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Department of Education

Region VII – Central Visayas

Baclayon National High School
Landican, Baclayon Bohol

Beyond Academics: TVL Education for Practical Skills

A Concept Paper
Presented to the School Principal and
Faculty of Baclayon National High School

In Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements for

Technical Vocational and Livelihood

Apple Jane Sy
Grade 12 TVL Charity
In the ever-evolving world we live in, education must extend beyond traditional
academic subjects to encompass practical skills that directly apply to the evolving job
market. Technical-Vocational-Livelihood (TVL) education has emerged as a valuable
pathway that focuses on equipping individuals with industry-specific skills and preparing
them for real-life challenges. This concept paper aims to delve into the importance of
TVL education in cultivating practical skills that surpass theoretical knowledge alone. By
emphasizing hands-on training, experiential learning, and opportunities for real-world
work experience, TVL education empowers learners with the essential tools to excel in
their chosen fields. This introduction serves as a foundation for a comprehensive
exploration of the advantages and outcomes associated with TVL education,
underscoring its relevance and significance in today's society.

The traditional academic system often focuses primarily on theoretical knowledge and
neglects the development of practical skills that are crucial for success in the modern
workforce. This creates a significant gap between the skills acquired through traditional
education and the skills demanded by employers.

Problem to Solve: The problem at hand is the mismatch between the skills possessed
by graduates and the requirements of the job market. Many individuals struggle to
secure employment or face difficulties in effectively applying their academic knowledge
in practical settings. This gap hinders their employability and overall career growth.

Project Significance: The significance of the project lies in addressing the gap between
academic education and practical skills by highlighting the importance of TVL education.
By emphasizing hands-on training, experiential learning, and industry-specific skills
development, TVL education equips individuals with the practical competencies and
work-ready skills needed to succeed in the job market. This project aims to bridge the
gap, enhance employability, and empower individuals with the necessary tools for
professional success. The project's significance is further magnified as it aligns
education with industry needs, supports economic growth, and contributes to the overall
development of a skilled and competent workforce.
Project Description:
The goal of this project is to enhance the relevance and effectiveness of Technical-
Vocational-Livelihood (TVL) education by focusing on the development of practical skills
and aligning the curriculum with industry needs.

1. Develop and update TVL curricula to align with current industry needs and
2. Enhance the capacity of TVL instructors through professional development and
training programs.
3. Establish strong partnerships with industries to ensure the integration of work-
based learning and apprenticeship opportunities.
4. Provide career guidance and counseling services to assist TVL students in
making informed decisions about their educational and career pathways.
Action Plan:
Year 1:

 Conduct a comprehensive analysis of industry needs and requirements to inform

curriculum development.
 Design and implement professional development programs for TVL instructors.
 Establish partnerships with industries to create work-based learning
Year 2:

 Revise and update TVL curricula based on industry feedback and emerging
 Continue providing professional development programs for instructors.
 Implement work-based learning programs and apprenticeship opportunities.
Year 3:

 Enhance career guidance and counseling services for TVL students.

 Strengthen partnerships with industries to ensure ongoing collaboration and
alignment with their needs.
 Evaluate the effectiveness of the project and make necessary adjustments for
continuous improvement.
The project will bring several benefits and outcomes. TVL graduates will have improved
employability due to the development of practical skills that match industry demands.
This will lead to higher job placement rates and better opportunities for graduates. The
project will also foster closer collaboration between educational institutions and
industries, creating a direct connection between education and employment. TVL
students will receive career guidance, empowering them to make informed decisions
about their educational and professional paths. The project will contribute to economic
growth by producing a skilled workforce that meets industry needs. The evaluation of
outcomes will involve tracking the employment rate and job placements of TVL
graduates, collecting feedback from employers on graduates' skills, monitoring student
participation and satisfaction in work-based learning programs, and analyzing feedback
from educational institutions, employers, and students to assess the project's overall
impact and success.

Project Needs and Cost:

1. Curriculum Development: 10,000 pesos

 Justification: This budget will be used to develop and update TVL curricula to
ensure they align with current industry needs and standards. It will cover
research, materials, and consultation fees.
 Personnel and Equipment Used: Curriculum developers, subject matter experts,
and reference materials.
2. Training and Professional Development: 15,000 pesos

 Justification: This budget will be utilized to enhance the capacity of TVL

instructors through training programs and professional development workshops.
It will cover workshop fees, training materials, and potential travel expenses.
 Personnel and Equipment Used: Trainers, facilitators, training materials, and
venue rental if applicable.
3. Industry Partnerships: 10,000 pesos

 Justification: This budget will be allocated to establish and maintain strong

partnerships with industries, ensuring the integration of work-based learning and
apprenticeship opportunities. It will cover networking events, partnership
meetings, and promotional materials.
 Personnel and Equipment Used: Partnership coordinators, networking event
expenses, and promotional materials.
4. Career Guidance Services: 5,000 pesos

 Justification: This budget will be utilized to provide career guidance and

counseling services to assist TVL students in making informed decisions about
their educational and professional pathways. It will cover the development of
guidance materials and organizing counseling sessions.
 Personnel and Equipment Used: Career counselors, guidance materials, and
counseling resources.
5. Equipment and Resources: 10,000 pesos

 Justification: This budget will be allocated to procure and maintain necessary

equipment, tools, and resources to support practical skills development in TVL
programs. It will ensure that students have access to the required equipment and
materials for hands-on training.
 Personnel and Equipment Used: Procurement officer, equipment and tool
purchases, and maintenance costs.
The budget allocation reflects the necessary investments in curriculum development,
professional development, industry partnerships, career guidance services, and
equipment to effectively implement the project and achieve its objectives. The personnel
involved will be responsible for coordinating the project activities, facilitating training
sessions, establishing industry partnerships, providing career guidance, and managing
the procurement and maintenance of equipment and resources.

Contact Information:
Name: Apple Jane Sy
Role: Research Leader

Summary of Qualifications
Complete Junior High School
Successfully defended PR1 and finished PR2 research output

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