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Model Question-01

English Second Paper

Time: 3 hours Full marks: 100
Part A: Grammar (60 Marks)
1. Fill in the blanks with the words is the box. You may need to change the forms of some of the words. You
may need to use one word more than once. 0.510=5
consistence league settle found to often times south home premier

Arsenal Football Club which were a)______ in 1886 became the first club from b)_____ of English to join
the Football c)____. In 1913, they moved north across the city d)____ Arsenal Stadium in Highbury.
Arsenal’s success has been particular e) _____. They are record holder in the English f)_____ League
Football club. They are now g)____ in Holloway, London. They have won 13 First Division and Premier
League titles an FA cups for 11 h)_____. For all through their history, their i)____ colours have been bright
red shirts with white sleeves and white shorts. Arsenal fans j)____ refer themselves as ‘Gooners’.
2. Fill in the blanks with suitable words: 0.510=5
Television is a a)_____ of recreation. After a day’s hard work, we sit before a television b)____ to hear
music and songs. We c)____ drama, dance and many other things. Television has a great educative d)_____.
It teaches the illiterate and the students. It is used to e)_____ illiteracy. We hear and enjoy debates, lectures
on various important topics, discussions on science and speeches f)_____ television. It has g)____ the wall
between the literate and illiterate. Television has made the world h)_____. It has i)_____ time and distance.
People need not spend huge money to go abroad. We get j)____ with the customs and tradition, fashions and
dresses and culture of the people of different parts of the world through television.
3. Make five sentences using parts of sentences from each column of the table below: 15=5
i) The Big Bang needed to an enormous explosion that led to the
creation of the universe.
ii) The earth was the first continents to be formed.
iii) The first forms of life on refers once connected together into one unified
earth landmass.
iv) Continental drift were the origin of the sun and planets.
v) Africa and South America had been extremely hot in the early stage of its
4. Complete the following text with right forms of the verbs given in the box. You can use one word more than
once if it is needed: 0.510=5
begin destroy be come stand put call die
The battle of Badr a)____ the most important among the Islamic battles of Destiny. It b)____ the first time
when the followers of “a new faith were c)_____ into a serious test. If the pagan army d)_____ victorious
over the nascent Islamic forces, the faith of Islam could have e)____” to an end. No one was aware of the
outcome of the battle even the Prophet (S) himself. The battle f)____ when Utbah Ibn Rabi-ah, his son A1
Walid and his brother Sheibah g)____ in front of the pagan army and asked the Prophet (S) to send to them
their equals for a dual. The Prophet h)____ upon Ali (R). A1 Hamza (R) and Obeidah Ai harith (R) to face
the three warriors. Ali i)____ A1 Walid and A1 Hamza killed Utbah. Then they both helped Obeidah to kill
Shebah but Obedah j)____ as he lost one of his legs and became the first martyr at this battle.
5. Change the narrative style of the following text: 5
"You have cut off your hair?" asked Jim.
Cut if off and sold it, " said Della.
"Don’t you like me just as well anyhow? I’m me, without my hair, aren’t I?" Jim looked about the room
curiously. "You say your hair is gone?" he said, with an air almost of idiocy.
6. Change the sentences according to directions in the brackets: 110=10
a) Charles Babbage was a British mathematician. (Make it negative without changing meaning)
b) He was born on 26 December 1791, probably in London. (Make it compound)
c) He was often unwell when he was a child. (Make it simple).
d) In 1810, he went to Cambridge University to satiate his interest in mathematics. (Make it complex)
e) After graduation, he was hired by the Royal Institution to lecture on Calculus. (Make it active).
f) In 1820s, Babbage worked on his ‘Difference Engine’, a machine could perform mathematical
calculations. (Make it simple)
g) His 'Difference Engine 2' was bigger and better than 'Difference Engine 1' (Make it positive)
h) His invention 'Analytical Engine' was a very complex machine. (Make it exclamatory)
i) He is remembered for this invention as the pioneer of computer. (Make it active)
j) He died in London at his home on 18 October 1871. (Make it complex)
7. Complete the sentences:
a) If it rains,_____.
b) Students go to college so that ______.
c) I did not get the job though _____.
d) My friend came to my house while _____.
e) As he studied very seriously _____.
8. Complete the text adding suffixes, prefixes or the both with the root words given in the parenthesis:
Macbeth is Shakespeare’s a)_____ (short)____ tragedy which tells the story of a brave b)____
(Scotland)_____ general. His name is Macbeth who receives a c)____ (prophet)____ from a trio of witches.
The prophecy reveals that one day he will become the king of Scotland. He is d)____ (consume)____ by
ambition and spurred to e)____ (act) ____ by his f)____ (ambitious)____ wife, Lady Macbeth. Out of
g)____ (desperate)_____ he kills king Duncan and takes the throne for himself. He soon became an h)____
(autocracy)____ ruler and resorts to i)____ (commit)____ more and more murder to protect himself from
doubt and j)____ (suspect)____.
9. Make tag questions of these statements: 15=5
a) Most of the students who fail in English do not have strong foundation on 'grammar, _____?
b) No, they read only to pass the examination, _____?
c) Yes, teachers should motivate them to learn the basic things, ____?
d) Yes, the cannot help learning grammar, _____?
e) No, moreover, practice is essential too, _____?
10. Complete the passage using suitable connectors: 5
The world we live in is full of things a)____ natural and man-made. Both natural and man made things
constitute our environment. Any abnormal change in chemical, physical b)____ biological characteristics of
the environment are called pollution. It causes a lot of harm to mankind. c)____, it creates health hazards to
a greater extent. So, some effective and positive measures should be taken d)____ prevent environment
pollution. We e)____ the Government should take a hand to create a better environment for living on Earth.
11. Use capitals and punctuation marks where necessary in the following text: 5
hello marium you look very hot and tired said nafis i was stuck in the traffic jam for one hour said marium.
sit down what would you like to drink said nafis i would love really chilled mineral water or something like
that said marium
Part B: Composition (40 Marks)

12. Suppose, you are X and you have passed SSC. You have got a vacancy add for the position of a mobile
operator in a well-known mobile company. Now, write a CV with a cover letter for the post. 8
13. Write an application to the principal of your college for the permission to arrange a cultural programme.
14. Write a paragraph in 250 words on "Child Labour." 10
15. Write a composition on "The Wonders of Modern Science". 12
Model Question-02
English Second Paper
Time: 3 hours Full marks: 100
Part A: Grammar (60 Marks)
1. Fill in the gaps with right forms of words from the box: 0.510=5
the to retract curve rumble of for in a on
The Umbrellabird is a large, tropical species of bird that is found inhabiting the rainforest of Central and
South America. There are three different species of Umbrellabird which are the Long-Wattled Umbrellabird,
the Amazonian Umbrellabird and a)_____ Bare-Necked Umbrellabird all of which live in slightly different
areas. All three species are relatively similar in appearance with an umbrella-like crest on the top of their
heads b) _____ which they were named and c)____ pendant shaped inflatable pouch d)____ their throats.
They are the largest species of perching bird (Passerine) in South America but populations are currently
falling mainly due to habitat loss. The most distinctive feature of the Umbrellabird is the large crest on the
top of its head. During mating, the males fan their crest out so that it nearly covers the whole e)____ their
head and they then begin to make f)_____ sound g)____ attract a female. The long, h)____ feathers are then
i)____ making the Umbrellabird more discreet the rest of the time. All three Umbrellabird species are similar
j)____ size and have coarse black feathers covering their bodies, but each subspecies does have its own
2. Fill up the gaps with right forms of words: .510=5
a)_____ Russian blue cat is also known as the Archangel blue cat, and is thought to be originated b)_____
the port c)____ Arkhangelsk in Russia. The Russian blue cat was brought d)____ the United Kingdom in the
1800s where it has been domestically bred since e)____ Russian blue cat has f)____ blue or silver coloured
coat and g)_____ Russian blue cat is known to be highly intelligent and playful but tend to be timid around
strangers. The Russian blue cat can be easily trained. The Russian blue cat has also been known to develop
close bonds h)____ their human companions and are highly sought after due to the Russian blue cats
personality and unique coat. The Russian blue cat has i)____ long, slender body with short fur. The fur
j)____ the Russian blue cat grows in a double cat which helps to provide the Russian blue cat with additional
insulation in the bitter northern winters.
3. Make correct sentences from the table below: 15=5
There essential to become a university teacher
A good university degree has the amount of work of a teacher
A teacher’s job realize not limited to take class only
He/ she is a great opportunity for female to take up teaching as
a career
Very few people, in fact to assess exam scripts and do other various jobs as
4. Complete the following sentences: 15=5
a) A college is a seat of learning, so _____.
b) It should be a peaceful place where _____.
c) But nowadays peaceful atmosphere is absent from the college because_____.
d) The students who _____.
e) The sooner it can be controlled, the _____.
5. Fill in the blanks with tag questions: 15=5
a) Everyone would do so, _____?
b) You need not do this, _____?
c) There is a little water in this pond, _____?
d) You is a pronoun, _____?
e) A man like you should not do this, _____?
6. Rewrite the following in the reported speech: 5
"Porter, you may go, "said the mistress of the house laughing, "You have gained your freedom." "By Allah, "
he replied, "I will not leave this house until I have heard the stories of my companions."
7. Change the following sentences as they are directed: 110=10
a) My elder sister who is an advocate lives in Dhaka. (Simple) b) Last summer she sent me a plane ticket.
(Interrogative) c) I arrived at the airport about an hour before the flight departed. (Simple) d) I was given a
boarding card on which the number of the seat was written. (Compound) e) I got on board and found the
seat. (Simple) f) When all the passengers were in, the door was closed. (Compound) g) I felt very excited
(Exclamatory). h) As it was my first flight, I felt delighted (Compound). i) After the plane had taken off, a
hostess came to me. (Simple) j) She told me to fasten the seat belt. (Passive)
8. Fill in the blanks with suitable linking words from the box: 15=5
besides however but because For example that
Men usually want to have their own way. No one, a)____, can have his own way all the time. He has to
consider the interest of others b)____ his own interests. He is free to take his own decisions, c)____ these
decisions must not be unjust or harmful for others. d)____, he must be very careful while driving e)____
there are other vehicles and pedestrians on the road.
9. Use capitals and punctuation marks where necessary in the following text: 15=5
how much do you want said the mayor thousand guilders said the piper all right said the mayor well we will
pay you when you complete the job pay me now replied the piper
10. Fill in the gaps with right forms of verbs: 0.510=5
die build become be open link name support include use
People and vehicles a)____ bridges to cross bodies of water, valleys and roads. If you ask people to name
some famous American bridges, they probably b)____ the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco, California
and the Brooklyn Bridge in New York City. Both are suspension bridge. They cross great distances and have
roadways that hang from steel cables c)____ by high towers. You may think the Golden Gate Bridge d)____
for its orange color. But it is named for the body of water that it crosses the Golden Gate Strait. The Golden
Gate Strait is the entrance to the San Francisco Bay from the Pacific Ocean. The Golden Gate Bridge
e)____the city of San Francisco with Marin County, California. Joseph Strauss designed the bridge. It f)____
in 1937. The Golden Gate Bridge extends 1,280 meters across the water. It g)____ the longest suspension
bridge in the world until 1964. That is when the Verrazano Narrows Bridge opened in New York City. Still,
the Golden Gate Bridge has h)____ famous around the world. And many people consider it to be the most
beautiful bridge structure in the world. The Brooklyn Bridge is much older than the Golden Gate. It was one
of the first great suspension bridges. It i) ____ between 1869 and 1883. John Augustus Roebling designed
the bridge. But he j)____ as a result of an accident at the start of its construction.
11. Complete the text adding suffixes, prefixes or the both with the root words given in the parenthesis:
As a young woman, Jane finished school in London, attended a)_____ (secretary) _____ school and then
worked for a b)____ (document)____ filmmaker for a while. When a school friend invited her to visit
Kenya, she worked as a waitress until she had earned the fare to travel there by boat. She was 23 years old.
Once in Kenya, she met Dr. Louis Leakey, a famous c) ____ (paleontology) ____ and d)____
(anthropology). He was impressed with her thorough knowledge of Africa and its wild life and hired her to
assist him and his wife on a fossil f) _____ (hunt) ____ g) _____ (expedite) to olduvai gorge. Dr. Leakey
soon _____. h) (realize) _____ that Jane was the perfect person to complete a study he had been i)____
(plan) ____ for some time. She j)____ (express)____ her interest in the idea of studying animals by living in
the wild with them, rather than studying dead animals.

Part B: Composition (40 Marks)

12. Suppose, you are Sumona Zafar, an LLM from East West University. You have seen a vacancy ad for the
post of a legal adviser in Khan Group. Now, write a CV with a cover letter for the post. Your CV should not
exceed one page. 8
13. Suppose, you are Trina Bosak. You are a student of class IX in Feni Girl’s School. All students of your class
want to imp-rove the common room facility. Now, write an application to your Head Teacher on behalf of
your class to improve the common room facility. 10
14. Write a paragraph in 250 words on "Load Shedding". 10
15. Write a composition on “Your Aim In Life” 12
Model Question-03
English Second Paper
Time: 3 hours Full marks: 100
Part A: Grammar (60 Marks)
1. Fill in the blanks with the words in the box. You may need to change the forms of some of the words. You
may need to use one word more than once: .510=5
of feed by at the round a in
Every family a)____ village can plant few fruit trees in b)____ backyard of c)____ house. Every family can
grow some seasonal vegetables d)____ the kitchen garden. There are some vegetables which can be grown
almost all the year e)____. Two kinds f)____ Amaranth, Lal shak’ and ‘Data shak’ can be planted g)___ any
time and they are full of vitamins and mineral salts. h)____ producing more vegetables and fruits we can get
more vitamins and mineral sail for our i)____. Every family can also raise poultry. j)____ raising poultry we
can get more eggs and more meat.
2. Fill in the blanks with suitable words: .510=5
Kaptai Lake is a)_____ largest man-made fresh water reservoir in Bangladesh. Though created primarily
b)_____ hydroelectric power generation, it c)____ to produce freshwater fishes, navigation, flood control
and agriculture. d)____ lake was created e)_____ damming the river Karnaphuli f)____ Kaptai town in
g)____ Chittagong Hill Tracts. The estimated life of the lake is 90 years, h)____ the end of which its bed is
i)_____ to be full covered j)____ silt.
3. Make five sentences using parts of sentences from each column of the table below: 15=5
a) Time and tide lost forever
b) No one is call it back
c) Money wait for none
d) Health also can be regained
e) But time once lost be regained
4. Complete the following text with right forms of the verbs given in the box. You can use one word more than
once if it is needed: .510=5
invent add prosper depend toil
misuse eliminates destroy go be
Man is the architect of his own fortune. If we are afraid of work, we can a)_____ in life. Some people think
that success in life b)____ on luck or chance. Nothing can be farther from the truth. Scientists have c)_____
day and night in their laboratories to d)____ radio, television and computer. These instruments have e)____
to the joy of our life. Modern civilization f)_____ the gift of science and its credit g)____ to the scientists.
But men h)____ science against human civilization too. In many ways the misuse of science has i)____
many things and one day it may j)____ the living beings on earth.
5. Change the narrative style of the following text: 5
"I came to Dhaka this morning. I sent you a message before starting from home," he said. ‘Did you receive it
in time?" he asked. "No,"I replied.
6. Change the sentences according to directions in the brackets: 110=10
a) The dacoit not only robbed the poor house owner but also murdered him. (Simple)
b) The house owner’s wife raised a hue and cry to let her neighbours know the presence of the dacoit.
c) As soon as the neighbours heard the hue and cry, they rushed to the spot. (Negative)
d) The dacoit sensed the presence of the neighbours and attempted to flee. (Simple)
e) People handed over him to the police. (Passive voice)
f) The police took the dacoit and kept him in the custody. (Simple)
g) The dacoit was sent to the court next day. (Active voice)
h) The court proved him guilty. (Complex)
i) As he was proved guilty, he was sentenced to five years’ rigorous imprisonment. (Compound)
j) The wife of the house owner became happy when she heard it. (Simple)
7. Complete the sentences: 5
a) Once upon a time there lived a maiden _____.
b) Her mother was dead _____.
c) _____, they were unkind to little Cinderella.
d) They compelled her _____.
e) She could not lead a happy life _____.
8. Complete the text adding suffixes, prefixes or the both with the root words given in the parenthesis:
a)____ (kind)____ is a divine virtue. So we should not be b)____ (kind) ____ to the people in distress and
even to c)____ (low) ____ animals. Some naughty boys d)____ (joy)____ beating the lower animals like
dogs and cats. This is an e)____ (rational)____ behaviour. Animals are dumb f)____ (create)_____. They are
g)____ (harm)_____ beings. Some animals are very h)____ (faith)____ and they feel no i)____ (hesitate)
_____ to risk their lives for our j)____ (protect) _____.
9. Make tag questions of these statements: 15=5
a) Niloy and his friends are going to Dhaka by train. He said to them, "Walk fast lest you should miss the
train, ____?" b) Mina’s birthday is on next Monday. So, she said to her parents, "Let’s have a party on the
occasion of my birthday, ____?" c) Mr. John could not enjoy the exciting match because of his business,
d) Kamal is always late. So, his mother said to him, "My son, be punctual, ____?"
e) As soon as the teacher entered the classroom, the students stood up, _____?
10. Complete the passage using suitable connectors . You can use more than one word in a single gap:
a) _____ flood is considrered to be a natural calamity, it is no doubt a blessing for the people. It is
considered to be a blessing in the sense b)____ it makes the soil alluvial. c)____ silt is scattered over land
after land d)____ flood and makes the soil fertile. So, it can be said that the flood has e)____ constructive
and destructive sides.
11. Use capitals and punctuation marks where necessary in the following text: 5
once my mother said to me who came to you my friend rafiq mom she asked what did he want i said his
mother is ill he needs some money i have given him five hundred take my mother said nice

Part B: Composition (40 Marks)

12. Suppose, some Accounts Officers will be recruited in the Premier Bank. You are interested to be an
Accounts Officer. Now, write a CV with a cover letter for the post. Your CV should not exceed one page. 8
13. Imagine, you are students of class X of S K High School, Chandpur. You want to hold a function on the
occasion of your last day at school. Now, write an application to your Headmaster seeking permission to
hold a function in the school auditorium. A fisherman has to work hard to earn his livelihood; still he has to
lead a miserable life. 10
14. Now, write a paragraph in 250 words on "A Fisherman". 10
15. Overpopulation is a great problem for Bangladesh. Write a composition on 'Population Problem in
Bangladesh' stating the reasons and how we can solve this problem. 12
Model Question-04
English Second Paper
Time: 3 hours Full marks: 100
Part A: Grammar (60 Marks)
1. Fill in the blanks with the words in the box. You may need to change the forms of some of the words. You
may need to use one word more than once: .510=5
hinder with about a into the of know
Life is real, but much a)_____ what b)____ man learns from books is theoretical. Bookish c)____, unless
supplemented by practical experience, is not a help, but is often a d)____. Travelling furnishes one e)_____
an opportunity for acquiring that experience. Pope, the poet sang that f)____ proper study of mankind is
man. The traveller comes g)____ contact with various types of people, and if he moves about h)____ the
observant eye, and keeps the doors and windows i)____ his mind open, he can acquire a lot of practical
knowledge j)____ men and things of the world which books alone cannot provide.
2. Fill in the blanks with suitable words: 0.510=5
In every walk a)____ life, discipline is a must. As soon as b)____ man loses uniformity c)____ nature at
large, his life is bound to be full of unhappiness and uneasiness. Everything in d)_____ universe moves in
e)____ disciplined way. From f)____ Sun down to the smallest creature everything g)____ a disciplined life.
Discipline is mostly needed h)____ early life. A child whose habits are i)____ can gain honour in every field
of fife. His future will be blessed j)____ peace and happiness.
3. Make five sentences using parts of sentences from each column of the table below: 15=5
Happiness a relative term
A person with a crown may not be happy
Whereas a day labourer is from person to person
Again happiness varies a blessing of God
Complete happiness or peace of find happiness living in a
mind shabby hut

4. Complete the following text with right forms of the verbs given in the box: .510=5
engage be expect depend find
motivate speak lay prevail make
Bangladesh is afflicted with lots of problems. Among them, child labour is an acute one. Today millions of
children are a)____ in various old jobs. "Today’s children are the future adult people." If a large number of
our future adults are oppressed and exploited, we can b)____ anything from the nation. The future of our
country c)_____ upon the children engaged in a number of programmes to d)____ a way out of this problem.
We believe that the days e)_____ too far when Bangladesh will be free from child labour. There are strong
reasons behind our belief that the Govt. is now f)____ emphasis on this issue. Different humanitarian
organizations are found g)____ against child labour h)____ in the country. The editors of different
newspapers also i)____ a focus on this issue j)____ people towards banning child labour.
5. Change the narrative style of the following text: 5
"Swallow, swallow, little swallow, "said the prince, "Won’t you stay with me for one night, and be my
messenger? The boy is so thirsty, and the mother is so sad." "I don’t think I like the boy," answered the
6. Change the sentences according to directions: 110=10
a) In spite of strict laws against acid violence, the ghastly crime is on the rise in Bangladesh (Make complex
b) The policy regarding its import and sale is being ignored by businessmen (Use active Voice).
c) Though we have reports of acid throwing in other countries too, the number of incidents is probably the
highest in Bangladesh (Make compound sentence).
d) Experts say that three to five women a week are being burnt with acid in Bangladesh (Make simple
e) The criminals show no mercy in throwing acid to a face they were in love with a few days ago (Make
affirmative sentence).
f) They become cruel to their beloved’s face (Make negative sentence).
g) They forget the face and throw acid to it (Make simple sentence).
h) The government should take strong action against the acid throwers (Use passive voice).
i) We should show sympathy towards the acid survivors (Make imperative sentence).
j) We should come forward to save them (Make complex sentence).
7. Complete the sentence: 5
a) It was Gulliver who______. b) I lay down on the grass _____.
c) _____, it was daylight. d) I attempted to rise but _____.
e) I was fastened to the ground lest _____.
8. Complete the text adding suffixes, prefixes or the both with the root words given in the parenthesis: .510=5
a)____ (kind)____ is a divine virtue. So we should not be b)____ (kind) ____ to the people in distress and
even to c)____ (low) ____ animals. Some naughty boys d)____ (joy)____ beating the lower animals like
dogs and cats. This is an e)____ (rational)____ behaviour. Animals are dumb f)____ (create)_____. They are
g)____ (harm)_____ beings. Some animals are very h)____ (faith)____ and they feel no i)____ (hesitate)
_____ to risk their lives for our j)____ (protect) _____.
9. Make tag questions of these statements: 15=5
a) Rahim is in the habit of telling lies. His mother knows it. She then said to him, "A lie never lies hidden for
long, _____?"
b) Where there is smoke, there is fire, _____?
c) Rita is a good student. But she could not participate in the first term examination because of her illness.
Then, her father told her, “Don’t fell tension about your exam____?
d) Lots of people were gathering in the road. An accident took place there, _____?
e) She is honest. All know about her honesty. One day her teacher said to her, "Everyone can shine in life
with honesty, ____?"
10. Complete the passage using suitable connectors: 5
a)____ flood is considered to be a natural calamity; it is no doubt a blessing for the people. It is considered
to be a blessing in the sense b)_____ it makes the soil alluvial. c)____ silt is scattered over land after land
d)____ flood and makes the soil fertile. So, it can be said that the flood has e)____ constructive and
destructive sides.
11. Use capitals and punctuation marks where necessary in the following text: 5
the scientist shouted that he had done it addressing the scientist as sir the assistant congratulated him on what
he had done the scientist replied that he had done something new

Part B: Composition (40 Marks)

12. Suppose, you are Dolly. You are a customer care team leader in a reputed mobile phone company. You see
an advertisement in a national daily for the post of customer care manager in another company. Now, write a
CV with a cover letter for the post. Your CV should not exceed one page. 8
13. Suppose, you are Nusaiba. You have booked an air-ticket to visit Singapore. But for some personal problems
you want to cancel the booking. Now, write an email to the director of the travel agency to cancel the ticket
you have booked. 10
14. Write a paragraph on "Traffic Jam " by answering the following questions: 10
a) What is called traffic jam? b) How is it caused? c) Who suffers most during traffic jam? d) What are the
bad effects of traffic jam? e) What is the solution of traffic jam?
15. Science is the cause of many advancement of human history. At the same time, it causes havoc to human
race. Hence the debate rises whether science is beneficial to humanity or not, write a composition on
"Science in everyday life". 12
Model Question-05
English Second Paper
Time: 3 hours Full marks: 100
Part A: Grammar (60 Marks)

1. Fill in the blanks with the words in the box. You may need to change the forms of some of the words. You
may need to use one word more than once: .510=5
by treat a to the sick and general of
A hospital is the home for a)_____ sick. It gives medical b)____ to them free c)____ cost. A hospital is
d)____ run by the government. A hospital has outdoor e)____ indoor sections. f)_____ great number of the
g)_____ people are treated in h)____ outdoor section. People attacked i)____ serious illness are admitted
j)_____ the indoor section.
2. Fill in the blanks with suitable words: 0.510=5
Mainamati is a)_____ very familiar name in our cultural heritage where archaeological excavations have
b)____ very significant materials. Workers accidentally uncovered c)_____ ruins while building d)____ road
e)____ the hills. It was f)____ out to be g)_____ Buddhist monastery. h)____ excavations have thrown light
i)_____ the life culture j)_____ south-eastern part of Bengal.
3. Make five sentences using parts of sentences from each column of the table below: 15=5
Education is the training for proper growth
It can prosper the liberation of prejudice
Nobody ennobles our mind and refines our sensibility
The purpose of education in life without education
the process by which our mind develops through
formal learning.
4. Complete the following text with right forms of the verbs given in the box: 0.510=5
realize set make behave teach
praise be treat believe commit
An ideal teacher knows the art of a)_____. He b)_____ his lessons interesting. His methods
c)_____convincing and inspiring. An ideal teacher d)_____ his students like his own children. He e)_____
the good work done by them. If a student f)_____ some mistakes, he is not very harsh to him. He tactfully
makes the students g)_____ his mistakes. An ideal teacher is never angry with his students. He h)_____ well
with all. He i)_____ in simple living and high thinking. He never j)____ a wrong example before his
5. Change the following text into indirect speech: 15=5
"Good morning, students, "said the teacher. "How are you?" "Fine, sir. What about you?" " I am fine too.
Please sit down." "Have you prepared your lesson?" the teacher asked. "Sorry, sir. We were a little bit busy
with our practical classes." they replied.
6. Transform the following sentences as directed in brackets: 110=10
a) The cuckoo is a bird of very shy nature. (Make complex sentence)
b) It is not always found beside human habitation. (Make affirmative sentence)
c) They hide themselves and coo from the high branches. (Make simple sentence)
d) Though they are timid, they are clever. (Make compound sentence)
e) They lay their eggs in the nests of crows. (Use positive degree)
f) They do not hatch their eggs because they are lazy. (Make simple sentence)
h) The crows raise the baby cuckoos. (Use passive voice)
i) When the babies grow up, they flyaway. (Make compound sentence)
j) Crows never understand it. (Make interrogative sentence)
7. Complete the following sentences: 15=5
a) It is high time _______.
b) Avoid mistakes lest _______.
c) If my friend had helped me _____.
d) Five years passed since _______.
e) It is flower which _______.
8. Complete the text adding suffixes, prefixes or the both with the root words given in the parenthesis:
a) Achieve of the proper mental b) fit is not a one-day task. No one is born 100% c) psychology fit. Just a the
body parts develop and grow, phychological fitness and maturity achieved d) gradual. The experiences in e)
child contribute f) large towards the sound growth of mental abilities. That is why, it is told that no one is
born with g) born behavioral patterns, all what we have is acquired and h) learn. Proper attention and care in
the childhood will help kids to grow fit and sound. Psychological fitness of kids is absolute necessity as it is
degree of i) emotion growth that determines the character, career and emotional balances of the person
throughout the life. Parents can’t just feel the duties accomplished by growing the children physically j)____
health, but have to groom the kid emotionally and psychologically.
9. Add tag questions to the following sentences: 15=5
a) We know the proverb as dead as dodo, ______?
b) Right, it is one of the birds which are now extinct, _____?
c) Yes, it is. The Portuguese explorers saw it first in Maurititus,_____?
d) But you can hardly see any dodo in the world now, _____?
d) You are right. You will see only some of dodo painting in Oxford Museum _____?
10. Complete the passage using suitable connectors: 5
Global warming is increasing day by day a)_____ deforestation. We cut down trees b)_____ never think of
planting more trees. c)_____ humans and other living beings are in the threat of extinction. Time is coming
d)_____ there will be no tree left for us. e)_____ we have to face bitter consequences of deforestation.
11. Use capitals and punctuation marks where necessary in the following text: 5
where do you like to go sir said the ticket officer to the passenger i want to go to chittagong said the
passenger how many tickets do you need i need five tickets here are the tickets they will cost one thousand
taka said the officer
Part B: Composition (40 Marks)

