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CAE practice test 2

Writing part 1

As a society, we must make sure that our fellow humans are doing as good as possible. For that,
there are hundreds of ONGs worldwide.

Health is one of the most important things for a happy, long lasting life, but, unfortunately, not
everyone has it. Furthermore, health services are very expensive, so is the medicine. As there are
millions of patients waiting for a miracle because they can not afford treatment for their illnesses,
some organisations are rising money and more in order to become that miracle. “Cancer charities
have helped lots of people and need our support”, said Emma at the yesterday’s debate, and we all
can agree: charities of each kind helped lots of people. Moreover, by donating to those organisations
you do not only help the patient , but also the research for treatment, so you are doing an act of
kindness for future generations at the same time.

When it comes to not respecting human rights, many tend to immediately think about racism,
which is one of them, but sadly, not the only one. In the whole world people of all ages are private
from rights like education, health, liberty and so on. Those do not affect only our community, but
mostly their mental and physical health. From gender discrimination to people being punished for
their beliefs and kids engaged in marriages at early ages, the privation of rights is a real issue that
can be solved only by humans beings. We all need to fight and make this stop, so everyone can live a
better life.

In other words, the gouverment should sustain the priceless human desire to help the others,
making the planet Earth more lovely day by day.

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