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STUDENT'S BOOK ANSWER KEY UNIT 1 Blood Is Thicker Than Water page 5 1/1. Family ties are stronger than any other relationships and so blood rlatves wil always romain loyal. In Spanish we ten say La sangre tr, which has a similar mening, 2, Possible Answors ‘os. | think ths saying is tue. You family is blood and Family wil alvays be thre fr you tough hag times. [dort know what I would do without my family. No doit hink this sayings tue, Some of my relatives are unimportant toma. My Fonds are actually mare ike ‘my family Tay ae the mast important people in ny ie. 2 8 a quality or ability roms inthe fomily, many members of the family have it b. The black sheep isa person who has done someting that brings embarrassment or shame to their fami, 3a moter —e-dawhtr 0, moter danger moter GVA 1. response Sresonsea 5, reganse © 2 respecte 8 ITN Poste Anewes | would tk to have a smal famity because itis easier to take a ‘small family of one or two eilron to shops or a restaurant or ‘even cn holidays Plus, smal fies are quieter and I hate noise "ike to have a large famiy because large family is fun and cfildren eam to share and make fiends ees, Citen in large families grow to be more mature more quickly, whereas chilirn in smal famosa often spoilt pages READING &3e 41 Fase 3 Tue 5. Tue 2. Fale 4. Fale 15 1. She wanted her nds to cal her "K" because she was, ‘ashamed of her real nam and had nor tli to hoe friends. 2. Some parents name ther cilren Arsenal because they love spot and want their chidren to have a name that realy means something important to them. 3. Armani is chosen by more matoriaistic parents whereas Serenity is chosen by more spirtual mums and des. 4, Parents in these countries often choose unusual names for their chidron because they want thom tobe relly special and stand out rom the rast 5. Swedish naming laws re much more rstcive and free parents to choose a name fr their chien rom an offical ist 6. Dr Hartstein would commend a traitiona name because ‘most children dort realy want o be diferent. They actually prefer to fit in with ther frends. Ps, children with ‘unusual names are often teased an buliod, page? Ge 2a ab 7 1. alike (ine 29) 2 provide (ine 36) 3. rejected (ine 42), ATS Possible Answers "rd rathor have a traditional name than a wird name Bk Crickot ‘orlloth, Ono day, those kids wil probably change thor names. | wouldnt change the name my parents gave me, {Tm unbappy wth my namo I was named ater my grandmother, soit'soldashioned! cater have an unusual name. I could change my name, I would choose Luna or Gla, 4, sido with (ine 52) 5. standout fine 58) pages VOCABULARY 1 WORDS FROM THE TEXT. Being together itn, side with Being separate or alone: stay avay,rject, stand out 1. side with 4, standout 2. ftin 5. stay away 3. roject 2 Possible Answers 1 Te 2, False Parone ao ofton not aware of thor toonagers problems. 3. False Classmates are your pees. 4 Tue 5. False. Nobody enjoys being teased. 5. Tue 7. Fats. Students who study are ikly to pass thor oxams. 8, False, Academic schools provide courses in chemistry, biology, physics or algebra, 9 False. Lions and elephants aren’ aiken sia. / Lions and tigers aro alk in si jing Engle 1 Phencopiahe D9 Duringron Rooke Escaneado con CamScanner Adjective Suffixes Possible Answers -al: national, personal, universal, aceidental ‘able: reasonable, comfortable remarkable, passable ows: famous, dangerous, poisonous, mysterious fu: careful, beaut, power, wondertl Tess: caroless, poweross,omless, ponnless 4c: classic, electic historic, comic sive: active, destructive, preventive effective excite, relaxed, exhausted, confused ‘citing, oaxing, oxhausting, confusing 3-1. thrid 4. embarassing 2. surprised 5. intated 2. amusing 41. useless 4. painless 2. colour 5. though 3. powerul 6. hopeless '5 materialistic, dependable, nervous, creative, personel, adventurous, optimist, natural 8 1. merous 5. paul 2 persona 6. adverts 3, materialist 2. optimistic 4. creative 8. dependste 2) 7 worps in use 1. alte 5. invohed 2, surmise 6. tease, 3, stood out 2. emboarased 4 peers 8. embarassing page 9 LISTENING 1 Girls’ names: Kati, Emily Boys’ names: Paul, James "Names for both boys and gi: Alby, Lele, Cameron Gr2tc 2b 3b 4a Bb é) @ LUSTEN CLOSELY Sentence I: a Sentence 3: Sentence 2: Sentence: © page 10 GRAMMAR REVIEW OF TENSES A). Present Simple 5. Future Simple 2, Prasent Continuous 6. be going to 3 Past Simple 1, Present Perfect Simple 4, Past Continuous 8, Past Perfect Simple, Past Simple Sentonces 2, § and 6 have a future moaning, ron Student's Book Anower Key 1. alvays, on Sunday nights, never 2. this atemoon, this moming, next week, at 10. lack 4. this afternoon, lastnight, his morning at 10 cack 4 this aftemoon, ast night, this morning, at 10 o cock 5. this aftemoon, this moming. next week, at 10 0‘lack 6. this aftemoon, this moming, next weak, at 10 0 ‘lack 7, yet never 8 this afteroon, lastnight this morning 1. was reading 6 put 2, complained 7. did ee 3, dovided 8. noeds 4. shot 8. aro becoming 5, was doing 10. think 2 Possible Answers Firing buat ito your daughter's laptop because she insulted you ‘on Facebeck? it sounds crazy, butik this mathod. Anyway, the big question s "Da the people this fry stan to eachother” 3 Possible Answers 1. Yestarday, cur teacher shoutod at us for not doing our homework. Dave's father hurt his back while fe was moving @ heavy table. Every year, my family goes to house at the beach. Noxt weekand, Emma's grandparents are visting her in Boston. Teenagers dort usually have their ov cars. ‘My sister dct hear her phone ring because she was dancing with some frends ata party. 7. Fiy years ago, most cidron ate home-cooked dinners each hight with tai fies. 8, Please listen to mel lam fling you theta 4 Possible Answers 1. Do you want my old phone? Tm going to buy anew one. 2. My sister has a boyrend. They are / She's gong to get. mariedin six months. 3. Dobbie i studying anginoering. Shot have a good job one day. 4. My cousins ar coming to visit. Wo'e/Fm going to meat them a 6 o’ock 5. [need to improve my English. Im gong to study relly hart this year 6. Is that heavy? cay it for you 7, Don't rive sofas. You're going to have an acident! 8, Matthew doer ike jazz. He probably wort enjoy the concert page 11 5 1. has helped 4. have... met 2, began 5, had found 3. lost 6. hat boon G1. has everbeen 5. contacted 2. dat seen 6. found 3. had disappeared 7. had spent 4, dit know 8. haven't stopped 7 1. Thebaby began to cry while we were eating dnne 1 2. Whete did your parents meet? 3. Thanks for explaining, Now | understand. 4, By tho time wo gotham, my father had aroady left 5. Whore are we going to meat for cafes tomorow? 6 have gone tots school for ten years. 7. Has Mum dono the shopping yet? 8. Your phone is ringing. Ml answer it. Ting Eneleh 1 Phoovopinhe D0 Barigeon Rooke Escaneado con CamScanner [My father has known my mother for 20 years. Nancy diet forget her father’s birthday. ‘When ar they going to get married? [Marie interupted us while we were taking I did't want to leave before had spoken to my grandfather, The house seemed empty after my bigbrother had moved out. ‘Aer my bigbrother had moved ou, the house sopmed empty. ‘The baby isn't sleping at the moment 8. How much does that Mother's Day card cost? ns 1. Ittook me ages 2. Twohad it 3. Last thinking 4, What gets me is 5. Only time wil tall page 12 VOCABULARY Families 11. Spoit chien get whatever they want, 1 2. People who get engaged plan to merry each other 3. Your nphowis your brothers son, 4 Chores ar jobs you do around th house. 5. Iheard that Janet's parents are going to get divorced. 6. Easy.going parents don't have alot of rs. 7. Your fianeé isthe man you are going to mary. 8. Swict parents baive in discipline 8. Your ice is you brother's or sister's daughter. 