12. Suppose, you are A F Manik, experienced in working as a Medical Representative. You found at an
advertisement in the Daily Star that the Square Pharmaceuticals Ltd. seeks Senior Medical Representative.
Now, write a CV with a cover letter for the post. Your CV should not exceed one page. 8
13. Suppose, you are Sumon/ Sumona and you are the student of Pabna Zilla School. Yours common room
facilities are not sufficient to meet up your demand. Now, write an application to your Headmaster on behalf
of the students requesting him to increase common room facilities as soon as possible. 10
14. Bangladesh is rich with cultural heritage. No, write a paragraph on "Our National Festivals". 10
15. Computer is a part and parcel of modern age. Write a composition on “Uses and Abuses of Computer”. 12
Model Question-06
English Second Paper
Time: 3 hours Full marks: 100
Part A: Grammar (60 Marks)
1. Fill in the blanks with the words in the box. You may need to change the forms of some of the words. You
may need to use one word more than once: .510=5
constructive in write his difficult of which exceptional and on their to
Man is the most supreme being a)_____ all creatures. Man his courage by b)____ he can do anything
destructive or c)____. In d)____ mind, there is the fascination of conquering anything e)____. Hillary and
Tenzing were not also an f)_____ to it. They were not daunted by difficulties g)____ dangers. All the
dangers were overcome by them to conquer the highest peak h)____ the world. For i)____ courage and
hardship, their names have been j)____ in history.
2. Fill in the blanks with suitable words: 0.510=5
Students should a)____ by the rules of health. They should rise b)____ bed early in the morning and go out
for c)_____ walk. Besides, they should have d)_____ to perform all those things which are necessary for
e)_____ preservation of health. They should lake part f)____ games and sports regularly. These are essential
g)____ their physical and h)____ health. They should i)____ follow the rules of j)_____.
3. Make five sentences using parts of sentences from each column of the table below: 15=5
needs never be successful in life it one sits idly
Ambition cherish a particular ambition
Almost all of us can to be competitive too
One means to work hard to materialize any ambition
desire to achieve something
4. Complete the following text with right forms of the verbs given in the box: 0.510=5
be describe fill neglect keep fetch
bring draw centre write know receive
Mother just a)____ an adverse report about you from your headmaster. He b)____ that of late you c)____
your study and d)____ away from school. Words e)____ the shock that the report f)____ to us. You g)____
mother has none but you and I. So, all her hopes h)____ round us. Naturally, she i)____ so much upset that
you j)____ with repentance if you were to see her condition.
5. Change the narrative style of the following text: 5
“Good morning,” said the tourist. “Have you any room vacant?” “Yes, sir, double or single?” “Double,” said
the tourist. The receptionist said, “We have a double room on the second floor.”
6. Change the sentences according to directions: 110=10
a) Taimur was one of the greatest conquerors of the world (Make positive).
b) Young Taimur once attacked the province of a powerful prince (Use passive voice).
c) He entered the kingdom of the prince and captured the large village (Make simple sentence).
d) Taimur’s soldiers were all killed by the army (Use active voice).
e) He disguised himself as a poor traveller to survive (Make complex sentence).
f) He came to a house to ask for something to eat (Make complex sentence).
g) There lived an old woman in the house (Make complex sentence).
h) The woman became sympathetic to see Taimur (Make compound sentence)
i) The food was very hot (Make exclamatory sentence)
j) Taimur was too hugry to wait (Make compound)
7. Complete the following sentences: 15=5
a) Faults are thick _____.
b) He talked as though _____.
c) If I had got a scholarship ____.
d) His silence proves that ____.
e) ____ where the President of Bangladesh lives.
8. Complete the text adding suffixes, prefixes or the both with the root words: 0.510=5
Slum a) dwell are b) root people. c) Actual they are rootless and they have to take shelter in slums under
different circumstances. They live there in an d) human condition. They are deprived of all kinds of human
rights. About 80% of the slum dwellers suffer from hunger, e) nutrition, and different kinds of diseases. As a
result many of them die an f) mature death and the others fight with death. They live in a society of g)
lawless, and violence. They are made to involve in different social activities. Besides, they are exploited by
so-called political h) lead for organizing hartals, picketing, damaging vehicles and destroying public
properties. The government and non-government welfare i) organize should come forward with a view to j)
store them.
9. Make tag questions of these statements: 15=5
a) Most of us hardly know about the dire consequences of deforestation, ____?
b) A few students qualified the placement test, ____?
c) Bangladesh is too small to accommodate per population, ____?
d) He rarely put on an overcoat, ____?
e) Who cares! ____?
10. Complete the passage using suitable connectors: 5
Higher education is needed in our national life, a)____ now a question has risen b)___ it is a luxury. c)____
higher education is not a luxury, the poorer section of people now think it to be so d)____ they cannot afford
the educational expenses of their children. For the greater interest of the nation the government should
e)____ help the meritorious students so that they can be highly educated.
11. Use capitals and punctuation marks where necessary in the following text: 5
what are you whispering about inquired the eldest of the sisters mistress said the porter rising to his feet my
friends desire to know the history of the two black bitches and why you whipped, them and then fondled
them and kissed them
Part B: Composition (40 Marks)

12. Suppose, you have completed your graduation. You have come across an advertisement of, a vacancy for the
post of Office Executive in the Health Care Centre, Magura. Now, write a CV with a cover letter for the
above post. 8
13. Write an application to the Deputy Commissioner of your district for setting up a charitable dispensary in
your locality. 10
14. You are a student of Class X. You are fond of reading books. Now, write a paragraph on “A book fair” in
about 250 words.
15. Write a composition about “Your Favourite hobby.” 12
Model Question-07
English Second Paper
Time: 3 hours Full marks: 100
Part A: Grammar (60 Marks)

1. Fill in the blanks with the words in the box. You may need to change the forms of some of the words. You
may need to use one word more than once: .510=5
work a up most products both most depend have to prices
Ours is an agricultural country. Hence a)____ of the citizens of our country directly or indirectly depend on
agriculture for their livelihood. Many important industries of our country also b)____ on agricultural
products. Agriculture plays c)_____ vital role in our national economy’. It supplies foodstuff of d)____
human and animal consumption. So, people e)____ suffer a lot if there is any decline in agricultural
2. Fill in the blanks with suitable words: .510=10
Social media may not be the best a)____ for controversial subjects, says etiquette b)___ Louise Fox.
"Political c)____ are touchy, and things tend to look black or d)____ on social media when there are no
facial or e)____ cues to assist people in interpreting your f)____." If you are keen to share your religious or
political g)____, tread lightly or you could find yourself "unfriended." That’s how Cathy, a 50 year
university lecturer, plans to deal h)____ a high school classmate who recently sent her a i)____ request. "He
posts political rants two or three j)____ a day, and it has rapidly become clear that I don’t share his views."
3. Make five sentences using parts of sentences from each column of the table below: 15=5
Newspapers gives us news of home and abroad
It shows it has useful to all sections of people
They are great educative value too
present really a part and parcel of our life
us the outside world like a mirror

4. Complete the following text with right forms of the verbs given in the box: .510=5
prepare maintain form succeed get influence should use affect be
Student life a)____ a golden season of life. This b)____ the time when we should c)____ ourselves for
future. The very habits d)____ in the student life e)____ the later phases of life. Right from the student life,
they f)____ be careful in g)____ discipline. They should h)____ their time properly. If they do not use their
time, they will not i)____ in life. They should j)____ punctual from the very beginning of their student life.
5. Change the narrative style of the following text: 5
"Are you not well today?" he said coldly. "No, " I said, “Then why are you sitting when all others are
working? Go out at once and give them a hand,” he said.
6. Change the sentences according to directions in the brackets: 110=10
a) Very few persons are as famous as Columbus (Superlative). b) He passed his early life in sorrows
(Negative). c) He became a sailor in his boyhood (Complex). d) During his voyage on the Mediterranean, he
went to many parts of Europe and Africa (Complex). e) There he came in contact with many people and
learnt many things about them (Simple). f) During these voyages very often Columbus gazed at the vast
sheet of unlimited water (Compound). g) What a great explorer he was (Assertive)! h) Later on he
discovered America (Complex). i) He was one of the greatest explorers in the world (Positive). j) We now
remember him with great respect (passive).
7. Complete the sentences: 5
a) When he reached shore, _____.
b) He had killed the shark because _____.
c) He had done it for his beloved dog so that _____.
d) It seemed that _____.
e) Danger comes where_____.
8. Complete the text adding suffixes, prefixes or the both with the root words given in the parenthesis:
a)____ (Patriot)____ is a noble virtue but treason is b)____ (noble)____. The former inspires a man to shed
the last drop of blood to defend the liberty and dignity of the country. On the other hand, the c)_____ (late)
____ is a quality in a man that cannot hesitate to sell the country for his self interest. However, love for one’s
country should not be d)____ (mere)____ a slogan in the public e)____ (meet) _____ to deceive the people.
It should be f)____ (material)____ from the core of our heart. Everybody should behave with g)____
(responsible)____ to uphold the prestige of the country. We should keep h)____ (our)____ above from the
fake country-love. We must love our country i)____ (deep)____ and work for the j)____ (better)____ of her.
9. Make tag questions of these statements: 15=5
a) Man is fond of turning back to the past, _____?
b) The present may be good, ____?
c) But the past is golden, ____?
d) Nothing is more pleasant to him than memories of childhood, ____?
e) A man cannot remember everything that happened in the childhood, _____?
10. Complete the passage using suitable connectors: 5
Forests are very important a)____ trees produce oxygen b)____ is essential for man and all living beings.
c)____ trees help us in many ways. d)____ trees are less in number, there will be an increased amount of
carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and e)____ will enhance greenhouse effect.
11. Use capitals and punctuation marks where necessary in the following text: 5
a small boat awaits them hidden along the slobodan riverbank alas it will carry only two people at a time
worse neither scientists dares to be with the others agent because science is so hush hush for instance dr
warmm couldnt possible row across the river alone with 007

Part B: Composition (40 Marks)

12. Suppose, you are Salman and you have passed SSC. You have seen a vacancy advertisement for the position
of a receptionist in Incepta Pharmaceuticals Ltd. Now, write a CV with a covering letter for the post. Your
CV must not exceed one page. 8
13. Suppose, you are a student of Manpura Zilla School. Your school common room has a few facilities for the
students. Now, write an application to the Headmaster of your school to provide more facilities for the
common room.
14. Write a paragraph on “A School Magazine”. 10
15. Write a composition on 'A Journey by train'. 12
Model Question-08
English Second Paper
Time: 3 hours Full marks: 100
Part A: Grammar (60 Marks)
1. Fill in the blanks with the words in the box. You may need to change the forms of some of the words. You
may need to use one word more than once: .510=5
founder covering outstanding writings contemporary
pioneered remain intellectual regarded
Aristotle’s a)____ range was vast, b)____ most of the sciences and many of the arts, including biology,
botany, chemistry, ethics, history, logic, metaphysics, rhetoric, philosophy of mind, philosophy of science,
physics, poetics, political theory, psychology, and zoology. He was the c)____ of formal logic, devising for
it a finished system that for centuries was d)____ as the sum of the discipline; and he e)____ the study of
zoology, both observational and theoretical, in which some of his work f)____ unsurpassed until the 19th
century. But he is, of course, the most g)____ as a philosopher. His h)____ in ethics and political theory as
well as in metaphysics and the philosophy of science continue to be studied, and his work i)____ a powerful
current in j)____ philosophical debate.
2. Fill in the blanks with suitable words. Use only one word in each blank: 15=5
The first computers were used primarily for a)_____ calculations. However, as any information can be
numerically encoded, people soon realized that computers are b)____ of general purpose information
processing. Their capacity to handle c)_____ amounts of data has d)____ the range and accuracy of weather
forecasting. Their speed has e)_____ them to make decisions about routing telephone connections through a
network and to f)____ mechanical systems such as automobiles, nuclear reactors and robotic surgical tools.
They are also g)____ enough to be embedded in everyday appliances and to make clothes dryers and rice
cookers "smart.” Computers have allowed us to pose and h)_____ questions that could not be pursued
before. These questions might be about DNA i)____ in genes, patterns of activity in a consumer market, or
all the uses of a word in texts that have been stored in a database. Increasingly, computers can also learn and
adapt as they j)____.
3. Make five sentences using parts of sentences from each column of the table below: 15=5
Messi started playing football for the junior team, and he quickly on both sides of the Atlantic
Messi’s phenomenal skills as a boy and in 1995 he began playing for FC
garnered Barcelona’s under-14 team
At 13, Messi and his family the attention of prestigious clubs joined the youth team of
Newell’s Old Boys
He scored 21 goals in 14 games given his informal debut with FC in a friendly match
At 16, he was relocated to Barcelona, and graduated through the higher-
level teams
4. Complete the following text with right forms of the verbs given in the box. You can use one word more than
once if it is needed: 0.510=5
marry appear poison perturb adopt command kill open mislead know
As Shakespeare’s play “Hamlet” a)_____, Hamlet is mourning his father, who has b)____, and lamenting
the behaviour of his mother, Gertrude, who c)____ his uncle Claudius within a month of his father’s death.
The ghost of his father d)____ to Hamlet, informs him that he was e)____ by Claudius, and commands
Hamlet to avenge his death. Though instantly glavanized by the ghost’s f)____, Hamlet decides on further
reflection to seek evidence in corroboration of the ghostly visitation, since, he g)____, the Devil can assume
a pleasing shape and can easily h)____ a person whose mind is i)____ by intense grief. Hamlet j)____ a
guise of melancholic and mad behaviour as a way of deceiving Claudius and others at court.
5. Change the narrative style of the following text: 5
The teacher said to the boy, "Do you know that honesty is the best policy?" The boy said, "Yes, I sir, I think
so." "Then learn to be honest from your boyhood, " said the teacher. "Thank you, sir," said the boy. "May
Allah grant you a long life." said the teacher. 5
6. Change the sentences according to directions in the brackets: 5
a) Timon is one of the most brilliant boys of the class (Comparative). He is ever first in his batch. b) But his
father is so poor that he cannot afford his family everyday meal. (Affirmative). c) In spite of having all the
obstacles, he studied with diligence (Complex). d) He maintained his study and worked hard to add to his
family income (Simple). e) He should be followed by all the students (Complex).
7. Complete the sentences: 5
a) The farmers sow good seeds so that they _____.
b) I fancy _____.
c) Unless you read attentivel, you _____.
d) He told the matter as if he ____.
e) If I had seen him, _____.
8. Complete the text adding suffixes, prefixes or the both with the root words given in the parenthesis:
Money cannot buy a)____ (happy)____. Money is b)____ (obvious)_____ necessary for our life. But it is
not the thing that c) _____ (necessary)_____ brings happiness. Happiness is d)____ (absolute) ____ a
physiological thing. Basically, it is the name of a e)____ (feel) _____. It lies in the f)_____ (content) _____
of mind. A poor man with mental g)_____ (satisfy) ____ may become really happy in life. On the other
hand, a man with a lot of h)____ (rich) ____ may not be happy. Their wealth becomes the cause of i)____
(happy) _____ because most of the time they suffer from j)____ (secure)____. So they lead a life full of
cares and anxieties.
9. Make tag questions of these statements: 15=5
a) You are speaking highly of him, _____?
b) Yes. I am. He is really good, ____?
c) I admit it. But he sits idle, _____?
d) Yes he does. But he has some qualities, ____?
e) You may say so. All qualities should be praised properly, _____?
10. Complete the passage using suitable connectors: 5
Women are now-a-days as important as men in the society. They constitute nearly half of our total
population. a)____ there can be no denying the fact b)____ they too possess equal rights and duties c)_____
men do. They have noble mission to fulfill as men. d)____ they get opportunity, their genius, powers e)____
capacities will bloom fully.
11. Use capitals and punctuation marks in the following text: 5
bangladesh is a country of south-central asia located in the delta of the padma (ganges (ganga) and jamuna
(brahmaputra) rivers in the northeastern part of the indian subcontinent the riverine country of bangladesh
(“land of the bengals”) is one of the most densely populated countries in the world in 1971 it became
Part B: Composition (40 Marks)

12. Suppose, you are Salman and you have completed your study in IBA. You want to apply in a bank as an
officer. Now, write a CV with a cover letter for the post. 8
13. Write an application to your principal to arrange a debate a competition. 10
14. Smoke destroys our mouth cavity, lungs and stomach. So, write a paragraph of about 250 words on “Bad
Effects of Smoking.” 10
15. Write a composition on ‘Your Future Plan of Life.’ 12
Model Question-09
English Second Paper
Time: 3 hours Full marks: 100
Part A: Grammar (60 Marks)
1. Fill in the blanks with the words in the box. You may need to change the forms of some of the words. You
may need to use one word more than once: .510=5
dependence risen necessity around production shortage
circumstances shift improved sustained change demand
Power is the key to the economic growth of any country. The a)____ of power is only known when load-
shedding occurs. Though rural life of Bangladesh is not totally b)____ on power, urban life cannot be c)____
without electricity. At present, we have d)____ of around 4000 MW electricity and the e)____ is around
2000 MW. This demand is ever on the f)____. In 2020, the national demand for electricity will rise to
g)____ 8000 MW. The reality is that this situation cannot be h)____ just by installing some high capacity
power generation plants. Under these i)____, we should create a master plan to. Increase the production of
electricity and also have to j)____ our concentration to alternative fuel source.
2. Fill in the blanks with suitable words: 0.510=5
Television is a a)____ of recreation. After day’s hard work, we sit before a television b)____ to hear music
and songs. We c)____ drama, dance and many other things. Television has a great educative d)____. It
teaches the illiterate and the students. It is used to e)____ illiteracy. We hear and enjoy debates, lecture on
various important topics, discussions on science and speeches f)____ television. It has g)____ the wall
between the literate and the illiterate. Television has made the world h)____. It has i)____ time and distance.
People need not spend huge money to go abroad. We get j)____ with the customs and tradition, fashions and
dresses and culture of the people of different parts of the world through television.
3. Make five sentences using parts of sentences from each column of the table below: 15=5
Fishing engaged in fishing for their livelihood
Half a million of people provides obtain three kinds of food form rivers and lakes
They are also available there
We can us with food
Some kinds of birds and plants easily catch fishes and eat them as protein
4. Complete the following text with right forms of the verbs given in the box: .510=5
mould take shape get exercise grow learn teach influence form
A mother a)____ an undeniable influences in b)____ children’s character and in c)____ their future destiny.
The things that they learn at home d)____ a firm root in them. And it goes without saying that this learning
they e)____ mostly from their mother as they live under he direct supervision and constant care. This is why,
a child f)____ the language first from is mother. The culture of the family also g)____ the children’s habits
and manners. Mother should h)____ her children how to i)____ the habit of good manners to j)____ up in
gentle environment.
5. Change the narrative style of the following text: 5
“Great king of the genies. “I will never disobey you. “Hearing those words, the fisherman became very
brave and said, “Tell me why you were rocked up in the vase.” The giant looked at the fisherman and said,
“Speak to me more politely or I shall kill you.” “Why should you kill me? asked the fisherman.
6. Transform the following sentences as directed in brackets: 110=10
a) There are many virtues that man should possess. (Simple)
b) They are necessary to make a human being a real human. (Negative)
c) Truthfulness is one of the greatest virtues in a man’s life. (Comparative)
d) A truthful person is true to himself. (Interrogative)
e) Everybody respects a person for having the quality of truthfulness. (Compound)
f) A truthful person may lead a poor life but is honored everywhere. (Simple)
g) A truthful person is not afraid of anybody. (Complex)
h) It brings peace in one’s mind. (Passive)
i) It leads to discovering to the inner truth of oneself. (Complex)
j) A true heart is more spacious than all false impressions taken collectively. (Positive)
7. Complete the following sentences: 15=5
a) I did it with a view to _____.
b) The car made in Japan _____.
c) If my friend had helped me, ____.
d) My friend came to my house while, _____.
e) Uneasy lies the head _____.
8. Complete the text adding suffixes, prefixes or the both with the root words given in the parenthesis:
Those who live a a)____ (luxury) ____ life are always b)____ (different) ____ to the miseries of the poor.
They enjoy life in c)____ (amuse) ____ and d)___ (merry) ____. They are e)___ (centered) ____ people.
They have little f)____ (realize) ____ of the g)____ (bounded) ____ sufferings of the poor. They remain
h)___ (different) ____ to their sufferings. They feel i)____ (comfort) ____ to work for their j) ____ (better)
9. Make tag questions of the following: 15=5
a) To make good result in the examination, you cannot write the same things as most students write, __?
b) The examiners get bored when they find almost the same answers in all scripts, ____?
c) If you were an examiner, you would do the same, ____?
d) You are right. But what can I do now? Try to understand what you read, make your own notes and revise
them frequently, ____?
e) Do you have any other advice? You have to have a fairly good command of the language, ____? Of
10. Complete the passage using suitable connectors: 5
People usually want to have their own way. They want to think and act a)____ they like. b)___, one cannot
have one’s own way all the time. A person cannot live in an environment without considering the interest of
others c)____ his own interest. People in society may take their own decision, d)___ these decisions ought
not to be unjust e)____ harmful to others.
11. Use capitals and punctuation marks where necessary in the following text: 5
william shakespeare the monarch of english literature was born on april 12 1564 in the stratford on avon his
mother was mary arden and his father was john shakespeare he was not much educated he had little
knowledge of grammar
Part B: Composition (40 Marks)

12. Suppose, after completing your BBA, you are looking for a job. You have seen an advertisement published
in the ‘Daily Prothom Alo’ about the recruitment of some officers in the Standard Chartered Bank. Now,
write a CV with a cover letter for the post. 8
13. Suppose you have passed from Feni Govt. Girls School and want to get admission in college for which you
need a testimonial. Now, write an application to tile Headmaster of your previous school requesting to issue
a testimonial for you. 10
14. Write a paragraph on “Power of Media” by answering the following questions: 10
a) What is called media?
b) What role do the media play in our life?
c) Why are they necessary for the development of a country?
d) Are the media playing the necessary role in our country?
15. Science has become an inevitable part of our life. We find the active presence of science in almost every
sphere in our life. Write a composition on “Science in Everyday Life” showing how and why the uses of
science have become a part of life. 12
Model Question-10
English Second Paper
Time: 3 hours Full marks: 100
Part A: Grammar (60 Marks)

1. Fill in the blanks with the words in the box. You may need to change the forms of some of the words. You
may need to use one word more than once: 0.510=5
over rise to the x which degree increase of lead levels water
As the temperature will a)____, the ice cover on b)____ planet will start melting. c)____ the last century, sea
d)____ have increased by 4 e)____ 8 inches. An additional f)____ in global temperature will g)____ to the
complete melting h)____ the Greenland ice cap, i)____ will cause the sea level to j)____ by 5 to 6 meters.
2. Fill in the blanks with suitable words: 0.510=5
In case of humans, global warming will a)____ our food and water supplies as b)____ as our health
conditions. Changes in rainfall c)____ affect basic necessities such as agriculture, power d)____ etc.
Increase in the temperature of ocean e)____ will hamper fisheries. The sudden change in f)____ patterns will
have a hazardous effect on g)____ human body which won’t be able to h)____ the extreme conditions, a hint
of which i)____ be seen in the form of frequent heat j)____ and cold waves.
3. Make five sentences using parts of sentences from each column of the table below: 15=5
Education all the development efforts.
An uneducated man can play a role in removing illiteracy.
Illiteracy is play a significant role to build up a nation
An educated man hampers a precondition for development
After all he/ she a burden for a nation
4. Complete the following text with right forms of the verbs given in the box. You can use one word more than
once if it is needed: 0.510=5
compare solve be document produce gain need exist prove require will guide
Worldwide open education systems have a)____ themselves as a way for people to b)____ an education,
which c)____ otherwise not be possible. It is well d)____ in the literature however, that when e)____ with
conventional forms of education the provision of distance education f)____ considerable greater planning,
larger up-front infrastructure costs, and more complex student and administrative support systems. In this
regard there g)____ a wealth of theories, principles and practices to h)____ institutions in the establishment
and implementation of open and distance education systems. These not only i)___ to take into account
specific student learning needs and circumstances but also student cultural, religious, economic and
geographical factors. The increased avilability of Information and Communication Technologies have the
potential to j)____ a number of problems and issues associated with the provision of distance education
5. Change the narrative style of the following text: 5
The other day, a man came here for me and asked, "Is there a God?" I said, "Do you exist?" "Yes, " I said.
"There is something which is controlling you. As you exist, he also exists."
6. Change the sentences according to directions: 110=10
a) How charming a moonlit night is! (make it assertive) b) It presents a beautiful sight. (make it
exclamatory) e) It dazzles our eyes and soothes our heart. (make it passive) d) People of all ages enjoy a
moonlit night. (make it interrogative without changing meaning) e) Little boys and girls make merriment and
amuse themselves. (make it simple) f) Poets of all languages have sung highly of a moonlit night. (make it
complex) h) In winter a moonlit night appears the most magical. (make it positive) i) Without enjoying the
beauty of moonlit night, one cannot tell about it. (make it complex) j) In a word, a moonlit night is very
pleasant. (make it negative without changing the meaning)
7. Complete the sentences: 5
a) He fled away after the police_____.
b) If it gets worse, we _____.
c) It is high time that you ____.
d) He can not carry 10kg let alone _____.
e) He was so surprised ____.
8. Complete the text adding suffixes, prefixes or the both with the root words: 0.510=5
Some people are endowed with a) imagination power. They have b) create. Such people make c) mortal
creations in different walks of life. They can do something d) thinkable. People respect them very much for
their e) contribute. They f) rich human life, and g) glory human h) civilize. They remain i) live in the hearts
of the people even after their j) depart from this word.
9. Make tag questions of these statements: 15=5
: Living in a large family is not suitable for studying because the atmosphere is noisy there.
: Truly, there is always confusion in the house, a)____?
: Very often you have to share your room with others, b)____?
: Yes, it is a problem. But none can get a family by choice, c)___?
: A nuclear family is better than a large family, d)____?
: Nuclear family has its demerits too. Moreover, we must have to be satisfied, e)____?
10. Complete the passage using suitable connectors: 5
Presently, opportunities for skill training or vocational training are limited to the country’s small number of
polytechnics and some programmes under the Ministry of Youth. a)____ the expansion of Skill training
activities may be looked upon as gainful activities by the government. b)____, the government may conduct
market survey of the sort of skills that have growing domestic demand and in the international labour
market. c)____, it can set up its [raining establishments and programmes and no doubt this will necessitate
some investments on the part of the government. d)____ the investment will promote economic growth and
higher productivity. e)___, the government can also recover the invested sums of money in the long run by
providing, training free of costs or at nominal fees but obliging the recipients of the training to pay back the
full amounts of their training fees in installments from their monthly wages or salaries on finding
employment or setting up their own enterprises.
11. Use capitals and punctuation marks where necessary in the following text: 5
crime is not the subject to think on or not only criminals are responsible for increasing the crime we the
people of society are also responsible for it as we are used to watch the crime happening against our eyes
and we just watch it like a dumb audience

