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St. PaulUniversity


2nd Semester, SY 2021-2022

Subject/Course Code: GEC 4

Class Schedule:
Instructor/Professor: Ninfa S. Ang
Email/Contact Number: /09208265567

Course Description: Art Appreciation is a three-unit course that develops student’s ability to
appreciate, analyze and critique works of art. Through interdisciplinary and
multimodal approaches, to equip students with a broad knowledge of the
practical, historical, philosophical, and social relevance of the arts in order
to hone students’ ability to articulate their understanding of the arts. The
course also develops students’ competency in researching and curating art
as well as conceptualizing, mounting, and evaluating art productions. The
course aims to develop students’ genuine appreciation for Philippine arts
by providing the, opportunities to explore the diversity and richness and
their rootedness in Filipino culture.

Learner, please be mindful of the Paulinian Essential Elements that you are supposed to develop:

IGO 2: Cutting Edge, Resilient VISIONARIES & INNOVATORS, who:

PGA2.1 identify potential social and technological changes and proactively pursue fruitful ways of
responding to them;
PGA2.2 gather information on emerging trends in their field and propose novel ways they could
incorporate them into their work;
PGA2.3 develop ideas for innovations in their field, testing meticulously their feasibility and utility;
PGA2.4 propose creative ways in meeting challenges in the field of specialization.

IGO 4: Reliable, Productive EXPERTS & IMPLEMENTERS, who:

PGA4.1 Continually set and meet high performance standards and improvement goals for
themselves and how they apply it in their future organization;
PGA4.4 Accomplish projects and related work that meet or exceed high quality standards within
agreed-upon timelines and resource limits;

IGO 5: Dedicated, Transformative SUPPORTERS & STEWARDS of ALL CREATION, who:

PGA5.1 Promote and actively participate in initiatives that advocate, and directly support
the right of all creatures to exist and flourish
PGA5.3 Devote their time , talents, and resources in improving and maintaining the health and well-
being of peoples, especially the less privileged and underserved;

As a Paulinian student, you are also expected to exhibit the SPCEM Program Outcome in Humanities

Particularly, accurately apply and integrate sound concepts, skills, processes, technologies, and
information in order to contribute to the holistic development of each Filipino learner who does not just
become a skilled professional, an expert in his field but one who is truly humane, a kind of person who
does not just think and socialize but a person who appreciate the work by the hand that he is capable of
producing and beholding something useful and beautiful in the formation of the human being and
society through humanistic education.
St. PaulUniversity

Topic: Meaning and Assumptions of Art

Hours: 9 hours
Learning Outcomes: By the end of the lesson, learners are able to:
1. describe the different definitions of art;
2. discuss the meaning and importance of Art Appreciation
3. clarify the assumptions and nature of arts: creativity and imagination;
4. engage better with personal experiences of and in art.
Let’s Check!

Check the following items that you think are products of Art as a visible

___ 1. Architecture ___ 6. Cake Decorating

(15 minutes) ___ 2. Musical Composition ___ 7. Painting
___ 3. Acting ___ 8. Dancing
___ 4. Script Writing ___ 9. Poetry
___ 5. Sculpture ___ 10. Fashion Designing

Let us see if you checked the right items. Your answer must be:
Gymnastics Theatre, Culinary, Homophonics, Script Writing , Musical Composition, Painting, Fashion Designing, Sculpture, Church Architecture
All of them actually.

If you got a score of 8-10, you are an artist!

If you got 6-8, you can appreciate art expressions.
If you got 5 and below, you need more exposure in the field of art. 

(45 minutes) Awareness of Art

Being aware of the beautiful environment you have encountered that made
you understand, witness and enjoy everything you see, you will have
something in mind to help you learn more and appreciate art. You may refer
to these links:

Write at least 5 definitions of art (you can include your own personal
1. ____________________________________
2. ____________________________________
3. ____________________________________
4. ____________________________________
5. ____________________________________

Write at least 3 assumptions of art

1. ____________________________________
2. ____________________________________
3. ____________________________________

(1 hour) Definitions and Assumptions of Art

Art is something that is perennially around us. Some people may deny having
to do with the arts but it is indisputable that life presents us with many forms
of and opportunities for communion with the arts. Despite the seemingly
overflowing instances of arts around people, one still finds the need to see
more and experience more, whether consciously or unconsciously.

Humanities and the art have always been part of man’s growth and
St. PaulUniversity

civilization. Since the dawn of time, man has always tried to express his
innermost thoughts and feelings about reality through creating art. Three
assumptions on art are its universality, its not being nature, and its need for
experience. Art is present in every part of the globe and in every period in
time. This is what is meant by its universality. Art not being nature, not even
attempting to simply mirror nature, is the second assumption about art. Art is
always a creation of the artist, not nature. Finally, without experience, there is
no art. The artist has to be foremost, a perceiver who is directly in touch with

1. Discuss the meaning of creativity and imagination.
2. Choose at least 1 or 2 definitions and assumptions of art and present
your interpretation in a form of a drawing or sketch on a one whole
sheet of any drawing paper.
3. Attach a brief explanation of your interpretation. Your drawing and
explanation will be graded. Please take a picture or scan it and upload
it in our Schoology Classroom inside Assignment 1 Folder.
4. Present your interpretation of the picture/painting in class

The Assignment should be submitted next meeting. You may work on it

independently on our second meeting.
Moving On

Having known the meaning and assumptions of art and discuss briefly using
Microsoft word or Google Docs. (You can include your own definition.) Then
answer the following questions as precisely and as thoroughly as possible:
(1 hour)  If you are an artist, what kind of artist would you be?
 Why is art not nature?
 Why is art ageless and timeless?
 Why does art involve experience?
 How does art affect human existence?
Upload it in our Schoology Classroom inside Assignment 1 Folder.
Your work will be graded according to this rubric:
Expanded Learning

Resources/ References:
References:  Bernardo et al. (2018). Art Appreciation. Manila: Rex Book Store.
 Ariola, M. (2014). Introduction to Art Appreciation. 2nd Edition.
Quezon City. C&E Pubilishing Inc.
 Panofsky, E. (1983) Meaning in the Visual Arts. Chicago: University
of Chicago Press.
Online References:

Note: This is an instructional material that will be delivered through a Learning Management System.
For learners with limited connectivity who will opt for remote offline learning, learning packages
containing printed copies of these materials and/or with accompanying USB/CD for PowerPoint
presentations will be prepared.
St. PaulUniversity

Prepared by:

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