10. Your siblings are your brothers and sisters Collocations with get 1. gota jab (to receive or obtain) 2 is qotng ol to become) 3. gots dark (to become) 4 did. get back to arve} 5. got permission (to reesve or obtain) LISTENING 3 Possible Answers child who has n sisters or bothes. You got al your parents ove and attortion and they can provide you with more — in tax of geting you stuf, giving ‘ou a bettor education, oe. Als, as an only child, you may grow Uup tobe more independent your parents haven't spot you. Disadvantages: I thre excessive attortion, the only chi gots used tohaving everything dane for them and they face problems ‘whan they have tv in the ral world, Perhaps the biggest disadvantage of being an ony chil isthe feeling of oneliness — not having a sbing 1 play with. GVA spoatert.c Speatar2.b ——Speator3.0 G51. mite 3. Mite 5. Mike 2. Mike 8. Gary 6. Gary Possible Answers | don't realy ight with my slings —we get along prety wel, actualy. Hoo! most siblings fight because of jealousy or competition, ‘When siblings ight, | don't think parents should get involved. Instead, parents should encourage siblings to resoke problems ‘themselves. Parents shouldn't waste time trying to work out ‘which hid to blame Student's Book Anewer Key page 13 SPEAKING TASK A Personal Interview 1 2, Lsuppose t got along pretty well with my brother. Unfortunately, my ssterand | argue a ot b. Fve got two older brothers. 'm the youngest nthe famiy, and quit spot! ©. Fi say that they're quite easy-going. We havent got alot, of rues in our house. 4. Well first of al, there's my cousin Julia. We used t play together alt when wo wore kis. [definitely take after my mother. We both have trouble ‘making decison. {We usually go on holiday togother in the summer Fm abit od for that, but sil go along. 4. Lquite admire my sstr Cecile. She's really cool. fh My parents make me share the washing wp with my brother ate it) Le 2b 3g 4¢ 5a 2 Possible Answers Have you grown apr: from your siblings? Why o why not? ‘Are your grandparents stil ale? If yes, are you close to thom? (Do you consider yoursalf a spot aenager? Why? Do you have to ve up to your parents’ expectations? \What expectations do they have of you? \Whare would you ike t bring up your ehddren? LIVING CULTURE Le 20 3b 4a Sd BF “Note: nthe past, the English only kssod close fends and family in greeting. However these days i's becoming acceptable to kiss someone on the cheek when meeting ‘ham forthe fist time, 6a nh ot page 14 WRITING A NARRATIVE 1. She was really happy to be home and to see her parents. 2.1. Kato Bator, Tia, dad, mum, travel agent (body) 2. Tote Fr East. (opening) 3. Ticie went home and Kate began to fel homesick. She decided to surprise her famiy and come home eat (body) 4, She decided to come home without ling he parents, {boy} 5. Kate thought it was a great ide, (body) 6. Kate was suprised in the end because her parents were \wating for her atthe apo. (closing) TIP Past Simple; started, vere, ordered, packed, fw, got along, ‘ont, stayed en, started, decided, walkod into, rived, soem, sau, turned out, was, felt Past Continuous: were hugying and greeting Past Perfect: ha finshed, had been had booked, had called page 15 TIME EXPRESSIONS AND CONNECTORS: (OF SEQUENCE {3 Timo Expressions: a: soon as (parograph 1), when (oaragaphs 1 ar! 2), after, when parageaph 2) Connectors of sequence: then (paregraph 1, ater (paragraph 2), then (paragraph 3), nay (pareoreph 4) jing Engle 1 Phencopiahe D9 Duringron Rooke Escaneado con CamScanner . Maya and Jeff first met whan they wre a primary school, 1. While they were growing up they were never more than fonds, 1. As-soon as they had rished school, Maya went to university in another own, When she came back three years late, Jeet dieronty about ber. 2, He then realised that he was in love with he, [A first, she did't understand wy he was acting so ssrangely Eventually, she flln love with him 2s well ‘Maya and Jeff got marie in the ond ‘After 20 years of being “ust fends", they were now husband ad wie! 5 Possible Answers 1 2 a ‘When e was young he hated his nam, but eventually he realised that his name was special to his parents. Jan had always wanted to see China and, tas, she ‘managed to save enough meney forthe tp. frst mat my ged during my holiday n Burgas n 2018. Her parents were very hapy when she told them she had ‘recoivod aloter of acceptance 1 the University of Main. [My sing and | grew apart after gating mari. We planned ou fay holiday in deta Then, we booked the fights and the hotel | started a now school ast yoar.At fist, was worried that J woul make any tiands Aterten years of fving inthe cy, | rally dette to move tothe county. page 16 LANGUAGE CONSOLIDATION 11 21 2 3 4 5 6 B2A 40 40 50 68 7A 80 | don't take after my mother at al [My sistr and have grown apart since she moved out last year ‘They got engaged ater going out fora yaar Chai wanted to fin with the ther chiren 1am going to stay away from big cities on this tp. ‘That childs Hikly to become quit spit Student's Book Anower Key Tring Enel 1 Phoovopiahe D0 Baringo Rooke Escaneado con CamScanner UNIT 2 It’s Raining Cats and Dogs page 17 11. This expression ors when it isranng heal 2. in Spanish say Est loviendo a ears, Est viendo a mares 0° Et hsv. There oe oer exressons about weather uch es aor chuzos de put, Hacer un so de justi x Hacor un fri que pelo 2 @. Beorfedill. b. Unnecessary worry about a matter tht is not important ©. Ne matter what the weather ortho stuation wid bo 3c 2A 38 4D G54 Report —heodine 2 Repo e— headline 4 Report —headine 1 Reportd—headine 3 Va Possible Answers Where Liv itis often cloudy, so prefer sunny weather. ‘The summer isa fantastic time to get ouside ard enoy the outdoors, |onjoy the cold weather. LHve near the mountains and in winter it's rezing— Hove it! page 18 READING 1 Itreters to nature, especially when considered as a force that convals the weather and crates Iving tings. 2 Paragraphs 4. Prograph ¢ 'b, Paragraph 1 e. Paragraph 3 6, Paragraph? 1 Poagraph 6 OVBLd 2b Be 4:1. Ppt want sursin on thse hldays because thay are the holidays when residents look forward to celebrating on the streets. 2, Cloud seedings used to create rain when an area has been suffering from crought. 4. Chamicals are shot ito clouds soa totum halstones ito rain which wont damage any crops. ‘4, Human health coud be affected because chemicals might spread ito the soil and water and evantually ontor tho food chai, ‘5 Possible Answers 1. During cloud seeing, chamicals are spayed int the clouds to force the clouds to produce rain or disappear. (lines 14-18) 2. Fog is cleared near aipors to allow panes to land safely (ines 2-29) 3. fa uricaneis diverted, it may hit somewhere else and ‘cause damage thre. ines 29-40] 4. Inienam, the Urited States used weather warfare to flood enemy fines. ines 42-44) 5. The major powers ae trying to develop weather warfare systems. (ines 46-48) Student's Book Anewer Key © 1. prevents fine 9) 2. disappear ne 18) 3. remains (ine 19) 4, damage (ae 26) 5. tum int (ines 26-27) 6, major tine 47) page 19 Possible Answers Contaling the weathers a good idea because it ean be useful ‘ta humans or example, to improve te living conditions ofthe population ina paricular region | doa think weather medication is a good idea. Authorities want to pay God, but messing around wit the environment can have serous consequences. page 20 VOCABULARY 1 WORDS FROM THE TEXT 1. arguments, disagreement 4. roof, ld 2. idea, product 5, panty, football match 3. destination, high shelf 6, arumou, germs 2A. canit 4. cat 2. can 5. can 3. cant Compound Nouns 4 rainstorm, raindrop, rainfall, hailstones, hailstorm, snowstorm, snowiake, snomfal, sunshine, sunstoke, frostbite, sandstorm ‘5 1. hailstones 4. sunstroke: 2. frostbite 5. sunshine 3. snowrako 6. rafal 45) 6 woros w use 1. sunshine 6, developing 2. turned ito 7. romain 3. incroased 8, forcast 4 damage 