Part B: Composition (40 Marks)

12. Suppose, you are Iftee and you have passed MA. You have seen a vacancy ad for the position of an Lecturer
in a college. Now, write a CV with a cover letter for the post. Your CV should not exceed one page. 8
13. Suppose, you are Salvee, an SSC candidate of Pirbari High School, Manikgonj. You and your classmates
need a Physical Education Teacher, as the post has been vacant for more than a year in your school. Now,
write an application to your Head teacher on behalf of your class requesting him to take necessary steps in
recruiting a Physical Education Teacher for your school. 10
14. Write a paragraph on “A street Accident”. 10
15. Write a composition on “A Journey By Bus”. 12
Model Question-11
English Second Paper
Time: 3 hours Full marks: 100
Part A: Grammar (60 Marks)
1. Fill in the blanks with appropriate words: 0.510=5
Our freedom fighters are a)____ real heroes of our country. We should b)____ them as they sacrificed their
lives c)____ the cause of motherland. It is d)____ matter of great regret that most e)____ them are neglected
and our young generation does not know about their f)____ struggle. Yet today many of g)___ real freedom
fighters have not been found out and established. Some of them lead a very h)___ life. The authorities
should take i)____ steps to enlist them and give them j)____ honour.
2. Fill in the blanks with suitable words: 0.510=5
Once there was a)____ old king. He was averse b)____ physical labour. As a result, he grew very fat and
could not move from one place to another c)____. He called d)____ a doctor. The doctor could easily
understand that the e)___ of the king was the root cause of his f)____. He g)___ that if he could reduce the
obesity of the king the king would feel well. But the only way to do this was to h)____ the king to do
physical i)____. The doctor was afraid how he could ask a king j)____ physical labour.
3. Make five sentences using parts of sentences from each column of the table below: 15=5
We also contribute to our development
Women are neglected in man ways
But they can equal rights to education
Female children have left out after primary education in large numbers
They not claim development without female education

4. Complete the following text with right form verbs: 15=5

In order to solve the problem of a)____ in the examination, the government has b)____, some preventive
measures. First of all, the government c)____ to raise public awareness. Recently the government has d)____
a law that If any student is e)____ copying in the examination hall he/ She will be f)____ from the hall. If
any invigilator is found g)____ any examinee, legal action will be taken against him/ her. Even if outsiders
are found h)____ in helping any examinee in copying, they will also be i) ____. Moreover, the government
has j)_____ examination centers and formed invigilators team to monitor the overall condition of the
examination centres.
5. Change the narrative style of the following text: 5
The man said to the official, “Good morning, sir.” The official said, "How can I help you?" The man said, "I
am looking for a job. Could you provide me with one?" The official said, Sorry, we have no vacancy."
6. Change the sentences according to directions: 110=10
a) All is well. (Complex)
b) It should be solved. (Active)
c) She is not as ugly as you said. (Comparative)
d) Very few women are as ugly as you said. (Superlative)
e) It is nothing but a false idea. (Interrogative)
f) Everybody depends on it. (Negative)
g) Mother Teresa set up Nirmal Hriday at Kolkata. (Compound)
h) The man is not frugal. (Affirmative)
i) Do or die. (Simple)
j) It is said that he is great. (Active)
7. Complete the following sentences: 15=5
a) Ambition means desire _____.
b) Almost all of us cherish ____.
c) ____ and sometimes it is hindered.
d) One can materialize one’s desired ambition only____.
e) ____ ambition needs to study hard.
8. Complete the text adding suffixes, prefixes or the both with the root words given in the parenthesis:
Patriots love their country more than their lives. a)____ (patriot) _____ is a noble virtue. Man without love
for the country can do anything b)____ (harm) ____ to the country. Our history shows that c)____ (patriot)
____ men made nation subservient to the overseas d)___ (rule) ____. They are more dangerous than e)____
(venom) ____ snakes. You can be f)____ (care)____ about them because a snake is not g)____ (visible)
____. But they are men and they h)_____ (easy) ____ mix with you and keep their real character i)____
(exposed) ____. So, you cannot make any j)____ (predict) _____ about the harm they will do.
9. Add tag questions to the following sentences: 1.5=5
a) Congratulation John! You have made an excellent result, ____?
b) Thanks. But my parents and teachers also deserve the credit, _____?
c) Right you are. We ought to remain grateful to them, ____?
d) Certainly you too studied hard, _____?
e) Yes, only hard work brings success, ____?
10. Complete the passage using suitable connectors: 5
21 February is a red-letter day in our national history. It is our pride a)____ no nation of the world as ever
fought for its language the way we fought. So it has now declared as the International Mother Language
Day. The proposal has been passed unanimously in the General Assembly of UNESCO b)____ some
countries pointed out c)____ the incident of the 21st February is related to the Bangalees only. d)____, the
recognition of the day. e)____ the Internaitonal Mother Language Day by UNESCO has upheld the prestige
of Bangladesh allover the world.
11. Use capitals and punctuation marks where necessary in the following text: 5
mina farhana and pooja went to ms haque their english teacher with a view to learning a word ms haque
greets them saying good morning dear students what can I do for you
Part B: Composition (40 Marks)

12. Suppose, you SSC Exam has been over. You have a lot of leisure time. Recently, the British Council has
launched a special course on spoken English. Now, write a CV with a cover letter to the course manager for
enrolment to the course. 8
13. Suppose, you are Kaya. Your father lives in the USA. You have made a good result in the Test Exam. Now,
write an email to your father informing him of your result. 10
14. 'A Winter Morning appears in different mood to different people. It creates both charms and sorrows. Now,
write a paragraph on a 'A Winter Morning' sketching your own feelings. 10
15. Modern age is an age of science and technology. Various scientific devices are being invented day by day to
make our life comfortable. Now, write a composition on 'Wonders of Modern Science' narrating the facilities
they offer us and some misuses of scientific inventions.
Model Question-12
English Second Paper
Time: 3 hours Full marks: 100
Part A: Grammar (60 Marks)

1. Fill in the blanks with the words in the box. You may need to change the forms of some of the words. You
may need to use one word more than once: 0.510=5
the act after an work a educate in
There is a)____ educational program b)____ which each primary school in a community is to be regarded as
c)____ community learning center. The objective is to involve increasingly d)____ parents and members of
the community in the educational e)____ of the school. f)____ adults and the out-of-school youths will come
g)____ the school in the afternoon or in the evening h)____ their i)____. Here they will receive not only
basic j)____ but also practical training in their vocations.
2. Fill in the blanks with suitable words: 0.510=5
a) ____ of children in Bangladesh live b)____ the poverty line. Child mortality c)____ very high. Poverty,
malnutrition, shortage of drinking water, primary health care, teenage motherhood etc. d)____ the causes
e)____ high f)____ mortality. Child trafficking has become g)____ regular phenomenon. Many children are
h)____ used i) ____ camel Jockeys j)____ the Gulf countries.
3. Make five sentences using parts of sentences from each column of the table below: 15=5
i) The traffic jam are offices in time
ii) It cannot reach the worst sufferers of traffic jam
iii) The service holders must be taken a common feature of city life
iv) The patients causes to minimize traffic jam
v) Effective measures is many problems for the urban
4. Complete the following text with right forms of the verbs given in the box. You can use one word more than
once if it is needed: 0.510=5
become face like live try annoy interrogat forbid fight quarrel
I can a)_____ my Rahman uncle. He is my father’s elder brother who is an old widower. He b)____ with us
and all the members of our family are very afraid of him. He is a very ill tempered and fastidious man. I
always c)____ to avoid him. But whenever I d)____ him, he interrogates me in various ways. Sometimes, I
e)_____ fed up with his questions. It is my impression that he often f)____ me for nothing. So, I become
g)____ with him and try to h)____ shy of him. But I do not i)____ with him because my father has j)_____
me to do so and to be audacious.
5. Change the narrative style of the following text: 110=10
a) We are proud of our freedom fighters. (Make interrogative sentence)
b) Their contribution will never be forgotten. (Make affirmative sentence)
c) Their sacrifice is greater than any other thing. (Make positive)
d) But today many of them lead a very miserable life. (Make complex sentence)
e) If we take proper steps, their condition may improve. (Make simple sentence)
f) Their allowance should be increased. (Make active voice)
g) We should respect them. (Make passive voice)
h) We should never forget their sacrifice. (Make affirmative sentence)
i) We should honour their contribution. (Make negative sentence)
j) The freedom fighters are the real heroes. (Make compound sentence)
7. Complete the sentences: 5
a) Karim is a farmer _____.
b) He has land _____.
c) _____ he was worried.
d) There were clouds in the sky but _____.
e) One night, he woke up _____.

8. Complete the text adding suffixes, prefixes or the both with the root words given in the parenthesis: .510=5
Those who live a a)____ (luxury) ____ life are always b)____ (different) ____ to the miseries of the poor.
They enjoy life in c)____ (amuse) ____ and d)___ (merry) ____. They are e)___ (centered) ____ people.
They have little f)____ (realize) ____ of the g)____ (bounded) ____ sufferings of the poor. They remain
h)___ (different) ____ to their sufferings. They feel i)____ (comfort) ____ to work for their j) ____ (better)
9. Make tag questions of these statements: 15=5
a) Environment pollution is the most serious problem of the present world. We all know the enormity of the
problem, ____?
b) You are right. Water, air and sound pollution, cutting down and burning forest, excessive industries,
factories and vehicles have polluted the environment to a great extent, ____?
c) Obviously, the forests, wetlands, seas, and coasts are also in a worse state today than they were before,
d) Yes, it is. Carbon dioxide is increasing and water level is rising as a consequence of global warming,
e) Undoubtedly, there should be a movement towards taxing environmental pollution on the pollution pays
principle _____?
10. Complete the passage using suitable connectors: 5
The world we live in is full of things a)_____ natural and man-made. Both natural and man-made things
constitute our environment. Any abnormal change in chemical, physical b)____ biological characteristics of
the environment is called pollution. It causes a lot of harm to mankind. c)____, it creates health hazards to a
greater extent. So, some effective and positive measures should be taken d)____ prevent environment
pollution. We e)____ the Government should take a hand to create a better environment for living of Earth.
11. Use capitals and punctuation marks where necessary in the following text 5
how is your father bilkis said mr rahmna he is very well thank you bilkis replied i am glad to hear that he is
in good health said mr rahman

Part B: Composition (40 Marks)

12. Suppose, Unilever, a multinational company will recruit a marketing manager in their company. It invites
the persons who are experienced in marketing and sales. Now, write a CV with a cover letter for the post. 8
13. Write an application to the principal of your college on behalf of all the students requesting him for
introducing computer courses in the college as soon as possible. 10
14. “Tree Plantation” is a crying need of the country. Write a paragraph in 250 words on “Tree Plantation” is a
crying need of the country. Write a paragraph in 250 words on “Tree plantation” 10
15. Write a composition on “Your Childhood Memories” narrating why you like it, its main, attractions and your
feelings during that time. 12
Model Question -13
English Second Paper
Time: 3 hours Full marks: 100
Part A: Grammar (60 Marks)

1. Fill in the blanks with the words from the box. You may need to change the forms of some of the words.
You may need to use one word more than once. 0.5  10 = 5
unless in accord an ingenuity the with upon
War is a) ____ ancient institution which has existed for at least six thousand years. It was always wicked
and usually foolish, but in the past the human race managed to live b) ____ it. Modern c) ____ has changed
this. Either man will abolish war, or war will abolish man. For the present, it is nuclear weapons that cause
d) ____ gravest danger, but bacteriological or chemical weapon may, ‘befor long, offer e) ____ even greater
threat. If we succeed f) _____ abolishing nuclear weapons, our work will not be done. It will never be done
g) ____ we have succeed in abolishing war. To do this, we need to persuade mankind to look h) ____
international questions in a new way, not as contests of force, in which the victory goes to the side which is
most skilful i) _____ massacre, but by arbitration in j) ____ with agreed principles of law.
2. Fill in the blanks with suitable words: 0.5  10 = 5
Diligence means a) _____ effort to perform a work successfully’. God has given b) ____ two hands to
work. c) ____ the beginning of the world human being have been d) _____ with nature to keep. hold of their
existence. if they did not struggle, they might have e) ____ long ago. Thus we see diligence is f) ____ in
personal life, social life and national life. The student who is more diligent g) ____ a better result than those
who are not. In the h) ____ way the nations which are more diligent are more improved and more i) _____.
So, to be _____ j) everybody should be diligent.
3. Make five sentences using parts of sentences from each column of the table below: 15=5
Globalization are a blessing for the developed countries
We has created a lot of facilities for the capitalis
Without mutual understanding can easily bring happiness
globalization learn
Now, we would not now living in a high technological world
what is happening in the word
4. Complete the following text with right forms of the verbs given in the box: 0.5  10 = 5
get consider be used invent take use have stop cause
Many wonders have a)_____ with the help of science. Among them mobile phone is b)____ the most up to
date invention. At present, it c)____ more popular with the people and they d)____ it everywhere. But it
e)____ a matter of sorrow that mobile phone is widely f)____ by the terrorists to spread terrorism. So proper
steps should g)____ with a view to h)____ misuse of mobile phone. Besides, it i)____ still some drawbacks
in disguise. Scientists have recently discovered that mobile phone j)____ cancer to the users.
5. Change the narrative style of the following text: 5
“Have you killed the rats?” said the Mayor. “Yes, I have,” said the piper. “Give me the promised money.”
“How funny!” said the Mayor. “We cannot give you so much money. Take only fifty.”
6. Change the sentences according to directions: 110=10
a) Snow White was the fairest of all women. (Positive)
b) The queen ordered her huntsman to kill Snow White. (Passive)
c) The huntsman took the child into the forest but he did not want to kill her. (Complex)
d) He killed a young boar instead and took its lungs and liver to the queen. (Simple)
e) The queen was convinced at it. (Active)
f) Snow White took a shelter in a hut in the forest. (Compound)
g) The hut belonged to seven dwarfs. (Interrogative)
h) She slept in the hut because she was tired. (Simple)
i) When the dwarfs returned to the hut, they saw a beautiful girl. (Compound)
j) They found the girl sleeping. (Complex)
7. Complete the sentences: 15=5
a) If the fog gets thicker, _____.
b) Had I been there _____.
c) ____ as long as our purpose is hones.
d) Drink arsenic uncontaminated water lest, _____.
e) _____ provided the weather is fine.
8. Complete the text adding suffixes, prefixes or both with the root words given in the parenthesis: 0.510=5
There goes a wise saying. "A good company makes a man good while a bad one makes him bad." If anyone
becomes a)_____ (custom) _____ to good manners or behaves well, he can under no circumstances b)____
(behave) ____ with anyone. So, moral c)____ (educate)____ is all important. From their earliest years
d)____ (child) must be taught the e)____ (differ) ____ between right and wrong and trained to love and
follow what is right and hate and avoid what is wrong. So f)____ (train) ____ means the g)____ (form)____
of character on right lines. Its object is to bring h)____ (child) ____ up in such a way that they will grow up
to be truth loving, honest, brave, pure minded and i)____ (selfish) ____ men and women. The home, j)____
(doubt) ____, is the best school for moral education.
9. Make tag questions of these statements: 15=5
a) The unfed ought to be fed, _____?
b) The teacher says, “Charity begins at home, _____?
c) Who doesn’t fear death, ____?
d) I think, she has no interest in it, ____?
e) One should remain grateful to their parents and teachers, _____?
10. Complete the passage using suitable connectors: 15=5
Where there is a will: there is a way. This proverb is quite true. People hate their fate a)____ they cannot get
the result as their wishes. But b)____ a man works deliberately for buildings his future, success will touch
him definitely. There is no magic power c)____ it is the magic of hard work. d)____ when one gets success,
fortune will side him too. The unlucky people rebuke fate. e)____, there is no alternative to work.
11. Use capitals and punctuation marks where necessary in the following text: 5
have you heard the name of aesop asked the teacher no sir who was he read the lesson attentively and then
you will be able to know about him how interesting and instructive his fables are said the teacher

Part B: Composition (40 Marks)

12. Imagine, you are Zahid Khan. You have passed B.Sc and got a diploma on computer. You have seen a
vacancy advertisement for the post of a computer operator in a recognized company. Now, write a CV with a
cover letter for the post. Your CV should not exceed one page. 8
13. Suppose, you are the students of Unsattar Para High School, Chittagong. You want to go on a study tour
because it is beneficial for achieving experience. Now, write an application to the Headmaster of your school
seeking permission to go on a study tour. 10
14. Suppose, you have recently visited a book fair. Write a paragraph in 250 words on "A Book Fair You Have
Visited". 10
15. Modern science has presented us various wonderful and interesting things. Television is one of them. Now,
write a composition on "Uses and Abuses of Television". 12
Model Question-14
English Second Paper
Time: 3 hours Full marks: 100
Part A: Grammar (60 Marks)

1. Fill in the blanks with the words from the box. You may need to change the forms of some of the words.
You may need to use one word more than once. 0.5  10 = 5
flood commuters occurrence discobey tide
wade consider be fall pity
Waterlogging has become a common a)____ in the city of Chittaogng. During monsoon almost all areas of
the city b)_____ a victim to this problem. Heavy downpour of a few minutes changes the scenario of the
whole city. Because of the clogged drams, rainwater c)____ the streets and causes waterlogging. This
condition leads to traffic jam and congestion. People have to stay hours after hours d)____ stuck in the
traffic jam. The pedestrians suffer much as they have to reach their destination e)____ the dirty water. The
condition of most of the streets in Chittagong city has become f)____ after the waterlogging. The broken
roads with potholes are adding to the sufferings of the g)____. Besides this, many areas of the City are
submerged in h)____ water at regular interval. People want to get rid of this situation. They city corporation
should work sincerely i)____ all the aspects of waterlogging. They dwellers also cannot avoid their
responsibility. Nobody should construct building j)____ the building code and also should not throw garbage
in the drains. Practising this kind of habit can contribute significantly to make Chittagong a healthy city.
2. Fill in the blanks with suitable words: .510=5
Education is one of the basic a)_____ of a human being and is b)____ for every kind of development. It
c)____ us to make right choices in life. It d)_____ our ability to raise crops, e)____ food, protect the
environment and f)____ out our social responsibilities. It provides us g)____ an enlightened h)____ about
things. But education has to be i)_____. It is not j)____ adopting degrees from schools, colleges and
universities. It is something more lasting and more humane.
3. Make five sentences using parts of sentences from each column of the table below: 15=5
The people only freedom from foreign domination is an old idea
The real freedom means arise themselves to achieve it
Liberty must freedom from want, desire and ignorance
That freedom does not descend upon people automatically
It is fruit that is be earned before it can be enjoyed
4. Complete the following text with right forms of the verbs given in the box: 0.510=5
look emit come mention be
increase been expose expect lead
In a speech at the 90th Science Congress, internationally acknowledged scientist and former Indian President
Mr. APJ Abdul Kalam a)____ a very important aspect of mankind’s future energy crisis. He pointed out that
the era of wood and biomass has almost b)____ to an end. The age of oil and natural gas would soon c)____
over within the next few decades. Massive burning of world’s coal reserves may d)____ to a worldwide
ecological disaster because coal burning e)____ the highest amount of carbon in the atmosphere. Ukraine’s
Cheyrnobil disaster in 1986 has f)____, that nuclear energy can be potentially dangerous too. So according
to Kalam, the only solution that mankind can g)____ to is the massive use of the solar energy. The energy
sources have always h)_____ a major factor of change throughout the history. The world’s petroleum
consumption has i)____ from 3 billion barrels in 1930 to annually 50 billion barrels. in the next quarter
century, the world’s population is j)____ to be 8 billion which is 30 percent higher than today.
5. Change the narrative style of the following text: 5
Portia said, "God will only have mercy on us if we have mercy on others". Shylock paid no heed to her. All
he wanted his pound of flesh." "Let me see the bond, Shylock," said Portia.
6. Change the sentences according to directions: 110=10
a) Let’s imagine a citizen’s ordinary day at work. (Assertive)
b) The morning probably starts with a cup of tea followed by greetings of the colleagues. (Complex
c) Then comes the inevitable matter which is logging in the computer. (Compound sentence)
d) One checks email after one has logged in. (Simple sentence)
e) It is one of the speediest means of communications. (Positive degree of adjective)
f) Postal mail is not as safe as email. (Comparative degree of adjective)
g) You can check mail, send mail if you have an Internet connection. (Simple Sentence)
h) Could people think of such kind of communication in earlier times? (Use Passive voice)
i) Important files, scanned copies of documents, photos etc. are also sent by email. (Use Active voice)
j) What a fast communication is taking place with the help of ICT! (Assertive sentence)
7. Complete the sentences: 15=5
a) Five years passed since ______. b) I went do Dhaka with a view to _____.
c) Shimu will return the book when _____. d) No sooner had we reached school _____.
e) Kanka pretends as though ____.
8. Complete the text adding suffixes, prefixes or both with the root words given in the parenthesis: 0.510=5
Man has an a)_____ (quench)_____ thirst for knowledge. He is b)____ (satisfy) ____ with what he has
known and seen. He wants to know more and more. This c)____ (curious) ____ to know more conpled with
his d)____ (conquer) _____ spirit of adventure has inspired him to e)____ (take) _____ and carry out
difficult and dangerous tasks. It has f)____ (event)____ resulted in epoch-making discoveries and g)____
(invent)_____ and led him in his h)____ (continue) _____ journey from his i)____ (help) _____ state of
power and progress to prosperity. In the field of science and technology man has many j)____ (achieve)
9. Make tag questions of these statements: 15=5
a) Nobody knows it, _____?
b) The examiners get bored when they find the same answers in all the scripts, ____?
c) Some went to the field and some came home, _____?
d) Never believe what others say, _____?
e) The Secretary and the Chairman of the party remained sitting, _____?
10. Complete the passage using suitable connectors: 15=5
The world we live in is full things a)____ natural and man made. Both natural and man made things
constitute our environment. Any abnormal change in chemical, physical b)____ biological characteristics of
the environment is called pollution. It causes a lot of harm to mankind. c)____ it creates health hazards to a
great extent. So, some effective and positive measure should be taken d)____ prevent environment pollution.
We e)____ the government should work hand in hand to create a better environment for living on earth.
11. Use capitals and punctuation marks where necessary in the following text: 5
william shakespeare the monarch of english literature was born on april 23 1564 in the strartford-on avon his
mother was mary arden and his father was john shakespeare he was not much educated he had little
knowledge of grammar
Part B: Composition (40 Marks)

12. Suppose, you are Rumana Parvin/ Ruman Raihan and you have passed H.S.C. You have seen a vacancy
advertisement for the position for the position of a Receptionist in Hotel Agrabad, Chittagong. Now, write a
CV with a cover letter for the post. Your CV should not exceed more than one page.
13. Suppose, you are Mahmud/ Mahmuda an inhabitant of village Kadamtali. The recent flood has caused a
great loss of life and property in your locality. The villagers are in need of relief goods to survive properties
this situation. Now, write an application to the Chairman of your locality to supply relief goods to the
distressed people immediately. 10
14. Write a paragraph about "Your Favourite Person”. Your paragraph should include the answers of the
following questions. Who is your favourite person? What is his/ her occupation? What traits of his/ her
personality inspire you to aspire? 10
15. Write a composition on the "Unemployment Problem of Bangladesh" focusing the reasons of unemployment
and the suggestions to solve this problem. 12
Model Questio-15
English Second Paper
Time: 3 hours Full marks: 100
Part A: Grammar (60 Marks)

