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Test Bank For Medical Assisting: Administrative and Clinical Procedures with Anatomy and Phy

Test Bank For Medical Assisting: Administrative and

Clinical Procedures with Anatomy and Physiology,
5th Edition 5th Edition

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Chapter 009 Examination and Treatment Areas

Multiple Choice Questions

1. The process of cleaning and scrubbing instruments and equipment, generally by washing
with detergents and scrubbing as needed, is ____.
A. surgical asepsis
B. sanitization
C. disinfection
D. purification
E. sterilization

2. Which of the following is used on instruments and equipment that come in contact with
intact mucous membranes or other surfaces not considered sterile?
A. Surgical asepsis
B. Sanitization
C. Disinfection
D. Purification
E. Sterilization

3. The complete destruction of all pathogenic, beneficial, and harmless microorganisms from
the surface of instruments and equipment is ____.
A. surgical asepsis
B. sanitization
C. disinfection
D. purification
E. sterilization

4. Which of the following is used to clean blood pressure cuffs and reflex hammers?
A. Ultrasonic cleaning
B. Sterilization
C. Sanitization
D. Purification
E. Disinfection

Chapter 009 Examination and Treatment Areas

5. The cleaning process used on instruments such as nasal specula and endotracheal tubes is
A. ultrasonic cleaning.
B. sterilization.
C. sanitization.
D. fumigation.
E. disinfection.

6. Which of the following is used to sanitize delicate instruments and instruments that have
moving parts?
A. Ultrasonic cleaning
B. Autoclave
C. Scrub brush
D. Dishcloth
E. Sponge and water

7. Sanitization is used to clean which of the following?

A. Needles and syringes
B. Ophthalmoscopes and otoscopes
C. Glassware and enamelware
D. Curettes and vaginal specula
E. Laryngoscope

8. If you cannot sanitize instruments immediately after using them, ____.

A. wrap them in a towel
B. place them in water with a neutral-pH detergent
C. set them aside until you can clean them
D. place them in cool water
E. put them in a drawer to get them out of the way

Chapter 009 Examination and Treatment Areas

9. Which of the following should you do when you sanitize instruments?

A. Drop each instrument into the sink
B. Wear utility gloves
C. Scrub each instrument with a metal brush or steel wool
D. Allow them to soak for six hours
E. Use an acidic-pH detergent

10. Which of the following is permissible in ultrasonic cleaning?

A. Placing all of the instruments together in the bath
B. Placing all instruments with hinges in the closed position
C. Removing the instruments from the ultrasonic cleaner and wrap without rinsing
D. Reusing the ultrasonic cleaning solution for several baths
E. Using anti-grease dishwashing detergent in the cleaning bath

11. Which of the following can be disinfected and used again without sterilization?
A. Needles and syringes
B. Glassware and enamel
C. Vaginal specula
D. Curettes
E. suture removal instruments

12. Which of the following statements about a disinfectant is true?

A. The disinfectant solution is more potent after several uses.
B. Items should be placed in the disinfectant bath wet.
C. Soap should be used in the sanitization process.
D. Evaporation can alter the chemical makeup of the solution.
E. Disinfectants are used on human tissues as anti-infection agents.

Chapter 009 Examination and Treatment Areas

13. Which of the following is commonly used to clean instruments and equipment that would
be damaged by immersion in soap and water or other disinfectant solutions?
A. Formaldehyde
B. Alcohol
C. Acid products
D. Glutaraldehyde
E. Chlorine

14. Which of the following is extremely corrosive and toxic to tissue and has strong killing
A. Germicidal soap
B. Acid
C. Boiling water
D. Iodine
E. Alcohol

15. Which of the following is commonly used as a preservative in a 10% solution and as a
germicide and sporicide in a 5% solution?
A. Formaldehyde
B. Alcohol
C. Iodine
D. Hydrogen peroxide
E. Germicidal soap

16. Which of the following is commonly known as Cidex or Glutarex and is used in chemical
sterilization processes?
A. Formaldehyde
B. Glutaraldehyde
C. Chlorine
D. Acid products
E. Hydrogen peroxide

Chapter 009 Examination and Treatment Areas

17. Which of the following is used to disinfect surfaces and soak rubber equipment before
A. Bleach
B. Alcohol
C. Iodine
D. Boiling water
E. Hydrogen peroxide

18. Which of the following is used both as a disinfectant and as an antiseptic, but has limited
effectiveness in the presence of blood products, mucus, or soap?
A. Boiling water
B. Iodine
C. Acid products
D. Formaldehyde
E. Bleach

19. The appropriate way to handle disinfected supplies is to ____.

A. hand-remove each item from the disinfection unit
B. store all items in water
C. always wear gloves
D. wash items with soap after removing them from the disinfection unit
E. use sterile tongs to place the items in storage drawers

20. Which of the following is part of the sanitization of equipment?

A. Boiling instruments in boiling water
B. Scrubbing instruments with steel wool
C. Soaking instruments in detergent solution
D. Placing all instruments together for sanitization
E. Spraying instruments with formaldehyde

Chapter 009 Examination and Treatment Areas

21. The destruction of infectious agents on an object by direct application of a chemical is

A. sanitization
B. disinfection
C. purification
D. surgical asepsis
E. sterilization

22. Which of the following does the physician use to confirm a patient's health or diagnose a
medical problem?
A. A report from another physician
B. Documentation from the nurse
C. The general physical examination
D. The patient's medical record
E. The admission sheet the patient fills out

23. Who is responsible for preparing the examination room for patients?
A. Medical assistant
B. Nurse
C. Housekeeper
D. Physician's assistant
E. Physician

24. The area where the physician observes and listens to the patient, performs a general
physical examination, and dispenses treatment is the ____.
A. interim room
B. laboratory
C. examination room
D. surgical room
E. procedure room

Chapter 009 Examination and Treatment Areas

25. A physician in a medical office should have a minimum of how many examination rooms
for his or her exclusive use?
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
E. 5

26. The number of examination rooms in a medical office depends on the number of
physicians who work there and on ____.
A. how much time each physician spends with a patient
B. how big the office is
C. how many assistants each physician has
D. how many rooms each physician wants
E. each physician's patient load

27. The primary reason for having a minimum of two examination rooms per physician is that
it ____.
A. allows other physicians to use the room
B. enables the medical assistant to prepare one room while the physician examines a patient in
the other
C. can serve as an additional waiting area for patients when the reception area is full
D. can be used as a room for a contagious patient who comes to the office
E. provides a place for the physician to read journals and do paperwork

28. The customary size for an examination room is ____.

A. 4 ft. by 6 ft
B. 6 ft. by 8 ft
C. 8 ft. by 10 ft
D. 8 ft. by 12 ft
E. 10 ft. by 16 ft

Chapter 009 Examination and Treatment Areas

29. When the medical assistant puts a patient in the examination room to wait for the
physician, the usual place to put the patient's medical record is ____.
A. on the countertop in the examination room
B. in a rack that hangs on the wall directly outside the examination room
C. at the reception desk for the physician to pick up before entering the room
D. in a rack attached to the inside of the examination room door
E. in the appropriate place in the filing cabinet that holds patient records

30. Which of the following is the usual way to signal that an examination room is occupied?
A. An "occupied" sign posted on the door
B. A door lock that reads "occupied" when in the locked position
C. A light on the door or wall is illuminated
D. The door to the examination room is open, so people can see that it is occupied
E. The overhead lights in the examination room are turned on

31. The key piece of equipment in the examination room is the ____.
A. examining table
B. scale with a height bar
C. biohazardous waste container
D. visitor's chair
E. physician's rolling stool

32. Which of the following is the correct position for the examining table?
A. Lengthwise directly in front of the door
B. Snug against the inside wall
C. Lengthwise in front of the window
D. Sideways in front of the window
E. In the center of the room or coming out from the wall

Chapter 009 Examination and Treatment Areas

33. The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 accessibility guidelines require that doors be
____ wide to allow a person in a wheelchair to pass through.
A. 24 inches
B. 30 inches
C. 32 inches
D. 60 inches
E. 84 inches

34. According to ADA guidelines, a clearance space in rooms and hallways must allow a
person in a wheelchair to make a 180-degree turn. The minimum required clearance space is
A. 32 inches.
B. 36 inches.
C. 60 inches.
D. 90 inches.
E. 120 inches.

35. The cover for the examining table should be made of ____.
A. paper
B. cotton
C. nylon
D. polyester
E. rayon

36. How often should you change the cover on the examining table?
A. Daily
B. After every third use
C. Weekly
D. Monthly
E. After every use

Chapter 009 Examination and Treatment Areas

37. Which of the following is the appropriate way to remove a used examining table cover?
A. Crumple up the paper
B. Shake it in the air to assist in easier removal
C. Roll it up tightly and quickly
D. Turn it inside out
E. Fold it neatly with the used side facing out

38. Which of the following is the appropriate way to dispose of paper coverings soiled by
body fluids or blood?
A. Place them in the garbage can in the examination room
B. Collect them in a central location until they can be disposed of
C. Place them in a large garbage can in the hall
D. Dispose of them in a biohazardous waste container
E. Place them in a laundry hamper for housekeeping to wash

39. Which of the following is the appropriate method for disposal of soiled linen cloths and
A. Wash them in the office washing machine
B. Place them in a biohazard-labeled bag and send to a laundry for cleaning
C. Have office personnel take turns taking them home to wash
D. Place them in a cloth bag to send to a laundry for cleaning
E. Dispose of them in a biohazardous waste container

40. Which of the following methods should be used to clean the work surfaces in the
examination room, including the examining table, sink, and countertop?
A. Disinfection
B. Ultrasonic cleaning
C. Sanitization
D. Fumigation
E. Sterilization

Chapter 009 Examination and Treatment Areas

41. Which of the following is appropriate for cleaning surfaces in the exam room?
A. Germicidal soap
B. 10% solution of household bleach
C. Iodine
D. Alcohol
E. Hydrogen peroxide

42. The toilets, sinks, and wastebaskets should be disinfected according to facility policy. In
most medical offices, they are disinfected____.
A. once a day
B. every other day
C. once a week
D. once every two weeks
E. once a month

43. Which of the following is a reason for storing biohazardous substances in a separate
refrigerator from food and beverages?
A. Food or beverages may leak on the biohazardous substances.
B. You could accidentally grab a biohazardous substance that is not clearly labeled and ingest
C. There may not be enough room in one refrigerator for both.
D. Biohazardous substances do not have to be refrigerated.
E. Food may cause the deterioration of the biohazardous substances.