9, pravented 5. major page 21 LISTENING 1 Possible Answers rmateoclogst, weather porter, weather forecaster, weather researcher, snowake, cloud seeder, astrophysicist 40 2 Speaker t:¢ Speaker 4: 9 Speaker 2: Spaakor 5:b Speaker 3: & Possible Answers \Werking as a surfweman must require aot of courage because they face hortendous weather conditions to save lve, Being a snawrmake also requires a lat of physical strength — | suppose they have tobe realy sttong to cary athe heavy oquipment thy use Becoming sn atraphyscistcortany requites the highest lvel of education | imagine an astrophysicist has to study physics and maths at aver high level jing Engle 1 Phencopiahe D9 Duringron Rooke Escaneado con CamScanner UNIT 3 Face the Music page 20 1. No, ithas nothing todo with musi 0 ne 2 Possible Answers |agiee with Bono's quote. Music touches our ves in many ‘ways. Itcan tum us into beter people. t can also provide comfort wien you're unhappy. Sometimes, all you want i to be alone wth your thoughts and your music. Lagroe with Anderson's quot. Musics very powerful and often does what words alone can never do, When you cat say something you let music explain hor you oe. 5. Eis Presley 5 Brahms 7. Shakira 4. Rebecca Black TS Possible Answers Hove pop music because I felt epresents me and the word | le in. love One Dirocton. Tha music makos me laugh smile Student's Book Anower Key Possible Answers Even f | didn’t have enough time, | would give up playing football because footbal ist justa sport ~it's my fel It tings happiness to my lie. Actually, lke to become a professional footbal player nthe future. know t's dif, but that would bo my dream come true page 2 VOCABULARY 11 WoRDSs FROM THE TEXT people watching 4. pay attention continue 5. every day some crisps 6. dificult |. dike to order tw tickets forthe Fiday performance. Ws difeut to learn to piano, but dont give up. How did thoy survive tho hurricane? They hold their meetings in the conference room. How doos Alan manage odo so much? You shoud face your probloms and ty to solve thom Wel have one ast rahearsal before the concert like to point out that we dan fel ready to perfor. and ery. The song What Matos You Beau! ely helps ma 31. baying 4 Everiing ‘when I'm down. 2. topay 5. tohold page 20 3. pesfrming 8 tuning down READING 4.1. Iori feel ike practising right now. 2. Imnotnterestedin seling my electric guitar 11 Musicis considered urversalnguage becouse it wanscends cha bedeee eceleheer we nesta lqge bs, Mic animes Gobendanaie, Ht ry ply te tenopon all nme cme i set yim be 5. Well pati fish oearsing y/ ton lock 8, Many toonages refuse to ston to classical mu 2 Bia za ab 31. tue 4 Tue 2 False 5. False 4)6 woros in use & fas 1. face 6. pororming 2. aaiy 7. givow 4.1, The Congis among the poorest counties nthe word 3. parormances 4 pint out (lines 6-7) 4. held 9, Focusing on 2. tothe Congo, ver five mon people ere killed ding a 5 brutal el wae nes 63) 4: Listening to ehearsal helped the reporter nesta why) Poe 37 the orchestra members dont give up ines 2830) iicreNinG 4. Perhaps the broters lsamed fae obstacles because they — have aways Wedin diffcuk conditions (ies 27-38) Gb 21.b 2b Sa 46 Se Ba 5. Bob Simon feds other orchestras my lay with mare : expense, but ot with mare jy. ine 7-0), a Possible Answers = | discover new music most frequently through YouTube. I've Sic 2b ad 4b also ed must-steamig ses such as Pandora an Spat. {dnt fn al that much music on YouTube — ust the 6 1 mist ine 1) 4 experts ine 48) casio thing thas use 52 soundvac, bu when sts 2. conductr ine 18) 5. ingonvanancas (ino 0) recammended to me by aiend or arevew site Ired, the 3. soaring tine 45) fistthing os goto Youu and ston. @ LISTEN CLOSELY GB) 1 Fray 9 2 Late say bat, b 3. tm atid a jah 1 Protocopahle BO Rargion Rooke Escaneado con CamScanner @ LISTEN CLOSELY @ ua 20 3a age 22 GRAMMAR FUTURE PERFECT SIMPLE / FUTURE CONTINUOUS 1, Anacton hat wl be complet ta some tine inthe utr 2. Anacton that wl bein pogess at sometimein the future. 11. willhavenerased 5, wilhave covered 2. withave become 6. vailhave risen 3. wile string 7. won't be ving 4. wilbemeting 2 In sentoncas 3 and? 3 1, Bythe end of the week it won't have rained for sik months 2. Al this tino tomarrow Fhe skiing down Mt lane. vey, Ina month, we'l be enjoying the warm weethes ‘The rain won't have stopped by the ime you lea Will you have prepared your house before it begins? He won't be walking on it fr afew weeks. be attending a lecture until 4 o'clock. 4 Possible Answers 1. Southern Europe Trkey and Southern Russia wil be suffering trom extreme crought in 2050. 2, By 2050, bal temperatures wil have ison approximately ‘wo degrees Celsius. 3. By the year 2080, sea eves wll have rsen 60 om. page 22 5 Possible Answers [Which aeaus won't be suring rm drought in 2080? By 2025 how much wil global temperatures have risen? By what year wil sea levels have risen 60 cm according to the best estimate? 6 Possible Answers 1. An hour from now, fi be having lune. 2, By the time Im 25, have finished a degree in engineering. 3. This time next yoar, be fivng ina dfront neighbourhood. 4 By the end af today i have spent af the money my ‘parents gave me this morning. 5. Bolore | go old, have bout sportscar 4507.1, am going to do 5. wil probably bring 2 willbe teaching/ 6. wilfind will teach 2. willbe wearing 3. wilhave studied. willbe helping 4 will have become Perhaps by the end ofthe decade they will have discovered Student's Book Anower Key 8 1. At3.30, Lily willbe walking the dog. Lily will be walking the dog et 3.30 2, By the time our children grow up, the climate wil have changed, 3. By tho time Thomas loaves, he wil have spoken to everyone. 4, This time next year be traveling round Inca 5, During August we'lbe staying a the Seaside Hotel. / ‘Wollbe staying at tho Seaside Hota during August. CO mr Le 24 28 4e 5b page 24 VOCABULARY Weather 1. bizzard 5. muggy 2, boos 6. seve 3. Chilly 7. ead spl 4, heatwave 8. clear up Zia 2a ab 4a 5a 6b Tb Bd LISTENING 31. fourth 2, Roman god of war 3. red planet (G3) 41, For the day that Curisity landed on Mars on 6° August 2012, 2. Itis an explorer vehicle whose job consists of colecting ata (such as wind direction, temperatures and humity) ‘tind out about the weather on Mars. 5) 5 1. Scientists would ke to know itor is fe on Mars. 2. Weather data vil algo ba useful to astronauts. 4, Each season on Mars a diferent length, 4, Ents ofits cicle,while Mars’ isan elipse. 5. Most of th time, the wind isa gone booze 6. Dust storms can last for wooks. 06 1 four 4. 55°C 2. seven months 5. 350 kph 2. lourmonths 6. 200 RT Possible Answers | tink so because there aa thousands of planets similar to Earth and wy nt? Thee may beintligent fe on ane of those planets, We ust havent found it ye No, there's no inteligent if in outer space, Scents have boon monitoring electromagnetic waves rom outer space for many years and o far they havent found any signs of fe on ‘other planets. pege 25 SPEAKING TASK Describing a Picture Tit 2b 3d 4a Ke Be jah 1 Protocopahle BO Rargion Rooke Escaneado con CamScanner 2 Pitre A: freezing, destruction, dangerous, emergency Picture B: dry, ho, hopeless, emergency, famine, cought Possible extra words and expressions Picture A: homoess, heavy Hooding, catastrophe, evacuate, seriously injured, emergency supplies, shelter, aid packages, donate money, ece hardship Picture B: ari, scorching hot, poverty, crop, starvation, starving to death thirsty, undemourshed LIVING CULTURE Le 2a ab page 26 WRITING AN INFORMAL LETTER OR E-MAIL 1 ies enjoying the ontasc weather and sunshine in ‘Austria, He also lies suring with Jennifer, a ihe mt st atboac pry. 21. opening remarks 5, body 2. signing off 6. closing remarks 3. geting 7. body 4 body page 27 3 Adverbs of manner: well. quit, lc (paragraph 3) ‘Adverbs of degree: bt eal absolutely [paragraph 3) 41. Unfortunately 4. ight 2 conecty 5. fast 3. patent 8. Suddenly 5 1. abstoly 4. fay 2. notatal 5. petty 3. vory 6. compooly 6 1. That lis sceaming loudly because she's extremely seat 2. I’srarng hard anit a it chy. 3. was quite disppointodbocauso we dit got along wall 4. Although the etre was fay boxing, te ausionce lisened politely 5. We watched helplessly. but we wore completa unable tomovo. 