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SAP Knowledge Base Article

3385187 - AS Java Security Vulnerability - The server is not configured to return a 'X-
XSS-Protection' header
Component: BC-JAS-WEB (Web Container, HTTP, JavaMail, Servlets), Version: 1, Released On: 04.10.2023

Third party tool detects security vulnerability that the server is not configured to return a 'X-XSS-Protection' header which
means that any pages on this website could be at risk of a Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) attack.

SAP NetWeaver for Application Server Java - all versions

Web container does not include an 'X-XSS-Protection' header with a value of '1; mode=block' on all pages.

Adjust this property on global Web Container level. Make sure that your system is on the version that allows this feature and
implement custom header. See more in SAP Note: 1831525 - Custom Headers Feature.
Name and value must be:
headervalue=1; mode=block

Key Value

Requires Action 0


SAP NetWeaver Application Server for Java all versions

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