3. Comparison between experimentally determined

multi-layer bubble shape and temperature profile (open
symbols) and model fits (lines) for different mass flow rates 6/11
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and fixed air cooling intensity (cooling ring height, LCRH =

0.26 m). 3a) Bubble shape for mass flow rate equal to 225
kg/h. 3b) Bubble shape for mass flow rate equal to 375
kg/h. 3c) Temperature profiles for both applied mass flow

Results and Discussion

Toward the starting, three obscure film blowing model

parameters L, BUR and pJ (for the known pass on range R0
= 0.1626 m) were resolved through fitting of all tentatively
got air pocket shapes by Eq. (8) using the minimum square
minimization strategy and they are outlined in Table 3. With
the end goal to ascertain the takeup constrain and the
interior air pocket weight for given handling conditions, p
and J parameters were isolated from the specific pJ esteem
similarly as depicted in [12] i.e. parameter J (or, in other
words consistent describing the air pocket consistence) was
resolved from pJ esteem for one reference preparing
conditions for which the heap p was gotten equivalent
anticipated and estimated inside air pocket weight. The
reference preparing conditions are given in the second
section of Table 3.

Table 3. Summarization of the model parameters and model

predictions (by keeping the bubble compliance J the same
for all the cases equal to 0.00028221 Pa-1) for all tested
processing conditions including the measured value of the
internal bubble pressure Δpexp.

The examination between the tentatively decided air pocket

shape and interior air pocket weight for all tried handling
conditions are condensed in Figures 2-3 and Table 3,
individually, and as it very well may be seen, the assention
between the deliberate information and model
fits/expectations is great. In more detail, the model can
depict the air pocket shape and in addition temperature
profile along the air pocket and foresee inner air pocket
weight sensibly well for both, diminished stop line stature
and the air pocket ebb and flow because of expanded air
cooling force or diminished mass stream rate under very
non-isothermal conditions, regardless of whether the 7/11
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supposition about the steady air pocket consistence J along

the multi-layer bubble has been utilized. The way that the
single parameter J works could be clarified by the
explanation that the layers which solidifies first in
coextrusion directs the air pocket shape [20-21]. This
recommends, the variational standard based demonstrating
approach proposed in [12] can be utilized and investigated
for the multi-layer film blowing process in the comparative
path as appeared in [12] for single-layer film blowing
process. Besides, it is trusted, that such hypothetical
methodology can be utilized to comprehend complex
warmth exchange and crystallization impacts happening in
multi-layer film blowing process bringing about profoundly
non-straight normal temperature profile along the multi-
layer bubble, portrayed in Figures 2c and 3c for the
concentrated trial conditions, or, in other words instance of
the single-layer film blowing process at which the normal
temperature profile along the air pocket is relatively direct
as appeared in [22-29].


In this work, coextrusion tests using a modern 9-layer

Brampton Engineering coextrusion film blowing line for
LDPE/LDPE/tie/PA6/EVOH/PA6/tie//LDPE/LDPE film creation
has been performed under various preparing conditions
(distinctive air cooling power and mass stream rate) with
the end goal to assess variational standards based
demonstrating approach for the multi-layer film blowing

It has been uncovered that the variational standard based

model can portray the air pocket shape, temperature profile
and foresee interior air pocket weight sensibly well for
both, diminished stop line tallness and the air pocket ebb
and flow because of expanded air cooling force or
diminished mass stream rate under very non-isothermal
conditions regardless of whether the multi-layer film has
been seen as the static flexible film described just by one
material parameter - bubble consistence J, which was not
permit to fluctuate along the air pocket. Along these lines,
it is trusted, that the variational rule based demonstrating 8/11
04/08/2023, 08:37 (4) Assessment of 9-Layer Film Blowing Process by Using Variational Principles | LinkedIn

approach can be utilized and investigated for the multi-

layer film blowing procedure to comprehend complex
rheological, warm exchange and crystallization wonders
happening in multi-layer film blowing process as for
process steadiness and last film properties.


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