8. Daves eating quik as hos realy hung. page 28 LANGUAGE CONSOLIDATION 11. completely 5. controversial 2. global 6. suddenly 3. nervous 1. freeing 4 thilled 8, powerless 21. wa 5. doos 2. be 6. than 3 into to 4%. expected /gcing 8. time Student's Book Anewer Key jing English 1 Phovoopiate DIS Burlngion Rooks Escaneado con CamScanner page 34 GRAMMAR MODALS AND MODAL PERFECTS Sentences 3 and 4 tak about the past because they contin ‘modal perects, which are always used to describe @ past situation. 11. arent able to 5, must shoud 2. must should 6. must not 3. ood 7. may /can 4 can 3b 4 Possible Answers hope that one day be able to play the guitar. Ho pays the instruments, so he must be quite musica. [My music teachor thinks that | should practice more ofton. (On weekends, most people needn't getup early to go to work, Evary cz in out country must respect public property "Next year, | may join a pop ban People wo ae civng mustn't use their mobile phones. haven't gots pen. Could | use yours? a must have felt 2. couldnt have played 3. would have paid 4, should have boon 5, might have let 6. could have taken 6 Possible Answers 1. You should have learned the his of the song. 2. You shouldn't have stayed up so late 3. You could have brought the drums in a larger ca. 4 They must have disturbed you wile you were playing 5. They might have been bored. 6. Your performance cant have been good page 35 a: could play would have given / could have ‘must be should have continued edt / dont have to bing could have done may /might go might not have / shoul have arnt © Could use you Pa You shout have sold you pana, Yeu dn havetobep me eter ight have xgtten br phone You canbe seis! /ean't belive you're serious We were able to Frsh the project yesterday Yu could have solved he problem but you di Tom must ave boon very excited abut the eonce. 9 1. cit 2. naveto 3. must have been 4 may have tat 5, should have 6. wore abloto 7. wouldn't have happened Student's Book Anewer Key COR 1. Ishoud hope so. 4. Leould't care ess. 2, Imight have quessed. 5, We might as we 3. Lait hap it page 36 VOCABULARY Entertainment 11 rp 6. usually 2 sily 7. suecesstul 3. better 8, major 4. geat 9, falasleep 5. stay away 2d 2a 3f &e Be Ge Tb Easily Confused Words 1 ve) 3. alive (ai) 2. bv (adv) 4, Ine (ed) LISTENING 3 Possible Answer Itlooks unusual because there's a symphony orchestra, but in ‘the backoround there are video screen visuals from a video ‘game. Theres also amaving lghting, This concert is not bing held in theatre. Maybe they're playing in a football stadium or abl ng. 43) 4 1. Soundtracks used ta be simp tunes, but now games have got full soundtracks wich are as good asin any fi 2. The composers are often big names nthe word of fim and TV. The musics played by professional musicians. 4, Its alive concer: given by areal erchestra ware they play only game musi, EV5 1. Fete Video Gomes Live began in Haywood. 2. Tue 3, False, They watch the video games on screans above the stage. 4. Tue 5. False. I's people who don't pay who are the most amazed by the music, 6. Tue 42:0 G 1. The frst concart took place inthe yoar 2005. 2. Theto are $0 musicians at tonights concert as wall as @ chon. 3. The musicis chosen from more than 60 ofthe greatest games of alltime, 4, The goals ofthe Video Gamas Live concerts ae to 4. show that video game musics important to our euture >. inode young people to concerts and orchestra. 1AVE YOUR SAY] Possible Answers | thinks a great idea. Video game music is amazing and it must be fun to heart performed bya lve orchestra. thnk teanagers would enjoy it and it might encourage them to go te classical music eoncat, too. page 37 SPEAKING TASK Expressing Opinions Tic 2d Be 4a 5b jing Engle 1 Phencopiahe D9 Duringron Rooke Escaneado con CamScanner Student's Book Anower Key LIVING CULTURE 2 1. could 5. out Le 2a 3d 4b Se 2. had 6. able ae 1. be page 28 4, have 8 due WRITING AN opinion Essay 1 (1st question) ‘Tho writor thinks this law is nota good ia ast would be rather impractical Possible Answer (2nd question) ‘The writers convincing because he supports his opinion with reasons, fats and examples (eg. cours cat prove a podostian was actualy guilty and had’ tumod off the music; putsuing headphone-wearers would be a west of ima forthe police; individuals should be responsible for thei own safety: it beter to increase awaroness ofthe dangors through ducaton). 2 1. body 4. doesn't belong 2. body 5. closing 3. opening 8. body TIP this la would be impractical. [paragraph 2) _. pursuing heedohone-wearers would be awaste of time for the pace... (paragraph 2) In shor, a law forbidding it would waste the time ofthe police andthe cours. t ould aso limit personal freedom and responsby. paragraph 4) page 29 WORD ORDER 3 tamer | pace | tine bjt | vr | bjt | hw | there) | (wheny 1. [fos [canst 2.|te,_— fee Josip ie ‘ona 2. |you__leontoy_[a uta loner iva fom —benew fone ve 4 lity ber ts yestcay 5. [Fan fry fiersong aut ative last ight stn 6 [ak rings fxg _fot 4b 2a 3b 4b Sa Ba 51, We often civ tothe mountains on Saturdays. / n Saturdays, we often drive to the mountains, 2. {usualy wear headphones onthe way to schoo. 3. Dr Pavol spoke cosy at tho prosontation lastnight | L wil bring some books and magazines tomorow ‘omaro, bring some books and magazines. 5. They usually answer the phone quickly at thet afc. 6. We elways rehearse inthe gym on Wednesdays. WRITING TASK An opinion essay 1 Forbanning:3,4,6,7 Against banning: 1,2, 5 page 40 LANGUAGE CONSOLIDATION Tic 283A 4D 5B BATD AC ining English 1 Phovocopiate DO Burtngion Rooks i Escaneado con CamScanner UNIT 4 My Lips Are Sealed page 41 41. Tis om is sid when you promise kaup a secret In Spanish, we say Soy una tuba 2. spies military personne, diplomats, detectives 2 A. roving a sort (roveaa soca, usualy without intending to) 8. reveing secret (give people information they are not supposed to now) ©. kooping soca (hide what youre thinking oe oon) 650 41. enemy near 2. bring fos tocaté ‘3. moet me atthe pool ET Possible Answers | think i's important to have an inteligence service, We need ‘twhnow what other counties and ther governments aro doing ~that way, uve can be beter prepared | don't think we need an inteligence service trust cost alot ‘tom aninteligence service and think al that money could be batter spont on solving social probloms. page 42 Reading 1 Possible Answer Obtaining military plans probably used tobe the main bjactivo of espionage wark inthe past, but naw acanomic ‘espionage, cyber attacks and travis ar the bigger theeas. However something remains unchanged: spies must be clever people who crack secret codes and use the latest technology. 2 SCANNING FOR INFORMATION Article 1 1. A Bish newspaper 2. 12 minutes oss 5. AGeman code Article 2 1. Before midnight, 12th December 2. Government Communications Headquarters G32 26 ab 4 1. The Daily Telegraph was famous for publishing crossword puzzles. (ines 1-3) 2. The Enigma team neaded exossword champions because they can think “outside the box” which is required for decoding work. fines 17-19) 3. GCHO posted th puzle onthe Internat inorder to find talented hackers whose skills they could u (ines 45-46) 4 Tansportation and financial markots are things that ‘enemies can easily attack through their computer netuvorks. ines 52:53) 5 The code-beakers may prefer to workin tech because they have better-paying jobs in this sector. ines 61-62) 8. Inbothartices the government nds sias by looking for bright poople who can erack codes. Student's Book Anewer Key poge a3 5 1. They wer ast o crack a complicated pu in 12 mints or ss. 2. Cracking the Enigma code enabled the Ales to krow Gormany’s plans in avanco, Ts gave thom a hugo vantage inthe war 3, GCHQuses unconventional methods to recruit spies because they want rian, sa taught hacks who ‘carmot be ound tuners. 