44. Which of the following activities does OSHA prohibit medical personnel from doing in a
room where potentially infectious materials are present?
A. Replacing the 10% bleach solution used to disinfect the surfaces
B. Washing your hands
C. Filling the paper towel rack
D. Chewing gum and applying cosmetics
E. Performing office laboratory tests

Chapter 009 Examination and Treatment Areas

45. The temperature of the laboratory refrigerators should be maintained between ____.
A. 10F and 15F
B. 24F and 28F
C. 36F and 46F
D. 50F and 56F
E. 60F and 65F

46. What is the most appropriate way to monitor the temperature in a laboratory refrigerator?
A. Place an ice cube tray in the refrigerator and see if the water freezes
B. Open the refrigerator frequently to check items for coldness
C. Place a thermometer in the refrigerator
D. Place a bottle of drinking water in the refrigerator and take a drink to determine coldness
E. Open the refrigerator door and wave a thermometer inside, then check the reading

47. The temperature in the food refrigerator should be maintained between ____.
A. 24F and 28F
B. 32F and 40F
C. 36F and 46F
D. 50F and 56F
E. 60F and 65F

48. A medical assistant may do which of the following housekeeping tasks?

A. Damp dusting an open shelf
B. Scrubbing floors
C. Cleaning blinds
D. Washing windows
E. Vacuuming carpets

Chapter 009 Examination and Treatment Areas

49. Which of the following is the main reason for dusting shelves and furniture in the
examination room?
A. It gives a clean appearance.
B. It preserves the finish of the furniture.
C. It eliminates dust that harbors bacteria and allergens.
D. It promotes a sterile environment.
E. It is an efficient way to pass the time between patient appointments.

50. The most appropriate temperature setting for the examination room is____.
A. 55F
B. 62F
C. 72F
D. 80F
E. 84F

51. Which of the following are examples of disposable instruments?

A. Stethoscopes and blood pressure cuffs
B. Curettes and needles
C. Otoscopes and ophthalmoscopes
D. Tuning forks and reflex hammers
E. Exam lights and laryngeal mirrors

52. An anoscope is an instrument that is used to ____.

A. measure body temperature
B. measure blood pressure
C. examine the ear canal
D. examine the eye
E. open the anus for examination

Chapter 009 Examination and Treatment Areas

53. Which of the following provides an additional source of light during an examination and
is usually on a flexible arm?
A. Penlight
B. Exam light
C. Ophthalmoscope
D. Otoscope
E. Anoscope

54. Which of the following reflects the inside of the mouth and throat for examination
A. Sphygmomanometer
B. Laryngeal mirror
C. Nasal speculum
D. Otoscope
E. Ophthalmoscope

55. An instrument used to enlarge the opening of the nose to permit viewing is a(n) ____.
A. ophthalmoscope
B. otoscope
C. nasal speculum
D. sphygmomanometer
E. anoscope

56. A lighted instrument that is used to examine the inner structures of the eye is a(n) ____.
A. penlight
B. exam light
C. anoscope
D. otoscope
E. ophthalmoscope

Chapter 009 Examination and Treatment Areas

57. Which of the following is an instrument used to examine the ear canal and the tympanic
A. Otoscope
B. Exam light
C. Penlight
D. Anoscope
E. Ophthalmoscope

58. Which of the following has a hard-rubber triangular head and is used to check a patient's
A. Tuning fork
B. Tape measure
C. Reflex hammer
D. Sphygmomanometer
E. Anoscope

59. A piece of equipment that measures blood pressure is a(n) ____.

A. stethoscope
B. anoscope
C. otoscope
D. tape measure
E. sphygmomanometer

60. Which of the following is used to listen to body sounds?

A. Stethoscope
B. Otoscope
C. Tuning fork
D. Ophthalmoscope
E. Anoscope

Chapter 009 Examination and Treatment Areas

61. Which of the following is used to measure body temperature?

A. Otoscope
B. Tuning fork
C. Thermometer
D. Sphygmomanometer
E. Stethoscope

62. Which of the following instruments tests a patient's hearing?

A. Ophthalmoscope
B. Tuning fork
C. Sphygmomanometer
D. Stethoscope
E. Otoscope

63. Which of the following instruments is used in the collection of gynecological specimens?
A. Nasal speculum
B. Laryngeal mirror
C. Vaginal speculum
D. Anoscope
E. Otoscope

64. Which of the following instruments must be sterilized?

A. Anoscope and vaginal speculum
B. Laryngeal mirror and nasal speculum
C. Sphygmomanometer and stethoscope
D. Ophthalmoscope and otoscope
E. Penlight and reflex hammer

Chapter 009 Examination and Treatment Areas

65. Transcutaneous absorption is absorption through ____.

A. ingestion
B. the body's organs
C. a cut or crack in the skin
D. inhalation
E. subcutaneous injection

66. Which of the following instruments that a physician uses during an examination is
sometimes mounted on the wall?
A. Penlight and reflex hammer
B. Sphygmomanometer and otoscope
C. Laryngeal mirror and anoscope
D. Nasal speculum and tuning fork
E. Vaginal speculum and tape measure

67. Which of the following are examples of disposable supplies?

A. Penlights and reflex hammers
B. Laryngeal mirrors and vaginal specula
C. Exam lights and stethoscopes
D. Tongue depressors and glass slides
E. Sphygmomanometers and otoscopes

68. Which of the following is an example of a consumable supply?

A. Specimen container
B. Cotton-tipped applicator
C. Isopropyl alcohol
D. Gauze
E. Curettes

Chapter 009 Examination and Treatment Areas

69. The first step in eliminating offensive odors from an exam room is to ____.
A. use an odor-absorbing filter
B. spray the room with an air freshener
C. open a window
D. turn on a fan
E. eliminate the source of the odor

70. The last patient of the day was very ill and vomited twice in the exam room. The first
time, she made it to the wastepaper basket, but the second time, she vomited on the examining
table and floor. What should you do?
A. Allow housekeeping to clean it up, since the office is closing and they will be here shortly
to clean
B. Get a mop from the storage closet and mop the floor.
C. Clean up the vomitus, using Standard Precautions because the vomitus is potentially
D. Spray air freshener in the room and leave the mess for the morning shift to clean up.
E. Open a window to help reduce the odor, then turn on a fan with a high-speed blower.

71. After a minor surgical procedure, Karen is scrubbing the instruments to sanitize them
before disinfection and sterilization. She notices that one of the hinged instruments does not
close properly. What should Karen do?
A. Wrap the instrument for sterilization
B. Set it aside and notify the physician or office manager
C. Place the instrument in the biohazardous waste container
D. Leave it in the detergent solution overnight and check it again tomorrow
E. Return the instrument to its tray for storage

Chapter 009 Examination and Treatment Areas

72. Sandra arrived a little late this morning because her car wouldn't start. Although she
usually checks the exam rooms for cleanliness before bringing a patient back to an exam
room, the rooms are almost always in good shape, so she skips that step this morning. As she
brings the first patient into the exam room, she notices an unidentifiable clear gel-like
substance on the edge of the examining table. The paper cover is clean and fresh. What should
Sandra do?
A. Wipe up the substance with a tissue and assist the patient onto the examining table
B. Call the front desk and ask them to have housekeeping come and clean the table
C. Ask the patient to step back into the waiting area while she cleans up the table
D. Spray the substance with a disinfectant and tell the patient the physician will be in shortly
E. Notify her supervisor immediately that the room is not clean

73. One of Stan's duties is to check the laboratory equipment and machines each morning
when he arrives at the office. This morning, when he checked the temperature in the
laboratory refrigerator, he discovered that the temperature was 62F. What should Stan do?
A. Call the repair company to fix the refrigerator
B. Turn down the setting so the refrigerator will get colder
C. Notify all lab personnel that specimens in the refrigerator may be compromised
D. Record the current temperature and continue with his morning duties
E. Move the specimens to the food refrigerator so they won't be affected

Fill in the Blank Questions

74. Cleaning products that are used on human tissues as anti-infection agents are called

75. A thick-walled reproductive body capable of resisting harsh conditions is called a

bacterial ________ and has been known to survive disinfection with strong chemicals and
boiling water.

Chapter 009 Examination and Treatment Areas

76. Biological agents that can spread disease to living things are ________ materials.

77. Leakproof containers that are color-coded red or labeled with a special symbol to show
that they contain biological agents that can spread disease to living things are called
biohazardous ________ containers.

78. Cleaning products applied particularly to instruments and equipment to reduce or

eliminate infectious organisms are called ________.

79. The scrubbing of instruments and equipment with special brushes and detergent to remove
blood, mucus, and other contaminants or media where pathogens can grow is called

80. ________ is used to clean items that touch only healthy, intact skin. For other equipment,
this is the first step before disinfection and sterilization.

81. After sanitization, some instruments and equipment require only ________ before being
used again. For other items, this is merely the second step in infection control, performed
before the process of sterilization.

82. The complete destruction of all living organisms is accomplished by ________.


Chapter 009 Examination and Treatment Areas

83. ________ cleaning involves placing instruments in a special bath in which sound waves
are generated through a cleaning solution to loosen contaminants.

84. Bleach is commonly used in laboratory settings to provide a measure of protection against
transmission of the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and is an effective ________ when
used in a 10% solution.

85. The ease with which people can move in and out of a space is called ________.

86. The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA) requires that businesses, services,
and public transportation provide "reasonable accommodations" for the disabled and provides
________ guidelines.

87. Supplies for a general physical exam may be either disposable or ________.

88. A chemical spray used to preserve a specimen obtained from the body for pathologic
examination is a(n) ________.

89. A physician performs a(n) ________ examination to confirm a patient's health or diagnose
a medical problem.

Chapter 009 Examination and Treatment Areas

90. You should provide tissues or special wipes for patients who need to wipe away ________
(a water-soluble gel) after certain procedures.

91. One type of disposable supply is a prepared paper slide used to test the stool for the
presence of ________.

92. Blood that is not visible to the naked eye is called ________ blood.

93. Exposure that can spread disease may occur through inhalation, ingestion, or ________.

94. Absorption through a cut or crack in the skin is ________ absorption.


95. The act that requires businesses, services, and public transportation to provide
"reasonable accommodations" for the disabled is ________.

96. For patient comfort, you should set the thermostat to maintain the temperature in an exam
room at _______________F.

Chapter 009 Examination and Treatment Areas

97. Good _______________ in work and exam areas is required to make accurate diagnoses
and to read orders and instructions.

Chapter 009 Examination and Treatment Areas Key

Multiple Choice Questions

1. The process of cleaning and scrubbing instruments and equipment, generally by washing
with detergents and scrubbing as needed, is ____.
A. surgical asepsis
B. sanitization
C. disinfection
D. purification
E. sterilization

Sanitization is the scrubbing of instruments and equipment with special brushes and detergent
to remove blood, mucus, and other contaminants or media where pathogens can grow.

ABHES: 9.b Apply principles of aseptic techniques and infection control

ABHES: 9.k Prepare and maintain examination and treatment area
Blooms: Remember
CAAHEP: III.C.3 Discuss infection control procedures
CAAHEP: III.C.6 Compare different methods of controlling the growth of microorganisms
Est Time: 0-1 minute
Learning Outcome: 09-02
Level of Difficulty: 1 Easy
Topic: Sanitation and Disinfection

Chapter 009 Examination and Treatment Areas Key

2. Which of the following is used on instruments and equipment that come in contact with
intact mucous membranes or other surfaces not considered sterile?
A. Surgical asepsis
B. Sanitization
C. Disinfection
D. Purification
E. Sterilization

Disinfection is used for instruments that do not penetrate a patient's skin or that come in
contact only with a patient's mucous membranes or other nonsterile surfaces.