1. Fill in the blanks with the words from the box. You may need to change the forms of some of the words.
You may need to use one word more than once. 0.5  10 = 5
an be extinct ultimate of imperative
in burn nature anticipate a the
The destruction of forests and other habitats is causing the a)_____ of various plants and animals everyday.
b)_____ the last 25 years alone the world has lost one-third of its c)____ wealth. Forests are d)____, cut
down. Moreover, they are being e)____ recklessly resulting in f)____ increase g)____ carbon dioxide and
h)____ the water level is rising as i)____ consequence of global warming. It is j)___ that new century will
face an overwhelming environments catastrophe.
2. Fill in the blanks with suitable words: 0.510=5
a)____ and truly one cannot get b)____ well in the world without money. To be in want of it, is to pass
c)____ life with little d)____ or pleasure. Money doesn’t e)____ to him who doesn’t have any early f)____.
But this sort of men is a g)____. Every human being cannot h)____ need money. But it should not i)____ the
only aim to j)____ after money.
3. Make five sentences using parts of sentences from each column of the table below: 15=5
Wealth brings a wealthy man of course
A multimillionaire may have much attention
His wealth usually needs much worry with happiness
He is also a great responsibility
There ma be may estates and factories
4. Complete the following text with right forms of the verbs given in the box: 0.510=5
combine be contradict read contain attain know ponder
Studies a)_____ part and parcel of human lives. But the reader b)____ what sorts of books why and how he
c)_____. We d)____ read the books for our own sake. To e)____ worldly success, we should f)____ study
and experience. The wise put their studies to practical utility. We g)____ books merely to be able to h)____
with others or to gain material prosperity. We all should read books with a view to i)____ over what we read
and judge the value what the book j)____.
5. Change the narrative style of the following text: 5
"Why should you kill me?" said the fisherman. " I have just freed you. Have you forgotten that?" "No, said
the genie. "But that will not stop me killing you." "What an unlucky man I am for freeing you! Please don’t
kill me".
6. Change the sentences according to directions: 110=10
a) There was an old woman who had, only one son. (Negative)
b) The bereavement of losing her only child overwhelmed the old woman. (Passive voice)
c) She wanted Buddha to bring her dead child to life. (Complex)
d) Buddha was touched by her great sorrow. (Active voice)
e) According to the advice of Buddha she searched for such a house having a handful of mustard but in vain.
f) She became very hopeless and returned to Buddha. (Simple)
g) He told the woman not to be sorry. (Complex)
h) None can escape death. (Interrogative)
i) Buddha consoled her. (Passive)
j) But the memory of losing a child cannot be forgotten. (Affirmative)
7. Complete the sentence with a sentence clause: 15=5
a) The national beast of Bangladesh is Royal Bengal Tiger _____.
b) It is so ferocious _____.
c) Many greedy hunters kill them _____.
d) We should take care of this world famous animal lest _____.
e) The Sundarbans should be a breeding place for them so that ______.
8. Complete the text adding suffixes, prefixes or both with the root words given in the parenthesis: 0.510=5
You must do what you say. If you cannot a)____ (real) ____ your promise people will not trust you. If your
actions are b)____ (justify) ____ people will love you. If they have not any c)____ (justify) ____ you will
prove yourself to be an d)____ (faithful) _____ leader. People will e)____ (believe) ____ you. If you have
once lost your f)____ (credible) ____ you are g)____ (sure) ____ h)____ (doom) ____ to be a failure. So to
maintain people’s trust is your duty and to break the same is an i)____ (sacred)____ task. Let’s do our best
sp that people j)____ (trust)____ us with every activity.
9. Make tag questions of these statements: 15=5
a) Please be seated, _____?
b) Thanks, _____?
c) Have a cup of tea, ____?
d) I hardly take tea, _____?
e) Tea with milk is unhygienic, ____?
10. Complete the passage using suitable connectors: 15=5
A healthy man can do any work. a) ____ he can eat any food he likes. b)____ he can enjoy life in everyday.
c)_____ an unhealthy man is unhappy, for he cannot eat and do what he likes d)_____ he lives and dies
poor. He may have intelligence, merit, and power but he cannot put them to the use and reap their benefits.
e)____, health is the source of all happiness.
11. Use capitals and punctuation marks where necessary in the following text: 5
is there anybody who has ever crossed a river by boat i have teacher i clearly remember what happened In
that journey said jamal
Part B: Composition (40 Marks)
12. Suppose, you are Salma. You have recently completed your MBA. Some Accounts Officers will be recruited
in Dhaka Bank. You are interested to be an Accounts Officer. Now, write a CV with a cover letter for the
post. Your CV should not exceed one page. 8
13. Suppose, you are Habib, a student of class X of Comilla Zilla School, Comilla. The students of class X are
willing to go on a study tour. Now, write an application to the Headmaster of your school seeking
permission to go on a study tour. 10
14. Write a paragraph on “A Rainy Day”. 10
15. Write a composition on ‘Recent Flood in Bangladesh’. 12
Model Question-16
English Second Paper
Time: 3 hours Full marks: 100
Part A: Grammar (60 Marks)

1. Fill in the blanks with the words is the box. You may need to change the forms of some of the words. You
may need to use one word more than once. 0.510=5
outer moral respect chaotic living social already morality real peace

Our society has a)____ changed externally and internally. The ethics and b)____ values of our society are
supposed to be c)_____. We have been vocal in d)____ of honesty and morality. We have been gentle in
e)____ term but not in f)____ term. The world is running after g)____ fashion and get up. So, the society is
full of h)____ disorder and the people i)____ here have elements of comfort but not in j)____.
2. Fill in the blanks with suitable words: 0.510=5
Drug addiction is now a a)____ problem. The social cancer b)____ its poisonous c)____all over the world. It
has d)____ the young generation, even in the poor countries e)____ Bangladesh. It is spreading f)____. The
term drug addiction means strong g)____ for various h)_____ of drugs like opium, heroin, morphine etc. It
has created on i)_____ situation in the world. j)____ is the main cause of drug addiction.
3. Make five sentences using parts of sentences from each column of the table below: 15=5
Culture badly influenced by dish antenna and so on
Hospitality be hands at greeting only with males, not with females
But culture includes a term used for a way of complete life
It shake a society’s belief, custom, language, dress, eating habit
We a part of Bangladesh culture
4. Complete the following text with right forms of the verbs given in the box: 0.510=5
act damage compare has result consider overcome breed build rise
Self-control is a)_____ a great power. It b)_____ all other virtues. Man generally c)____ on impulses and
strong desires. Vicious desires d)____ the purity of heart and mind e)_____ in the degeneration of human
nature. It is self-control that can help a man f)____ up a pure character which is very essential to g)____
above the level of inhumanity. Nothing can be h)____ to self-control to i)_____ inhumanity. So everybody
j)____ to endeavour for being self controlled.
5. Change the narrative style of the following text: 5
"Where is my son?" said the grocer. "A crow carried your son away," said the fruit-seller. "You liar! How
can a crow carry away such a big boy?" "Just the same way as mice can eat away the balance and weights,"
6. Change the sentences according to directions: 110=10
a) Man has in born curiosity to know the unknown. (Complex)
b) One can do many things so that one can fulfil one’s indomitable desire, (Simple)
c) A person usually tries to find out the things and beings surrounding him. (Interrogative)
d) He evaluates others very critically. (Exclamatory)
e) And thus he gathers experience throughout, his lifetime trying himself to know the unknown. (Compound)
f) If is very difficult to understand and realize our ownselves. (Negative)
g) But self-criticism is the best way to measure one’s self. (Positive)
h) Therefore, importance of knowing oneself can never be denied. (Active)
i) No other thing is as important as the identification of one’s identity. (Comparative)
j) Though it appears to be very difficult to find out our limitations, it is also instructive and constructive for
developing one’s self. (Compound)
7. Complete the sentences:
a) Many dishonest people cut trees so that _____.
b) But if we cut trees at random _____.
c) Besides, trees bring rainfall _____.
d) _____ without which we can’t live.
e)____ since trees help us in many ways.
8. Complete the text adding suffixes, prefixes or the both with the root words given in the parenthesis:
The dowry system is a a)____ (society) ____ curse. It is nothing less than a b)____ (dread) ____ bane to a
family with a c)____ (marriage) ____ daughter or sister. A poor family with a maiden. or spinster finds it
d)____ (possible) ____ to marry her off. In many cases parents of such brides are e)___ (force) ____ to
promise dowry. Often such a f)____ (help)____ girl is g)____ (brute)____ tortured within a few weeks of
her family’s h)____ (able) ____ to pay the promised dowry. No doubt, it is a i)____ (lust) ____ demand of
some covetous people. It is high time our eligible bachelors started shouting a big ‘No’ to this heinous vice,
We must raise voice against, this j)____ (abominate) ____ crime.
9. Make tag questions of these statements: 15=5
a) Man is fond of turning back to the past, _____?
b) The present is gold but the past was golden, _____?
c) Everybody hardly forgets the past, ____?
d) Nothing is more pleasant to him than the memories of childhood, _____?
e) The memories of childhood really haunt us, _____?
10. Complete the passage using suitable connectors: 5
Every citizen has some duties and responsibilities for his nation. a)____ most of the people, are careless in
this respect. People of this country has achieved national identity at the cost of a great sacrifice b)___ is still
evaluated nationally c)____ some selfish people never give them recognition. d)____ we all should do some
benevolent activities e)____ we will be guilty to the nation.
11. Use capitals and punctuation marks where necessary in the following text: 5
hold your tongues he muttered glaring fiercely in their faces nave you not read the warning on the door we
pray for allahs pardon cried the dervishes our lives are at your mercy

Part B: Composition (40 Marks)

12. Suppose, Unilever, a multinational manufacturing company will recruit a marketing manager in their
company. It invited the person who are experienced in marketing and sales. Now, write a CV with a cover
letter for the post. Your CV should not exceed one page. 8
13. Imagine, you are Rafin, your friend is Ratul. Now, write an email to your friend advising him: to read
English newspaper daily. 10
14. Answer the following questions to write a paragraph on ‘Environment Pollution’. 10
a) What do you mean by environment pollution?
b) How are the main elements of the environment being polluted?
c) What are the effects of environment pollution?
d) How can we save the environment from pollution?
e) Which steps should our government take to control pollution?
15. Computer is a part and parcel of modern age. Now, write a composition on “Computer” mentioning its
merits and Demerits. 12
Model Question-17
English Second Paper
Time: 3 hours Full marks: 100
Part A: Grammar (60 Marks)

1. Fill in the blanks with the words is the box. You may need to change the forms of some of the words. You
may need to use one word more than once. 0.510=5
of at generous a charity in help an think

Charity is a)_____ inclination of heart to help others in distress and to b)____ good of others. Charity is
c)____ noble human quality. It makes one’s heart d)____. It is the feeling of sympathy e)____ other’s wants.
There are various ways f)____ practising charity. The practice of giving alms is g)____act of charity. But it
is not h)____ in all cases. Charity should be extended to i)____ the real needy. Charity should aim j)____
removing the sufferings of the poor.
2. Fill in the blanks with suitable words: 0.510=5
Patriotism is a noble virtue. It inspires a man to a)____ the last drop b)____ blood to defend the c)____ of
his country. A man without patriotism is not better than d)____ beast. A true e)_____ is honoured by all. He
thinks for the f)____ of his country. On g)____ other hand, h)____ unpatriotic man thinks only i)____ his
own interest. Those who die for the country are true patriots. They are remembered even j)____ their death.
3. Make five sentences using parts of sentences from each column of the table below: 15=5
Unemployment create opportunities for self-employment
It is not depend on the government to provide them with jobs
The unemployed should the best solution to the problem of unemployment
The government a curse
Creation of self-employment weakens the body and mind of our young generation

4. Complete the following text with right forms of the verbs given in the box: 0.510=5
build control damage act breed rise lack have resist overcome
Self-control a)____ all other virtues. Man generally b)____ in impulses and strong desires. Vicious desires
c)____ the purity of hearts and mind resulting in the degradation of human nature. It is self-control that can
help a man d)____ up a pure character, which is very essential to e)____ above the level of inhumanity. A
man who f)_____ tolerance g)____ himself. He can’t h)____ the problems that he focuses in society. A man
devoid of self-control does not i)____ a strong sense of humanity whereby he can j)_____ his harmful
5. Change the narrative style of the following text: 5
"What are you writing?" The angel looked up and replied in a sweet tone, "The name of those who love the
Lord." "And is mine one?" asked Abu. "No, your name is not included here," replied the angel. Abu said,
"Please write down my name as one who loves his fellow men."
6. Change the sentences according to directions: 110=10
a) Nelson Mandela was the greatest leader of South Africa. (Comparative)
b) In fact, very few leaders in the world were as great as he. (Superlative)
c) All his life he struggled against apartheid. (Compound)
d) It was the government policy of racial segregation. (Negative)
e) The black were not treated kindly. (Affirmative)
f) The black were not subjected to all sorts of indignities. (Complex)
g) Even dogs received much better treatment than the black. (Positive)
h) The great leader vowed so that he could put an end to the inhuman practice. (Simple)
i) He was thrown behind the prison bars. (Active)
j) But the oppressive rulers could not break his spirit. (Passive)
7. Complete the sentences: 15=5
a) Walk very carefully lest, _____.
b) The poor man is too hungry to ____.
c) I came here with a view to _____.
d) The higher we fly, the harder ____.
e)____, he never stopped his studies.
8. Complete the text adding suffixes, prefixes or the both with the root words given in the parenthesis:
a)____ (Confidence)____ makes a man reach his goal of life. The lack of b)____ (determine)____ leads one
to lose his confidence. You need it to overcome the problem in life. First fix up target in life. Then try
c)____ (sincere) ____ to gain success. Don’t lose heart if you fail first Remember that d)____ (fails) _____
paves the way of success. Success without e)____ (compete)____ is not enjoyable. f)____ (determine)____
keeps you g)_____ (mental)____ strong and you make h)____ (prepare)____ for struggle to reach the i)____
(destine)____. Failure makes a man more to work with j)____ (renew)____ vigor and energy.
9. Make tag questions of these following statements: 15=5
a) Mr. Rahman has gone to England. He has few friends there, _____?
b) Newspaper is the storehouse of knowledge. So the importance of reading newspaper can hardly be
exaggerated, _____?
c) Nothing is more pleasant to him than the memories of childhood, _____?
d) "Courtesy costs nothing but pays more." It is all who should know the maxim, _____?
e) How disgusting! _____?
10. Complete the passage using suitable connectors: 5
Man has got a certain and very brief lease of time, a)____ when the last syllable of his recorded time comes,
he has to drink the cup of death. It matters little b)____ he lives thirty years or forty years or eighty years. A
man living in long time may not be honoured in his life time, c)____ rich he may be. His name may sink into
oblivion d)_____ he does not do anything great and noble or if he does not render great services to mankind.
e)____ if a man gets a very short span of life but does great and noble deeds and actions, his name will be
saved from eternal silence.
11. Use capitals and punctuation marks where necessary in the following text: 5
suppose we are in some danger said miss mebbin nonsense said mrs packletide its a very old tiger it could
not spring up here even if it wanted to if its an old tiger i think you ought to get it cheaper a thousand taka is
a lot of money

Part B: Composition (40 Marks)

12. Suppose, BAT, a multinational company will recruit a computer programmer in their company. It invites the
person who is experienced in computer programming. Now, write a CV with a cover letter for the post. Your
CV should not exceed one page. 8
13. Suppose, you are an inhabitant of Lalkhan Bazar, Ctg. The street of your area have been damaged. Now,
write an email to the Mayor of Chittagong City Corporation for repairing the damage road of your area 10
14. Write a paragraph about "The Life of a Street Hawker" by answering the following questions: 10
a) Who are called street hawkers?
b) Where is their working area?
c) Whet kind of articles they sell?
d) Who are their customers?
e) How are they treated?
f) How can they better their condition?
15. Write a composition on “The Season you like most”. 12
Model Question-18
English Second Paper
Time: 3 hours Full marks: 100
Part A: Grammar (60 Marks)

1. Fill in the blanks with the words from the box. You may need to change the forms of some of the words.
You may need to use one word more than once. .510=5
forward gratefulness or appreciation the to natural the friendship from

Gratefulness is a)____ acknowledgment and b)____ of help received c)____ others. In the society we cannot
do all things alone. Sometimes we need the help of others. We are interdependent in the society. A man may
be in danger d)____ in problem. It is a e)____ instinct in man to come f)____, because of his fellow feeling,
g)_____ and kinship with help is for the needy. To acknowledge and appreciate such help is h)____.
Gratefulness comes from i)_____ depth of the heart and finds its manifestation in looks, words and deeds of
the grateful man. The grateful man feels highly obliged j)_____ the benefit he has received.
2. Fill in the blanks with suitable words: .510=5
Freedom does not come a)____ people must raise them b) ___ it. It must be earned c) ____ it can be
enjoyed. According to d)____ old idea, freedom means freedom f) _____ want, disease and ignorance. g)
____ real freedom, must free our people h) _____ want, disease and ignorance. We can i) ____ our rightful
place in the modern word j) _____ using all our resources and all other energies.
3. Make five sentences using parts of sentences from each column of the table below: 15=5
Culture badly influenced by foreign culture.
Hospitality; is hands at greeting only with males
But our culture includes a term used for a way of life
It shake a society’s beliefs, customs, language and so on
We a part of our culture
4. Complete the following text with right forms of the verbs given in the box: 0.510=5
encourage say observe come increase establish add proclai develop give
The UNESCO a) ___ February 21 as the International Mother Language Day b) ____ world in wide in
recognition of the sacrifices of the martyrs for c) ___ the rightful place of Bangla. The declaration d) ____
in the form of a resolution generally in sNovember 1999. The UNESCO e) ____ that collectively the
recognition, f) ____ bearing in mind that to g) ____ mother tongue, widely will not only h) ____ variety to
language and i) _____ multilingualism but also j) ____ fuller awareness about language and cultural
traditions throughout t he word.
5. Change the narrative style of the following text: 5
“May I come in, sir?” a boy standing at the door said to him. Then without waiting for his reply the boy
entered the rooom and said, “Sir, I have come from Palashpur with this letter from Mr Ajit Bose. “Ajit Bose?
How is he?” he said smiling. “He is not well. He has been suffering from a serious illness for two years”. the
boy said. “How sad it is! May God cure him soon, “ said he.
6. Change the sentences according to directions: 110=10
a) Internet is the most miraculous invention of science (Comparative)
b) It has brought about an unthinkable revolution in the field of communication (Complex)
c) It is a computer network which connects other network and computers across the globe. (Simple)
d) This network is interlinked with telephone line. (Active)
e) Internal connection must require a telephone set. (Negative)
f) it also requires a modem and a special kind of software. (Complex)
g) There are not more than two types of Internet. (Affirmative)
h) The great leader vowed so that he could put an end to the inhuman practice. (Simple)
i) Internet users can get any sort of information very easily and quickly. (Passive)
j) Thus Internet has done a wonderful job. (Exclamatory.
7. Complete the sentences: 15=5
a) Walk very carefully lest, _____.
b) The poor man is too hungry to ____.
c) I came here with a view to _____.
d) The higher we fly, the harder __________.
e)____, he never stopped his studies.
8. Complete the text adding suffixes, prefixes or the both with the root words given in the parenthesis:
Newspaper carries a) ____ (inform) ____ and news. Sometime it becomes a b) ____ (propaganda) ____ and
publishes propaganda. Thus it c)____ (bitter) ___ relation among different parties. Moreover, Yellow d)
____ (journal) ____ is very harmful. The journalist should be e) ____ (based) ____ while collecting news.
All journalists must maintain f) ____ (honest) ____ and g) ____ (neutral) ____. They should not try to h)
____ (fool) ____ the members of the public by publishing false news. Any i) ____ (representation) ____ or
j) ____ (exaggerate) ___ of news is not welcome; they must be true to their profession.
9. Make tag questions of these following statements: 15=5
a) A barking dog seldom bites, ________?
b) Sweet are the uses of adversity, ______?
c) Have a cup of tea, _____?
d) God will help us, _____?
e) You ought to clean the room,_____?
10. Complete the passage using suitable connectors: 5
There are a group of rich farmers in our country. a)____ their number is very few. They often get enough
from their land to meet up their daily necessaries. They may buy clothes, cosmetics and ornament for their
wives, sons, and daughters, b)___, may save some money left for further investments. c)____ they get up
late in the morning, then they take breakfast. After that they go to the bungalow and discuss other matters. d)
____ they settle disputes of the villagers. e)____ midday meal they often take a nap.
11. Use capitals and punctuation marks where necessary in the following text: 5
what is time by your watch he said its half past ten i replied i want to go to college he said would you
accompany me please no i am sorry

Part B: Composition (40 Marks)

12. Think that, Cambridge College, a leading educational institution in Dhaka city, invites applications for a
senior computer operator. Imagine, you are Shaurav/ Shuravi, working in Little Jewels’ School, Chittagong
as a computer operator. You are interested to work in Cambridge College. Now, write a CV with a cover
letter for the post. Your CV should not exceed one page. 8
13. Suppose, you are the students of Mirpur Ideal School, Dhaka. Unfortunately, there is no Language Club in
your school. Now, write an application to your Headmaster for establishing a language club in your school.
14. Climate change is the most important issue at present allover the world. The climate is changing rapidly that
results in the rise of the earth’s average temperature. The global climate is changing and its consequences are
leaving a bad impact on the developing countries like Bangladesh. Now, write a paragraph on "Climate
Change" by answering the following questions in about 250 words. 10
a) What are the reasons behind climate change?
b) What are the bad impact of climate change?
c) Who are the victims of climate change?
d) How can we reduce the bad effects of climate change?
e) Do you think media can play a great role in creating awareness and inspiring people to take steps to save
the developing countries like us from the bad impacts of climate change?
15. Television is the most common and widespread source of entertainment of the present, world. Television
now telecasts a wide ranges of programmes aiming at viewers of all class and all ages and their diverse tastes
and demands. And satellite television has added a new dimension to TV programmin and telecasting. Now,
write a composition on "Uses and Abuses of Television." 12
Model Question-19
English Second Paper
Time: 3 hours Full marks: 100
Part A: Grammar (60 Marks)

1. Fill in the blanks with the words is the box. You may need to change the forms of some of the words. You
may need to use one word more than once. 0.510=5
cost behaviour remain form conduct
culture sense superio have discipline

Good manners a)_____ an important part of our education. Our education b)____ incomplete if we do not
learn good manners. In our c)____ with others we must d)____ proper respect for them. We should have a
e)_____ of fitness in our f)_____ with others. We should show respect to our g)____. It is necessary for a
h)_____ society. Good manners i)_____ us nothing. So good manners should be a part of our j)_____.
2. Fill in the blanks with suitable words: 0.510=5
Natural gas is one of the greatest a)_____ of our country. It has b)____ to many countries to earn foreign
c)_____. It is said that Bangladesh is d)_____ on natural gas. This natural gas is a e)____ of our nation. It
can do a lot f)____ the air quality of our cities, if we can use it in lieu of other g)_____. After h)____ natural
gas does not produce any particular matter such as sulphur oxide or nitrogen oxide. So the government has
i)____ to j)____ petroleum powered vehicles to CNG powered vehicles.
3. Make five sentences using parts of sentences from each column of the table below: 15=5
Housing now on the increase
Thousands of people suffer be solved immediately
The cost of construction is very difficult for common people
It must from this problem in big cities, even in rural areas
This problem an acute problem in our count
4. Complete the following text with right forms of the verbs given in the box: 0.510=5
read include have discharg provide attain contain perform be confine
There is no rose without thorn, no rights without duties, and no pleasures without pain. No wonder than that
a student a)_____ certain duties to b)____. He has to c)_____ duties to his own, to his parents to his family,
to his country and what d)____ more to God. The first and foremost duty of a student is to e)_____
knowledge. But he must not f)____ himself to the prescribed books. Apart from g)______ the prescribed
books, students should read reference books h)____ information for them in practical life. They should read
books which are not i)_____ in the syllabus but can j)_____ them with knowledge of moral values.
5. Change the narrative style of the following text: 5
"Hello sir, may I ask you a question?" "Oh, yes. But why?' "Sir, I could not understand a lesson that you
taught in the classroom yesterday". "Oh I see. Ok, if you are free after this period, come to me in the
teachers’ common room." 'Thank you, sir". "Most welcome, my son:
6. Change the sentences according to directions given in the brackets: 110=10
a) All men must die. (Negative)
b) It matters little if a man lives many years or not. (Interrogative)
c) Our life is not measured by months or years. (Change voice)
d) The people who live only for their own interest are not real human beings. (Simple)
e) Their life is not better than that of a beast. (Positive)
f) If we do something good to the society, we can be immortal. (Negative)
g) People will always remember those who do something for the society. (Interrogative)
h) Isn’t it our responsibility to do good deeds? (Assertive)
i) Unless we care for other’s interest, we won’t be able to lead a better life. (Affirmative)
j) We must remember the above to make a peaceful society. (Complex)
7. Complete the sentences: 15=5
a) Had the students done their duties properly, _______.
b) He can lend you some money provided _____.
c) It sounded as though ______.
d) This is the reasonable income ________.
e)______ unless unemployment problem can be removed.
8. Complete the text adding suffixes, prefixes or both with the root words given in the parenthesis:
The people having good character lead a a)_____ (virtue)____ life. Their b)____ (think) and c)____
(behave) ____ show high moral values. They cannot even think of doing any d)____ (moral) ____ deed. One
of the most positive qualities of these people is e)____ (tolerate) _____ towards others. Tolerance and
respect to others can make life f)____ (harmony) ____ and peaceful in the society. If a man becomes g)____
(tolerant) _____, life becomes difficult and almost impossible for that person. As we want to live in h)____
(happy) _____, we must learn social norms. By obeying social norms, we can enjoy i)____ (heaven)____
pleasure on earth, On the other hand, we will suffer a lot if we show our j)_____ (obey) ____ to these
9. Make tag questions of the following statements: 15=5
a) The Creator is second to none, _____?
b) What he says, may be true, _____?
c) He can hardly succeed in life, ____?
d) Yes, let’s go to the canteen, _____?
e) Let us always speak the truth, ______?
10. Complete the passage using suitable connectors: 15=5
a)____, there are some differences between practical knowledge and bookish knowledge. b)____ often they
are thought to be the same. c)____ a man is educated in the truest sense, he will be able to lead a life
completely different from others. d)_____ he can distinguish between right and wrong. e)____ education is
very important.
11. Use capitals and punctuation marks where necessary in the following text: 5
what are you whispering about inquired the eldest of the sisters mistress said the porter rising to his feet my
friends desire to know the history of the two black bitches and why you whipped them and then fondled
them and kissed them
Part B: Composition (40 Marks)

12. Suppose, you are Rakibul Alam. After graduation, you have completed a course on computer. You have seen
a vacancy advertisement for the post-of a computer operator in a recognized private company. Now, write a
CV with a cover letter for the post. Your CV should not exceed one page. 8
13. Suppose, you are Shamim Iqbal. You read in Nurpur Zilla School, Chittagong. Your school has a beautiful
common room but it lacks modern facilities. Now, write an application to your Headmaster for increasing
common room facilities. 10
14. Write a paragraph on "Mobile Phone". 10
15. Write a composition on "Your Visit to a place of historical interest ". 12
Model Question-20
English Second Paper
Time: 3 hours Full marks: 100
Part A: Grammar (60 Marks)

1. Fill in the blanks with the words is the box. You may need to change the forms of some of the words. You
may need to use one word more than once. .510=5
work after involvement the enable a in of
Our aim is to educate girls a)____ the fullest sense. b)____ they have left school, they should be confident
and have the c)_____ to express themselves clearly. They should also have d)_____ well developed sense
e)____ right and wrong, a sense of duty and a belief in their own worth. The member of f)____ staff has a
long tradition of encouraging pupils to discover their gifts and abilities in a secure and happy environment.
We regard our students as young adults and g)_____ them in decision concerning their h)_____ and school
life. We should remember that i)_____ girls are j)____ future hope of our nation.
2. Fill in the blanks with suitable words: .510=5
Freedom does not come a)_____. People must b)____ themselves to it. It must be c)____ before it can be
enjoyed. According to an d)____ idea, freedom means freedom from foreign e)____. Freedom really means
f)____ from want, disease and ignorance. For g)____ freedom, we must h)____ our people from want,
disease and ignorance. We can i)____ our rightful place j)_____ the modern world by using all our resources
and energies.
3. Make five meaningful sentences from the table below: 15=5
The authoress rented a quiet isolated place to do some serious writing.
She wanted the boy for chopping wood
The orphanage was a cabin which belonged to the orphanage
The boy asked about 12 years old but looked smaller
She for a boy or a man to come and chop wood for her
4. Complete the passage with suitable verbs from the list. Put them in the correct tenses. Use negative where
necessary: 15=5
stop escape study dominate educate waste envelop
It is high time you a)____ for the examination. You b)____ much time wandering aimlessly and doing
meaningless job. Don’t you know that your parents, teachers and relatives highly expect you to c)____. But
if you are not serious right from now, your future will d)____ in darkness. Nothing can e)_____ you from
such miserable condition.
5. Change the narrative style of the following text: 5
The beggar said, "please, give me some alms. I have nobody to look after me." "Where do you live?" said
the man. "In a slum near the station. My suffering beggars description," said the beggar.
6. Change the sentences according to directions: 110=10
a) Whenever we may cast our eyes, we notice the achievements of science. (Simple)
b) There electricity lights the streets and houses. (Passive)
c) The radio broadcasts news, songs and lectures. (Passive)
d) There is cinema to delight you in the evening. (Complex)
e) Computer is the most important invention of modem science. (Positive)
f) We cannot go without it. (Interrogative)
g) Internet is not less important than computer. (Positive)
h) It helps us know about the world. (Compound)
i) It is needed in every office. (Active)
j) Having a good effect, it helps us. (Compound)
7. Complete the following sentences: 15=5
a) Unemployment is a state_______.
b) It is a social evil ______.
c)______ the development of the country will be accelerated.
d) This is the reasonable income ______.
e)_____ unless unemployment problem can be removed.

