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Bugs are a kind of insect. How many legs do bugs have? six
Bugs have six legs, like other
insects such as beetles and
butterflies. In this lesson
we’re going to talk about big
insects, scorpions, and
spiders that people often
think of as bugs.

The giant water bug is the What is the largest bug in the giant water bug
largest bug in the world. A world?
giant water bug can kill a
frog or a fish twice its size.
The goliath beetle of West
Africa is the heaviest insect
in the world. It is over 4
inches long and weighs
nearly 1/4 pound. That’s
about the size of an apple.
Despite their weight, goliath
beetles are about to fly. They
zip through the air like
bullets and can break glass

The giant cockroach of What does the giant cockroach smell

South America is the largest give off to deter predators?
roach in the world. It is about
3 inches long. It gives off an
awful smell so it won’t be
eaten by its enemies. But
some people keep giant
cockroaches as pets.

The bulldog ant of Australia What does a bulldog ant use sting
is about 1 1/2 inches long, that is mean?
about the size of your pinky.
This ant has powerful jaws
and a mean sting. Bulldog
ants will attack anything that
comes near their nest.

The female tarantula-hawk The tarantula-hawk wasp stings, feed

wasp stings a tarantula and lays eggs, they hatch and the
paralyzes it. She lays her young wasp ________ on the
eggs on the tarantula. The body?
eggs hatch in several days,
and the young wasps feed
on the body of the tarantula.

Arranged by Emma Page 1 of 3 Big Bugs by Seymour Simon

Say and Write Ask Answer

The lantern fly of South What does the head of a lantern alligator
America is about 3 inches fly look like?
long. The top of its head
looks like an alligator. The
top of its head is also
hollow, like a peanut shell.
No one knows why.

Robber flies can grow to be What buy lives in the United robber flies
about 2 inches long, with a 4- States and hunts flying insects?
inch wingspan. They hunt
any flying insect, even bees
and wasps. The largest
robber flies live in South
America or Australia, but
many large robber flies live in
the United States.

Most dragonflies have How do dragonflies catch and midair

wingspans of 3 or 4 inches. eat their insects?
Dragonflies are great flies
and can catch and eat
insects in midair.

Birdwing butterflies are the Where do birding butterflies Australia

biggest butterflies in the come from?
world. These colorful giants
from Australia have a 12-
inch wingspan. They fly so
fast that people can’t catch
them with nets. Instead,
collectors try to knock them
down with a blast of water.

Atlas is the name of a giant What is something unusual that eat

in early Greek legends. The atlas moths don't do?
atlas moth of Southeast Asia
has a larger wing area than
any other moth. Its wings
cover about the same space
as the length of a paper. How long do they live? two weeks
Adult atlas moths don’t have
mouths, and they don’t eat.
They quickly mate, lay eggs,
and die within two weeks.

Arranged by Emma Page 2 of 3 Big Bugs by Seymour Simon

Say and Write Ask Answer

A praying mantis doesn’t How does the praying mantis quietly

pray. It is really waiting wait?
quietly for an insect to pass
by. When a mantis catches
an insect, it feeds on it like a
person eating an ear of corn.

This walking stick is over 1 What does the walking stick dead wood
foot long and looks like a look like?
piece of dead wood. It
moves slowly at night and
feeds on leaves. Lizards,
birds, and spiders will eat
walking sticks, but they have
a hard time spotting them.

The bird-eating spider of What does the biggest spider in birds / small animals
South America is the biggest the world eat?
spider in the world. It is as
large as your open hand.
Bird-eating spiders catch and
eat birds and other small

An African giant scorpion can What does the giant scorpion claws
grow to be 8 inches long. use to tear apart insects?
The giant scorpion hunts for
insects at night and tears
them to pieces with its large

Most bugs are tiny and weigh Other than big bugs, what do feather
about as much as a feather. most bugs way?
The bugs in this book weigh
dozens of times more than
most other bugs. That is why
we call them big bugs.

Arranged by Emma Page 3 of 3 Big Bugs by Seymour Simon

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