ABHES: 9.b Apply principles of aseptic techniques and infection control

ABHES: 9.k Prepare and maintain examination and treatment area
Blooms: Remember
CAAHEP: III.C.3 Discuss infection control procedures
CAAHEP: III.C.6 Compare different methods of controlling the growth of microorganisms
Est Time: 0-1 minute
Learning Outcome: 09-02
Level of Difficulty: 1 Easy
Topic: Sanitation and Disinfection

3. The complete destruction of all pathogenic, beneficial, and harmless microorganisms from
the surface of instruments and equipment is ____.
A. surgical asepsis
B. sanitization
C. disinfection
D. purification
E. sterilization

Sterilization is the complete destruction of all living organisms.

ABHES: 9.b Apply principles of aseptic techniques and infection control

ABHES: 9.k Prepare and maintain examination and treatment area
Blooms: Remember
CAAHEP: III.C.3 Discuss infection control procedures
CAAHEP: III.C.6 Compare different methods of controlling the growth of microorganisms
Est Time: 0-1 minute
Learning Outcome: 09-02
Level of Difficulty: 1 Easy
Topic: Sanitation and Disinfection

Chapter 009 Examination and Treatment Areas Key

4. Which of the following is used to clean blood pressure cuffs and reflex hammers?
A. Ultrasonic cleaning
B. Sterilization
C. Sanitization
D. Purification
E. Disinfection

Sanitization is used for items such as blood pressure cuffs, ophthalmoscopes, otoscopes,
penlights, reflex hammers, stethoscopes, tape measures, and tuning forks.

ABHES: 9.b Apply principles of aseptic techniques and infection control

ABHES: 9.k Prepare and maintain examination and treatment area
Blooms: Remember
CAAHEP: III.C.3 Discuss infection control procedures
CAAHEP: III.C.6 Compare different methods of controlling the growth of microorganisms
Est Time: 0-1 minute
Learning Outcome: 09-02
Level of Difficulty: 1 Easy
Topic: Sanitation and Disinfection

5. The cleaning process used on instruments such as nasal specula and endotracheal tubes is
A. ultrasonic cleaning.
B. sterilization.
C. sanitization.
D. fumigation.
E. disinfection.

Disinfection is usually sufficient for items such as enamelware, endotracheal tubes, glassware,
laryngoscopes, and nasal specula.

ABHES: 9.b Apply principles of aseptic techniques and infection control

ABHES: 9.k Prepare and maintain examination and treatment area
Blooms: Remember
CAAHEP: III.C.3 Discuss infection control procedures
CAAHEP: III.C.6 Compare different methods of controlling the growth of microorganisms
Est Time: 0-1 minute
Learning Outcome: 09-02
Level of Difficulty: 1 Easy
Topic: Sanitation and Disinfection

Chapter 009 Examination and Treatment Areas Key

6. Which of the following is used to sanitize delicate instruments and instruments that have
moving parts?
A. Ultrasonic cleaning
B. Autoclave
C. Scrub brush
D. Dishcloth
E. Sponge and water

Delicate instruments and instruments that have moving parts should be sanitized using
ultrasonic cleaners.

ABHES: 9.b Apply principles of aseptic techniques and infection control

ABHES: 9.k Prepare and maintain examination and treatment area
Blooms: Remember
CAAHEP: III.C.3 Discuss infection control procedures
CAAHEP: III.C.6 Compare different methods of controlling the growth of microorganisms
Est Time: 0-1 minute
Learning Outcome: 09-02
Level of Difficulty: 1 Easy
Topic: Sanitation and Disinfection

7. Sanitization is used to clean which of the following?

A. Needles and syringes
B. Ophthalmoscopes and otoscopes
C. Glassware and enamelware
D. Curettes and vaginal specula
E. Laryngoscope

An ophthalmoscope can be sanitized and reused without further disinfection of sterilization.

ABHES: 9.b Apply principles of aseptic techniques and infection control

ABHES: 9.k Prepare and maintain examination and treatment area
Blooms: Understand
CAAHEP: III.C.3 Discuss infection control procedures
CAAHEP: III.C.6 Compare different methods of controlling the growth of microorganisms
Est Time: 0-1 minute
Learning Outcome: 09-02
Level of Difficulty: 2 Medium
Topic: Sanitation and Disinfection

Chapter 009 Examination and Treatment Areas Key

8. If you cannot sanitize instruments immediately after using them, ____.

A. wrap them in a towel
B. place them in water with a neutral-pH detergent
C. set them aside until you can clean them
D. place them in cool water
E. put them in a drawer to get them out of the way

Placing the instruments in a container of water and a neutral-pH detergent will help prevent
blood and tissue from drying on the instruments.

ABHES: 9.b Apply principles of aseptic techniques and infection control

ABHES: 9.k Prepare and maintain examination and treatment area
Blooms: Remember
CAAHEP: III.C.3 Discuss infection control procedures
CAAHEP: III.C.6 Compare different methods of controlling the growth of microorganisms
Est Time: 0-1 minute
Learning Outcome: 09-02
Level of Difficulty: 1 Easy
Topic: Sanitation and Disinfection

9. Which of the following should you do when you sanitize instruments?

A. Drop each instrument into the sink
B. Wear utility gloves
C. Scrub each instrument with a metal brush or steel wool
D. Allow them to soak for six hours
E. Use an acidic-pH detergent

Utility gloves are the barrier between your skin and any infectious material on the instruments
and equipment to be cleaned.

ABHES: 9.b Apply principles of aseptic techniques and infection control

ABHES: 9.k Prepare and maintain examination and treatment area
Blooms: Understand
CAAHEP: III.C.3 Discuss infection control procedures
CAAHEP: III.C.6 Compare different methods of controlling the growth of microorganisms
Est Time: 0-1 minute
Learning Outcome: 09-02
Level of Difficulty: 2 Medium
Topic: Sanitation and Disinfection

Chapter 009 Examination and Treatment Areas Key

10. Which of the following is permissible in ultrasonic cleaning?

A. Placing all of the instruments together in the bath
B. Placing all instruments with hinges in the closed position
C. Removing the instruments from the ultrasonic cleaner and wrap without rinsing
D. Reusing the ultrasonic cleaning solution for several baths
E. Using anti-grease dishwashing detergent in the cleaning bath

The cleaning solution in an ultrasonic cleaner can be used several times, but must be replaced
as needed to maintain effectiveness.

ABHES: 9.b Apply principles of aseptic techniques and infection control

ABHES: 9.k Prepare and maintain examination and treatment area
Blooms: Understand
CAAHEP: III.C.3 Discuss infection control procedures
CAAHEP: III.C.6 Compare different methods of controlling the growth of microorganisms
Est Time: 0-1 minute
Learning Outcome: 09-02
Level of Difficulty: 2 Medium
Topic: Sanitation and Disinfection

11. Which of the following can be disinfected and used again without sterilization?
A. Needles and syringes
B. Glassware and enamel
C. Vaginal specula
D. Curettes
E. suture removal instruments

Glassware, enamel, and other items that do not penetrate a patient's skin can be disinfected
and reused without sterilization.

ABHES: 9.b Apply principles of aseptic techniques and infection control

ABHES: 9.k Prepare and maintain examination and treatment area
Blooms: Understand
CAAHEP: III.C.3 Discuss infection control procedures
CAAHEP: III.C.6 Compare different methods of controlling the growth of microorganisms
Est Time: 0-1 minute
Learning Outcome: 09-02
Level of Difficulty: 2 Medium
Topic: Sanitation and Disinfection

Chapter 009 Examination and Treatment Areas Key

12. Which of the following statements about a disinfectant is true?

A. The disinfectant solution is more potent after several uses.
B. Items should be placed in the disinfectant bath wet.
C. Soap should be used in the sanitization process.
D. Evaporation can alter the chemical makeup of the solution.
E. Disinfectants are used on human tissues as anti-infection agents.

Evaporation can alter the chemical makeup of the disinfectant solution.

ABHES: 9.b Apply principles of aseptic techniques and infection control

ABHES: 9.k Prepare and maintain examination and treatment area
Blooms: Understand
CAAHEP: III.C.3 Discuss infection control procedures
CAAHEP: III.C.6 Compare different methods of controlling the growth of microorganisms
Est Time: 0-1 minute
Learning Outcome: 09-02
Level of Difficulty: 2 Medium
Topic: Sanitation and Disinfection

13. Which of the following is commonly used to clean instruments and equipment that would
be damaged by immersion in soap and water or other disinfectant solutions?
A. Formaldehyde
B. Alcohol
C. Acid products
D. Glutaraldehyde
E. Chlorine

Alcohol is commonly used to clean instruments and equipment that would be damaged by
immersion in soap and water or other disinfectant solutions, such as oral and rectal
thermometers and scissors.

ABHES: 9.b Apply principles of aseptic techniques and infection control

ABHES: 9.k Prepare and maintain examination and treatment area
Blooms: Remember
CAAHEP: III.C.3 Discuss infection control procedures
CAAHEP: III.C.6 Compare different methods of controlling the growth of microorganisms
Est Time: 0-1 minute
Learning Outcome: 09-02
Level of Difficulty: 1 Easy
Topic: Sanitation and Disinfection

Chapter 009 Examination and Treatment Areas Key

14. Which of the following is extremely corrosive and toxic to tissue and has strong killing
A. Germicidal soap
B. Acid
C. Boiling water
D. Iodine
E. Alcohol

Acid products, such as phenol (carbolic acid), are extremely corrosive and toxic to tissue and
should be used with care.

ABHES: 9.b Apply principles of aseptic techniques and infection control

ABHES: 9.k Prepare and maintain examination and treatment area
Blooms: Remember
CAAHEP: III.C.3 Discuss infection control procedures
CAAHEP: III.C.6 Compare different methods of controlling the growth of microorganisms
Est Time: 0-1 minute
Learning Outcome: 09-02
Level of Difficulty: 1 Easy
Topic: Sanitation and Disinfection

15. Which of the following is commonly used as a preservative in a 10% solution and as a
germicide and sporicide in a 5% solution?
A. Formaldehyde
B. Alcohol
C. Iodine
D. Hydrogen peroxide
E. Germicidal soap

Formaldehyde is used in different strengths to preserve anatomic specimens and to sterilize

surgical instruments.

ABHES: 9.b Apply principles of aseptic techniques and infection control

ABHES: 9.k Prepare and maintain examination and treatment area
Blooms: Understand
CAAHEP: III.C.3 Discuss infection control procedures
CAAHEP: III.C.6 Compare different methods of controlling the growth of microorganisms
Est Time: 0-1 minute
Learning Outcome: 09-02
Level of Difficulty: 2 Medium
Topic: Sanitation and Disinfection

Chapter 009 Examination and Treatment Areas Key

16. Which of the following is commonly known as Cidex or Glutarex and is used in chemical
sterilization processes?
A. Formaldehyde
B. Glutaraldehyde
C. Chlorine
D. Acid products
E. Hydrogen peroxide

Brand names for glutaraldehyde include Cidex and Glutarex.

