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In the morning 1. I’m going to run .

2. I work from home

In the afternoon 1. I go to the Jockey Plaza shopping

2. I have lunch with my friends at the

In the evening 1. I watch TV with my family.

2. I have dinner with my family.

1. Learning outcome:
Students are able to explain changes in their routines using present simple, past simple
of verb be and the vocabulary introduce during the week.

2. Description:
A. Complete the following chart about the activities you do on Saturdays.

B. Think about a Saturday when you did something different.

 What was different? I felt free. out of the routine.

 Where were you? I was at the beach

 Who was with you? I was with my boyfriend

 Was it fun? Yes. It was fun

C. Write a short paragraph (between 60-80 words) about that Saturday.

On Saturday mornings I usually go for a run and then I start working from home. In the
afternoon I always go to the Jockey Plaza to do the shopping and at night I stay at home
doing my homework and listening to music. But last Saturday was different. It was my
boyfriend's birthday. It was a party at this beach house. It was a lot of fun and my
boyfriend was very happy.

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