8. Complete the text adding suffixes, prefixes or the both with the root words given in the parenthesis:
Courtesy is a virtue. It goes without saying that courtesy costs nothing but gives a lot. So, we should possess
this virtue. That is, we must have a)_____ (polite) _____. People will b)____ (respect) _____ and c)____
(like) ____ us if we are d)_____ (courteous)_____. Nobody likes e)____ (courtesy)______. We should try to
be gentle from our student life. We can win the heart of our enemy by being f)____ (courtesy) _____. We
can ensure the g)____ (move) _____ of hatred and anger by h)____ (brace) _____ our enemy. Courtesy can
eradicate the i)_____ (bit) _____ relationship and improve mutual understanding and j)_____ (cordial)
_____ among people.
9. Make tag questions of these following statements: 15=5
a) It is our moral obligation to think of the maintenance of neighbourhood, ______?
b) Undoubtedly, it’s must for our daily life. But some of our inconsiderate neighbours do not think it wrong
to enjoy music in a loud sound, _____?
c) And our neighbour;s young son has started smoking, _____?
d) I know it very well. His smoking habit may affect our youngsters. Besides, our next-door neighbours
leave their daily waste out of the front door, _____?
e) Cleanliness improves our health and elevates our mind. So, we cannot remain silent in the maintenance of
neighbourhood, _____?
10. Complete the passage using suitable connectors: 5
"Where there is a will, there is a way." This proverb is quite true. People hate their fate a)_____ they cannot
get the result as their wishes. But b)_____ a man works deliberately for building his future, success will
touch him definitely. There is no magic power c)____ it is the magic and hard work. d)____ when one gets
success, fortune will side him too. The unlucky people rebuke the fate. e)____ there is no alternative to
11. Use capitals and punctuation marks where necessary in the following text: 5
my good aeriel said prospero to his slave when he made him free i shall miss you yet you shall have freedom
thank you my dear master said aeriel but give me leave to attend your ship home with a prosperous gale
before you bid farewell to the assistance of your faithful servant

Part B: Composition (40 Marks)

12. Suppose, you are Rima and you have passed HSC, You have seen a vacancy ad for the position of a
computer operator in a mobile company. Now, write a CV with a cover letter for the post. Your CV should
not exceed one page. 8
13. Imagine, you are Rupa, student of class X. Your class is interested to go on a study tour to the Sunderbans, a
world heritage site. Now, write an application to the Headmaster expressing your desire about it. 10
14. Suppose, you have visited a lot of bus stands and got there much experience. Write a paragraph in 250 words
on "A Bus Stand". 10
15. A student has many duties outside his receiving education. He has to do many things for society. Now, write
a composition on "The Duties of Students" narrating what a student should do out of his acquiring
knowledge. 12
Model Question-21
English Second Paper
Time: 3 hours Full marks: 100
Part A: Grammar (60 Marks)
1. Fill in the blanks with the words is the box. You may need to change the forms of some of the words. You
may need to use one word more than once. .510=5
from instinct take dignity core in
remember meeting bear pretender mock our a
Patriotism is a noble virtue. It is an inherent a) ____ in human nature. It inspires b) ___ man to shed every
drop of blood to defend the liberty: c) ____ of the country. But patriotism should not merely a d) ____
slogan in the public e) ____ to deceive the people. It should be cherished in the f) ____ of heart and
materialized in our deeds. Everybody should g) ____ in mind that a h) ____ must be defeated. Nobody will
i) ____ and honour a j) _____ patriot.
2. Fill in the blanks with suitable words. .5  10 = 10
Language a) ____ very important role in our life. We use language from the b)____ we wake up in the
morning c) ____ we go to bed at night. We use language d) ____ different purposes. We use language to
e)____ our ideas, thought and feelings, to f) _____ our message as to pass g) ___. information to others. So
language is h) ____ present in our activities. It is an i) ____ part of what we are, what we do and j) ____
3. make five sentences from the following table 15=5

The UNESCO was tabled in the form of an unanimous resolution

The proclamation was given a great tribute and glowing homage to the language martyrs
It is in Bangladesh
The recognition proclaimed to spread mother tongues widely
The resolution came February 21 as the International Mother Language Day in 1999
4. Complete the following text with right forms of the verbs given in the box. 0.5  10 = 5
become grow strong ask demand
reflect make call celebrate play
International Women’s Day a) ____important allover the world for women in developed and developing
countries alike. The b) _____ international women’s movement, which has been c) ____ by four global
United Nation’s Women’s Conferences, d) ____ for co-ordinate efforts to e) ____ women’s right and
participation in the political and economic process. Increasingly, the International Women’s Day is a time to
f) ____ on progress g) ____ to h) ____ for change and to i) ____ acts of courage and determination by
ordinary women who have j) ____ an extraordinary role in the history of women’s right.
5. Change the narrative style of the following text. 5
Suddenly a voice called out. “Good morning gentlemen. Where are you going? What are you doing here?”
Oh, nowhere and nothing.” But you look so pensive, why”? Yes you are right. We are looking for
something.” said the six blind men.
6. Change the following sentences as directed. 1  10 = 10
a) A king was very fond of knowing his future from astrologer. (Make it Compound)
b) A good astrologer happened to stop at his capital on his way to Benaras. (Complex)
c) The king called on him to know his future. (Complex)
d) The astrologer told him something unpleasant. (Passive)
e) The king said. “Man like you should not live.” (Affirmative).
f) “The stars declare that I shall die only a week before your majesty. (Simple)
g) “I shall wait to receive you.” (Complex)
h) The king became so puzzled that he could not speak. (Simple)
i) He turned pale. (Negative)
j) Drive the wretch away. (Voice)
7. Complete the following text adding suffixes, prefixes or both with the root words given in the brackets.
a) Scarcely had he told the story ____.
b) Had I done well in the examination _____.
c) ____ as if I were in a dream.
d) Make hay ____.
e) Ten years passed since ____.
8. Complete the following text adding suffixes, prefixes or both with the root words given in the brackets.
Physical exercise increases our appetite and improves a) (digest) ____ power. If anybody suffers from b)
_____ (digest), _____ he should take physical exercise. Proper c) (digest) _____ of food removes his loss of
appetite. Physical exercise removes d) ____ (constipate) ____ and helps proper blood e) ____ (circulate)
(Proper) ____ blood circulation in our bodies may cause i) ____ (predict) ____ diseases. So, we must j) ____
(sure) ____ proper blood circulation in our bodies.
9. Make tag questions of the following statements 15=5
a) Most of us hardly know about the dire consequences of deforestation ___?
b) A few students qualified the text exam, ____?
c) Bangladesh is too small to accommodate her population, ____?
d) He rarely put on an overcoat, ____?
e) Trousers sold cheap, ____?
10. Complete the passage using suitable connectors. 15=5
Alexander was only ten years old a) ____ he came to the throne, b) ____ even as a child he had shown
fierce courage, a thirst for knowledge c) ____ a desire to conquer. He believed that d) ____ Achilles, he too
had gods as his ancestors and that he, e) ______ had a divine right to conquer and rule the world.
11. Use capitals and punctuation marks where necessary in the following text. 5
mr foxs very clever the other foxes said whets he going to tell us mr fox said listen to me my friends i have
made a discovery do you what to know about it yes of course what is the discovery.

Part B: Grammar (60 Marks)

12. Suppose, you are Ryhan. You have completed your graduation. You have seen a v acancy ad for the position
of a Librarian in school. Now, write a CV with a cover letter for the post. Your CV should not exceed one
page. 8
13. Write an email to the manager of a travel agency canceling the ticket that you had bought last week. 10
14. Write a paragraph on “Food Adulteration”;
a) What is food adulteration?
b) How is food adulteration?
c) Who are responsible for food adulteration?
d) What is the impact of it? e) What can be the remedies?
15. Write a composition on ‘Discipline’. 12
Model Question-22
English Second Paper
Time: 3 hours Full marks: 100

Part A: Grammar (60 Marks)

1. Fill the blanks with the words from the box. You may need to change the forms of some of the words. You
may need to use one word more than once 0.5 10 = 10 [
thereby as be warmer gradual prediction
change that destroy pollution there increasing

The world is getting a) ____ because of pollution. Every year millions of people all over the word die as a
result of b) ____ of. In the recent years c) ____ have been alarming reports that the world’s climate d) ____
undergoing a significant e) ____. All these reports provide strong evidence f) _____ world temperatures are
g)_____ day by day. Climatologist h)_____ that midway through the next century temperatures may have
risen as much i)_____ 40c. This could raise sea levels and j)_____ flood coastal areas and farmlands.
3. Make five sentences using parts of sentences from each column of the table below. 15=5
Education ennobles the liberation of restrictions and habits which limit
one’s humanity
The purpose of education broadens prosper in life without education
It is our mind and refines our sensibility
Nobody can our outlook
the process by which our mind develops through
4. Complete the following text with forms of the verbs given in the box. 0.5  10 = 5
run speed wear have enjoy be earn bring make enrich
Money a) ____ one happy unless it b) ____ through fair means. There are people who c) ____ a lot of
money but it d) ____ peace of mind to them. Their hours and days e) ____ only for earning money. Thus
they get used to f) ____ after it till death. They g) ___ their bags of money but their money is a liability to
them. Costly dress h) ____ by them but their costly dress cannot give them peace. On the other hand the
poor i) ___ happy though they do not have wealth or money. They j) ____ the peace of mind.
5. Change the narrative style of t he following text. 5
“Sir”, he said. “May I ask you a question?” Of course”. I was absent in your class yesterday and could not
understand the lesson”. Ok, if you are free after this class, meet me in the teacher’s room. I will help you.”
“Thank you, sir” “Your are welcome, son”.
6. Change the sentences according to directions. 1  10 = 10
a) It was twenty years ago and I was living in Paris. (Simple)
b) I had a tiny apartment in the Latin Quarters overlooking a cemetery. (Compound)
c) I was earring barely enough money to keep body and soul together. (Complex)
d) A lady had read a book of mine and had written to me about it. (Simple)
e) I answered thanking her. (Compound)
f) I have received from her another letter. (Passive)
g) In it, she expressed her desire to have a chat with me. (Interrogative)
h) Foyot’s is one of the most expensive restaurants in Paris. (Positive)
i) Only the French senators eat eat there. (Negative)
j) It was so far beyond my means that I had never thought of going there. (Compound)
7. Complete the sentences. 15=5
a) A man who loves his country ____.
b) ____ provided the weather is fine.
c) ___ as if nothing had happened.
d) Unless you had learnt computer ____.
e) The wearer best knows _____.

8. Complete the text adding suffixes, prefixes or the both with the root words given in the parenthesis.
In order to a) ___ (material) ___ your dream, you need b) ___ (determine) ___ and efforts. Nothing is c)
(achieve) ___ in this world without hard work. Nothing is d) ____ (achieve) ___. for those who are blessed
with e) ___ (common) ___ abilities. There are very fortunate. But those who are f) ___ (inclined) ___ to do
hard work are really g)___ (fortunate) ____ By spending time in h) ___ (idle) ___, they only i) ___ (food)
___ themselves and ultimately become j) ___ (remorse)( ____.
9. Make tag questions of using these statements. 15=5
a) Time and tide wait for none ____?
b) Many of us waste our time ____?
c) Every rose has a thorn ____?
d) Few politicians are honest, ___?
e) Let’s say no to corruption ___?
10. Complete the passage using suitable connectors 15=5
a) ___ newspaper is a storehouse of knowledge, we should read it regularly. b) ____ it is a matter of regret
that many of us are unwilling to do it, c)___ they lag behind in the progressive world. d) ___ they keep
themselves away from everything current e) ___ they remain blind all through their lives.
11. Use capitals and punctuation marks where necessary in the following text. 5
have you heard the name of George Bernard Shaw this great man was born in Dublin in 1856 his father’s
family had been small land owners he was awarded noble prize on literature in November 1925 arms and
man is a creation of Bernard Shaw here he says romantic lovers are like colourful butterflies what a great
man he was.
Part B: Grammar (40 Marks)
12. Suppose, you are Mohin Ahmed/ Monika Haque. You’ve just completed your MA in English, You have
seen an advertisement for the post of an English Teacher in a reputed school. Now, write CV with a cover
letter for the post. 8
13. Suppose, you Mohin Ahmed/ Monika Haque. You are a student of Dhaka Collegiate School. The student of
class ten of your school want to go on a study tour. You need permission from the Headmaster of your
school. Now, write an application to the Headmaster of your school seeking permission to go on a study
tour. 10
14. Write a paragraph about “ Face book” 10
15. from your childhood you have a desire to be a teacher. Write a composition on “Your Aim in Life’ narrating
why you have decided to be a teacher and how you will prepare yourself. 12
Model Question-23
English Second Paper
Time: 3 hours Full marks: 100

Part A: Grammar (60 Marks)

1. Fill the blanks with the words from the box. You may need to change the forms of some of the words. You
may need to use one word more than once 0.5 10 = 10 [
the recently low much difference to adversity belief of invisible

Today, the talk of the town is the a)_____ price hike of power and gas and its b)_____ impact on industry.
Middle and c)_____ income people of the country. House rent, day d)_____ day necessary items,
transportation, and e)_____ importantly f)_____ production costs of g)_____ products are increasing. It is
h)_____, soon the impact i)_____ price hike will be j)_____ in may other sectors in me country.
2. Fill in the blanks with suitable words: 0.510=5
One of the brightest a)_____ of BUET’s Astronomy Department Lammim has proved b)____ to be master
of many trades. She was the first Bangladeshi woman to c)_____ in the Fourth International Astronomy
Olympiad in Beijing. Lammim d)_____ co-wrote a book e)_____ astronomy with famous astrologist Dr.
Farshid Mannan Mohammadi. She has f)_____ quite an g)_____ to astronomy h)____ around the country.
She wanted to go to space. This dream has come to i)_____ when Lammim j)_____ short listed in the
kougercrown programme.
3. Make five sentences using parts of sentences from each column of the table below. 15=5
i) The Big Bang needed to an enormous explosion that led to the creation of the
ii) The earth was the first continents to be formed
iii) The first forms of life on earth refers once connected together into one unified landmass
iv) Continental drift were the origin of the sun and planets
v) Africa and South America had been extremely hot in the early stage of its formation
4. Complete the following text with forms of the verbs given in the box. 0.5  10 = 5
have fight control stop take avoid hinder care change cultivating compel know
It is a) ______ how certain diseases b)_____ men to change their food habits. One cannot c)_____ cancer by
d)_____ food habits, for example. On the other hand, disables and blood-pressure have to be e)_____ by
discounting certain habits and f)_____ certain others. Sugar must be g)_____ by the diabetic patient and the
patient with diabetes should h)_____ salt. The patient need not i)_____ drinking coffee or tea but he must
not j)_____ sugar in either.
5. Change the narrative style of t he following text. 5
Asma said to Rakib, "Have you prepared your lesson today?" "No, sister, I could not." "Why?" "I was
suffering from fever yesterday. I shall do my work tomorrow," said Rakib. "Don’t put off any work. Time
and tide wait for none."
6. Change the sentences according to directions. 1  10 = 10
a) Haji Md. Mohsin was not a unkind man at all. (Affirmative)
b) We believed in his honesty. (Complex)
c) He helped the poor otherwise they would have suffered. (Complex)
d) He was more generous than many other men in this subcontinent. (Positive)
e) He is called the friend of humanity. (Active)
f) He was so kind that he could not refuse anyone’s request. (Simple)
g) One night when he was saying his prayer, a thief broke into his room. (Compound)
h) He caught the thief but did not punish him. (Simple)
i) He failed to punish the thief. (Negative)
j) Had I but become Haji Md. Mohsin! (Assertive)
7. Complete the following sentences. 15=5
a) If you are devoted to your studies, _____.
b) A good student should be conscious of politics but ______.
c) He must study regularly lest ______.
d) Had I got Golden-5 _____.
e) God helps those _____.
8. Complete the text adding suffixes, prefixes or the both with the root words given in the parenthesis:
Speaking is the second skill of the four and it is a)_____ (scientific) _____ observed. A child is a first
b)_____ (listen) _____. It listens to his mother. Then it becomes a c)_____ (speak) _____. Thus they both
d)_____ (change) _____ their ideas and e)_____ (eventual) ______ the child learns its mother tongue. This
is the process that f)_____ (initial) _____ occurs in the case of a mother tongue. But if it is a second
language, it cannot be learnt in a g)____ (nature) _____ way, rather it is learnt in an environment created
h)_____ (artificial) ______. The learners have to practice the language i)____ (method) _____ based on the
four skills. The j)_____ (create)_____ of this envlornment is not easy and we cannot practice listening.
9. Make tag questions of using these statements. 15=5
a) None of you came here, _____?
b) None is none under the sun, _____?
c) The idle cannot prosper in life, ______?
d) Rasel, have a cup of tea, _____?
e) Neither Choity nor Naima and Anta came, ______?
10. Complete the passage using suitable connectors 15=5
a) _____ discipline is the secret of success in every sphere of life. A society in which there is no discipline is
plunged into anarchy. b)_____ in the playground, the players do not observe the rules of the game and do not
obey the captain, they are sure to lose the game. c)_____ in our daily life, we are to observe certain rules.
d)_____ we go to a market or to a shop to buy things or to a railway station, we have to form a queue to gel
what we want. e)_____ a student has to maintain discipline strictly.
11. Use capitals and punctuation marks where necessary in the following text. 5
im a student of baf shaheen school and college ive some friends there rafia shipa nikita and lopa were good
friends we help in our lessons mim says to raj our new school building looking excellent

Part B: Composition (40 Marks)

12. Suppose, some accounts officer will be appointed in the Prime Bank. You are interested to be one. Now,
write a CV with a cover letter for the post. 8
13. Suppose, you are Al-Farin/ Al-Amin of Comilla Zilla School. Now, write an application seeking permission
to arrange a relief camp in the school compund. 10
14. Suppose, you have witnessed a terrible street accident. Now, write a paragraph on “A Street Accident”. 10
15. Write a composition on “The Journey you have Made”. 12
Model Question-24
English Second Paper
Time: 3 hours Full marks: 100
Part A: Grammar (60 Marks)

1. Fill the blanks with the words from the box. You may need to change the forms of some of the words. You
may need to use one word more than once 0.5 10 = 10
rich humanity between deprived a equal with upon the of
In a society, all men are no a) ___ well off. Some are b) ___ and some are very poor. This is because c) ____
unequal distribution of national wealth. Many are d) ____ of the basic needs of life. They must be provided
e) ____ their dues. f) ____ rich always draw g) ____ line of contrast h) ____ themselves and the poor. Most
of them look down i) ___ the poor. They should be conscious and their j) ____ should be improved.
2. Fill in the blanks with suitable words. 0.5  10 = 5
Every student wants to a)___ well in the examination. But it is not b) ____ easy task. A student has to work
hard c) ____ this. From the d) ____ beginning, he must be serious. He should read the text again and e)
____, he must not memorize and answer f) ____ knowing the meaning. He must not make notes g) _____ a
common source. He should have a good command h) _____ “English. By doing all i) ____ things a student
can hope to make j) ____ good result.
3. Make five sentences using parts of sentences from each column of the table below. 5
Hence, to every nation its flag to have patriotic feelings
Every independent country of the world need dearer than any other things
We is the symbol of independence and sovereignty of
a nation
For that we has to safe guard its prestige of a nation.
The national flag its own flag
4. Complete the following text with right forms of the verbs given in the box. 5
offer welcome make stay arrange
wait be chain come conquer
Time is compared to a gipsy who a) ____ anywhere for long. The poet b) ____ time to be his guest for a
day. He c) ____ time may valuable gifts and honour. He offers him bells d) ____ of the best silver for his
horse and a golden ring for himself. He will e) ____ a peackock dance in honour of time. But time is a thing
that never f)____. The greatest tragedy is that it never g) ____ back. It never h) ____ Man i) nothing but a
puppet of the power of time. Moreover, time can not be j)_____.
5. Change the narrative style of the following text. 5
I saw a young boy standing before me with utmost” politeness, he said, “Uncle, my parents are calling you?”
I came out of my house and saw an elderly man and a woman. The woman said, “Bhaiya, don’t you
recognize me” I am Salma. We looked for you everywhere but didn’t find you What a surprise! I said with
6. Change the sentences according to directions. 1 10 = 10
a) A fool was sitting by the side of a village road. (Make complex sentence)
b) He was digging holes in several places (Use passive voice)
c) Seeing the strange appearance of the fool, a minister asked him about the reason of his action,
d) Only those who leave the straight road will fall into my pit. (Negative)
e) The minister then asked what his occupation was. (Make simple sentence)
f) The fool was too annoyed to answer the questions. (Make complex sentence)
g) The minister was annoyed with the fool. (Use active voice)
h) The fool was taken to the king. (Active)
i) The argument pleased the king. (Passive)
j) So, the king did not punish the fool. (Make it affirmative sentence)
7. Complete the following sentence: 15=5
a) Bangladesh is a small country but it______.
b) Our big population is a problem because _____.
c) Thought it is a great problem _____.
d) Unless we control our problem, ______.
e) It is high time, _____.
8. Complete the text adding suffixes, prefixes or the both with the root words given in the parenthesis:
Sports can give us a)_____ (entertain)____ and b)____ (please)_____. There are c)____ (vary)_____ kinds
of sports. Among them, football and cricket have d)____ (popular) in our country. However, football is
losing its e)____ (attract)_____. The people of our country f)_____ (joy)____ the T20 match most. It is also
g)____ (high)____ enjoyable to me. h)____ (unfortunate)____ I missed the last T20 match between Pakistan
and India. This match was, very much i)____ (attract)____. The players played j)____ (wonderful)____.
9. Make tag questions of these statements: 15=5
a) Drug is ruining our young generation, _____?
b) You can’t deny that drug has its beneficial effect, ____?
c) Strange! Everyone knows it gradually affects the internal function of the body, ____?
d) But drug helps one to forget frustration, ____?
e) Strong will can defeat frustration, _____?
10. Complete the passage using suitable connectors: 15=5
It is true new friends are compared to silver and old ones to gold. a)____ it is a common knowledge b)_____
gold is a more valuable metal c)____ silver. d)____ old friends who are more important than new ones.
e)____ old friends have been put to any test as yet.
11. Use capitals and punctuation marks where necessary in the following text: 5
how dare you wake me up the lion roared i shall kill you for that please let me go the mouse cried i did not
mean to wake you up
Part B: Composition (40 Marks)
12. Suppose, Unilever, a multinational manufacturing company will recruit a Marketing Manager in their
company. It invites the persons who are experienced in marketing and sales. Now, write a CV with a cover
letter for the post. Your CV should not exceed one page. 8
13. Suppose, you are Sultan of Ratanpur High School in Jamalpur. You feel the necessity of improvement in
your spoken English skill and hence you believe that a suitable atmosphere is needed to enable all students
to practice conversation in English. Now, write an application to the Headmaster of your school requesting
him to open an English Language Club in the school. 10
14. Write a paragraph in 250 words on "Your School Magazine". 10
15. Write a composition on "Physical Exercise". 12
Model Question-25
English Second Paper
Time: 3 hours Full marks: 100
Part A: Grammar (60 Marks)

1. Fill the blanks with the words from the box. You may need to change the forms of some of the words. You
may need to use one word more than once 0.5 10 = 10
so-called instinct fake every core dignity in or our people
Patriotism is a noble virtue. It is an inherent a)_____ in human nature. It inspires a man to shed b)_____ last
drop of blood to defend the liberty and c)_____ of the country. But patriotism should not be merely a d)____
slogan in the public meeting to deceive the e)_____. It should be cherished in the f)____ of heart and
materialized in our deeds. We should keep g)_____ above from the h)_____ patriotism. Everybody should
bear i)____ mind that pretender must be defeated. Nobody will remember j)____ honour a mock patriot.
2. Fill in the blanks with suitable words: 0.510=5
Drug addiction is now a a)____ problem. The social cancer b)____ its poisonous c)____ all over the world.
It has d)_____ the young generation, even in the poor countries e)_____ Bangladesh. It is spreading f)_____.
The term’ drug addiction’ means strong g)_____ for various h)_____ of drugs like opium, heroin, morphine
etc. It has created an i)_____ situation in the world. j)____ is the main cause of drug addiction.
3. Make five sentences using parts of sentences from each column of the table below: 15=5
Ambition needs a particular ambition.
Almost all of us means to be competitive too.
One’s ambition will never be cherish and sometimes hindered.
One may be materialized successful in life if one sits idly.
cherish a desire to achieve something.
4. Complete the following text with right forms of the verbs given in the box: .510=5
be call hear engulf know
begin bear follow inspire join
You must have a)_____ the name of Kazi Nazrul Islam. He b)_____ our national poet. He c)____ as rebel
poet as well. But he d)____ in a poor family. But dire needs could not e)_____ his potentiality. When the
First World War. So we should j)____ his footprints in our life.
5. Change the narrative style of the following text: 5
"Can I have a look at your paper for a moment?" said the man next to me. "I just want to see the cricket
result." "I haven’t quite finished with it," said I. "Could you wait for a moment?" "I can’t wait long, "he said.
"I am getting off next stop."
6. Change the sentences according to directions: 110=10
a) As I forgot him, I went outside the cabin. (Simple)
b) She went back to work closing the door. (Complex)
c) Jerry was a very curious and active by. (Negative)
d) Although he was a boy small, he could work like a man. (Compound)
e) The authoress appreciated Jerry blindly. (Passive)
f) Jerry is the best boy I have ever seen. (Comparative)
g) He came to the orphanage at the age of four. (Complex)
h) He did unnecessary thing for the writer, (Passive)
i) He never told a lie. (Affirmative)
j) He was a free-will agent and chose to do careful work. (Simple)
7. Complete the sentences: 15=5
a) Honesty is the best policy that _______.
b) An honest man is ______.
c) He may not be rich but _____.
d) Only honest way can lead the country _____.
e) Everybody should try _____.
8. Complete the text adding suffixes, prefixes or the both with the root words given in the parenthesis: .510=5
Money can not buy a) happy. Money is a must for our life. But it is necessary to bring happiness. Happiness
is b) absolute a c) psychology thing. It is the name of a d) feel. It means the e) content of the mind. He who
has f) satisfy with what he has he is g) real a happy one. Above all, we should keep in mind that h) world
happiness is not all. I f we want to be i) eternal happy and lead a j) dignity life, we have to earn money in an
honesty way.
9. Make tag questions of these statements: 15=5
a) Congratulations! You have made an excellent result, _____?
b) Thanks. But my parents and teachers also deserve the credit, _____?
c) Right you are. We ought to remain grateful to them, _____?
d) Certainly. You too studied hard, _____?
e) Yes, only hard work brings success, _____?
10. Complete the passage using suitable connectors: 15=5
Teaching is such a profession a)_____ helps to build a nation. A teacher is b)_____ a guide d)____ a
pioneer. He has to dedicate to his noble profession in order to guide the nation. d)____, he is called an
architect of a new society. e)_____ he neglects his duties, social discipline will break down.
11. Use capitals and punctuation marks where necessary in the following text: 5
the wind and the sun has a quarrel as to who was the stronger just then a man came let us see which of us can
make him take off his coat he who succeeds is the stronger.