ABHES: 9.b Apply principles of aseptic techniques and infection control

ABHES: 9.k Prepare and maintain examination and treatment area
Blooms: Understand
CAAHEP: III.C.3 Discuss infection control procedures
CAAHEP: III.C.6 Compare different methods of controlling the growth of microorganisms
Est Time: 0-1 minute
Learning Outcome: 09-02
Level of Difficulty: 2 Medium
Topic: Sanitation and Disinfection

17. Which of the following is used to disinfect surfaces and soak rubber equipment before
A. Bleach
B. Alcohol
C. Iodine
D. Boiling water
E. Hydrogen peroxide

A solution of 10% household bleach or a product approved by the Environmental Protection

Agency is used to disinfect surfaces.

ABHES: 9.b Apply principles of aseptic techniques and infection control

ABHES: 9.k Prepare and maintain examination and treatment area
Blooms: Understand
CAAHEP: III.C.3 Discuss infection control procedures
CAAHEP: III.C.6 Compare different methods of controlling the growth of microorganisms
Est Time: 0-1 minute
Learning Outcome: 09-02
Level of Difficulty: 2 Medium
Topic: Sanitation and Disinfection

Chapter 009 Examination and Treatment Areas Key

18. Which of the following is used both as a disinfectant and as an antiseptic, but has limited
effectiveness in the presence of blood products, mucus, or soap?
A. Boiling water
B. Iodine
C. Acid products
D. Formaldehyde
E. Bleach

Iodine solutions of 2% or greater are used as disinfectants; solutions less than 2% are used as

ABHES: 9.b Apply principles of aseptic techniques and infection control

ABHES: 9.k Prepare and maintain examination and treatment area
Blooms: Understand
CAAHEP: III.C.3 Discuss infection control procedures
CAAHEP: III.C.6 Compare different methods of controlling the growth of microorganisms
Est Time: 0-1 minute
Learning Outcome: 09-02
Level of Difficulty: 2 Medium
Topic: Sanitation and Disinfection

19. The appropriate way to handle disinfected supplies is to ____.

A. hand-remove each item from the disinfection unit
B. store all items in water
C. always wear gloves
D. wash items with soap after removing them from the disinfection unit
E. use sterile tongs to place the items in storage drawers

Always wear gloves to handle disinfected items.

ABHES: 9.b Apply principles of aseptic techniques and infection control

ABHES: 9.k Prepare and maintain examination and treatment area
Blooms: Remember
CAAHEP: III.C.3 Discuss infection control procedures
CAAHEP: III.C.6 Compare different methods of controlling the growth of microorganisms
Est Time: 0-1 minute
Learning Outcome: 09-02
Level of Difficulty: 1 Easy
Topic: Sanitation and Disinfection

Chapter 009 Examination and Treatment Areas Key

20. Which of the following is part of the sanitization of equipment?

A. Boiling instruments in boiling water
B. Scrubbing instruments with steel wool
C. Soaking instruments in detergent solution
D. Placing all instruments together for sanitization
E. Spraying instruments with formaldehyde

Soaking instruments in detergent solution prevents blood and tissue from drying on the

ABHES: 9.b Apply principles of aseptic techniques and infection control

ABHES: 9.k Prepare and maintain examination and treatment area
Blooms: Remember
CAAHEP: III.C.3 Discuss infection control procedures
CAAHEP: III.C.6 Compare different methods of controlling the growth of microorganisms
Est Time: 0-1 minute
Learning Outcome: 09-02
Level of Difficulty: 1 Easy
Topic: Sanitation and Disinfection

21. The destruction of infectious agents on an object by direct application of a chemical is

A. sanitization
B. disinfection
C. purification
D. surgical asepsis
E. sterilization

Disinfection involves applying a disinfectant to instruments and equipment to reduce or

eliminate infectious organisms.

ABHES: 9.b Apply principles of aseptic techniques and infection control

ABHES: 9.k Prepare and maintain examination and treatment area
Blooms: Understand
CAAHEP: III.C.3 Discuss infection control procedures
CAAHEP: III.C.6 Compare different methods of controlling the growth of microorganisms
Est Time: 0-1 minute
Learning Outcome: 09-02
Level of Difficulty: 2 Medium
Topic: Sanitation and Disinfection

Chapter 009 Examination and Treatment Areas Key

22. Which of the following does the physician use to confirm a patient's health or diagnose a
medical problem?
A. A report from another physician
B. Documentation from the nurse
C. The general physical examination
D. The patient's medical record
E. The admission sheet the patient fills out

A physician performs a general physical examination to confirm a patient's health or diagnose

a medical problem.

ABHES: 1.b Compare and contrast the allied health professions and understand their relation to medical assisting
Blooms: Remember
CAAHEP: IX.C.7 Compare and contrast physician and medical assistant roles in terms of standard of care
Est Time: 0-1 minute
Learning Outcome: 09-01
Level of Difficulty: 1 Easy
Topic: The Exam Room

23. Who is responsible for preparing the examination room for patients?
A. Medical assistant
B. Nurse
C. Housekeeper
D. Physician's assistant
E. Physician

It is the medical assistant's responsibility to prepare the examination room for patients and

ABHES: 11.b.9 Demonstrate professionalism by: Conducting work within scope of education, training, and ability
Blooms: Understand
CAAHEP: IX.P.2 Perform within scope of practice
Est Time: 0-1 minute
Learning Outcome: 09-01
Level of Difficulty: 2 Medium
Topic: The Exam Room

Chapter 009 Examination and Treatment Areas Key

24. The area where the physician observes and listens to the patient, performs a general
physical examination, and dispenses treatment is the ____.
A. interim room
B. laboratory
C. examination room
D. surgical room
E. procedure room

The physician observes, listens to, and examines patients in the examination room.

ABHES: 1.b Compare and contrast the allied health professions and understand their relation to medical assisting
Blooms: Understand
CAAHEP: IX.C.7 Compare and contrast physician and medical assistant roles in terms of standard of care
Est Time: 0-1 minute
Learning Outcome: 09-01
Level of Difficulty: 2 Medium
Topic: The Exam Room

25. A physician in a medical office should have a minimum of how many examination rooms
for his or her exclusive use?
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
E. 5

Each physician in a medical office should have at least two examination rooms for his or her
exclusive use. This allows the medical assistant to prepare one room while the physician
examines a patient in the other.

ABHES: 11.b.9 Demonstrate professionalism by: Conducting work within scope of education, training, and ability
Blooms: Understand
CAAHEP: IX.P.2 Perform within scope of practice
Est Time: 0-1 minute
Learning Outcome: 09-01
Level of Difficulty: 2 Medium
Topic: The Exam Room

Chapter 009 Examination and Treatment Areas Key

26. The number of examination rooms in a medical office depends on the number of
physicians who work there and on ____.
A. how much time each physician spends with a patient
B. how big the office is
C. how many assistants each physician has
D. how many rooms each physician wants
E. each physician's patient load

The number of exam rooms in a medical office depends on the number of physicians who
work there and on each physician's patient load.

ABHES: 11.b.9 Demonstrate professionalism by: Conducting work within scope of education, training, and ability
Blooms: Understand
CAAHEP: IX.P.2 Perform within scope of practice
Est Time: 0-1 minute
Learning Outcome: 09-01
Level of Difficulty: 2 Medium
Topic: The Exam Room

27. The primary reason for having a minimum of two examination rooms per physician is that
it ____.
A. allows other physicians to use the room
B. enables the medical assistant to prepare one room while the physician examines a patient in
the other
C. can serve as an additional waiting area for patients when the reception area is full
D. can be used as a room for a contagious patient who comes to the office
E. provides a place for the physician to read journals and do paperwork

Having a minimum of two rooms per physician enables the medical assistant to prepare one
room while the physician examines a patient in the other room.

ABHES: 11.b.9 Demonstrate professionalism by: Conducting work within scope of education, training, and ability
Blooms: Understand
CAAHEP: IX.P.2 Perform within scope of practice
Est Time: 0-1 minute
Learning Outcome: 09-01
Level of Difficulty: 2 Medium
Topic: The Exam Room

Chapter 009 Examination and Treatment Areas Key

28. The customary size for an examination room is ____.

A. 4 ft. by 6 ft
B. 6 ft. by 8 ft
C. 8 ft. by 10 ft
D. 8 ft. by 12 ft
E. 10 ft. by 16 ft

An exam room that is 8 by 12 feet is large enough to accommodate the physician, the patient,
and one assistant comfortably, yet small enough that instruments and supplies will be within
easy reach.

ABHES: 11.b.9 Demonstrate professionalism by: Conducting work within scope of education, training, and ability
Blooms: Remember
CAAHEP: IX.P.2 Perform within scope of practice
Est Time: 0-1 minute
Learning Outcome: 09-01
Level of Difficulty: 1 Easy
Topic: The Exam Room

29. When the medical assistant puts a patient in the examination room to wait for the
physician, the usual place to put the patient's medical record is ____.
A. on the countertop in the examination room
B. in a rack that hangs on the wall directly outside the examination room
C. at the reception desk for the physician to pick up before entering the room
D. in a rack attached to the inside of the examination room door
E. in the appropriate place in the filing cabinet that holds patient records

A rack for the patient's medical records usually hangs on the wall directly outside the exam
room or on the outside of the door.

ABHES: 8.d Apply concepts for office procedures

Blooms: Remember
CAAHEP: IX.P.2 Perform within scope of practice
Est Time: 0-1 minute
Learning Outcome: 09-01
Level of Difficulty: 1 Easy
Topic: The Exam Room

Chapter 009 Examination and Treatment Areas Key

30. Which of the following is the usual way to signal that an examination room is occupied?
A. An "occupied" sign posted on the door
B. A door lock that reads "occupied" when in the locked position
C. A light on the door or wall is illuminated
D. The door to the examination room is open, so people can see that it is occupied
E. The overhead lights in the examination room are turned on

A light or other device such as colored tabs on the wall or door may be used to signal that the
room is occupied.

ABHES: 8.d Apply concepts for office procedures

Blooms: Remember
CAAHEP: IX.P.2 Perform within scope of practice
Est Time: 0-1 minute
Learning Outcome: 09-01
Level of Difficulty: 1 Easy
Topic: The Exam Room

31. The key piece of equipment in the examination room is the ____.
A. examining table
B. scale with a height bar
C. biohazardous waste container
D. visitor's chair
E. physician's rolling stool

The examining table is the exam room's key piece of equipment.

ABHES: 9.k Prepare and maintain examination and treatment area

Blooms: Remember
CAAHEP: IX.P.2 Perform within scope of practice
Est Time: 0-1 minute
Learning Outcome: 09-01
Level of Difficulty: 1 Easy
Topic: The Exam Room

Chapter 009 Examination and Treatment Areas Key

32. Which of the following is the correct position for the examining table?
A. Lengthwise directly in front of the door
B. Snug against the inside wall
C. Lengthwise in front of the window
D. Sideways in front of the window
E. In the center of the room or coming out from the wall

The examining table should be positioned in the center of the room or extending out from the
wall so that the physician and an assistant can access the patient from at least three sides.