4 ybonrarare does iavlve guns othr tational weapons on convertion ware It causes tremendous damage to a cour tough ts computer netwerks 5. Goverment take the threat of cyberwarare serious becouse the consequncas ae Sovre and bocause cyberwarare has aoa happened 6 1. wellknown ines 2-3) 4. succeeded tine 25) 2. bilan ine 12) 5. bright (ine 43) 3. topline 15), 6. enemies ine 50) Possible Answers Yes, Fd ove towork as a code breaker to help protect my country fom cyber attacks. No, | think fd. got very bored aftr a while. rather do Something with abit more action, poge as VOCABULARY 4 worDs From THE TEXT 1. pane journey / surprise party 2, do your homework/ study before exams 3. spor/ computor games 4, an aceldent/a parade 21. deadtine 4. employee 2. getintouchwith 5. rere 3. infamous 3 Possible Answers During a war, you ry to crack the code of your enemy. (Cyber terorismis a throat to our cout. ‘A Google search wil often lead you tothe corect website. You should make an efor to be a good host when you have guests. 5. Maths is subject that challenges many students 6. Swimming is an activity suited to young chee, 4 Verbs and Prepositions Le 2b 3d &a Sf Be 5itin 2on 3 with 4 about 5, on 6. on 6 Possible Answers 1. never heard ofthe Enigma Code 2. Sam recently heard about the ight at the club 3. Last ight, argued with ny parents. 4. They always argue about what to watch on TV. 5 8 1 8 This organisation eares for fst dogs. | don't rely care about people wto dont care about me. [think you need to apologise for hurting her feelings. [id you apologise to Susan for lesing hor ba? jing Engle 1 Phencopiahe D9 Duringron Rooke Escaneado con CamScanner 4) Tworos m use 1. infamous 5. depended on 2, succooded in 6. require 5. hear trom 1. effort 4 cracked the code, lad tam to page 45 LISTENING 1 The Pentagon is the headquarters of the United States Department of Defence, located in Arngton County, Vigra It's called tha Pentagon because of the 5-pointed design ofthe building. “The Pentagon often use to refer to the US Department of Detence rather than the bulking isl G5) 2.1. A strange signal was discovered by computer expert. 2, The sigal was ating lke a human spy. 83. Aforeign power wos tying to steal mitary secrets, 4 This was not the fist cyber invasion, but it was the most 5. Many crucial computer systoms ae not protected the way ‘they shouldbe. 6. The speaker descrbes a cyber attack which sabotages octet, rains, pot and feod suplios. 1. One diferance betwoen cybarwarfae and conventional ‘warfare i that cyberwarfare is much cheaper. 8. Another ference is that in a cyberwar,you don't know ‘who is attacking you. 8. Experts aren't sue when tis kindof eyber stack wil take Place 10. Governments also want to know how to attack other counties’ computers. SoS Possible Answers | don’ thinkinteratonal laws could prevent cyber attacks ‘Th only possible way to prevent cyber attacks isto have bottarintaligence agencios that wil employ the smartest agents to ght eyberwar. @ LISTEN CLOSELY Tib 2d Ba 4c G2 1 whatever 2. whorever, whenever 3. whoever page 46 GRAMMAR conDrTioNALS 1. Third Conditional (Past Porfoct inthe condition and ‘night have + participle othe result) 2, Zero Conditional (Present Simpl in both the conition tnd the resu) 3. Secand Conditional (Past Simpi in the condition and ‘would + base form ofthe ver in theres) 4 First Conditional Present Simple in the condition and Future Simple inthe result) ‘TIME CLAUSES ‘They refer to the future Te Student's Book Anower Key will probably enjoy 5. Is 1 2. Would. enjoy 6. finish /have ished 3. eould 1 are 4, helped IrUhade’t forgotten the password, | would't have been ‘caught. 2, lfUhad used 2 GPS, | wouldn't have made that mistake 3. IfUhadn’t dropped it, could have given it to you. 4, Iithad exploded, would have caused aot of damage. 5. [had cracked the code, | might / would have won a med 1. werent 5. opens 2. wants 6. would say 3, willove 7. order 4, hadnt tuned out Text: Tat2B Teta: pages 5 Possible Answers 1. rhe hadnt downloaded tat program, it wouldn't have happened. 2, Itis father realy were a secrot agent, he would have alot, ‘of guns at home. 3, Ifher phone had good camer, she could take great pictures 4, Sho wil pass her test she does some work. 5. If she didn't waste so much tie, she would have beter exam resus. 6. IFT hadn't been late, my boss wouldnt have got angry. 7. Falk to you her when | am not busy. 6 Possible Answers 1. would go tothe now James Bond fim if did't have to babysit my sister 2. None vould have noticed you you hadnt arived late 3. Ifmy boss sped on me with iden camera, L would be very upset 4. You canbe a secrot agont unless you are good at cracking codes, 5. would have cracked the code i had had some more tim. 6. thor isa cyber attack, computer networks will be destroyed. 7. The soret agent willbe sent to prson when they find out he hacked their computer networks. 8. Mil give you th information the moment I rec it. 1. IFyoute good at crosswords, you may be good at coe cracking. 2. Lwouldt give you this information | didn't ust you 3. They woulda'thave read our pans ithey hadnt found the documents. 4, Ifthe camera werent very smal people would beable to soit 5. Don'topen tho dor for poopie unless they know the password. 6. The enemy agents wouldnt have caught him i he had been so carles. 7. As soon as you type inthe password, you can use the computer 8, Please nota, nthe rst elton ofthe Student's Book, there ‘was an rar in Sentence 8. The corect answer is: You can appl forthe jb ater you lar /have lat another language. jah 1 Protocopahle BO Rargion Rooke Escaneado con CamScanner 42V8 1. woites eee / ave dled 2 wants 7. wort be 4. do have done 8. had used 4. wllbe woul have known 5 cantar Oot 1. ityou ie a ast 2 tt wer yu 4 you lr ind page a VOCABULARY Secrets diac 2be Sab hac Sbo &he 2 1. Dont reveal your address to strangers. 2. Using drugs i logan mast countios. 3, We can tmst Ryan with our secret, 4, Spies ften conceal their realienttes. 5, Be cautious about giving your porsonal detail on Facobock 6. It’s sneaky to listen to your ends’ conversations without teling them, 1. Don't buy anything on a website that isnt secure. 8. They should wam people about computer viruses. 9. Watch tht man! His behaviour is quite suspicious. LISTENING 45) 3 Advances in technology are creating more opportunities for isons of pac Gard 2e a0 4a 5b 45) 5 he intoatonn2, 4 and ae givenin it iano e100 4 200 miton 5. Becsseo compet svangerin he steet cad sin ke {photo of you fn ou your ame nd iscover exeting Sout you onthe ma NE Possible Answers Yes it's. great idea to register for Intemet Eyes because I lke te hop the pace eatch criminals ad Ibe pai, too! That's goad meney! page 49 SPEAKING TASK Agresing and Disagreeing 1A 1. Ieisagree; You've gota point 2. That's tue, but Exact B 1 cisagree,~ That's not hove see it You've gota point. ~ | age. ‘That's true, but = suppese you right. but Exactly! ~ Absoltaly! LIVING CULTURE b page 50 WRITING FOR AND AGAINST ESSAY The writer is in favour of installing securty cameras in schools ‘to make thom safer anda better place to lear, Student's Book Anewer Key 2 1. paragraph 2 2. paragraph 2 3. paragraph & 4. paragraph 4 (gives the opposite opinion) 5, paragraph 1 6, paragraph 2 TIP Its not pleasant to fe! someone is watching you all day, even if you have nothing to conceal paragraph 2). {schools spend money on them, they'l ave much less for things lke computers and more teachers (parsaraph 2), ‘Students ae far less likely to misbehave whem they know they are being monitored (paragraph 3. they feel secure, they ean concentrate on thir schoolwork (paragraph 3), page 51 CONNECTORS OF ADDITION AND CONTRAST 3 Connectors of addition: Its not pleasant to fe! someone is watching you all day, even f you have nathing to conceal, Furthermore, security ‘cameras are very expensive (paragraph 2), ‘Studentsa far les likely to misbehave when they know they are being monitored, Moreover, secuty ‘cameras hlp students academically. paragraph 3). Connectors of contrast: (nthe one hand, privacy is abasic human right (paragraph 2} (nthe other hand, security cameras are anoficiont way of educing the violence (paragraph 3 41. However, 4, Novonhoess, 2 despite 5. Furthermore, 3. as wellae 6, Even though 5 1. Hove crossword puzzles but I'm not goad at cracking cadas, / ‘On the ane hand, love crossword puzdos. ‘On the ather han, I'm not good at eracking codes 2, The author ofthe James Bond books had experiance in imtligence and also worked asa journalist. /The author ofthe James Bond books had experience in nteligence {mn addition, he worked as a journals 3, Security cameras are a good way to fight crime in spite of the fact that they make poople nervous. Securty cameras rea good way to fight crime, However, they make people 4, Secret agents face many dficuies as well as many dangers. / Secret agents face many dfcuties, Moreover, ‘thay face many dangers. 5. Although spies do important work for our county, most ‘emai completely unknown. / Spies do important wok for ‘ur country. Nevertheless, most remain completly unknown, 6 Possible Answers 1. rene has akeady packed her bags. She has aso printed her ing card. 2. My fiends write messages on Facebook al he time. ‘Moceove, they upload and tag hundreds of pictures, 3. mure Jake can solve the problem, eventhough nobody is. ‘Going to help him, 4, ve gat an Pad as well as an iPhone. 5. Onthe one hand, it's great un watching afm on TV. On the ‘other hand it's even more fun to hang out with friends, jing Engle 1 Phencopiahe D9 Duringron Rooke Escaneado con CamScanner WRITING TASK A FoR AND AGAINST ESSAY 1 Fon t,2.5 Against: 3,4, 6 page 52 LANGUAGE CONSOLIDATION 41. suspicious 5. useful 2, actualy 6, sneaky 3. shoppers 7. invasion 4. harmless 8. legal 2.1. itwerent suited to 2, have grovm apart 3. gots intouch| 4 have prevented John him from going 5. mustlook 6, had caled ahead of Student's Book Anower Key [Living English 1 Phovocopiable © Burlington Books i Escaneado con CamScanner G5) 31. False. Cols ao An Apple a Day Keeps the Doctor Away page 53 4 Possible Answers 1. This saying advises us to oat an apple every day because ‘apples are so utitious tha if you eat one everyday, youl never need to go toa doctor “Thar coud bo some truth ta this saying: apples are low in ‘calories and contain vitamin C, which helps our immune system. | don't think this advice wil elp me much. You need more ‘than an apple a day to stay heathy. 3, Possible Answers ‘Una marzana cada da, de médieo te aoraria, IMés vale proven que cura. Deo que se came se oa Acestarsetemprano y levantarse temprano hacen al hombre sano Curarse on salu, ‘Sana como una manzara sod by viusos not cold weather 2, False. it you don't gt enough slep, you might gain weight. 4. Tue. When you exerese, your brain elaases hormones that make you fee good about ie. 4, True. Ters contain harmful chemicals that have bul up in courbody. 5. Tue. Carats contain vitamin A, wich helps your eyes say heathy. 6. False. Any suntan involves some kindof damage to your ski, wich can lod to skin cance ET Possible Answers | as surprised to lean that nt getting enough sleep can ‘make you fat Infact. | thought it wes exactly the opposite | thought | would put on weight iI slapt mor, page 54 READING 1 Possible Answers ‘Common stressful situations for toons might include: Sepataton or divorco of parents Ferm nancial problems Breaking up with aboytend or giriend [Moving or changing schools Prablems with fiends and/or peers at schoo, Taking on too many active o hving high expectations School pressure: schoo demands and frustrations Possible ways teens deal with stress might include: Seeking support ftom fiends or tachors LUstening to musica playing video games ‘Spending tine exercising oreiave stess 2 IDENTIFYING KEYWORDS stress, exams, rouble G3 b 4ib 2c ab Student's Book Anewer Key page 55 5 1. False 4. Te 2 False 5. Fale 3. Tue 6 1. Jamie car'fall asleep at right, and Zoe has lost her appetite ‘nd wakes up inthe morning with a headache and a stomach acho. 2. When wee stressed we produce adrenaline, which makes ‘our heer and breathing retes increase 3. Teenagers with heavy schedules may need to give up one or ‘wo activties and preise. 4, Exercising once ina while isn realy god enough because the positive effects of exercise disappear after 12-24 hours, 5. These fods are good for stress because they contain vitamins B,C and E, which help our body doal wih sess. 7 1. lostmy appetite line 18} 4, overeact ine 39) 2. issues (ine 27) 5. plenty of fine 60), 3. enabling ine 3) aS Possible Answers |'m always laughin. | honestly think t's the thing enjoy the most. That's probably why | don fol stressed ‘Tho most ficult tip to folow is eating fresh fit and vagatables — Ive nave iad frat or vagotabes page 56 VOCABULARY 1 WORDS FROM THE TEXT 1. Afi exam can be very stressful 2. Your hzlth wil improve if you eat proper meals. 3, Fmfeeling quite miserable because I've ha the fu fora week 4, Paul was upset when his girond wanted to break up. 5, [fod up with istenng to you complain, 6, Washing your hands helps get i of germs. 7. Hfyou've gt a probiem, t's best to deal witht 8. You should relax more if you want o stay sane. 21. happy 8. Some 2. fever 6. potceman 3, homework 7. foals 4, Studying hard 8. week Phrasal Verbs Bid 2f 3h &e Sb Ga ne Bg 4 1. It’s important to warm up before you exercise, or you might hurt yourset 2. usualy work outa the fitness club 3. The doctor says! should eut down an coffe. shouldnt have more than two cups 2 day. 4, hear you'e going to take up swimming, When will you start? 5. You put on weight you stp going tothe gym. 6. | think the aspirin has kicked in, My headache has sappeared 7. He's finally got over his bronchitis, He's stopped coughing and his tamporature is normal 8. [think 'm eoming dewn with something |e! terbl, jing Engle 1 Phencopiahe D9 Duringron Rooke Escaneado con CamScanner (205 worps in use 1. fod up with 5. lisasos 2. take up 6. enabling 3. coming down with 7, deal wth 4. gotrid of 8. working out page 57 LISTENING 4 Possible Answers 1. lucky 4, What happened? 2. when/ exorcise 5. provent/a good night's sicop 3. roatonship 6. upset b21b 2b Be he Sa Bb ATTN Possible Answer a | often fel | haven't hada god nights sleep when fm worried about something and find it ic to“setch of” because problems burz around my head, @ LISTEN CLOSELY La 2b page 58 GRAMMAR THE PASSIVE / THE CAUSATIVE Its clear who does the action n passive sentences 2 and 4, ‘where the By agents ofthe actions (many tings and marth) ‘are exicity mentioned In sontoncos 1 and 3 the agents of th actions are not mentioned because they are to obvious (our body in sentence 1 and people in sentence 3). In causative sentence §the agent isnot mentioned because itis ilovan, as what i ally important is the fac that new gym ‘equipments beng installed — not whois instaling it G50 11. has ever been faced 5. ere found 2. can be cured 6. should be warned 3. wor first sold 7, hast been proved / proven 4 is inhaled 8, isnow being done 2 1. Approximately 28,500,000 hamburgers are eaten inthe United States every day. 2 Nutrtonsts disagree about whether milk should be drunk roguiaty. 4, Leeches were used in the Mide Ages to claan people's blood 4, Many diseases could easly be cured after antibiotics had been discovered. 