Part-B: Composition [40 Marks]

12. Suppose, you are Nadira Parvin and you have completed MBA. You have seen a vacancy ad for the position
of a General Manager in Bikash Multinational company. Now, write a CV with a cover letter for the post.
Your CV should not exceed one page. 8
13. Imagine you are a student of Sunshine High School, Khulna, you are Asma Ahmed. Now, on behalf of the
students of your school, write an application to the Headmaster of your school for taking necessary steps to
set up a computer club. 10
14. All the living beings depend on trees for their existence. So we should plant trees more and more. Now write
paragraph on "Tree Plantation" 10
15. Flood is a common natural calamity in Bangladesh which occurs almost every year. Now write a
composition on "Recent floods in Bangladesh." 12
Model Question-26
English Second Paper
Time: 3 hours Full marks: 100
Part A: Grammar (60 Marks)

1. Fill the blanks with the words from the box. You may need to change the forms of some of the words. You
may need to use one word more than once 0.5 10 = 10
of around call in round enlighten a The
Planet are not stares. They have no a)____ of their own. They can only reflect b)_____ light of the sun.
There are many planets c)_____ the sun’s family. The sun’s family consists d) _____ these planes moving
e)_____ it. This is called f)_____ solar system. Venus is g)_____ beautiful planet. It is often h)____ the
evening star and sometimes it is called i)_____ “Morning Star”. Saturn has rings j)____ it.
2. Fill in the blanks with suitable words: 0.510=5
Trees bear a great impact a)_____ climate. If we destroy trees b)_____ random, one day the country will
turn c)_____ a great desert. The country will bear the consequences of greenhouse d)____. Again there will
be no rain and our country will face great crisis because ours is e)_____ agricultural country. And our
economy is dependent on f)_____. Again our agriculture g)_____ on rain. So, trees plays a vital h)____ on
our agriculture. Trees saves us i)_____ flood and many other natural j)____.
3. Make five sentences using parts of sentences from each column of the table below: 15=5
Education in our country Bangladesh is already a daily affair.
Campus violence are getting concerned about only to be engaged in violence.
It seems that has become almost stage of crisis.
It is true that students are in educational educationally backward.
The teachers and guardians is passing through a the welfare of the students.
4. Complete the following text with right forms of the verbs given in the box: .510=5
be call hear engulf know
begin bear follow inspire join

You must have a)_____ the name of Kazi Nazrul Islam. He b)_____ our national poet. He c)_____ as rebel
poet as well. But he d)_____ in a poor family. But dire needs could not e)_____ his potentiality. When the
First World War broke out, he f)_____ the army. After the war, he g)____ to write poems. He wrote
especially for the down-trodden. He h)____ the Shelley of Bangla literature. His poems and songs i)_____
the Banglees in Liberation War. So we should j)____ his footprints in our life.
5. Change the narrative style of the following text: 5
"Can I have a look at your paper for a moment?" said the man next to me. "I just want to see the cricket
result." "I haven’t quite finished with it," said I. "Could you wait for a moment?" "I can’t wait long, "he said.
"I am getting off next stop."
6. Change the sentences according to directions: 110=10
a) Terrorism is a devastating phenomenon of the modern world. (Exclamatory)
b) At present it is increasing alarmingly. (Interrogative)
c) Who is not now in the threat of violence?
d) Nothing is as disastrous as terrorism. (Comparative)
e) It is one of the most common problems of the modern world. (Positive)
f) A terrorist is hated by people. (Voice)
g) Though there is law to punish terrorists, they are not properly applied. (Compound)
h) By applying the law properly, we can get rid of terrorism. (Complex)
i) What a hellish life a terrorist leads. (Assertive)
j) So, we all should avoid the killers of mankind. (Voice)
7. Complete the sentences: 15=5
a) Hardly had he reached the station ______.
b) He speaks as if ______.
c) I went to Dhaka with a view to _____.
d) He walked carefully _____.
e) _____ I saw him.
8. Make tag questions of these statements: 15=5
a) "I" is a vowel ______?
b) The Headmaster and secretary attended the meeting, _____?
c) The glass contains little water, _____?
d) When he came, I left the place, _____?
e) Rahim as well as Karim was present, _____?
9. Complete the text adding, suffixes, prefixes or the both the root words given in the parenthesis: .510=5
Good marks in the examination are a) obtain if your answer are to the point. b) Relevant answer may not
carry any marks. Good Writing is a factor. c) legible answer will create a bad d) impress about your e)
perform as f) examine do not award good marks to g) proper answers. You must be very h) care about
writing to the questions. Besides, i) revise of answers is also important. All these things will j) sure you a
good result.
10. Complete the passage using suitable connectors: 15=5
As a human being man has a lot of duties to mankind. To perform his duties, he as to select a profession, a
career. I have also selected my future career a) _____ I can reach my goal. There are varieties of career
b)____ can give riches, name and fame. c) _____ I have selected a simple one. It is teaching. d)_____
teachers are the builders of nations, they can reform the society e)_____ lead the nation skillfully.
11. Use capitals and punctuation marks where necessary in the following text: 5
the wind and the sun has a quarrel as to who was the stronger just then a man came let us see which of us can
make him take off his coat he who succeeds is the stronger.

Part-B: Composition [40 Marks]

12. Suppose, you are Nadira Parvin and you have completed MBA. You have seen a vacancy ad for the position
of a General Manager in Bikash Multinational company. Now, write a CV with a cover letter for the post.
Your CV should not exceed one page. 8
13. Imagine you are a student of Sunshine High School, Khulna, you are Asma Ahmed. Now, on behalf of the
students of your school, write an application to the Headmaster of your school for taking necessary steps to
set up a computer club. 10
14. All the living beings depend on trees for their existence. So we should plant trees more and more. Now write
paragraph on "Tree Plantation" 10
15. Flood is a common natural calamity in Bangladesh which occurs almost every year. Now write a
composition on "Recent floods in Bangladesh." 12
Model Question-27
English Second Paper
Time: 3 hours Full marks: 100
Part A: Grammar (60 Marks)

1. Fill in the blanks with the words in the box. You may need to change the forms of some of the words. You
may need to use one word more than once: .510=5
hinder with about a into the of know
Life is real, but much a)_____ what b)____ man learns from books is theoretical. Bookish c)____, unless
supplemented by practical experience, is not a help, but is often a d)____. Travelling furnishes one e)_____
an opportunity for acquiring that experience. Pope, the poet sang that f)____ proper study of mankind is
man. The traveller comes g)____ contact with various types of people, and if he moves about h)____ the
observant eye, and keeps the doors and windows i)____ his mind open, he can acquire a lot of practical
knowledge j)____ men and things of the world which books alone cannot provide.
2. Fill in the blanks with suitable words: 0.510=5
In every walk a)____ life, discipline is a must. As soon as b)____ man loses uniformity c)____ nature at
large, his life is bound to be full of unhappiness and uneasiness. Everything in d)_____ universe moves in
e)____ disciplined way. From f)____ Sun down to the smallest creature everything g)____ a disciplined life.
Discipline is mostly needed h)____ early life. A child whose habits are i)____ can gain honour in every field
of fife. His future will be blessed j)____ peace and happiness.
3. Make five sentences using parts of sentences from each column of the table below: 15=5
Happiness a relative term
A person with a crown may not be happy
Whereas a day labourer is from person to person
Again happiness varies a blessing of God
Complete happiness or peace of find happiness living in a
mind shabby hut

4. Complete the following text with right forms of the verbs given in the box: .510=5
engage be expect depend find
motivate speak lay prevail make
Bangladesh is afflicted with lots of problems. Among them, child labour is an acute one. Today millions of
children are a)____ in various old jobs. "Today’s children are the future adult people." If a large number of
our future adults are oppressed and exploited, we can b)____ anything from the nation. The future of our
country c)_____ upon the children engaged in a number of programmes to d)____ a way out of this problem.
We believe that the days e)_____ too far when Bangladesh will be free from child labour. There are strong
reasons behind our belief that the Govt. is now f)____ emphasis on this issue. Different humanitarian
organizations are found g)____ against child labour h)____ in the country. The editors of different
newspapers also i)____ a focus on this issue j)____ people towards banning child labour.
5. Change the narrative style of the following text: 5
"Swallow, swallow, little swallow, "said the prince, "Won’t you stay with me for one night, and be my
messenger? The boy is so thirsty, and the mother is so sad." "I don’t think I like the boy," answered the
6. Change the sentences according to directions: 110=10
a) In spite of strict laws against acid violence, the ghastly crime is on the rise in Bangladesh (Make complex
b) The policy regarding its import and sale is being ignored by businessmen (Use active Voice).
c) Though we have reports of acid throwing in other countries too, the number of incidents is probably the
highest in Bangladesh (Make compound sentence).
d) Experts say that three to five women a week are being burnt with acid in Bangladesh (Make simple
e) The criminals show no mercy in throwing acid to a face they were in love with a few days ago (Make
affirmative sentence).
f) They become cruel to their beloved’s face (Make negative sentence).
g) They forget the face and throw acid to it (Make simple sentence).
h) The government should take stem action against the acid throwers (Use passive voice).
i) We should show sympathy towards the acid survivors (Make imperative sentence).
j) We should come forward to save them (Make complex sentence).
7. Complete the sentence: 5
a) It was Gulliver who______. b) I lay down on the grass _____.
c) _____, it was daylight. d) I attempted to rise but _____.
e) I was fastened to the ground lest _____.
8. Complete the text adding suffixes, prefixes or the both with the root words given in the parenthesis: .510=5
a)____ (kind)____ is a divine virtue. So we should not be b)____ (kind) ____ to the people in distress and
even to c)____ (low) ____ animals. Some naughty boys d)____ (joy)____ beating the lower animals like
dogs and cats. This is an e)____ (rational)____ behaviour. Animals are dumb f)____ (create)_____. They are
g)____ (harm)_____ beings. Some animals are very h)____ (faith)____ and they feel no i)____ (hesitate)
_____ to risk their lives for our j)____ (protect) _____.
9. Make tag questions of these statements: 15=5
a) Rahim is in the habit of telling lies. His mother knows it. She then said to him, "A lie never lies hidden for
long, _____?"
b) Where there is smoke, there is fire, _____?
c) Rita is a good student. But she could not participate in the first term examination because of her illness.
Then, her father told her, “Don’t fell tension about your exam____?
d) Lots of people were gathering in the road. An accident took place there, _____?
e) She is honest. All know about her honesty. One day her teacher said to her, "Everyone can shine in life
with honesty, ____?"
10. Complete the passage using suitable connectors: 5
a)____ flood is considered to be a natural calamity; it is no doubt a blessing for the people. It is considered
to be a blessing in the sense b)_____ it makes the soil alluvial. c)____ silt is scattered over land after land
d)____ flood and makes the soil fertile. So, it can be said that the flood has e)____ constructive and
destructive sides.
11. Use capitals and punctuation marks where necessary in the following text: 5
the scientist shouted that he had done it addressing the scientist as sir the assistant congratulated him on what
he had done the scientist replied that he had done something new

Part B: Composition (40 Marks)

12. Suppose, you are Dolly. You are a customer care team leader in a reputed mobile phone company. You see
an advertisement in a national daily for the post of customer care manager in another company. Now, write a
CV with a cover letter for the post. Your CV should not exceed one page. 8
13. Suppose, you are Nusaiba. You have booked an air-ticket to visit Singapore. But for some personal problems
you want to cancel the booking. Now, write an email to the director of the travel agency to cancel the ticket
you have booked. 10
14. Write a paragraph on "Traffic Jam " by answering the following questions: 10
a) What is called traffic jam? b) How is it caused? c) Who suffers most during traffic jam? d) What are the
bad effects of traffic jam? e) What is the solution of traffic jam?
15. Science is the cause of many advancement of human history. At the same time, it causes havoc to human
race. Hence the debate rises whether science is beneficial to humanity or not, write a composition on
"Science in everyday life". 12
Model Question-28
English Second Paper
Time: 3 hours Full marks: 100
Part A: Grammar (60 Marks)

1. Fill the blanks with the words from the box. You may need to change the forms of some of the words. You
may need to use one word more than once 0.5 10 = 10
lag the improve go from go from of a to
Illiteracy is a)____ curse to our country. We are responsible for our being illiterate. Government has taken
steps to remove it b)____ the country. Illiteracy causes great harms c)____ us. Because of illiteracy we
remain deaf and dumb. As we do not know the ways d)____ development, we can not take steps to e)____
our poor education. As a result, we are always f)____ behind. We are dependent on g)____ foreign aids and
grants. If we are not aware of h)____ importance of education, we can never i)____ upward. So, we should
be careful of j)____ fact from now on.
2. Fill in the blanks with suitable words: 0.510=5
The league of Nations, a)____ the first association of nations founded to work for peace, was b)____ in
1919, four years from 1914, was continued c)____ Europe. d)____ War had proved more destructive than
anything that mankind had ever experienced. e)____ League of Nations aimed f)___ outlawing war and
settling international dispute g)____ peaceful means h)____ 25 years i)____. League of Nations struggled
j)____ peace.
3. Make five sentences using parts of sentences from each column of the table below: 15=5
Culture badly influenced by dish antenna and so on.
Hospitality is hands at greeting only with males and not with females.
Our culture includes a term is used for a way of life.
We shake a society’s beliefs, customs, languages and so on.
a part of Bangladesh culture.
4. Complete the following text with right forms of the verbs given in the box: .510=5
lamented go blow sit go
loss mean understand sit console
Once a man went boating in a wide river. The weather was fine but the wind was a)____ very hard. The man
was b)____ silently and looking at the sights and scenery. Suddenly his turban c)____ off his head and fell
into the river. "I’ve lost all my fortune", he d)____. But he felt happy that it had e)____ to his neighbour.
The other people f)____ beside him on the boat could not understand why the man g)____ himself in spite to
having the turban h)____ in the river. Nobody i)____ what the man j)____by saying "My fortune".
5. Change the narrative style of the following text: 5
"I came to Dhaka this morning. I sent you a telegram before staring from home." he said. "Did you receive it
in time?" he asked, "No," I replied.
6. Change the sentences according to directions: 110=10
a) Humyun was the eldest of Babur’s four sons. (Comparative)
b) He became the emperor after his father’s death. (Complex)
c) Before his death, Babur had asked Humayun to be kind to his brothers. (Simple)
d) He wanted to divide the kingdom among his three brothers. (Complex)
e) But his minister did not like the idea. (Affirmative)
f) Though Humayun could not be an efficient ruler, his son became a famous king. (Compound)
g) Very few kings are so renowned as Akbar. (Comparative)
h) Even the Hindu rulers of India appreciated Akbar. (Passive)
i) Akbar reigned India very successfully (Exclamatory)
j) What a great king Akbar was! (Assertive)
7. Complete the sentences: 15=5
a) It is illiteracy _____.
b) ____ is very poor.
c) It is so poor ____.
d) The duty of the educated _____.
e) The government has taken necessary steps so that _____.
8. Complete the text adding suffixes, prefixes or the both with the root words given in the parenthesis:
a) Kind is a divine virtue. So, we should not be b) kind to the people in distress and even to c) low animals.
Some naughty boys d) joy beating the lower animals like dogs and cats. This is an e) national behaviours to
animals and dumb f) create. They are not g) harm beings. Some animals are very h) faith and feel no i)
hesitate to risk their lives for our j) protect.
9. Make tag questions of these statements: 15=5
a) Every moment of our life is valuable. By making proper use of time we can be successful, ____?
b) Mr. Rakib has completed his graduation. Now, the people asked him about his job. He said, "I have not
yet got any job", ____?
c) Maya said to Setu, "Good morning". She asked her how much preparation she had taken for the test exam.
Setu replied, "I have taken a great preparation, ____?"
d) The students were making a noise in the clas5room. The teacher entered the classroom hurriedly and said,
"Shut up.____?
e) Although he was a little boy, he was an extra ordinary child, _____?
10. Complete the passage using suitable connectors: 15=5
People usually want to have their own way. They want to think and act a)____ they like. b)____ one can not
have one’s own way all the time. A person can not live in an environment without considering the interest of
others c)____ his own interest. People in the society may take own decision. d)___ theses decisions ought
not to be unjust e)____ harmful to others.
11. Use capitals and punctuation marks where necessary in the following text: 5
the dog has been mans best companion for thousand of years dogs are friendly obedient and faithful animals
king edward had a pet dog named caesar when the king idea in 1910 caesar led the funeral procession
walking before the kings and princes.

Part-B: Composition [40 Marks]

12. Suppose, some Accounts Officers are going to be appointed in Basic Bank. You’re interested to be an
Accounts Officer. Now write a CV with a cover letter for the post. Your CV should not exceed one page. 8
13. Suppose, youo are Rakib/ Rakiba and you are the student of Mymensing Zilla School. You need a canteen in
your school Now, write an application to the headmaster of your school for setting up a canteen in your
school. 10
14. Write a paragraph in 250 words on "Your National Flag". 10
15. Write a composition on "The population problem in Bangladesh and its best remedies". 12
Model Question-29
English Second Paper
Time: 3 hours Full marks: 100
Part A: Grammar (60 Marks)

1. Fill the blanks with the words from the box. You may need to change the forms of some of the words. You
may need to use one word more than once 0.5 10 = 10
world frustrate with about a happy the by in complete
It is a)____ fact that b)____ happiness does not exist in c)____ life. d)____ man mayn’t have all things that
he needs e)____ life. It is better not to seek complete happiness. Rather one should be satisfied f)____ what
one gets. It is g)____ key factor to happiness. One should not think h)____ what he has what he does not
have because i)____ doing so a man becomes j)____ and depressed. There are some people who think that it
is money that brings happiness.
2. Fill in the blanks with suitable words: 0.510=5
Man is the supreme creation of Allah. He is different from other animals, because he a)___ more IQ than
they. He can b)____ between right and wrong because of his c)____. He can d)____ himself from e)____
any harmful deed. He can f)____ himself for his g)____. But sometimes he acts out of h)____ and it brings
i)____ to him. So, he should apply his j)____ consciously.
3. Make five sentences using parts of sentences from each column of the table below: 15=5
And the who behaves anyone whimsically.
He possesses the symbol of peace and prosperity.
Gentility is this quality is a gentleman.
A gentleman never hurts the state of being gentle.
with all gently.
4. Complete the following text with right forms of the verbs given in the box.
achieve tell cultivate breed make
see make conceal establish endanger
Truthfulness a) ____ all other virtues which b) ____ a man really great. The man who c) ____ the habit of
speaking the truth is trusted by others. A man d) ____ his ends once or twice by e) ___ likes. But no
permanent gain comes out of such success. So, nobody should tell a lie in the hope of f)____ money or
attaining success. It is g)___ in society that some dishonest people tell a lie to h)___ other’s life. They tell
lies to i)____ the truth and j)___ falsehood in society.
5. Change the narrative style of the following text: 5
The teacher said to the girl, “Do you think that honesty is the best policy?” The girl said, “Yes, sir, I think
so.” “Then learn to be honest from your childhood,” said the teacher. Thank you,” ‘said the girl. “May Allah
bless you,” said the teacher.
6. Change the sentences according to directions: 110=10
a) The natural scenery of Bangladesh is very charming. (Exclamatory)
b) Bandarban is one of the most beautiful towns is Bangladesh. (Positive)
c) Truthfulness is one of the greatest virtues (Comparative)
d) Only Allah can help us. (Negative)
e) The Teachers must speak the truth. (Negative)
f) Though he is poor, he is honest. (Simple)
g) I know your. (Passive)
h) I know your name. (Complex)
i) We can not but help the poor. (Use help instead of but)
j) Every teacher loves his students. (Interrogative)
7. Complete the sentences: 15=5
a) United we stand, _____.
b) It is high time we ____.
c) Unless you are united _____.
d) ____ know this wise saying.
e) The story of the old man and his sons teach us ____.
8. Complete the text adding suffixes, prefixes or the both with the root words given in the parenthesis:
Students life is the a) gold season of life. This is a b) form period or life. This is the time for c) prepare of
future life. Students are the future d) lead of the country. They should have e) patriot. They should achieve
quality f) educated build themselves as g) complete citizens They should gain h) know and learn the act of i)
behave and j) interact before others.
9. Make tag questions of these statements: 15=5
a) Time and tide wait for none, _____?
b) But many of us waste our time, ____?
c) None can prosper in life neglecting time, ____?
d) Everybody should realize this truth, ____?
e) Let’s make the best use of our time, ____?
10. Complete the passage using suitable connectors: 15=5
It is better to have brain a)____ beauty. b)____ physical beauty is purely visual, the beauty of brain is all
encompassing. It is c)____ a known fact that beauty is only skin deep. What is worse is d)___ physical
beauty is not ever lasting e)____ it declines with age and time.
11. Use capitals and punctuation marks where necessary in the following text: 5
what kinds of stories did Aesop tell asked anwar fables replied mrs amin do you know what fables are
nobody replied because nobody knew well continued mrs amin fables are stories with a message or a moral

Part- B: Composition [40 Marks]

12. Suppose, you are Alamin/ Ausia and you have passed HSC. Now, write a CV with a cover letter for the post
of a receptionist in a hotel. Your CV should not exceed one. 8
13. Suppose, you are Rumi/ Rumana you live in South Suabil. The tube-well of your village is out of order now.
Now write an application to the Chairman/ TNO to sanction a tube-well in your locality. 10
14. Write a paragraph on “A tea stall”. (Words about 120) 10
15. Suppose, you have gone to a village fair. You have seen various things and gathered experience of a that
day. Now, write composition on “A Village Fair”. 12
Model Question-30
English Second Paper
Time: 3 hours Full marks: 100
Part A: Grammar (60 Marks)

1. Fill the blanks with the words from the box. You may need to change the forms of some of the words. You
may need to use one word more than once 0.5 10 = 10
of in historical the exposure for a true need advancement
History produces a)____ record that we b)____ to follow it c)____ our original d)____. Those who do not
follow chronological e)____ of history can never go f)____ long way g)___ the realm of success in life. It is
blatantly h)____ that history is i)____ cosmic struggle between the goodness j)____ God and the badness of
2. Fill in the blanks with suitable words: 0.510=5
Happiness is the a)_____ of satisfaction and gratification. Happiness lies at the root b)____ all splendid.
Performance. However, everybody wishes c)____ be happy on earth. Happiness is d)____ very relative
e)____. It is the f)____ of mental condition g)____ makes a man satisfied h)____ his incomes, findings and
activities. However, happiness can’t be perceived i)____ adopting any kind j)____ illegal policy that is
harmful to other’s happiness.
3. Make five sentences using parts of sentences from each column of the table below:
Education all the development efforts
An uneducated man can Play a role in removing illiteracy.
Illiteracy is Play a significant role to build up a nation.
An educated man hampers a precondition for development.
After all he a burden.
4. Complete the following text with right forms of the verbs given in the box: 0.510=5
take read help play to be seem be keep have say
Newspaper a)____ the people’s parliament. They newspaper b)____ a vital role in modern civilization. It
c)____ to be the mirror of the world. We d)____ the habit of reading the newspaper daily. It e)____ us
acquire general knowledge which is essential for our education. Nobody can f)____ contact with the outside
world without reading the newspaper. Mere bookish knowledge g)____ not sufficient in the struggle of life.
A man who does not h)____ the newspaper is like a frog in a narrow well. Being ignorant of current topics,
he can’t i)_____ part in the discussion of an enlightenment society and he j)____ like a fish out water in it.
5. Change the narrative style of the following text: 5
“How old are you?” one Buddha asked on old man. “Two year,” was the humble reply. “But, you look
eighty!” Buddha exclaimed, “Great saint, just two years ago I come to know what true love is.”
6. Change the sentences according to directions: 110=10
a) Very few persons are as famous as Columbus. (Superlative)
b) He passed his early life in sorrow. (Negative)
c) he became a sailor in his boyhood. (Complex)
d) There he came in contact with may people and learnt many things about them. (Simple)
e) During these voyages, very often Columbus gazed at the vast sheet of unlimited water. (Passive)
f) Nobody can be compared with him. (Interrogative)
g) Though he sailed for India, he reached America. (Compound)
h) He thought it to be India (Complex)
i) He was the first mall to cross the Atlantic. (Interrogative)
j) When he reached to shore, he became excited. (Simple)
7. Make tag questions of these statements: 15=5
a) Slum dwellers are rootless people, ____?
b) They live there in an inhuman condition, ____?
c) There does not exist any law and order in their society , _____?
d) Everyone should come forward to rehabilitate them, ____?
e) Only then they will be able to get rid of this dark life, ____?
8. Complete the sentences: 15=5
a) Early rising means _____.
b) One who gets up early, ____.
c) If a man rises early, ____.
d) An early riser gets enough time to _____.
e) it is a habit _____.
9. Complete the text adding suffixes, prefixes or the both with the root words given in the parenthesis:
People of a) limited b) come can live very c) luxurious. But the poor and d) fix e) earn live a very hard life.
They lead their life with much f) difficult. They are g) fed, ill-clad and h) treated. Their children do not
receive good i) educate. They struggle hard for their j) exist.
10. Complete the passage using suitable connectors: 15=5
Forests are very important a)____ trees produce oxygen b)____ is essential for man and all living beings.
c)____ trees, help us in many ways. d)____ trees are less in number, there will be an increased amount of
carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and e)____ will enhance greenhouse effect.
11. Use capitals and punctuation marks where necessary in the following text: 5
ovi and sharif were walking to school one morning in February suddenly sharif asked ovi did habib ask you
to his house this afternoon ovi said yes he did.