ABHES: 9.k Prepare and maintain examination and treatment area

Blooms: Remember
Blooms: Understand
CAAHEP: IX.P.2 Perform within scope of practice
Est Time: 0-1 minute
Learning Outcome: 09-01
Level of Difficulty: 1 Easy
Topic: The Exam Room

33. The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 accessibility guidelines require that doors be
____ wide to allow a person in a wheelchair to pass through.
A. 24 inches
B. 30 inches
C. 32 inches
D. 60 inches
E. 84 inches

ADA accessibility guidelines require doorways to be at least 32 inches wide to allow a person
in a wheelchair to pass through.

ABHES: 4.f Comply with federal, state, and local health laws and regulations
Blooms: Remember
Blooms: Understand
CAAHEP: IX.C.11h. Identify how the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) applies to the medical assisting profession
Est Time: 0-1 minute
Learning Outcome: 09-01
Level of Difficulty: 2 Medium
Topic: The Exam Room

Chapter 009 Examination and Treatment Areas Key

34. According to ADA guidelines, a clearance space in rooms and hallways must allow a
person in a wheelchair to make a 180-degree turn. The minimum required clearance space is
A. 32 inches.
B. 36 inches.
C. 60 inches.
D. 90 inches.
E. 120 inches.

The clearance space in rooms and hallways must be 60 inches (1525 mm) in diameter to allow
a person in a wheelchair to make a 180-degree turn.

ABHES: 4.f Comply with federal, state, and local health laws and regulations
Blooms: Remember
Blooms: Understand
CAAHEP: IX.C.11h. Identify how the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) applies to the medical assisting profession
Est Time: 0-1 minute
Learning Outcome: 09-01
Level of Difficulty: 2 Medium
Topic: The Exam Room

35. The cover for the examining table should be made of ____.
A. paper
B. cotton
C. nylon
D. polyester
E. rayon

The cover for the examining table should be made of disposable paper.

ABHES: 9.b Apply principles of aseptic techniques and infection control

ABHES: 9.k Prepare and maintain examination and treatment area
Blooms: Remember
CAAHEP: III.C.3 Discuss infection control procedures
CAAHEP: III.C.6 Compare different methods of controlling the growth of microorganisms
Est Time: 0-1 minute
Learning Outcome: 09-03
Level of Difficulty: 1 Easy
Topic: Preparation of the Exam and Treatment Areas

Chapter 009 Examination and Treatment Areas Key

36. How often should you change the cover on the examining table?
A. Daily
B. After every third use
C. Weekly
D. Monthly
E. After every use

The disposable paper cover on the examining table should be changed after every use.

ABHES: 9.b Apply principles of aseptic techniques and infection control

ABHES: 9.k Prepare and maintain examination and treatment area
Blooms: Remember
CAAHEP: III.C.3 Discuss infection control procedures
CAAHEP: III.C.6 Compare different methods of controlling the growth of microorganisms
Est Time: 0-1 minute
Learning Outcome: 09-03
Level of Difficulty: 1 Easy
Topic: Preparation of the Exam and Treatment Areas

37. Which of the following is the appropriate way to remove a used examining table cover?
A. Crumple up the paper
B. Shake it in the air to assist in easier removal
C. Roll it up tightly and quickly
D. Turn it inside out
E. Fold it neatly with the used side facing out

When you remove the used covering from the examining table, roll it up quickly and carefully
with the contaminated side on the inside.

ABHES: 9.b Apply principles of aseptic techniques and infection control

ABHES: 9.k Prepare and maintain examination and treatment area
Blooms: Remember
CAAHEP: III.C.3 Discuss infection control procedures
CAAHEP: III.C.6 Compare different methods of controlling the growth of microorganisms
Est Time: 0-1 minute
Learning Outcome: 09-03
Level of Difficulty: 1 Easy
Topic: Preparation of the Exam and Treatment Areas

Chapter 009 Examination and Treatment Areas Key

38. Which of the following is the appropriate way to dispose of paper coverings soiled by
body fluids or blood?
A. Place them in the garbage can in the examination room
B. Collect them in a central location until they can be disposed of
C. Place them in a large garbage can in the hall
D. Dispose of them in a biohazardous waste container
E. Place them in a laundry hamper for housekeeping to wash

Dispose of used paper coverings soiled by body fluids, including blood, in a biohazardous
waste container.

ABHES: 9.b Apply principles of aseptic techniques and infection control

ABHES: 9.k Prepare and maintain examination and treatment area
Blooms: Remember
CAAHEP: III.C.3 Discuss infection control procedures
CAAHEP: III.C.6 Compare different methods of controlling the growth of microorganisms
Est Time: 0-1 minute
Learning Outcome: 09-03
Level of Difficulty: 1 Easy
Topic: Preparation of the Exam and Treatment Areas

39. Which of the following is the appropriate method for disposal of soiled linen cloths and
A. Wash them in the office washing machine
B. Place them in a biohazard-labeled bag and send to a laundry for cleaning
C. Have office personnel take turns taking them home to wash
D. Place them in a cloth bag to send to a laundry for cleaning
E. Dispose of them in a biohazardous waste container

Place soiled linen cloths and pillowcases in biohazard-labeled bags to be sent to a laundry for

ABHES: 9.b Apply principles of aseptic techniques and infection control

ABHES: 9.k Prepare and maintain examination and treatment area
Blooms: Remember
CAAHEP: III.C.3 Discuss infection control procedures
CAAHEP: III.C.6 Compare different methods of controlling the growth of microorganisms
Est Time: 0-1 minute
Learning Outcome: 09-03
Level of Difficulty: 1 Easy
Topic: Preparation of the Exam and Treatment Areas

Chapter 009 Examination and Treatment Areas Key

40. Which of the following methods should be used to clean the work surfaces in the
examination room, including the examining table, sink, and countertop?
A. Disinfection
B. Ultrasonic cleaning
C. Sanitization
D. Fumigation
E. Sterilization

The medical assistant is responsible for disinfecting work surfaces in the exam room,
including the examining table, sink, and countertop.

ABHES: 9.b Apply principles of aseptic techniques and infection control

ABHES: 9.k Prepare and maintain examination and treatment area
Blooms: Remember
CAAHEP: III.C.3 Discuss infection control procedures
CAAHEP: III.C.6 Compare different methods of controlling the growth of microorganisms
Est Time: 0-1 minute
Learning Outcome: 09-03
Level of Difficulty: 1 Easy
Topic: Preparation of the Exam and Treatment Areas

41. Which of the following is appropriate for cleaning surfaces in the exam room?
A. Germicidal soap
B. 10% solution of household bleach
C. Iodine
D. Alcohol
E. Hydrogen peroxide

Surfaces in the exam room should be disinfected by exposing all parts of the surfaces to a
disinfectant such as a 10% solution of household bleach in water or a product approved by the

ABHES: 9.b Apply principles of aseptic techniques and infection control

ABHES: 9.k Prepare and maintain examination and treatment area
Blooms: Remember
CAAHEP: III.C.3 Discuss infection control procedures
CAAHEP: III.C.6 Compare different methods of controlling the growth of microorganisms
Est Time: 0-1 minute
Learning Outcome: 09-03
Level of Difficulty: 1 Easy
Topic: Preparation of the Exam and Treatment Areas

Chapter 009 Examination and Treatment Areas Key

42. The toilets, sinks, and wastebaskets should be disinfected according to facility policy. In
most medical offices, they are disinfected____.
A. once a day
B. every other day
C. once a week
D. once every two weeks
E. once a month

In most facilities, toilets, sinks, and wastebaskets are disinfected once a day.

ABHES: 9.b Apply principles of aseptic techniques and infection control

ABHES: 9.k Prepare and maintain examination and treatment area
Blooms: Remember
CAAHEP: III.C.3 Discuss infection control procedures
CAAHEP: III.C.6 Compare different methods of controlling the growth of microorganisms
Est Time: 0-1 minute
Learning Outcome: 09-03
Level of Difficulty: 1 Easy
Topic: Preparation of the Exam and Treatment Areas

43. Which of the following is a reason for storing biohazardous substances in a separate
refrigerator from food and beverages?
A. Food or beverages may leak on the biohazardous substances.
B. You could accidentally grab a biohazardous substance that is not clearly labeled and ingest
C. There may not be enough room in one refrigerator for both.
D. Biohazardous substances do not have to be refrigerated.
E. Food may cause the deterioration of the biohazardous substances.

If a biohazardous substance is not clearly labeled and you are in a hurry or not paying
attention, you might accidentally ingest it.

ABHES: 9.b Apply principles of aseptic techniques and infection control

ABHES: 9.k Prepare and maintain examination and treatment area
Blooms: Understand
CAAHEP: III.C.3 Discuss infection control procedures
CAAHEP: III.C.6 Compare different methods of controlling the growth of microorganisms
Est Time: 0-1 minute
Learning Outcome: 09-03
Level of Difficulty: 2 Medium
Topic: Preparation of the Exam and Treatment Areas

Chapter 009 Examination and Treatment Areas Key

44. Which of the following activities does OSHA prohibit medical personnel from doing in a
room where potentially infectious materials are present?
A. Replacing the 10% bleach solution used to disinfect the surfaces
B. Washing your hands
C. Filling the paper towel rack
D. Chewing gum and applying cosmetics
E. Performing office laboratory tests

OSHA regulations prohibit medical personnel from eating, drinking, smoking, chewing gum,
applying cosmetics, handling contact lenses, chewing pencils or pens, and rubbing their eyes
in a room where potentially infectious materials are present.

ABHES: 4.f Comply with federal, state, and local health laws and regulations
Blooms: Understand
CAAHEP: III.C.4 Identify personal safety precautions as established by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)
Est Time: 0-1 minute
Learning Outcome: 09-03
Level of Difficulty: 2 Medium
Topic: Preparation of the Exam and Treatment Areas

45. The temperature of the laboratory refrigerators should be maintained between ____.
A. 10F and 15F
B. 24F and 28F
C. 36F and 46F
D. 50F and 56F
E. 60F and 65F

The temperature in the laboratory refrigerators should be maintained between 36F and 46F
(2C and 8C).

ABHES: 4.f Comply with federal, state, and local health laws and regulations
Blooms: Understand
CAAHEP: III.C.4 Identify personal safety precautions as established by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)
Est Time: 0-1 minute
Learning Outcome: 09-03
Level of Difficulty: 2 Medium
Topic: Preparation of the Exam and Treatment Areas

Chapter 009 Examination and Treatment Areas Key

46. What is the most appropriate way to monitor the temperature in a laboratory refrigerator?
A. Place an ice cube tray in the refrigerator and see if the water freezes
B. Open the refrigerator frequently to check items for coldness
C. Place a thermometer in the refrigerator
D. Place a bottle of drinking water in the refrigerator and take a drink to determine coldness
E. Open the refrigerator door and wave a thermometer inside, then check the reading

The most accurate way to monitor the temperature in a laboratory refrigerator is to place a
thermometer in the refrigerator and monitor it daily or according to facility protocol.

