Getting Drunk Rules

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Homebrew Drinking Rules

Roll a Sobriety Check (Constitution saving throw) against the Drunkenness DC that corresponds
to the round of drinks you are on (see table 1). Failed Sobriety Checks accumulate similarly to
Death Saving Throws, but with a twist. Each time you fail a Sobriety Check, your level of
drunkenness increases by one, and you gain the corresponding effect (see table 2). These effects
are discrete and do not stack. After three failed saves you black out; you remember nothing that
happens from this point until you finish a long rest. After four failed saves you pass out, you
remain passed out until you have completed a long rest.

Hangovers (Optional)
Roll on Table 2 according to how drunk you were before taking a long rest or passing out.
Subtract your Constitution modifier from this number to get the number of hours you are
hungover. While hungover you gain the Poisoned condition.

If you receive any type of Healing, decrease your number of failures by one. If a character moves
from Blacked Out to Drunk they remove the poisoned condition, but they do not recover lost

Table 1 – Drunkenness DCs

You can define a round however you want, depending on the situation. A round could be a glass
of beer or wine, a shot of liquor, an hour at a bar, a round of a drinking contest, etc. After taking
a short rest (without imbibing alcohol) decrease the Round you are on by one. After a long rest
reset to Round 1.
Round DC
Round 1 10
Round 2 12
Round 3 15
Round 4 18
Round 5 20
Round 6 25
Round 7 30

Table 2 – Failing Sobriety Checks

Failures Effect Duration
Sober – Whatever you have or haven’t drunk isn’t effecting you
0 yet. No Hangover
Failures Effect Duration
Tipsy – Gain Advantage on Charisma based checks and saving
1 throws. 1d4 - CON
Buzzed – Take Disadvantage on all Dexterity based checks and
saving throws. Gain Advantage on all Strength based checks and
2 saving throws. 1d6 - CON
3 Drunk – Gain the Inebriated condition. 1d8 - CON
Black Out – No memory of events during this phase. Gain the
4 Poisoned condition. 1d10 - CON
5 Passed Out – Gain the Unconscious condition. 1d12 - CON
Inebriated – An inebriated creature has disadvantage on all attack rolls and ability checks, but
believes they have advantage. (Homebrew condition)
Poisoned – A poisoned creature has disadvantage on all attack rolls and ability checks. (PHB292)

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