Part-B: Composition [40 Marks]

12. Suppose you are Sumiya/ Rasel. You have complete your graduation. You have seen a vacancy and for the
post of a Marketing Manager in a multinational company. Now write a CV with cover letter. 8
13. Think you want to go on an excursion to the Sundarbans. Now, write an application to the Headmaster for
your school for permission to go on the excursion. 10
14. Write short composition on “Environment Pollution”. 10
15. Write a composition on ‘The game you like most” 12
Model Question-31
English Second Paper
Time: 3 hours Full marks: 100
Part A: Grammar (60 Marks)

1. Fill the blanks with the words from the box. You may need to change the forms of some of the words. You
may need to use one word more than once 0.5 10 = 10
combustion invest the particular on contribution affect produce divert
Natural gas is one of the greatest resources of our country. It has a)____ many countries and foreign b)____.
It is said that Bangladesh is floating c)____ natural gas. This natural gas is a glory of our nation. Natural gas
can d)___ a lot to improve e)____ air quality if we can use it in place of other fuels. After f)____ natural gas
does not g)____ any h)____ matter like sulphur oxides or nitrogen oxides. So, i)____ government has
decided to j)____ gasoline powered vehicles to CNG powered vehicles.
2. Fill in the blanks with suitable words: 0.510=5
Feeding the ever a)____ population is a big challenge for Bangladesh in the coming decades. The b)____
challenge for the country is to c)____ the current level of agricultural production. The task is daunting
d)_____ when the country e)_____ about 80 thousand hectares of cultivable land f)____ due to g) ____
pressure h)____ land for human settlement as well as the building of i)_____ such as roads and bridges.
Moreover, river erosion and other non-agricultural uses j)____ to the diminishing of agricultural land.
3. Make five sentences using parts of sentences from each column of the table below: 15=5
So, preventive measure waste not careful of utilizing natural gas and thus are wasting this
Many people are be taken to minimize the wastage of our resources.
They should in city areas are not careful of using natural resources.
If this wastage continues our resources will run out very soon.
People living water by leaving the taps running whenever they use it for
day-to-day purposes.
4. Complete the following text with right forms of the verbs given in the box: 0.510=5
misled take provide maltreat depend have pass emphasis please like
Adult allowance is a noble programme a)_____ in our country. In most of the developed countries of the
world this kind of programme b)____ by the government. In our country the adults are mostly dependent on
their sons and daughters. They c)_____ the ability to work and earn. Sometimes they d)____ by their issues.
They are bound to e)_____ their days f)____ on others. It is our culture to look after our parents. Our
religion also g)____ on this teaching. The in filtration of foreign culture h)____ our youths. They i)____ to
be so careful of their responsibilities towards their parents. We believe that we cannot please God until our
parents j)_____ with us.
5. Change the narrative style of the following text: 5
“You’ve cut off your hair?” asked Jim. “Cut if off and sold it., said Della. “Don’t you like me just as well,
anyhow? I’m me without my hair, ain’t I?”
6. Change the sentences according to directions: 110=10
a) One day some naughty boys were walking by a small pond where many frogs lived. (Compound)
b) Seeing the frogs the boys started throwing stones at them. (Complex)
c) The stones injured some frogs seriously. (Passive)
d) An old frog wanted to know the reason, why they were hurting them. (Simple)
e) What was play to the boys was death to the frogs. (Compound)
f) The boys laughed at the frog. (Passive)
g) Another boy requested others not to throw stones at them. (Complex)
h) The other boys were convinced. (Interrogative)
i) They stopped throwing stones and went away (Simple)
j) Then the frogs were safe. (Negative)
7. Complete the sentences: 15=5
a) Men consider books best friends as _____.
b) You may not get good friends to be on your side when_____.
c) But there are books that _____.
d) Books are thought to be your real friends as long as _____.
e) So, if you read books properly, _____.
8. Complete the text adding suffixes, prefixes or the both with the root words given in the parenthesis:
We are living in a a) democratic country. We have many b) achieve though we live in c) poor. The country is
gradually advancing towards d) prosper. But observing hartal harms economy and causes a great suffering to
the e) political people. We should give up the practice of hartal for our own interest. Most of the political f)
active and g) innocence passers-by fall a victim to h) dead because of i) vandal attacks and counter attacks
by the j) extreme.
9. Add tag questions to the following statements: 0.510=5
a) Begging is the result of our poor socio-economic system, _______?
b) Beggars do not have any social dignity, ______?
c) Everybody feels pity for them, ______?
d) Micro-credit organization can come forward to solve the problem, _____?
e) The government should have social security belt, _______?
10. Complete the passage using suitable connectors. 15=5
Politics itself is not an evil job (a) _____ the whole development of the country depends on it. (b) ______
student politics is not basically bad. (c) _____ now-a-days it has taken a dreadful shape (d) ______ the
unwise and wicked role of the politicians. Generally the parents and guardians hold that students should
not take part in politics (e) _____ it greatly hampers their study.
11. Use capitals and punctuation marks where necessary in the following text. 5
why are you going to barisal said father i am going to barisal to buy some important books ait romel do
you need some money yes father dont go alone as time is not going well

Part-B : Composition [40 Marks]

12. Suppose, you are Nazmul/ Nazma, experienced in working as an English teacher. You have seen an
advertisement for the post of an English teacher in Nurpur High School, Rangpur. Write a CV with a cover
letter for the post. 8
13. Suppose, you are the students of Khulna Zilla School. Most of the students of your school are very
meritorious and talented. They take part in various types of co-curricular activities. For the want of a
debating club, they cannot take part in debate competition. Now, write an application to the Headmaster of
your school for opening a debating a debating club in the school compound. 10
14. Suppose, you suffer a lot from traffic jam. Now, write a paragraph on ‘Email’. 10
15. Write a short composition on ‘Value of time’. 12
Model Question - 32
ENGLISH Second Paper

Part-A : Grammar [60 Marks]

1. Fill in the blanks with the words from the box. You may need to change the forms of some of the words.
You may need to use one word more than once. 0.5  10 = 5
by in destroy to with wash a from
Trees are very useful (a) ______ man. They prevent the rich top soil (b) _______ being (c) _______ away
(d) ______ rain water and floods. We can see tress being planted and damaged. Trees provide life to (e)
_____ place (f) ____ their colourful beautiful leaves and fruits. They provide shelter (g) _____ birds and
animals. They take in carbon dioxide and give out oxygen. Man needs oxygen (h) _____ breathe. Actually
without trees our life (i) ____ the world is impossible. So, we should plant more trees and must refrain
from (j) ____ trees and forest.
2. Fill in the blanks with suitable words. 0.5  10 = 5
In every walk (a) ____ life, discipline is a must. As soon as (b) ____ man loses uniformity (c)_____ nature
at large, his life is bound to be full of unhappiness and uneasiness. Everything (d) _____ a moves in (e)
____ disciplined way. From (f) _____ sun down to the smallest creature everything (g) _____ a
disciplined life. Discipline is mostly needed (h) ____ early life. A child whose habits are (i) ____, can gain
honour in every field of life. His future will be blessed (j) _____ peace and happiness.
3. Make five sentence using parts of sentences from each column of the table below. 15=5
Happiness not be happy
A person with a crown may from person to person.
Whereas a day labourer is a relative term.
Again happiness varies a blessing of God.
Complete happiness or peace of find happiness living in a shabby hut.
4. Complete the following text with right forms of the verbs given in the box. 0.5  10 = 5
initiate were invent was take educate use digitalize store have
Science has (a) _______ many wonders and computer is one of them. Computer (b) _______ invented
overnight. It (c) _______ a long time and hard labour to invent computer. First of all, Pascal (d) ______
the Theory of “Digital calculating system” in 1642. Though his attempts (e) _______ not crowned with
success, he initiated the research which paved the way to the invention of computer. Computer is now (f)
_______ by all literate and (g) _______ people. It is used for (h) ______ all data and information. The
internet (i) _______ any connection without. a computer set. To make our country (j) _______ computer
has no alternative.
5. Change the narrative style of the following text. 5
“What kind of stories did Aesop tell?” asked Anwar. “Fables”, replied Mrs Amin. “Do you know what
fables are?” No”, replied Anwar. “Well”, continued Mrs Amin, “Fables are stories with a message or a
6. Change the sentences according to directions. 1  10 = 10
(a) Although Meena had picked the mango, her mother gave the larger share of it to Raju. (Make
compound sentence)
(b) Meena was very disappointed at this. (Use active voice)
(c) Mithu divided the egg into two and put half of it on Meena’s plate. (Make simple sentence)
(d) Coming back, Raju was upset to see this. (Make complex sentence)
(e) He looked very angry. (Make negative sentence)
(f) A girl is as important as a boy. (Use comparative sentence)
(g) Meen’s grandma did not agree to this. (Make affirmative sentence)
(h) Menna’s parents realized the importance of being a girl. (Make exclamatory sentence)
(i) The whole family started taking much care of Meena. (Use passive voice)
(j) Meena was a very lucky girl. (Make exclamatory sentence)
7. Complete the sentences. 15=5
(a) Historical places help us __________.
(b) Man is curious __________.
(c) ________, he can know many things.
(d) We should pay a visit to a historical place _________.
(e) It is high time __________.
8. Complete the text adding suffixes, prefixes or the both with the root words given in the parenthesis. 0.5  10 = 5
(a) persevere is a great virtue to be (b) success in life. in life. Those who do not persevere in life, become
success (c) people are always hardworking and (e) persevere. So try to be persevering. (f) Sincere is
another important virtue that (g) able a period to accomplish a job (h) appropriate. Student life is the (i)
form period of a man’s life. One should not (j) use this period of life.
9. Make tag questions of these statements. 15=5
(a) Success cannot be achieved without efforts, ______?
(b) Of course not. In fact, everything glorious is achieved through much efforts, _____?
(c) That’s right. We could not achieve our independence if we did not struggle for it, _____?
(d) Surely not. Everyone of us should try hard to gain success, _____?
(e) Of course. It won’t descend on us automatically, _____?
10. Complete the passage using suitable connectors. 15=5
Women are nowadays as important as men in society. They constitute nearly half of our total population.
(a)_____, there can be no denying the fact (b)_____ they too possess equal rights and duties (c)____ men
do. They have noble missions to fulfill as men. (d)_____ they get opportunity, their genius, powers (e)____
capacities will bloom fully.
11. Use capitals and punctuation marks where necessary in the following text. 5
is spite of his illness rahul went to college he seemed to be very tired and worried his teacher Mr Wahed
advised him to leave the college at once.

Part-B: Composition (40 Marks)

12. Suppose, some Beauticians will be recruited in Ruposhi Beauty Parlour, Gulshan, Dhaka. You want to
apply for the post. Now, write a CV with a cover letter for the post. Your CV should not exceed one page. 8
13. Suppose, you are the students of Comilla Zilla School. Most of the students of your school are meritorious
and talented. They take part in co-curricular activities. For the absence of a debating club they cannot take
part in debate competitions. Now write an application to the Headmistress of your school for opening a
Debating Club in the school compound. 10
14. Write a paragraph in 250 words on “An Ideal Student”. 10
15. Write a composition on “Birds of Bangladesh”. 12
Model Question - 33
ENGLISH Second Paper

Part-A : Grammar [60 Marks]

1. Fill in the blanks with the words from the box. You may need to change the forms of some of the words.
You may need to use one word more than once. 0.5  10 =5
direct and industry the of agriculture in consumption on for
Bangladesh is our birthland. It is small but beautiful. It is an (a) ________ country. Most of (b) ________
people of this country (c) ________ of indirectly depend (d) _______ agriculture for their livelihood. Many
important (e) ______ depend on agricultural products. Agriculture supplies food stuff (f) ______ human
and animal (g) ________. Any decline (h) ________ agricultural products brings about (i) _______
economic depression in the country. Failure (j) ________ crops causes sufferings of the entire people.
2. Fill in the blanks with suitable words. 0.5  10 =5
Mrs. Rehana teaches English. She (a) _______ communicative approach (b) ________ language teaching.
She has (c) ________ good command of English. She creates (d) __________ English environment in (e)
_________ class and we have (f) _______ ample opportunity to hear and speak English. When we cannot
understand the meaning of a new word in (g) _______ text, she makes us understand it ( h) _________
using different techniques rather than translating it (i) ________ Bangla. But she usually tells us to guess
the meaning (j) ________ the context.
3. Make five sentences using parts of sentences from each column of the table below. 15=5
Health follows enjoy the jest of life.
A healthy man be an asset to the nation
He cannot the rules of health.
An unhealthy man means the soundness of body and mind.
It root of all happiness.
4. Complete the following text with right forms of the verbs given in the box. 0.5  10 = 5
Prepare claim develop memorize command
be help do think exercise
Most of the students of our country (a) ________ expert in (b) ________ answers. They don’t prepare
notes themselves. They get them (c) _______ by their tutors. Their tutors (d) ________ their brain for the
students. So, the (e) _______ power of the students (f) _________. They do not have any (g) _________ of
their language. They, of course, (h) _______ well in the examination. But for this they can (i) _______ no
credit of their own. This result (j) ________ them in their later life.
5. Change the narrative style of the following text. 5
The teacher said to the boy, “Do you think that honesty is the best policy? The boy said, “Yes sir. I think
so.” “Then learn to be honest from your boyhood,” said the teacher. “Thank you, sir,” said the boy. “May
Allah grant you a long life,” said the teacher to the boy.
6. Change the sentences according to directions. 1  10 = 10
(a) Truthfulness is the greatest of all the virtues. (Use positive degree)
(b) This virtue makes a man really great. (Make complex sentence)
(c) If we do not cultivate the habit of speaking the truth, we cannot command the confidence of others.
(Make simple sentence)
(d) A lie never lies hidden. (Make affirmative sentence)
(e) All hate him. (Make negative)
(f) Nobody likes him. (Make interrogative sentence)
(g) So, we should never tell a lie. (Make affirmative sentence)
(h) It should be avoided. (Use active voice)
(i) Speaking the truth is more rewarding than telling a lie. (Use positive degree)
(j) Only truth lasts long. (Make negative sentence)
7. Complete the sentences. 15=5
(a) Hardly had I reached the station ________.
(b) We work hard lest _______.
(c) Fortune smiles upon those ________.
(d) Strike the iron while ________.
(e) He pretended as though ________.
8. Complete the text adding suffixes, prefixes or the both with the root words given in the parenthesis. 0.5  10 =5
Money cannot buy (a) happy. Money is a must for our life. Happiness is absolutely a (b) psychology
matter. It means the (c) content of mind. He who is (d) satisfy with what he gets and contented with his
life, is really happy. Happiness is not (e) purchase with money. (f) Doubt money has some relation with
happiness. So, we see that the most (g) wealth men of our society are not the happiest men. They lead a life
(h) burden with cares and (i) anxious. It is only moral and spiritual (j) develop that gives us happiness.
9. Make tag questions of these statements. 15=5
(a) The young generation love to listen to music aloud, _______?
(b) They are indifferent to the bed effects of sound pollution. Moreover, nobody bothers for the others
(c) They seldom pay heed to advice_______?
(d) Actually, smartness lies in modesty ________?
(e) We must make them understand that sound pollution causes a great harm to us _______?
10. Complete the passage using suitable connectors. 15=5
Trees are very useful to us. They help us in many ways. The give us oxygen, food and shade. (a) ________
they protect us from air pollution. (b) ________ many people are not aware of this. They are cutting down
trees every moment without consideration. c) ______ they continue to do it, one day there will be no trees
left on earth. (d) _______ this really happens, our life will be at stake. (e) _______ we should stop this
practice immediately and grow more trees for our survival.
11. Use capitals and punctuation marks where necessary in the following text. 5
once i asked a sweet little girl what is your mothers name she replied cleverly i know mothers name but i
won’t tell you that i said what a clever girl you are i don’t tell my mothers name to anybody whom i don’t
know she spoke with an air of confidence

Part-B : Composition [40 Marks]

12. Suppose, Motijheel Model High School and College invites applications for the post of and English
Language Teacher. Now, write a CV with a cover letter for the post. Your CV should not exceed one page.
13. Suppose, you are Joy! Joya, a student of Rangpur Zilla School. You, all the students are very eager to go
on a study tour. Now write an application to your Headmaster for permission to go on a study tour. 10
14. Write a paragraph on “A winter morning” answering the following question. 10
(a) How is a winter morning? (b) How do people feel in a winter morning? (c) How do animals feel? (d)
When do people get up? (e) What kinds of food do people eat?
15. Write a composition on “Rivers of Bangladesh”. 12
Model Question - 34
ENGLISH Second Paper

Part-A : Grammar [60 Marks]

1. Fill in the blanks with the words from the box. You may need to change the forms of some of the words.
You may need to use one word more than once. 0.5  10 =5
summed look tread efforts spoke success ensure find usually blamed blind successful
Fortune has often been (a) ________ for her blindness. But it is not so (b) ________ as men. Those who (c)
_______ into a particular, life will (d) ________ that fortune is (e) _________ on the side of the
industrious. Success (f) ________ on the heels of energy and right (g) ________ and qualities necessary to
(h) _________ up in common sense and perseverance. Right efforts are success. These qualities may be (i)
________ also essential for (j) __________.
2. Fill in the blanks with suitable words. 0.5  10 = 5
Today terrorism is a global (a) _______ dealing the headlines of the dailies. Through terrorism, terrorists
are creating fear and (b) ________ among people to gain their (c) _________ ends or the ends of the ends
of the organization to which they belong. There are two types of terrorists (d) _________ criminal terrorists
and political terrorists. Criminal terrorists try to gain their ends through kidnappings, riots, etc. Political
terrorists are much more (e) _________. They are (f) _______ and well trained. They take the senseless
measures to (g) _______ people and the government. Hijacking of airplanes, sabotage, murder eminent
public men, shooting down innocent people, (h) ________ use of bombs and explosives are the various (i)
________ used by the political terrorists to gain (j) ________ they want.
3. Make five sentences using parts of sentences from each column of the table below. 15=5
He or she like a beast.
Everybody should not a sheep indeed.
A black sheep is avoid a black sheep.
may be a student or a soldier.
a person who does things that are not accepted.
4. Complete the following text with right forms of the verbs given in the box. 0.5  10 = 5
travel feel beg go tremble grant fight come eat leave
A dog and a donkey carrying a basket of bread (a) _______ together on a long journey. After they had (b)
_________ for some time they (c) _______ hungry and the donkey began to eat grass that grew by the
road-side. The dog who could not eat grass, (d) ________ for a piece of bread from the donkey’s back, but
the donkey (e) ________ the request. Shortly after a wolf was seen (f) ________ towards him. (g) ______
with fear the donkey begged the dog to stand by. But the dog would not. He said that those who ate alone
must also (h) _______ alone. With these words he went away (i) _______ the ass to (j) ________ up by the
5. Change the narrative style of the following text. 5
“We would like to go on an excursion. Can we have your permission, sir?” said the students. “Yes, you can
arrange it after the examination is over. And you should choose a historical place for that, replied the
Headmaster. “Thank you, sir.”
6. Change the sentences according to directions. 1  10 = 10
(a) We should make the habit of reading books so that we may earn knowledge. (Simple)
(b) The books written by famous writers are a great source of increasing our knowledge. (Complex)
(c) Nobody gets perfection in life if he does not read the books of the great writer. (Passive)
(d) To make the society civilized, there is no alternative to reading books. (Interrogative)
(e) A book is our greatest friend. (Positive)
(f) Some books being moral can make us good men. (Compound)
(g) So, it is better than any other asset of us. (Superlative)
(h) It is totally true. (Negative)
(i) Thus, books should be given priority by us over anything else. (Active)
(j) Otherwise, we will not be close to the modern world. (Affirmative)
7. Complete the sentences. 15=5
(a) A farmer ________. ___
had a wonderful goose ________.
(b) He was not happy with the goose ______.
(c) He wanted that ________.
(d) So one day he cut the belly of the goose _______.
(e) _________ there was no egg in its belly.
8. Complete the text adding suffixes, prefixes or the both with the root words given in the parenthesis. 0.5  10 = 5
We are living in a (a) _______ (democrat) country. We have many (b) ________ (achieve) though we live
in (c) ________ (poor). The country is gradually advancing towards (d) ________ (prosper). But observing
hartal has become a political culture in our country. It harms economy and causes a great suffering to(e)
__________ (political) people. We should give up the practice of hartal for our own interest. (f) ________
(dead) political (g) ________ (active) and (h) ________ (innocence) passers by fall a victim to death
because of (i) (vandal), attacks and counter attacks by the (j) ________ (extreme).
9. Make tag questions of these statements. 15=5
(a) He never speaks the truth. He is a liar, _______?
(b) I’m not shorter than you. I am as tall as you, _______?
(c) I have no important task to dot me do the work, _______?
(d) All of them were satisfied with our service. Neither of them complained, ________?
(e) He is an honest man. That he is honest is known to all, ________?
10. Complete the passage using suitable connectors. 15=5
It is the law of God (a) ________ no danger comes without giving its firs warning. It is for us to take this
warning (b) ________ to prevent the danger from falling upon us. It is better to take preparation (c)
________ symptoms of a danger first appear. It may be prevented (d) ________ a little care is taken. This
little care will e us from danger. So prevention is a far easier (e) ________ less costly task than cure.
11. Use capitals and punctuation marks where necessary in the following text. 5
once my mother said to me who came to you my friend rafiq mom she asked what did he want i said his
mother is ill be needs some money i have given him five hundred take my mother said nice

Part-B: Composition [40 Marks]

12. Suppose, you are Asif Anwar. Recently you have seen a vacancy advertisement in the Daily Morning
News for the post of an English lecturer in Akkelpur College. Now, write a CV with a cover letter to the
Principal for the post. Your CV should be limited in one page only. 8
13. Suppose, you are Rabbi/Rebeka, a student of Rangpur Zilla School, Rangpur. You appeared at S.S.C exam
in 2015 and secured GPA-S. You require a testimonial for admission into a college. Now, write an
application to the Headmistress of your school praying for a testimonial. 10
14. Write a paragraph on ‘A Tea Stall’ by answering the following questions. 10
(a) What is a tea stall? (b) What things are sold here? (c) Where is it found? (d) Who serves tea? (e) kinds
of discussions take place in a tea-stall?
15. Write a composition on ‘A Village Fair You have Visited’. 12
Model Question - 35
ENGLISH Second Paper

Part-A : Grammar [60 Marks]

1. Fill in the blanks with the words from the box. You may need to change the forms of some of the words.
You may need to use one word more than once. 0.5  10 = 5
in farm differ the be by for a
Self-employment means to create job opportunity (a) _______ oneself (b) _______ one’s effort. Various
government organizations (c) ________ trying to create (d) ________ congenial atmosphere for self-
employment (e) _________ NGO’s have also rendered their help. Livestock rearing, agricultural (f)
_________, poultry rising are some of (g) ________ sectors. There are many opportunities (h) _________
self-employment (i) _________ Bangladesh. One can easily engage on-self (j) _________ these jobs.
2. Fill in the blanks with suitable words. 0.5  10 = 5
The Olympic Games were named (a) _______ the town of Olympia in Greece. It was in Olympia that the
games were first held (b) _______ the Christian era began. In those days Greece was divided (c) _____
many cities and men of different cities (d) ______ to fight with one another most of the time. (e) ______
man named Iphitos became concerned about such wasteful strife. He hit (f) _____ a plan. He invited the
best athletes from the nearby cities (g) ______ the valley of Olympia to (h)_____ athletic contests. Iphitos
plan worked (i) _____. For a time the Greek warriors, instead of (j) _____ their neighbours, tried to our do
their rivals in friendly games and sports.
3. Make five sentences using parts of sentences from each column of the table below. 15=5
Every nation are every year with due solemnity.
Our nation has some glorious days.
These days are 21st February, 26th March, 16th December.
The 16 December must have observed also some glorious and memorable days.
a glorious day for the people of Bangladesh.
4. Complete the following text with right forms of the verbs given in the box. 0.5  10 = 5
be talk deal turn merge play spread hear serve happen
Rumour is some information that is spread by being (a) _________ about but may not be true. For instance,
we (b) ________ that South Korea was going to be (c) _________ with North Korea. Actually the did not
(d) ________. Rumour (e) ________ a very important role in forming public opinion, even on a very
important matter. (f) _________ rumour is done for serving certain purposes. The purpose may (g)
_________ good or bad. If the rumour is to (h) __________ a political purpose, it may (i) _________ very
harmful to the nation as politics (j) _________ with the interest of the nation.
5. Change the narrative style of the following text. 5
Asif said to his sister, “Do you want me to help you?” “No, I need not take other’ help. You can go now,”
said his sister. Asif said, “Good night. May God help you.”
6. Change the sentences according to directions. 1  10 = 10
(a) Jerry was an orphan boy. (Complex)
(b) I did not recognise his name. (Affirmative)
(c) He was like a star twinkling in a cloudless sky. (Interrogative)
(d) Once he broke the axe-handle. (Complex)
(e) But he did not take the money to repair it. (Affirmative)
(f) He admitted that he was responsible for breaking the handle. (Compound)
(g) He admitted his guild. (Negative)
(h) No one hits accurately every time. (Complex)
(i) To err is human. (Complex)
(j) He was not a deceiver. (Affirmative)
7. Complete the sentences. 15=5
(a) 1971 is the year when _________.
(b) Bangladesh gained her freedom after she _________.
(c) Many sacrificed their lives so that ________.
(d) We should pay tribute to those heroes who ________.
(e) Unless work hard unitedly ________.
8. Complete the text adding suffixes, prefixes or the both with the root words given in the parenthesis. 0.5 10 = 5
Mobile phone is a (a) ________ (wonder) _________ gift for us. It is a recent (b) ________ (invent)
_______ of modern science. It has become an (c) _________ (avoid) _________ part of our life. (d)
________ (true) _________ speaking, mobile phone is now a part and parcel In our (e) __________ (day)
life and affair. Nowadays, there is (f) _________ (hard) __________ any son who doesn’t use mobile
phone for essential (g) _________ (communicate) __________. Our time and energy are (h) __________
(large) ________ saved by the use of mobile phone. But (i) _________ (proper) __________ use of these
device (j) __________ (particular) _________ by the young generation may had negative effects on our
9. Make tag questions of these statements. 15=5
(a) Time and tide wait for none, __________?
(b) But many of us waste our time, _________?
(c) None could prosper in life without utilizing time properly, _________?
(d) Everybody should realize this truth, _________?
(e) Let’s make the best use of time, _________?
10. Complete the passage using suitable connectors. 15=5
(a) ________ taking food, we should bear in mind (b) ________ we do not eat just to satisfy hunger (c)
_________ to fill the belly. We eat to preserve our health. Some people (d) ________ live in the of plenty
do not eat the food they need for good health (e) _________ they have no knowledge of the science of
health and nutrition.
11. Use capitals and punctuation marks where necessary the following text. 5
twenty years ago i lived in a village now it has turned into a big one not only that it is going to be a
crowded town this way we face changes dont we changes should be accepted but that should be positive