ABHES: 4.f Comply with federal, state, and local health laws and regulations
Blooms: Understand
CAAHEP: III.C.4 Identify personal safety precautions as established by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)
Est Time: 0-1 minute
Learning Outcome: 09-03
Level of Difficulty: 2 Medium
Topic: Preparation of the Exam and Treatment Areas

47. The temperature in the food refrigerator should be maintained between ____.
A. 24F and 28F
B. 32F and 40F
C. 36F and 46F
D. 50F and 56F
E. 60F and 65F

The temperature in the food refrigerator should be maintained between 32F and 40F (0C
and 4.4C)

ABHES: 4.f Comply with federal, state, and local health laws and regulations
Blooms: Understand
CAAHEP: III.C.4 Identify personal safety precautions as established by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)
Est Time: 0-1 minute
Learning Outcome: 09-03
Level of Difficulty: 2 Medium
Topic: Preparation of the Exam and Treatment Areas

Chapter 009 Examination and Treatment Areas Key

48. A medical assistant may do which of the following housekeeping tasks?

A. Damp dusting an open shelf
B. Scrubbing floors
C. Cleaning blinds
D. Washing windows
E. Vacuuming carpets

You may damp dust an open shelf in an exam room, because dust harbors bacteria and

ABHES: 9.b Apply principles of aseptic techniques and infection control

ABHES: 9.k Prepare and maintain examination and treatment area
Blooms: Remember
CAAHEP: III.C.3 Discuss infection control procedures
CAAHEP: III.C.6 Compare different methods of controlling the growth of microorganisms
Est Time: 0-1 minute
Learning Outcome: 09-03
Level of Difficulty: 1 Easy
Topic: Preparation of the Exam and Treatment Areas

49. Which of the following is the main reason for dusting shelves and furniture in the
examination room?
A. It gives a clean appearance.
B. It preserves the finish of the furniture.
C. It eliminates dust that harbors bacteria and allergens.
D. It promotes a sterile environment.
E. It is an efficient way to pass the time between patient appointments.

The main reason for dusting shelves and furniture in the examination room is to eliminate dust
that harbors bacteria and allergens.

ABHES: 9.b Apply principles of aseptic techniques and infection control

ABHES: 9.k Prepare and maintain examination and treatment area
Blooms: Understand
CAAHEP: III.C.3 Discuss infection control procedures
CAAHEP: III.C.6 Compare different methods of controlling the growth of microorganisms
Est Time: 0-1 minute
Learning Outcome: 09-03
Level of Difficulty: 2 Medium
Topic: Preparation of the Exam and Treatment Areas

Chapter 009 Examination and Treatment Areas Key

50. The most appropriate temperature setting for the examination room is____.
A. 55F
B. 62F
C. 72F
D. 80F
E. 84F

Set the thermostat to maintain the temperature at approximately 72F and make sure there are
no drafts from windows or doors.

ABHES: 8.x Maintain medical facility

Blooms: Remember
CAAHEP: IX.P.2 Perform within scope of practice
Est Time: 0-1 minute
Learning Outcome: 09-04
Level of Difficulty: 1 Easy
Topic: Room Temperature, Lighting, and Ventilation

51. Which of the following are examples of disposable instruments?

A. Stethoscopes and blood pressure cuffs
B. Curettes and needles
C. Otoscopes and ophthalmoscopes
D. Tuning forks and reflex hammers
E. Exam lights and laryngeal mirrors

Curettes and needles are examples of disposable instruments, or supplies.

ABHES: 9.b Apply principles of aseptic techniques and infection control

ABHES: 9.k Prepare and maintain examination and treatment area
Blooms: Understand
CAAHEP: III.C.3 Discuss infection control procedures
CAAHEP: III.C.6 Compare different methods of controlling the growth of microorganisms
Est Time: 0-1 minute
Learning Outcome: 09-05
Level of Difficulty: 2 Medium
Topic: Medical Instruments and Supplies

Chapter 009 Examination and Treatment Areas Key

52. An anoscope is an instrument that is used to ____.

A. measure body temperature
B. measure blood pressure
C. examine the ear canal
D. examine the eye
E. open the anus for examination

An anoscope is used to open the anus for an exam.

ABHES: 9.k Prepare and maintain examination and treatment area

Blooms: Understand
CAAHEP: IV.P.3 Use medical terminology, pronouncing medical terms correctly, to communicate information, patient history, data and
Est Time: 0-1 minute
Learning Outcome: 09-05
Level of Difficulty: 2 Medium
Topic: Medical Instruments and Supplies

53. Which of the following provides an additional source of light during an examination and
is usually on a flexible arm?
A. Penlight
B. Exam light
C. Ophthalmoscope
D. Otoscope
E. Anoscope

An exam light provides an additional source of light during the exam. It is usually on a
flexible arm to permit light to be directed to the area being examined.

ABHES: 9.k Prepare and maintain examination and treatment area

Blooms: Understand
CAAHEP: IV.P.3 Use medical terminology, pronouncing medical terms correctly, to communicate information, patient history, data and
Est Time: 0-1 minute
Learning Outcome: 09-05
Level of Difficulty: 2 Medium
Topic: Medical Instruments and Supplies

Chapter 009 Examination and Treatment Areas Key

54. Which of the following reflects the inside of the mouth and throat for examination
A. Sphygmomanometer
B. Laryngeal mirror
C. Nasal speculum
D. Otoscope
E. Ophthalmoscope

A laryngeal mirror reflects the inside of the mouth and throat for exam purposes.

ABHES: 9.k Prepare and maintain examination and treatment area

Blooms: Understand
CAAHEP: IV.P.3 Use medical terminology, pronouncing medical terms correctly, to communicate information, patient history, data and
Est Time: 0-1 minute
Learning Outcome: 09-05
Level of Difficulty: 2 Medium
Topic: Medical Instruments and Supplies

55. An instrument used to enlarge the opening of the nose to permit viewing is a(n) ____.
A. ophthalmoscope
B. otoscope
C. nasal speculum
D. sphygmomanometer
E. anoscope

A nasal speculum is used to enlarge the opening of the nose to permit viewing.

ABHES: 9.k Prepare and maintain examination and treatment area

Blooms: Remember
CAAHEP: IV.P.3 Use medical terminology, pronouncing medical terms correctly, to communicate information, patient history, data and
Est Time: 0-1 minute
Learning Outcome: 09-05
Level of Difficulty: 1 Easy
Topic: Medical Instruments and Supplies

Chapter 009 Examination and Treatment Areas Key

56. A lighted instrument that is used to examine the inner structures of the eye is a(n) ____.
A. penlight
B. exam light
C. anoscope
D. otoscope
E. ophthalmoscope

An ophthalmoscope is a lighted instrument used to examine the inner structures of the eye.

ABHES: 9.k Prepare and maintain examination and treatment area

Blooms: Remember
CAAHEP: IV.P.3 Use medical terminology, pronouncing medical terms correctly, to communicate information, patient history, data and
Est Time: 0-1 minute
Learning Outcome: 09-05
Level of Difficulty: 1 Easy
Topic: Medical Instruments and Supplies

57. Which of the following is an instrument used to examine the ear canal and the tympanic
A. Otoscope
B. Exam light
C. Penlight
D. Anoscope
E. Ophthalmoscope

An otoscope is used to examine the ear canal and the tympanic membrane.

ABHES: 9.k Prepare and maintain examination and treatment area

Blooms: Remember
CAAHEP: IV.P.3 Use medical terminology, pronouncing medical terms correctly, to communicate information, patient history, data and
Est Time: 0-1 minute
Learning Outcome: 09-05
Level of Difficulty: 1 Easy
Topic: Medical Instruments and Supplies

Chapter 009 Examination and Treatment Areas Key

58. Which of the following has a hard-rubber triangular head and is used to check a patient's
A. Tuning fork
B. Tape measure
C. Reflex hammer
D. Sphygmomanometer
E. Anoscope

A reflex hammer, which has a hard-rubber triangular head, is used to check a patient's

ABHES: 9.k Prepare and maintain examination and treatment area

Blooms: Remember
CAAHEP: IV.P.3 Use medical terminology, pronouncing medical terms correctly, to communicate information, patient history, data and
Est Time: 0-1 minute
Learning Outcome: 09-05
Level of Difficulty: 1 Easy
Topic: Medical Instruments and Supplies

59. A piece of equipment that measures blood pressure is a(n) ____.

A. stethoscope
B. anoscope
C. otoscope
D. tape measure
E. sphygmomanometer

A sphygmomanometer, or gauge that is attached to a blood pressure cuff, is used to measure

blood pressure.

ABHES: 9.k Prepare and maintain examination and treatment area

Blooms: Remember
CAAHEP: IV.P.3 Use medical terminology, pronouncing medical terms correctly, to communicate information, patient history, data and
Est Time: 0-1 minute
Learning Outcome: 09-05
Level of Difficulty: 1 Easy
Topic: Medical Instruments and Supplies

Chapter 009 Examination and Treatment Areas Key

60. Which of the following is used to listen to body sounds?

A. Stethoscope
B. Otoscope
C. Tuning fork
D. Ophthalmoscope
E. Anoscope

A stethoscope is used to listen to body sounds.

ABHES: 9.k Prepare and maintain examination and treatment area

Blooms: Remember
CAAHEP: IV.P.3 Use medical terminology, pronouncing medical terms correctly, to communicate information, patient history, data and
Est Time: 0-1 minute
Learning Outcome: 09-05
Level of Difficulty: 1 Easy
Topic: Medical Instruments and Supplies

61. Which of the following is used to measure body temperature?

A. Otoscope
B. Tuning fork
C. Thermometer
D. Sphygmomanometer
E. Stethoscope

A thermometer is used to measure body temperature.

ABHES: 9.k Prepare and maintain examination and treatment area

Blooms: Remember
CAAHEP: IV.P.3 Use medical terminology, pronouncing medical terms correctly, to communicate information, patient history, data and
Est Time: 0-1 minute
Learning Outcome: 09-05
Level of Difficulty: 1 Easy
Topic: Medical Instruments and Supplies

Chapter 009 Examination and Treatment Areas Key

62. Which of the following instruments tests a patient's hearing?

A. Ophthalmoscope
B. Tuning fork
C. Sphygmomanometer
D. Stethoscope
E. Otoscope

A tuning fork is used to test a patient's hearing.

ABHES: 9.k Prepare and maintain examination and treatment area

Blooms: Remember
CAAHEP: IV.P.3 Use medical terminology, pronouncing medical terms correctly, to communicate information, patient history, data and
Est Time: 0-1 minute
Learning Outcome: 09-05
Level of Difficulty: 1 Easy
Topic: Medical Instruments and Supplies

63. Which of the following instruments is used in the collection of gynecological specimens?
A. Nasal speculum
B. Laryngeal mirror
C. Vaginal speculum
D. Anoscope
E. Otoscope

A vaginal speculum is used to enlarge the vagina to make the vagina and the cervix accessible
for visual exam and specimen collection.

ABHES: 9.k Prepare and maintain examination and treatment area

Blooms: Remember
CAAHEP: IV.P.3 Use medical terminology, pronouncing medical terms correctly, to communicate information, patient history, data and
Est Time: 0-1 minute
Learning Outcome: 09-05
Level of Difficulty: 1 Easy
Topic: Medical Instruments and Supplies

Chapter 009 Examination and Treatment Areas Key

64. Which of the following instruments must be sterilized?

A. Anoscope and vaginal speculum
B. Laryngeal mirror and nasal speculum
C. Sphygmomanometer and stethoscope
D. Ophthalmoscope and otoscope
E. Penlight and reflex hammer

Anoscopes and vaginal specula (except disposable specula) must be sterilized after each use.

