Setting Analysis Reflection Paper

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A story consists of many parts that help it convey what it is supposed

to. It contains the characters, the plot, the theme, and most importantly the
setting. The setting is the time and place a story is set in. It can be either the
place, time, climate, and other things happening in the surrounding. The setting
can be a primary factor that moves the plot that is why knowing the setting is
important and setting analysis is the way to it.
I have read a few stories in my spare time. I have noticed that no
matter the story, the setting is most usually said in the start of the plot. So, that’s
why I think setting analysis is not as had as it seems. I also noticed that the setting
sets the tone and mood of the story. An example is if the story is set in a magical
forest, I would instantly think of an adventure fantasy story.
When we had this discussion in class, I realized a few things I did not
know at all. The first thing is that setting is not only the place where the story is
set, but also what the weather is and the climate. Not only that but also the
cultural setting and the time period it is in. This makes me think that not every
setting is said as soon as the story starts, but sometimes only clues are given. This
makes setting analysis much needed as not knowing the setting can make the
story very confusing.
Now that I know more about setting analysis, I would be able to
recognize the setting of the stories I read. This makes my time reading more
enjoyable. With this skill I learned, I avoid any confusion I would probably have if I
were to not know about the setting. I would understand how the plot could and
would move. And also have more understanding of the other parts of the story
like characters.

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