Part-B: Composition [40 Marks]

12. Suppose, you are Mahathir Bin Khaled. You have completed MBA from IBA Institute of Dhaka
University. Grameen phone company limited is seeking for some executive officers. So, the company has
given a circulation recently in the Daily New Age. Now, write a CV with a cover letter for the post. Your
CV should not exceed one page. 8
13. Suppose, you are Istiak, a student of Jessore Zilla School. You are eager to stage a drama on the up-coming
prize-giving ceremony. Now, write an application to the headmaster of your school for the permission to
stage a drama. 10
14. Write a paragraph on Mobile phone. 10
15. Trees have a great influence on environment as well as on human beings including all other animals. Now,
write a composition about the ‘Importance of Tree Plantation’. 12
Model Question - 36
ENGLISH Second Paper

Part-A : Grammar [60 Marks]

1. Fill in the blanks with the words from the box. You may need to change the forms of some of the words.
You may need to use one word more than once. 0.5  10 = 5
to success compensation by concentrate
deny competence about of off
Present world is very competitive. So you need to be (a) _______. As a student you should have full (b)
_______ in your studies. You should not (c) _______ callous (d) ______ your studies. Nothing can (e)
______ for your loss (f) ____wasting time. There is no (g) ______ the fact that (h) ______ depends on hard
labour. So you must shake (i) ______ your idleness. Idleness bring (j) _____ ruin.
2. Fill in the blanks with suitable words. 0.5  10 = 5
A man of (a) _________ is respected always (b) __________ after his death for his (c) __________. He is
an (d) __________ person who devote himself with a view to (e) _________ education in the society. He
always (f) _________ people how to (g) __________ between the right and wrong. (h) _________ fact he
is the authentic person (i) __________ the world should (j) __________.
3. Make five sentences using parts of sentences from each column of the table below. 15=5
Poverty has much probability of development.
It is too complicated for us to solve in a day.
We makes us disreputable in the society.
Out country should this problem through hard diligence.
solve been actually created by us.
4. Complete the following text with right forms of the verbs given in the box. 0.5  10 = 5
ensure initiate treat allow earn except depend take provide depend
Adult allowance is a noble programme a) ______ in our country. In most of the developed countries of
he world this kind of programme already b) ____. The government c) _____ the old people secured and
comfortable services. But in our/ country adults are d) ____ on their own sons or daughters. They lose their
ability to work and e) ______at this age. They f) _____ offensively sometimes by their own issue. They
have to pass their days g)_____ on others. This allowance should be h)_____ and the true should be
i)_____ to have this allowance. It j) _____ that the leaders will do their duty impartially to select the right
person for this purpose.
5. Change the narrative style of the following text: 5
"Go to school, will you? " No, mum, I will not", said shafique. "How strange! you played all the morning,"
said the mother to Shafique.
6. Change the sentences according to directions. 1  10 = 10
a) Wherever we may cast our eyes we notice the achievement of science (Simple).
b) There electricity lights both the street and house (Negative)
c) The radio broadcasts news, songs and lectures (passive)
d) There is cinema to delight you in the evening (Complex).
e) Computer is the most important of modern science (Positive).
f) We cannot go without it (Interrogative).
g) Internet is as important as computer (Comparative).
h) It helps us to know about he world (compound).
i) It is greater than all other inventions of modern science (Superlative)
j) The invention of computer is a great miracle (Exclamatory).
7. Complete the following sentences. 15=5
a) It is character which _____.
b) ____ earn respect of all.
c) A person may be of blue blood but _____.
d) It is the childhood when _____.
e) It is high time _____.
8. Complete the text adding suffixes, prefixes or the both with the root words given in the parenthesis:
0.5 10 = 5
a) Toleran is supposed to be a frantic b) behave. It causes c) segregate among human beings. The practice
of d) bear tolerance needs to start from the very beginning of life. Parents and teachers ought to sow the
seeds of tolerance in the tender heart of e) learn. The f) family role is not g) neglect in this respect.
Then comes the role of h) educate institutions. Our i) new introduced curriculum has given j) important
to this issue.
9. Make tag questions of these statements. 1 5 = 5
a) Money is a must for our life, ______?
b) One can do almost nothing without it, _______?
c) But money can hardly bring happiness, _____?
d) What you need most to be happy is contentment ,______?
e) That's why, few people led a happy life, ____?
10. Complete the passage using suitable connectors. 1 5 = 5
Having a degree on medicine, Gulliver went on a voyage. a) ____ the ship was wrecked but he b) ____
managed to swim ashore. He slept a deep sleep c) _____ his tiredness. d) ____ he woke up, he saw many
tiny creatures. e) _____ they were the human beings smaller than Gulliver himself.
11. Use capitals and punctuation marks where necessary in the following text.
how can you do the work in two days nobody agrees to do it in less than four i said to the boy i am
confident i shall finish it as i have told you he replied.

Part B: Composition (40 marks:)

12. Suppose, you are Rakib and you have competed your studies in Management. You have seen a vacancy
ad. for the position of a Marketing Manager in a company named Singer Bangladesh Ltd. Now write a CV
with a cover letter for the post. Your CV should not exceed one page. 8
13. Suppose, you are Rakib, a student of Nurgonj High School. You don't have a computer club in your school
Now write an application to the Headmaster of your school praying for to establishing a computer club in
the school campus. 10
14. Write a paragraph on "Environment Pollution' by answering the following questions below. 10
a) What do you mean by 'Environment'?
b) What are the main elements of environment?
c) How is environment polluted?
d) What are the bad effects of environment pollution?
e) What should we do to keep our environment free from pollution?
15. Write a composition on 'Unemployment Problem in Bangladesh. 12
Model Question - 37
ENGLISH Second Paper

Part-A : Grammar [60 Marks]

1. Fill in the blanks with the words from the box. You may need to change the forms of some of the words.
You may need to use one word more than once. 0.5  10 = 10
express with subjugation on alienate
speak declare commemoration derived passionately
Bangla is one of the most extensively a) ____ languages of the world. Bengali script is b) ____ directly
from Gupta Brahmic script having close affinity c) ____ Thai and Cambodia scripts. Bengali is a rich
language capable of d) ____ the finest thought and feeling. The Bangalees e) _____ love their language.
At the time of f) _____ of Pakistan, Bangalees shed their blood g) ____ 21 st Feb, 1952 to h) ____ our
mother tongue from Urdu language. This day has been i) _____ as International Mother Language Day by
UNESCO in j) ____ of the language martyrs.
2. Fill in the blanks with suitable words. 0.5 10 = 10
E-commerce has become a a) _____ word at present. It may be b) _____ a business c) ____electronic
transactions. Buyers and sellers are not d) ______ to talk face to face but they can buy or sell at e) _____
People from home and f) _____ can run their trade and g) _____ using the system. It provides us
h) _____ global information, resources and services within a i) ____ of an eye. So it becomes
j) _____ to all rapidly.
3. Make five sentences using parts of sentences from each column of the table below. 15=5
Refugee crisis be the values of global
Migrants from Middle- East can reduce responsible for this problem
Vast poverty, political conflict etc undertake a burning question at present world.
A recent photograph of a drawing child becomes stirred this problem.
named Aynal has
Sustainable development and global peace has stirred a risky journey by sea for a safe abode.
4. Complete the following text with right forms of the verbs given in the box. .5 10 = 5
choose ensure be threaten relate use retain compel revive
In the past our agricultural sector a) _____ badly ignored. Besides, natural calamities b) _____our food
production every year. So the villagers are being (c) ____ to give up cultivation and are (d) ____ another
profession for their livelihood. But the economic development is largely (e) _____ with agriculture.
Realising the fact, our government has come forward to (f) ____ this sector to (g) _____ food security.
Now farmers are being inspired in (h) _____ modern tools. As a result our agriculture (i) ____ steady
success in recent years. If it continues, our food production (j) ____ surplus in near future.
5. Change the narrative style of the following text.
"Strange! why are you putting food in your pocket, sir? Why don't you eat'?" asked the noble man. "My
dress deserves this food. Can't you recognizes me ?" said Sheikh Saadi. "Sorry, forgive me for my
misconduct." said' the noble man.
6. Change the sentences according to directions.
(a) The cuckoo is the bird of very shy nature. (Complex)
(b) It is not often found beside human habitation. (Affirmative)
(c) It sings only in spring. (Negative)
(d) Though they look black, they are adorable. (Simple)
(e) They lay eggs in the nest of crows. (Complex)
(f) They don't hatch their eggs because they are lazy. (Simple)
(g) The crow is too foolish to identify the eggs. (Negative)
(h) They cannot but raise the baby cuckoos. (Affirmative)
(i) It is really an amazing matter. (Negative)
(j) Crows never understand the trick. (lnt.)
7. Complete the sentences.
(a) If all were honest,___.
(b) It is contentment which,____.
(c) A dishonest man speaks as if,____.
(d) If we can check our temptation,____.
(e) So it is high time____.
8. Complete the text adding suffixes, prefixes or the both with the root words given in the parenthesis.
Everybody is (a) like, to be impressed with the (b) majesty beauty of the setting sun. The (c) impress may
differ from man to man according to his feelings, likes or d) likes. Even if somebody is mentally e) retard
or has physical f) deform he or she g) Joy such a sight. It is h) possible to resist the i) tempt of witnessing
the beauty of the setting sun. We become grateful to the j) create for creating such a wonderful universe.
9. Make tag questions of these statements 15=5
a) None is none under the sun, ___?
b) So one should work for one's sake, ___?
c) Allah has given us the ability to make the world beautiful, ____?
d) Everybody should realize the truth, ____?
e) But a dishonest man can hardly realize it, ____?
10. Complete the passage using suitable connectors. 1 5=5
Undoubtedly wildlife plays a vital role in nature. a) ____ it goes without saying b) _____ wildlife is the
part and parcel of our environment. c) _____ man and other domestic animals, the rest of the animals live
in the forest. They are called wild animals. d)____ the manner of their living is known e) ____ wild life.
11. Use capitals and punctuation marks where necessary in the following text. 5
what kind of stories did tell said anwar fables replied mrs. amin do you know waht fables are no replied
anwar anwar well continued mrs amn fables are stories with a message or a moral.

Part-A : Grammar [40 Marks]

12. Suppose, three English teachers will be appointed in Model Academy in Comilla. You are interested to be
an English teacher. Now, make a CV with a cover letter for the post. 10
13. Suppose, your village is severely affected by flood. The suffering of the villagers is endless. Now, write an
application to the UNO for relief goods for the affected people. 12
14. Write a paragraph on "Internet".
15. Write a composition about "Your Childhood Memories"-
Model Question - 38
ENGLISH Second Paper

Part-A : Grammar [60 Marks]

1. Fill in the blanks with the words from the box. You may need to change the forms of some of the words.
You may need to use one word more than once. 0.5 10 = 10
reflect at a enchanting in from the at
The Kuakata beach lies a) _____ the southern extremity of Bangladesh. It is one of b) _____ rarest beaches
of the world that allows us to have c) _____ full view of the sunrise and sunset. The d) ____ of sunrise and
sunset in the water of e) ____ Bay of Bengal is really f) ___. The scene captivates human mind. Te beach
is not far from g) _____ Sundarbans. It has charming coconut groves h) _____ the background. It is also a
sanctuary of birds. Many birds i)_____ the north come in winter here. So, travellers can have j) _____ extra
2. Fill in the blanks with suitable words: 0.5  10 = 5
Present age is often referred a) ____ as an information age. b) ____ key to information age is the use of
digital technology, that is, Information and Communication Technology (ICT) c) ____ the needs of the
society ICT d) ____ the most significant role changing, updating and advancing e) _____ present society.
In Bangladesh, we f) ____ special emphasis g) _____ the use of digital technologies improvement of our
activities with h)____ goal to realise vision 2021. i)____ 2021, after 50 years of independence we are
determined to be middle income country j)____ peace, prosperity and dignity.
3. Make five sentence using parts of sentences from each column of the table below. 1 5 = 5
The Big Bang needed to enormous explosion that leads to the creation of the
The earth was the first continent's to be formed
The first forms of life on earth refers once connected together into one unified landmass
Continental drift were to the origin of the sun and planets
Africa and South America have been extremely hot in the early stage of its information
4. Complete the following text right forms of the verbs given in the box. 0.5  10 = 5
refresh stroll be walk take avail enjoy keep take do

A walk by the river side in the evening a) ____ very useful and pleasant. One b) ____ not only beautiful
sight but also c) ____ fresh air. it d) _____ the mind when one c) _____ a walk by the river. Bangladesh is
riverine country and you can f) ____ yourself of this opportunity of g) _____ by the riverside. In the cities
there are parks where you can go for h)____. This will help you i)____ fit. But if you j) _____ it regularly,
you will not have the benefit.
5. Change the narrative style of the following text. 5
"good morning, Rubi," said Rassel. "How much preparation have you taken for the Text Exam"? "A great
preparation," replied Rubi. "Bubi." By Allah I will get GPA-5"- Wow what a lucky girl are!" said Rassel.
"But my preparation is not up to the mark. Pray for me."
6. Change the sentences according to directions. 1  10 = 10
a) Internet is one of the most miraculous inventions of science. (Comparative)
b) It has brought about an unimaginable revolution in the field of communication. (Complex)
c) It is a computer network which connects other network and computers across t he globe. (Simple)
d) This network is interlinked with telephone! line. (Make Active)
e) Every computer requires a modem and a special kind of software for internet connection. (Interrogative)
f) In this modern world internet is more wonderful than other inventions. (Positive)
g) There are not more than two types of internet. (Make Active)
h) Internet gets connections from three networking systems. (Compound)
i) Internet users can get any sort of information very easily and quickly. (Passive)
j) Thus internent has done a great wonderful job. (Exclamatory)
7. Complete the sentences. 15=5
a) It is illiteracy____.
b) Had the students done their duties properly _____.
c) Uneasy lies the head _____.
d) I wonder whether, _____.
e) It sounded as thought _____.
8. Complete the text adding suffixes, prefixes or the both with the root words given in the parenthesis: 5
a) Achieve the proper mental b) fit is not a one day task. No one born 100% c) psychology fit. Just as the
body parts develop and grow, psychological fitness and maturity is achieved d) gradual. The experiences in
e) child contribute f) large to wards the sound growth of mental abilities. That is why learn. Proper
attention and care in the childhood will help kids to grow fit and sound. Psychological fitness of kids is
absolute necessity as it is degree of i) emotion growth that determines the character, carrer and emotional
balances of the person throughout the life, Parents can't just feel the duties accomplished by growing the
children physically j) health, but have to groom the kids emotionally) and psychologically.
9. Make tag questions of these statements 15=5
a) The creator is second to none, ____?
b) The jury gave its verdict today, ____?
c) The guide was not a woman ____?
d) Truth is beauty, beauty is truth, ____?
e) Plus and minus is equal to minus _____?
10. Complete the passage using suitable connectors 15=5
Population problem is the burning question of Bangladesh a) ____ it can be termed as number one
problem. b)____ the population of a country is an asset, it has already become a great problem in our
country c) ____ the country can not afford to give people the basic necessaries of life things d) _____
food, clothing, education, medicine and shelter are the basic necessaries of life e) _____ our country can
not provide these equally to all.
11. Use capitals and punctuation marks necessary in the following text. 5
Socrates looked at him and said how charming the man is since I have been in prison he has always
been coming to see me and at times he would talk to me and was as good to me as he could be and now
see how generously sorrows on my account.

Part-B : Composition [40 Marks]

12. Imagine, you are Hasan Hamid. You are an M.Com, Now, wire a job application in response to the
following advertisement published in the "Daily Star" dated on 23rd September 2015.
Carrer Opportunity
Dhaka Bank Limited in Dhaka requires some accounts officers. The successful candidate has an M.Com in
accounting (Hons) and at least one year experience in any company. He/ She should be fluent in both spoen and
written English
If you are interested an confident enough, apply with a complete CV and two copies of recent passport size
photographs by 1st October 2015
Write to:
Dhaka Bank Limited
Mirpur-10 Dhaka - 1016
13. Suppose, you are a student of class Ten in ABC High School, Sylhet. You are feeling severe pain in your
stomach after the first period. Now, wirte an application to the headmaster for early leave. 10
14. Suppose, You paid a visit to a book fair. Now wirte a paragraph on "A Book fair I have Recently a) What
was the occasion? b) How did you plan your visit? c) Where was the fair held? d) Why did you go there?
e) What was your feelings?
15. You are a student of class Ten. You live in Sylhet. You made a journey by train from Sylhet to Chittagong
during last summer vacation. Now write a short composition on "Your journey by Train". 12
Model Question - 39
ENGLISH Second Paper

Part-A : Grammar [60 Marks]

1. Fill in the blanks with the words from the box. You may need to change the forms of some of the words.
You may need to use one word more than once. 0.5  10 = 5
down depress fix of upon a the to
The condition of the mind affects the health a) _____ a person to b) _____ greater extent than what many
people can realize. Many of c) _____ diseases from which man suffers are d) _____ result of mental e)
____. Courage, hope, sympathy and love promote health and prolong life. Grief, anxiety, discontentment,
remorse, guilt and distrust all tend f) ____ break g) ____ the life forces and lead ____ the life forces and
lead h) ____ decay and death. One should i) ____ one's mind j) _____ cheerful things.
2. Fill in the blanks with suitable words: 0.5  10 = 5
In every walk a) ____ life, discipline is a must. As soon as b) ____ man loses uniformity c) _____ nature at
large, his life is bound to be full of unhappiness and uneasiness. Everything in d) ____ universe moves in
e) _____ disciplined way. From f) ___ sun down to the smallest creature everything g) _____ a disciplined
in life. Discipline is mostly needed h) ___ early life. A child whose habits are i) _____ can gain honour in
every field of life. His future will j) _____ peace and happiness.
3. Make five sentences using parts of sentences from each column of the table below. 15=5

An educate mother largely indebted to its educated mothers.

A child is an important role to build up an educated nation.
If the mother plays educated, her children will be educated
An educated nation grows always in touch with its mother.
A child up in contact with its mother usually.
4. Complete the following text with right forms of the verbs given in the box: 0.5  10 = 5
There a) ____ no rose without thorns, no right without duties, and no pleasures without pains. No wonder
that a student b)_____ certain duties to perform he has to c) ____ duties to his own, to his parents, to his
family; to his country and what is more to God. The first and for most duty of students is to d)____
knowledge. But he must e) _____ himself to prescribed books. Apart from f) ____ prescribed books
students should read reference books g)_____ information h)_____ for them in practical life. They should
read good books which are not i)_____ in the syllabus but can j) ____ them with the knowledge of moral
values. 5
5. Change the narrative style of the following text: 5
Returning home Robina's said to him, "Y Tour progress is very slow. You are always seen with a group of
friends You are idling away time with them. Can't you be more serious? Remember, if you fail in the
coming examination, I will stop paying your tuition fees. " I am sorry, father, I shall change myself. Robin
6. Change the sentences according to directions. 1  10 = 10
a) The whale is the largest creature in the world. (Use positive degree)
b) Its tongue is heavier than that of an elephant. (Negative)
c) Some of its arteries are big enough for child to swim through. (Complex)
d) In spite of their huge size wholes can move at a good speed. (Compound)
e) Mother whales fondle their babies. (Passive voice)
f) It takes care of its babies to raise them properly. (Complex)
g) It leaves its babies when they grow up. (Simple)
h) The mother whale feeds her babies on milk. (Passive voice)
i) The babies are safe with their mother. (Negative)
j) The whale is as social as human being. (USE comparative degree)
7. Complete the sentences. 15=5
a) _____ to be the root of success in all work.
b) One can go a long way if ____.
c) The rich are sincere to their work and they are capable of ____.
d) If the poor do not know the benefits of sincerity ____.
e) Sincerity is the tonic to any work because it ____.
8. Complete the text adding suffixes, prefixes or the both with the root words given in the parenthesis:
0.5  10 = 5
You should be a) friend with all in the class. If you are b) unfriendly in your class, nobody will mix with
you. c) friendly is a positive quality whereas d) friendliness is a negative aspect of your manners manners.
You car have e) friend with all by being friendly. Moreover, f) friend will bring for you many other
benefits. A student who is g) friendly becomes h) lone in the class. He doesn't get anyone of ventilate his i)
feel and thus he/ she remains j) exposed which causes a lot of harms later on.
9. Make tag questions of these statements. 15=5
a) Congratulations Abir? You have made an excellent result, ___?
b) Thanks, but my parents and teacher also deserve the credit, ____?
c) Right you are, we ought to remain grateful to them, ___?
d) Certainly, you too studied hard.__?
e) yes, only hard work brings success, ____?
10. Complete the passage using suitable connectors.
Where there is a will, there is a way. This proverb is necessarily true. People hate their fate a)____ they can
not get the result as their whishes. But b) _____ a man works deliberately for building his future, success
will touch him definitely. There is no magic power, c)_____ it is the magic of hard work. d)_____ when
one gets success fortune will side him too. The unlucky people rebuke the fate e) ____ there is no
alternative of hard work.
11. Use capitals and punctuation marks where necessary in the following text: 5
Oh my lord please do not kill the child said the woman let her have him the king said now everything is
clear to we pointing to the women he said to the servant give her the child she is the mother of the baby.

Part-B : Composition [40 Marks]

12. Suppose, you are Pradeep Chowdhury, you have seen a vacancy advertisement for the position of an
Account Officer in gram Bangla Multinational Company. Now write a CV with cover letter for the post.
Your CV should not exceed one page. 8
13. Suppose, you are Anis Ahmed, the inhabitant of Shimulia under sadar upazila, Sylhet. For want of the
repairing of the damage bridge over Borobhaga canal the people of your area have long been undergoing a
lot of sufferings. Now, write an application to the U.N.O of Sadar Upazilla, Parishead for repairing the
damaged bridge.
14. Write a paragraph in 250 words "A book fair". 10
15. Write a composition on "Population problem in Bangladesh". 10
Model Question - 40
ENGLISH Second Paper

Part-A : Grammar [60 Marks]

1. Fill in the blanks with the words from the box. You may need to change the forms of some of the words.
You may need to use one word more than once. 0.5  10 = 5

prepare be achieve satisfy require result

Spire curiosity unquenchable invent and already

Man has an a) _____ thirst for knowledge He b)______ with what he has known c) _____ seen. He wants
to know and see more and more. This d) _____ to know more e) ___ him to undertake and carry out hard
and dangerous tasks which eventually f) _____ in epoch making discoveries and g) ____ in the fields of
science and technology. Man in the meantime h) _____ what was once inconceivable. Man has. i) ____
landed on the moon and j) ____ for a journey to mars.
2. Fill in the blanks with suitable words 0.5 10 = 10

Illiteracy is not a boon a) ___ us. It is undoubtedly a b) ___ It hinders all kinds of c) ___ of a country. It d)
____ great harm to us. As we don't know e) _____ ways of development, we cannot f) _____ our poor
condition. As a result we are lagging g) _____ We are dependent on h)____ aids and grants. So all should
come i) ____ to eradicate illiteracy. Then we can j) ____ the welfare of the country.
3. Make five sentences using parts of sentences from each column of the table below. 15=5

Robert Herrick a famous goldsmith of London

He was to a village in Middlesex
His father Nicholas Herrick died a famous poet of English Literature
Nichola Herrick suddenly shifted when he was five years old.
After the death of his father his family born in London, UK
4. Complete the following text with right forms of the verbs given in the box. .5  10 = 5
accompany forget be launch walk
welcome greet appreciate reply interrogate
My first day at school is a memorable day in my life. I a) ____ the day as ling as I live. It b) ____ in
January, 1976. I c) ___ my schooling at a village primary school. My father d) ____ me to the school for
admission. We c) ____ all the way to school. When I entered the Headmaster's room I f) _____ him. I g)
____ and given a seat. Then he h) ____ me some questions. As i) ____ them, he j) _____ me cordially and
5. Change the narrative style of the following text. 5
"What's a puppet show?" Mita said to her father. Father said, "Let's go inside and you can know yourself
Inside the tent Mita said, "How strange! A doll is dancing and talking. "Father said, "A man behind the
screen is moving the doll. Do you understand who is talking? "No" replied Mita.
6. Change the sentences according to directions. 1  10 = 10
a) Bangladesh is one of the poorest countries in the world (positive)
b) It is not possible for her to provide employment to all these people. (Affirmative)
c) People can train themselves in different professions (Passive).
d) She can export manpower to other countries by training them on different professions (Complex)
e) In this way she may earn a lot of foreign exchange. (Interrogative)
f) Then she will remain to the position different from the present state. (Complex)
g) Other nations must respect us. (Negative)
h) We are confident that Bangladeshi nation will be the leader of the world. (Compound)
i) It will make her one of the most solvent countries in the word. (Comparative)
j) We all shall be pleased with the condition of our dearest motherland. (Active)
7. Complete the sentence 15=5
a) This is Bangladesh _______.
b) The people of Bangladesh are friendly _______.
c) When anyone falls in danger _____.
d) Here we love and help one another as if _____.
e) We also work together so that _____.
8. Complete the text adding suffixes, or the both with the root words given in the parenthesis. .5  10 = 5
Road accident have a) recent become a regular phenomenon in our country. As a result of theaccidents
many person fall a victim to b) timely death. It is reported that most of the accident occur because of the
c) violate of traffic rules by d) skilled drivers and e) conscious passers-by. May f) licensed and g) fault
vehicles run on the streets. These vehicles h) danger the i) safe of passengers and passers-by, But many of
us are j) aware of this danger.
9. Make tag questions of these statements: 15=5
a) Man is fond of turning back to the past, ____?
b) The present may be good, ___?
c) But everybody hardly forgets golden past, ____?
d) Nothing is more pleasant to him than the emories of childhood, ____?
e) The memories of childhood really haunt us, ____?
10. Complete the passage using suitable connectors 15=5
Having a degree on medicine Gulliver went on a voyage a) ____ the ship was wrecked but he b) ____
managed to swim ashore. He slept a deep sleep c) ____ his tiredness. d) ____ he woke up, he saw many
tiny creatures. e) ____ they were the human being.
11. Use capitals and punctuation marks where necessary in the following text. 5
luna have you done your english lesson today siad the teacher yes sir she replied but i have not understood
one grammatical point come to my room ill help you said the teacher thank you sir the smiling said.

Part-B : Grammar [40 Marks]

12. Suppose Cambridge College is a leading educational institute in Dhaka city invites application for a
computer Operator. Imagine, You are Sumon Ahmed working in Rupali Prokashoni as a Computer
Operator You are interested in this post. Now write a C.V with cover letter for the post. 8
13. Write an application to the chairman of your Upazilla Parishad for Construction a bridge over a canal of
your locality. 10
14. Write a paragraph about "Global Warming" 10
15. Write a composition on " Importance of reading newspaper". 12

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