5. Skin cancor ean be caused by ing inthe sun. 5. We hope that a cure far eancer willbe found soon, Your fet might be damaged by weing high-heeled shoes t00 often, 3 Possible Answers 1. Cigarette smoke contains over 4,800 chemicals, 68 of \Which are known cause cancer 2. Skin cancer can be prevented by using sunscreen and by wearing hat 3, Junk food is usually made with age amounts of sugar and fats, 51. Student's Book Anower Key dat show made don't need can stllbe felt isto as baen done / was done were ested had been trained 6 1 a 8 When is runner's high fei? Ian be felt during and ater a long-distance rn, Which species were tostodin to study? ‘Thoy testod humans, dogs and ferrets Did ferets fee happier after runing? No, they di, How wore prehistoric people helped by runner's high? Runner's high made prehistoric poople batter hunters and improved their ctancos of survival page 58 | waite while my tiend was being examined by ho doctor bis blood pressure should have been checked yesterday. Have they opened anew health clu in your area? ‘Ace patients kept overnight ater surgery? ‘The rosults are going to be presontod at next week's conference Dida South American invent Zumba? Appointments can't be made online. ‘You wil be seen by the doctor in two wooks ‘The doctors are sent daily reports by the ab. Daly rpors are sent to the doctors by the lab. ‘Wo ao going te bo shawn th naw equipment (by the fitness instructor). / The new equipment i going tobe showin tous. Patients shoud slmays be tol the truth / ‘The tth should lays be tol to patents ‘Was this ptiant given the right medicine? / ‘Was the right medicine given to this patient? ‘We may have been sent the wrong patent's le. ‘The wong patients fle may have been sont to us. Healt club mambers were boing ofered fre lessons. Free lessons were being offered to health club mombers. ‘We are being brought some tea (by the nurse). Some tea is being brought to us (by the nurse), haven't been shown my test results. My test rsults aver’ been shown to me. take good care of my teeth get/have them cle ‘every six months. Sorry, cant tak now. 'm having my eyes tested ‘This spot on my back was making me nervous, That's why | got had it checked yosterday. ‘The baby is a Weck ol. His mother hasnt had him vaccinated yet. Your arm may be broken, You should have /getit erayed. Ive been dieting for weeks. going to have my body fet measured tomorrow, Tring Enel 1 Phoovopiahe D0 Baringo Rooke Escaneado con CamScanner {had my son examined by a doctor twice this week, bute sill doesat fel well 2, fm getting having two teeth taken ut tomorrow. hope ‘it doosett hurt 3. They had the operation done in Germany last year Iwas vary successful 4, She gets / has her blood pressure taken every wee. itis too high, she takes medicine. 5. The doctors having some eppointments rescheduled. His secretary scaling the patients now. 46010 1. is often seen 5. had been prepared 2. was caused 6. had... pulled aut 3. did't help 7, was being extracted 4, ad invented 8, willbe considered OR 1. easier said than done 3 2. givonthe choice A ‘we've got it covered it cant be helped page 60 11cm 5. can cat 6. cant cant 7. can cant 8. can Faso, Whon you'r exhausted, you havonit got much enary. 2, False. Sono who is aut of shape wil probably find exercise rather dificult Tue Faso t's best to ava foods with alot of sug Tue Te Tue False. f you lack endurance, you do pretty badly in a ‘marathon, Collocations Lb Ze 3d 4a 5e 3 1. qoonadiet 4, goes fora walk 2, catch cold 5: seta goal 3. gots out of breath LISTENING 4 Possible Answer This man gsned alt of weight — maybe because he ate 10 ‘much jnk food and stopped exocising. But then he must have decided ta go ona tet, and he's lost around 40 kos. GE) 5 1. He's 38 years. He's tom Aus 2. He wars a tess ainr ad ston model 5. He docdd otal fat 4 He wantad to find ot iat twas ik tobe ovarwoght. 4506 Student's Book Anewer Key 45) 7 1. Pes dcie ogo om 80 to 120 to informant 2. Whe he wes ging weit he drt enecae al 2. Thee teat potions he exerenced weigh nd prassre ig loo suger sn igh coletrl 4, att expecta is aight dt '5, Losing the weight was a long, difficult journey, 6. Losing he weght ktm eb moth. 1. His timis caled at and Bock. 8. a wants poole change tht es NAT Possible Answor | think Pd Jamas will understand his ents better because now hh knows what i's eally koto bo ft, but I dot think he wl ‘encourage paople to change thee lives. page 61 SPEAKING TASK Comparing Pictures 1b 2e ad 4a Se Sentance describing siiartes: 1. b Sentances dascrbing difernces:?.@ 3d 4a Sc 2 Possible Answers 1. Swimming requires more sel iscipline sihich i vil for achioving success, You must have sl-discipino to practise ‘enough to perfoct your sls to the equi level 2, For swimming, you naed a swimming cap and a proper ‘stimu, which must fel comfortable, but aso ft wel. You ‘also need goggls, which protect a swimmers eyes rom chlrin and allow for better visibility, Swimmers who ara sensitive to infections may also requre eapugs. For bbasketba, you need bala hoop and basketball shoes. Basketball apparel besketbal shorts, T-shirt, sweatshirt hoodies, et.) arent realy necessary, but they look good! 4. [gal basketbal isthe most stranuous spert because it equtes lotof endurance, strength, power speed and agity 4. L would preter to play besketbll because it's more fun, LIVING CULTURE Le 2a ad 4e 5b page 62 WRITING AN INFORMATIVE ESSAY 1 Possible Answers Yoga startin India ovr 5,000 years age. Yoga was introduced tothe West inthe ate 19th century. [Most yoga sossions focus on two main eleints: poses and breathing 2 a body 4. body opening opening losing 1 body i, focus, require, strengthens, calms Past Simple Tense: started, was introduced jing Engle 1 Phencopiahe D9 Duringron Rooke Escaneado con CamScanner page 63 (CONNECTORS OF CAUSE AND RESULT 3 Connectors of cause was inroducod tothe Westin tho lato 18th contury asa result of growing intrest in Eastem culture Cause: growing interest in Easter cule Result: was introduced tothe West I's wellknown that yoga is grat for stretching and fet, bout many people are aretha it aso strengthens the muscles, sine many of the poses are quite strenuous Came: any of the poses we ie enous also strnghtons the muscles. cemmecton frat Yogs's approach is gentle and gradual, Therefore its suitable foralnost anyone, no matter what age a fess level Cause: Yoa's approach is getle and radu Result: issuable fr almost anyone Classes can be found mst anywhere, s0 there's no reason not tojoin one today! Cause: Classes can be found almost anywhere Result: there's no reason nt to join ane today 4a 2b Be 4a 5b 5 Possible Answers 1. Thorefore/ As a result 2, because of/ due to 3. Since/As/ Because 40 5. bocaus of/ as aos of 6 For this eason / Consequenty page 64 LANGUAGE CONSOLIDATION Vic 2A 304058 6A 720 8B 21» 5. is 2. get 6, ore 3. out Le 4 be 8. have Student's Book Anower Key Tring Enel 1 Phoovopiahe D0 Baringo Rooke Escaneado con CamScanner UNIT 6 Hit the Books! page 5 11. Thisexpresson italy means tite, smack books. Hower trey means to study har 2 InSpanish, we have te folowing sayings connected to cuts nears codes, Enpola (both expressions ‘oat hit th books) and Cade mses tine su rflo {everyone doos hs in is hr own paizulr wa 2 Possible Answers {agree with John Dewey's quote because life isthe best fection, The lesson that we lear in fehl us grown. ‘You cart lear these lessons ina classroom. | don't agree with Robere Gunderson's quote. Plenty of people ‘that graduate from university are responsible, welLinformed individuals with fe experience. Some of ther have had to ‘work hart pay for university Ink they are defintely erlucated about fe! {agree with the tid quote because vl” is 10 times ‘moro important than 0. believe that as ng as | bliove in myself and wok had, then ean and il achive my goals. Fanthe ype of person who will stay up alright to fish a Project unit's perfoct. fm responsible and self mtivatod, 0 know I sucooed, Bie 44b 4 Conversation 1. Notice #2 Conversation 2. Notice #6 Conversation 3, Notice #1 DES Possible Answers ‘You often see notices from people selling second-hand books, second hand bicyles and scooters and aso notices about school sports matches as wel a aftr school actives. 