ABHES: 9.b Apply principles of aseptic techniques and infection control

ABHES: 9.k Prepare and maintain examination and treatment area
Blooms: Remember
CAAHEP: III.C.3 Discuss infection control procedures
CAAHEP: III.C.6 Compare different methods of controlling the growth of microorganisms
Est Time: 0-1 minute
Learning Outcome: 09-05
Level of Difficulty: 1 Easy
Topic: Medical Instruments and Supplies

65. Transcutaneous absorption is absorption through ____.

A. ingestion
B. the body's organs
C. a cut or crack in the skin
D. inhalation
E. subcutaneous injection

Transcutaneous absorption is absorption through a cut or crack in the skin.

ABHES: 9.b Apply principles of aseptic techniques and infection control

ABHES: 9.k Prepare and maintain examination and treatment area
Blooms: Remember
CAAHEP: III.C.3 Discuss infection control procedures
CAAHEP: III.C.6 Compare different methods of controlling the growth of microorganisms
Est Time: 0-1 minute
Learning Outcome: 09-03
Level of Difficulty: 1 Easy
Topic: Preparation of the Exam and Treatment Areas

Chapter 009 Examination and Treatment Areas Key

66. Which of the following instruments that a physician uses during an examination is
sometimes mounted on the wall?
A. Penlight and reflex hammer
B. Sphygmomanometer and otoscope
C. Laryngeal mirror and anoscope
D. Nasal speculum and tuning fork
E. Vaginal speculum and tape measure

The sphygmomanometer and some otoscopes and ophthalmoscopes can be mounted on the
wall of the exam room.

ABHES: 8.x Maintain medical facility

Blooms: Remember
CAAHEP: IX.P.2 Perform within scope of practice
Est Time: 0-1 minute
Learning Outcome: 09-05
Level of Difficulty: 1 Easy
Topic: Medical Instruments and Supplies

67. Which of the following are examples of disposable supplies?

A. Penlights and reflex hammers
B. Laryngeal mirrors and vaginal specula
C. Exam lights and stethoscopes
D. Tongue depressors and glass slides
E. Sphygmomanometers and otoscopes

Tongue depressors and glass slides are examples of disposable supplies.

ABHES: 8.x Maintain medical facility

Blooms: Understand
CAAHEP: IX.P.2 Perform within scope of practice
Est Time: 0-1 minute
Learning Outcome: 09-05
Level of Difficulty: 2 Medium
Topic: Medical Instruments and Supplies

Chapter 009 Examination and Treatment Areas Key

68. Which of the following is an example of a consumable supply?

A. Specimen container
B. Cotton-tipped applicator
C. Isopropyl alcohol
D. Gauze
E. Curettes

Isopropyl alcohol is an example of a consumable supply. All of the other supplies listed are
disposable supplies.

ABHES: 8.x Maintain medical facility

Blooms: Understand
CAAHEP: IX.P.2 Perform within scope of practice
Est Time: 0-1 minute
Learning Outcome: 09-05
Level of Difficulty: 2 Medium
Topic: Medical Instruments and Supplies

69. The first step in eliminating offensive odors from an exam room is to ____.
A. use an odor-absorbing filter
B. spray the room with an air freshener
C. open a window
D. turn on a fan
E. eliminate the source of the odor

The first step in dealing with offensive odors from urine, vomitus, body odors, or laboratory
chemicals is to eliminate the source of the odor, especially if it is potentially infectious or

ABHES: 9.k Prepare and maintain examination and treatment area

Blooms: Understand
CAAHEP: IX.P.2 Perform within scope of practice
Est Time: 0-1 minute
Learning Outcome: 09-04
Level of Difficulty: 2 Medium
Topic: Room Temperature, Lighting, and Ventilation

Chapter 009 Examination and Treatment Areas Key

70. The last patient of the day was very ill and vomited twice in the exam room. The first
time, she made it to the wastepaper basket, but the second time, she vomited on the examining
table and floor. What should you do?
A. Allow housekeeping to clean it up, since the office is closing and they will be here shortly
to clean
B. Get a mop from the storage closet and mop the floor.
C. Clean up the vomitus, using Standard Precautions because the vomitus is potentially
D. Spray air freshener in the room and leave the mess for the morning shift to clean up.
E. Open a window to help reduce the odor, then turn on a fan with a high-speed blower.

It is your responsibility to clean the room. Clean up the vomitus using Standard Precautions.

ABHES: 9.i Use standard precautions

Blooms: Apply
Blooms: Understand
CAAHEP: III.P.2 Practice Standard Precautions
Est Time: 0-1 minute
Learning Outcome: 09-04
Level of Difficulty: 2 Medium
Topic: Sanitation and Disinfection

71. After a minor surgical procedure, Karen is scrubbing the instruments to sanitize them
before disinfection and sterilization. She notices that one of the hinged instruments does not
close properly. What should Karen do?
A. Wrap the instrument for sterilization
B. Set it aside and notify the physician or office manager
C. Place the instrument in the biohazardous waste container
D. Leave it in the detergent solution overnight and check it again tomorrow
E. Return the instrument to its tray for storage

Set the instrument aside after sanitizing it and notify the physician or office manager. The
instrument may need to be repaired or replaced.

ABHES: 11.b.9 Demonstrate professionalism by: Conducting work within scope of education, training, and ability
Blooms: Apply
Blooms: Understand
CAAHEP: IX.P.2 Perform within scope of practice
Est Time: 0-1 minute
Learning Outcome: 09-02
Level of Difficulty: 2 Medium
Topic: Sanitation and Disinfection

Chapter 009 Examination and Treatment Areas Key

72. Sandra arrived a little late this morning because her car wouldn't start. Although she
usually checks the exam rooms for cleanliness before bringing a patient back to an exam
room, the rooms are almost always in good shape, so she skips that step this morning. As she
brings the first patient into the exam room, she notices an unidentifiable clear gel-like
substance on the edge of the examining table. The paper cover is clean and fresh. What should
Sandra do?
A. Wipe up the substance with a tissue and assist the patient onto the examining table
B. Call the front desk and ask them to have housekeeping come and clean the table
C. Ask the patient to step back into the waiting area while she cleans up the table
D. Spray the substance with a disinfectant and tell the patient the physician will be in shortly
E. Notify her supervisor immediately that the room is not clean

Sandra has no way of knowing what the substance is or whether it is potentially infectious.
She should ask the patient to step back into the waiting area and then use Standard
Precautions to clean up the substance.

ABHES: 9.i Use standard precautions

Blooms: Apply
Blooms: Understand
CAAHEP: III.P.2 Practice Standard Precautions
Est Time: 0-1 minute
Learning Outcome: 09-03
Level of Difficulty: 2 Medium
Topic: Preparation of the Exam and Treatment Areas

Chapter 009 Examination and Treatment Areas Key

73. One of Stan's duties is to check the laboratory equipment and machines each morning
when he arrives at the office. This morning, when he checked the temperature in the
laboratory refrigerator, he discovered that the temperature was 62F. What should Stan do?
A. Call the repair company to fix the refrigerator
B. Turn down the setting so the refrigerator will get colder
C. Notify all lab personnel that specimens in the refrigerator may be compromised
D. Record the current temperature and continue with his morning duties
E. Move the specimens to the food refrigerator so they won't be affected

A temperature as high as 62F could compromise some of the specimens in the refrigerator.
Stan should document the temperature and notify all lab personnel of this possibility before
pursuing the reason for the high temperature.

ABHES: 9.i Use standard precautions

Blooms: Apply
Blooms: Understand
CAAHEP: III.P.2 Practice Standard Precautions
Est Time: 0-1 minute
Learning Outcome: 09-03
Level of Difficulty: 2 Medium
Topic: Preparation of the Exam and Treatment Areas

Fill in the Blank Questions

74. Cleaning products that are used on human tissues as anti-infection agents are called

Cleaning products that are used on human tissues as anti-infection agents are called

ABHES: 9.b Apply principles of aseptic techniques and infection control

ABHES: 9.k Prepare and maintain examination and treatment area
Blooms: Remember
CAAHEP: III.C.3 Discuss infection control procedures
CAAHEP: III.C.6 Compare different methods of controlling the growth of microorganisms
Est Time: 1-3 minutes
Learning Outcome: 09-02
Level of Difficulty: 1 Easy
Topic: Sanitation and Disinfection

Chapter 009 Examination and Treatment Areas Key

75. A thick-walled reproductive body capable of resisting harsh conditions is called a

bacterial ________ and has been known to survive disinfection with strong chemicals and
boiling water.

Bacterial spores are thick-walled reproductive bodies that are capable of resisting harsh
conditions, including strong chemicals and boiling water.

ABHES: 9.b Apply principles of aseptic techniques and infection control

ABHES: 9.k Prepare and maintain examination and treatment area
Blooms: Remember
CAAHEP: III.C.3 Discuss infection control procedures
CAAHEP: III.C.6 Compare different methods of controlling the growth of microorganisms
Est Time: 1-3 minutes
Learning Outcome: 09-02
Level of Difficulty: 1 Easy
Topic: Sanitation and Disinfection

76. Biological agents that can spread disease to living things are ________ materials.

Biohazardous materials are biological agents that can spread disease to living things.

ABHES: 9.b Apply principles of aseptic techniques and infection control

ABHES: 9.k Prepare and maintain examination and treatment area
Blooms: Remember
CAAHEP: III.C.3 Discuss infection control procedures
CAAHEP: III.C.6 Compare different methods of controlling the growth of microorganisms
Est Time: 1-3 minutes
Learning Outcome: 09-01
Level of Difficulty: 1 Easy
Topic: Sanitation and Disinfection
Topic: The Exam Room

Chapter 009 Examination and Treatment Areas Key

77. Leakproof containers that are color-coded red or labeled with a special symbol to show
that they contain biological agents that can spread disease to living things are called
biohazardous ________ containers.

The special leakproof, clearly labeled containers for disposal of biohazardous materials are
called biohazardous waste containers.

ABHES: 10.c Dispose of Biohazardous materials

Blooms: Remember
CAAHEP: III.P.3 Select appropriate barrier/personal protective equipment (PPE) for potentially infectious situations
Est Time: 1-3 minutes
Learning Outcome: 09-01
Level of Difficulty: 1 Easy
Topic: The Exam Room

78. Cleaning products applied particularly to instruments and equipment to reduce or

eliminate infectious organisms are called ________.

Disinfectants are cleaning products that are applied primarily to inanimate objects such as
instruments and equipment to reduce or eliminate infectious organisms.

ABHES: 9.b Apply principles of aseptic techniques and infection control

ABHES: 9.k Prepare and maintain examination and treatment area
Blooms: Remember
CAAHEP: III.C.3 Discuss infection control procedures
CAAHEP: III.C.6 Compare different methods of controlling the growth of microorganisms
Est Time: 1-3 minutes
Learning Outcome: 09-02
Level of Difficulty: 1 Easy
Topic: Sanitation and Disinfection

Chapter 009 Examination and Treatment Areas Key

79. The scrubbing of instruments and equipment with special brushes and detergent to remove
blood, mucus, and other contaminants or media where pathogens can grow is called

Sanitization is the scrubbing of instruments with special brushes and detergent to remove
blood, mucus, and other contaminants or media where pathogens can grow.