2f ad &b Be Bae Conversation 4. Natoe #5 Conversation. Notice #4 Conversation. Notice #3 page 66 READING | Possible Answers dation has always put the emphasis on memevising facts, but this isa waste of time because we can find faci, on the Intemet. We now have smartphones and can rely on them to ‘ind dates, facts and figures. We noodt memorise so much stuf Instead, schoo's shoud teach us critcal and independent thinking, 2 auins tFenENces 2 4893 1. Theintornatonsboste catywampus cou be conect tecase Mc Whitson sid that he had invent al the information about he eatywampus. ins 11-12) 2. Sioa no race of th srl rained, Me Whitson cul have hada eatpvampus ski (ines 18-20) 4. Th tudes woe suspicious dept the ridiculous name that Mi Whitson had gion the animal (ns 2 2) 4. Me Whitson wart the stoi to show why his Vlsogen wes nat a ving rear ines 3338) 5. Having th courage tot people thoy ae vera jst 4s impo’ a making goat scene discoveries. fines 4-4) Student's Book Anewer Key 41. False 3. Tue 2. Te 4, False page 67 Bid 2b 6 1. exactly line 8) 4, put together line 34) 2. outraged (ine 15) 3 infalibe ine 28) Possible Answers | dort think he shoudl have filed them because they simply (gave him the answers he had told them to give. But think it was vrang to ick students 5. propose (line 43) 6, appalled fine 50) page 68 VOCABULARY 1 WORDS FROM THE TEXT La 2b 2b 4a 5D 2ie 2a ad 4b Se 3 Possible Answers 1. Wsidculous to wear high heels for school 2, Aranimal needs fur to keep warm in cold weather. 3. You expect you fiends to support you when you've got problems. 4, You might heat a lecture at college or university. 5. Teachers usualy record thelr students’ marks. 6. A traditional day fr tcking people is 28th December, Holy Innocents’ Day, (or 1st Api, April Fools’ Day) used to / would / be used to / get used to 41. used to 2 worousad to 3, would 4, used to 5, didtuse to 6, got used to 5 Possible Answers 1. Botore there were cars, people used to have horses. 2 Bianca has never been to London. She ist used to diving on the let. ‘3. We moved to another city last month. Now Im getting sed to ving in a fret place 4, My grandfather grew up ona fam. Every moring. he ‘would ik the cows before breakfast. 5. Mymow job stars at 7.00 am. have to got used to geting up at 600. 6, We had to help my mum when she got an iPhone. ‘She wasn't used to@ smarphone, V6 woros in use 1. tidus 2 figure our 2 unease 4 mateup 5, expected 6, discovery 7. courage page 69 LISTENING 1 Possible Answer ‘After schoal, | usually watch TV and play computer games. 1 Play computer games for an hour bore going to bod. never socialise with fiends on schooldays, but we alvays hang ut on iay evenings. As for sport, |just don't have ime for that jing Engi 1 Phemopiabe D9 Baringon Rook Escaneado con CamScanner Gi2iv 22 av he se TUTTO Possible Answers Homework s terbel lt shoud be prohibited. get hours of homework every night. puts alot of stress on me end my friends. We stay up late completing it and then we cant focus in class because we're so ted. | dont think homework shouldbe banned. thnk t helps ws study fr our quizzes and tests. twill eventely hep improve ourmars, @ LISTEN CLOSELY Gyva 2b ap page 70 GRAMMAR REPORTED SPEECH ‘Statements and Questions In coportadstatoments and quostions, we move the verb back in time when the eepeting vei inthe past Orders, Requests and Suggestions In reported orders and requests we use the infinitive. In eportod suggestions wo uso a gorund or that + subject + base form ofthe verb, 11. The teacher announced that she had finished correcting the exams, 2. The students complained that their teachers gave them ‘00 much homework. 3. My friend suggested thet we do the project together. 4. Our headteacher warned us not tobe late the following ay. 5. The gil admitted thet she had cheated inthe test the day before. 6. The Prime Minister declared that he would improve the level of education in thee country 7. Mrs Morris enquired when she could meet her son's teacher, 8. Lasked Sara to lend me her laptop for my project. 2.1. Jake's father asked how much money he should send ‘ith Jake forthe class trip the following week 2. Rona suggested meeting / that they meet for coffee on Thursday ovening around 8. 3, The heaeacher told Moly that Jack Roberts was He sai that they needed her to teach his cass the following / next day at 9.15 am. He asked her to call him at home that ovening. 4. Beth said thatthe mating would beat 8.00 pe that Thursday. She add that she needed to bring a laptop. 5. Keith wanted to know what homework they had forthe next following day. He oxplainod that he couldnt find his school dary. 6. Shelley asked if/ whether she could pick her up for their Pilates class the following /next morning. Sho said that, she would be waiting at .00, Te V4 1 tore jah 1 Powocopahie OO Student's Book Anower Key 3 Tho headteacher asked Moly to teach Jack Roberts’ class at 8.15 the next folowing day but at that time Molly would be going to her Plates class with Shelley. Rena asked Molly to meet for coffee on Thursday evening ‘around 8, but the school secretary told her there was @ ‘meeting at .00 pm on Thursday. Acoopt all gical and gramaticaly correct answers forthe ‘ema replies poge71 5. dis 2. was/is 6. could 3. had spent 7. had 4, would be lving 8, studied Bid 2e 2b ha 1. asked ther where student and teachers slept. They answered that they stayed in hostos and tonts and that the most important thing was to be near a rive 2, [wanted to know how good | had to beat kayaking to ‘apply and they said that I didnt have tobe great athlete, but should know the basics. 4, [also asked could gt help with the oost and thay tld mo that th had always accopted some students who hada bean abe to pay the fu price 4, [finaly enquired how long the school had existe and they explained thatthe first class hd started in 2001. 6 Possible Answers 1. Our headtezcher announced that we would have free ‘wii access the following week. 2, My grandfather's doctor ordered him to give up smoking, 3. The now student wondored it / whether ho would bo accepted by the other students 4, The prisoner admitted that he had stolen the money. 5. My sstr’'s flatmate suggested sharing /that they share thee living exponses. 6. Thelfoguard warned the swims to stay away from the rocks 1. My mathor wanted to know whether had passed the ‘vam the day bofore / the previous day. 2, The teacher warned us nett tak the. 3. Laskod my coachif| had improved since the previous Year / the year before 4, My classmates suggested that we sit therefor inch. 5, John's teacher said that she/he might leave early the fellowing cay / the next day. 6, Laura askod if Ptor had extra English lasons. 7. Tha heateacher asked me to switch of my phone Last week, ou lass attended a lecture by DrJ. Bats. At the lecture, he asked whathertaachors would be replaced by computers one day. He said that computer tutorials would probably never beable o replace human teachers, but they ‘wore bacoming more “human” llth time. He explained that jstlike aoa person. Auto Tutor could sense students’ ‘emotions through ter facial expressions and body language and respon ina suitable way. Dr Bates also tod us that ‘AtoTuto's“eacher” avater might give addtional suppor to @ ‘student who was ustrate, or tach fastrif a studot fle bored. He explained that the previous year they had tested ‘utoTitar on mre than 1,000 stents anther maths marks had improved by several points afte using Final, he said ‘that that showed the important rle tht ematios payed in the leering process. argon Rooke Escaneado con CamScanner

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