ABHES: 9.b Apply principles of aseptic techniques and infection control

ABHES: 9.k Prepare and maintain examination and treatment area
Blooms: Remember
CAAHEP: III.C.3 Discuss infection control procedures
CAAHEP: III.C.6 Compare different methods of controlling the growth of microorganisms
Est Time: 1-3 minutes
Learning Outcome: 09-02
Level of Difficulty: 1 Easy
Topic: Sanitation and Disinfection

80. ________ is used to clean items that touch only healthy, intact skin. For other equipment,
this is the first step before disinfection and sterilization.

Sanitization is used to clean items that touch only healthy, intact skin, and as the first step
before disinfection and sterilization for other instruments and equipment.

ABHES: 9.b Apply principles of aseptic techniques and infection control

ABHES: 9.k Prepare and maintain examination and treatment area
Blooms: Remember
CAAHEP: III.C.3 Discuss infection control procedures
CAAHEP: III.C.6 Compare different methods of controlling the growth of microorganisms
Est Time: 1-3 minutes
Learning Outcome: 09-02
Level of Difficulty: 1 Easy
Topic: Sanitation and Disinfection

Chapter 009 Examination and Treatment Areas Key

81. After sanitization, some instruments and equipment require only ________ before being
used again. For other items, this is merely the second step in infection control, performed
before the process of sterilization.

Disinfection is a process that destroys most microorganisms; however, it cannot kill bacterial
spores and certain viruses.

ABHES: 9.b Apply principles of aseptic techniques and infection control

ABHES: 9.k Prepare and maintain examination and treatment area
Blooms: Understand
CAAHEP: III.C.3 Discuss infection control procedures
CAAHEP: III.C.6 Compare different methods of controlling the growth of microorganisms
Est Time: 1-3 minutes
Learning Outcome: 09-02
Level of Difficulty: 2 Medium
Topic: Sanitation and Disinfection

82. The complete destruction of all living organisms is accomplished by ________.


Sterilization is the complete destruction of all living organisms.

ABHES: 9.b Apply principles of aseptic techniques and infection control

ABHES: 9.k Prepare and maintain examination and treatment area
Blooms: Remember
CAAHEP: III.C.3 Discuss infection control procedures
CAAHEP: III.C.6 Compare different methods of controlling the growth of microorganisms
Est Time: 1-3 minutes
Learning Outcome: 09-02
Level of Difficulty: 1 Easy
Topic: Sanitation and Disinfection

Chapter 009 Examination and Treatment Areas Key

83. ________ cleaning involves placing instruments in a special bath in which sound waves
are generated through a cleaning solution to loosen contaminants.

Ultrasonic cleaning is used to sanitize delicate instruments and instruments with moving parts.

ABHES: 9.b Apply principles of aseptic techniques and infection control

ABHES: 9.k Prepare and maintain examination and treatment area
Blooms: Remember
CAAHEP: III.C.3 Discuss infection control procedures
CAAHEP: III.C.6 Compare different methods of controlling the growth of microorganisms
Est Time: 1-3 minutes
Learning Outcome: 09-02
Level of Difficulty: 1 Easy
Topic: Sanitation and Disinfection

84. Bleach is commonly used in laboratory settings to provide a measure of protection against
transmission of the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and is an effective ________ when
used in a 10% solution.

Chlorine and chlorine compounds are effective disinfectants when used in a 10% solution.

ABHES: 9.b Apply principles of aseptic techniques and infection control

ABHES: 9.k Prepare and maintain examination and treatment area
Blooms: Remember
CAAHEP: III.C.3 Discuss infection control procedures
CAAHEP: III.C.6 Compare different methods of controlling the growth of microorganisms
Est Time: 1-3 minutes
Learning Outcome: 09-02
Level of Difficulty: 1 Easy
Topic: Sanitation and Disinfection

85. The ease with which people can move in and out of a space is called ________.

Accessibility refers to the ease with which people can move in and out of a space.

ABHES: 4.f Comply with federal, state, and local health laws and regulations
Blooms: Remember
CAAHEP: IX.C.11h. Identify how the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) applies to the medical assisting profession
Est Time: 1-3 minutes
Learning Outcome: 09-01
Level of Difficulty: 1 Easy
Topic: The Exam Room

Chapter 009 Examination and Treatment Areas Key

86. The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA) requires that businesses, services,
and public transportation provide "reasonable accommodations" for the disabled and provides
________ guidelines.

The ADA provides accessibility guidelines that require businesses, services, and public
transportation to provide "reasonable accommodations" for disabled people.

ABHES: 4.f Comply with federal, state, and local health laws and regulations
Blooms: Remember
CAAHEP: IX.C.11h. Identify how the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) applies to the medical assisting profession
Est Time: 1-3 minutes
Learning Outcome: 09-01
Level of Difficulty: 1 Easy
Topic: The Exam Room

87. Supplies for a general physical exam may be either disposable or ________.

Supplies for a general physical exam may be either disposable or consumable.

ABHES: 9.k Prepare and maintain examination and treatment area

Blooms: Remember
CAAHEP: III.C.3 Discuss infection control procedures
Est Time: 1-3 minutes
Learning Outcome: 09-05
Level of Difficulty: 1 Easy
Topic: Medical Instruments and Supplies

88. A chemical spray used to preserve a specimen obtained from the body for pathologic
examination is a(n) ________.

A fixative is a chemical spray for preserving a specimen obtained from the body for
pathologic examination.

ABHES: 9.m Assist physician with routine and specialty examinations and treatments
Blooms: Remember
CAAHEP: IV.P.3 Use medical terminology, pronouncing medical terms correctly, to communicate information, patient history, data and
Est Time: 1-3 minutes
Learning Outcome: 09-05
Level of Difficulty: 1 Easy
Topic: Medical Instruments and Supplies

Chapter 009 Examination and Treatment Areas Key

89. A physician performs a(n) ________ examination to confirm a patient's health or diagnose
a medical problem.
general physical

A physician performs a general physical examination to confirm a patient's health or diagnose

a medical problem.

ABHES: 1.b Compare and contrast the allied health professions and understand their relation to medical assisting
Blooms: Remember
CAAHEP: IX.C.7 Compare and contrast physician and medical assistant roles in terms of standard of care
Est Time: 0-1 minute
Learning Outcome: 09-01
Level of Difficulty: 1 Easy
Topic: The Exam Room

90. You should provide tissues or special wipes for patients who need to wipe away ________
(a water-soluble gel) after certain procedures.

Provide tissues or special wipes for patients who need to wipe away excess lubricant, which is
a water-soluble gel used during an exam of the rectum or vaginal cavity.

ABHES: 11.b.9 Demonstrate professionalism by: Conducting work within scope of education, training, and ability
Blooms: Remember
CAAHEP: IX.P.2 Perform within scope of practice
Est Time: 1-3 minutes
Learning Outcome: 09-03
Level of Difficulty: 1 Easy
Topic: Preparation of the Exam and Treatment Areas

91. One type of disposable supply is a prepared paper slide used to test the stool for the
presence of ________.
occult blood.

Prepared paper slides are used to test the stool for the presence of occult blood.

ABHES: 9.m Assist physician with routine and specialty examinations and treatments
Blooms: Understand
CAAHEP: IV.P.3 Use medical terminology, pronouncing medical terms correctly, to communicate information, patient history, data and
Est Time: 1-3 minutes
Learning Outcome: 09-05
Level of Difficulty: 2 Medium
Topic: Medical Instruments and Supplies

Chapter 009 Examination and Treatment Areas Key

92. Blood that is not visible to the naked eye is called ________ blood.

Occult blood is blood that is not visible to the naked eye.

ABHES: 9.b Apply principles of aseptic techniques and infection control

ABHES: 9.k Prepare and maintain examination and treatment area
Blooms: Remember
CAAHEP: III.C.3 Discuss infection control procedures
CAAHEP: III.C.6 Compare different methods of controlling the growth of microorganisms
Est Time: 1-3 minutes
Learning Outcome: 09-05
Level of Difficulty: 1 Easy
Topic: Medical Instruments and Supplies

93. Exposure that can spread disease may occur through inhalation, ingestion, or ________.
transcutaneous absorption

Exposure that can spread disease may occur through the following routes: inhalation,
ingestion, or transcutaneous absorption.

ABHES: 9.b Apply principles of aseptic techniques and infection control

ABHES: 9.k Prepare and maintain examination and treatment area
Blooms: Remember
CAAHEP: III.C.3 Discuss infection control procedures
CAAHEP: III.C.6 Compare different methods of controlling the growth of microorganisms
Est Time: 1-3 minutes
Learning Outcome: 09-03
Level of Difficulty: 1 Easy
Topic: Preparation of the Exam and Treatment Areas

94. Absorption through a cut or crack in the skin is ________ absorption.


Transcutaneous absorption is absorption through a cut or crack in the skin.

ABHES: 9.b Apply principles of aseptic techniques and infection control

ABHES: 9.k Prepare and maintain examination and treatment area
Blooms: Remember
CAAHEP: III.C.3 Discuss infection control procedures
CAAHEP: III.C.6 Compare different methods of controlling the growth of microorganisms
Est Time: 1-3 minutes
Learning Outcome: 09-03
Level of Difficulty: 1 Easy
Topic: Preparation of the Exam and Treatment Areas

Test Bank For Medical Assisting: Administrative and Clinical Procedures with Anatomy and Phy

Chapter 009 Examination and Treatment Areas Key

95. The act that requires businesses, services, and public transportation to provide
"reasonable accommodations" for the disabled is ________.
ADA or
Americans with Disabilities Act

The Americans with Disabilities Act, or ADA, requires businesses, services, and public
transportation to provide "reasonable accommodations" for disabled people.

ABHES: 4.f Comply with federal, state, and local health laws and regulations
Blooms: Understand
CAAHEP: IX.C.11h. Identify how the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) applies to the medical assisting profession
Est Time: 1-3 minutes
Learning Outcome: 09-01
Level of Difficulty: 2 Medium
Topic: The Exam Room

96. For patient comfort, you should set the thermostat to maintain the temperature in an exam
room at _______________F.

Set the thermostat to maintain the temperature of the exam rooms at about 72F.

ABHES: 8.x Maintain medical facility

Blooms: Remember
CAAHEP: IX.P.2 Perform within scope of practice
Est Time: 0-1 minute
Learning Outcome: 09-04
Level of Difficulty: 1 Easy
Topic: Room Temperature, Lighting, and Ventilation

97. Good _______________ in work and exam areas is required to make accurate diagnoses
and to read orders and instructions.

Good lighting is required to make accurate diagnoses, to correctly carry out medical
procedures, and to read orders and instructions.

ABHES: 8.x Maintain medical facility

Blooms: Remember
CAAHEP: IX.P.2 Perform within scope of practice
Est Time: 0-1 minute
Learning Outcome: 09-04
Level of Difficulty: 1 Easy
Topic: Room Temperature, Lighting, and Ventilation


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