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Zadanie 1.

Text One
Martha: Hi Jack! What’s wrong? You don’t seem to be in the best of moods.
Jack: Oh, hi Martha. It’s Samantha again …
Martha: Sam? And what has she done this time? I do know that my sis can be a pain in the neck sometimes.
Jack: Honestly, I don’t know if I should be telling you this, but I just don’t get her! One day she’s like the sweetest
girl in the world, but then the next she says I don’t understand her at all.
Martha: Oh, that sort of thing. Believe me, I have experience of this. My boyfriend is exactly the same.
Jack: But where does it come from? And how should I react, Martha?
Martha: My advice is to give her some time. Maybe she’s just had a bad day, or the kids she’s babysitting have
given her a hard time. I don’t know. Just don’t make any hasty decisions.
Jack: I’m starting to get really fed up with this whole relationship thing, to be honest.
Martha: I know what you mean, but what can we do? Life without it would be so boring.

Text Two
Woman: Sunny Enclave Hotel. How may I help you?
Man: Hello, I’d like to make a reservation for two adults and two children for the last weekend of June. Do you
still have some vacancies?
Woman: Let me check … Well, we do, but I’m afraid there are only triple rooms left.
Man: I see. And do they have twin beds, or double beds?
Woman: Oh, I think we’ve got both, but I’m not sure. I’d have to ask my manager.
Man: A room with two double beds would be perfect. We don’t need much space, and the kids can sleep
together. Do you have any discounts for children?
Woman: Of course! How old are they?
Man: They’re both 7.
Woman: Then they have a 50% discount, as they’re both under 12.
Man: Great. And can you tell me something about the facilities at the hotel?
Woman: We have a heated swimming pool and a tennis court, but I suppose most of our clients enjoy the spa
treatments more than anything. They always tell me how relaxed they feel after them.
Man: I’d love to try them out. OK, when should I call to confirm if a room with two double beds is actually
Woman: Just leave me your number, and I’ll get back to you as soon as I’ve found out.

Text Three
The goal of any actor is to entertain the masses, but when you come to think of it, so is the aim of any sportsperson.
Some say that a good match is as amusing as watching a play at the theatre. That may be the reason why many
stars, both past and present, were pursuing sporting careers before taking up acting.
Probably the most famous example is Arnold Schwarzenegger, an American actor with an Austrian heritage, who
started out in bodybuilding and fitness. Schwarzenegger first tried weightlifting at the age of 15, and his dedication
resulted in him winning the Mr. Universe title when he was only 20. Over the next few years, he went on to win the
Mr. Olympia contest seven times in a row. However, his outstanding successes in bodybuilding didn’t make it any
easier when making the switch to acting, which had been his dream for many years. He was repeatedly told that his
body was the wrong shape, his surname too long, and his accent too funny. In spite of these criticisms, he was
chosen to play the title role in Hercules in New York in 1970, but his surname was changed to Strong, and his lines
were dubbed. Nevertheless, this did not put him off, and he finally received full recognition and a Golden Globe
Award for Best Newcomer for his performance in Stay Hungry in 1976, followed by such box office hits as The
Terminator, Predator and, more recently, True Lies. But his persistence was not limited to the world of film, as in 2003
he was elected Governor of California, a post he held until 2011.

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Similarly, Ronald Reagan who ended up becoming the 40th President of the United States, shared Schwarzenegger’s
love of sports in his youth. Although his interests were not as focused as Schwarzenegger’s, he was an excellent
swimmer, reportedly saving 77 people while working as a lifeguard. He was also passionate about American football
when at college despite the fact that he was much shorter than his opponents. If that’s not enough, he enjoyed
horse riding too! The only sport he tried but was unsuccessful at was baseball, but this was due to a sight impairment,
which meant he didn’t see the ball until it was too late! Having graduated from college, Reagan realised he had no
chance of becoming a professional. However, he decided to combine his love of sports and acting by working as
a radio sports commentator in Iowa. Later, he moved to California and became a full-time actor and TV personality.
His appearances on both the big and the small screen contributed to his celebrity status and his later career as
a politician, but his love for sports never waned.

Zadanie 2.

When I informed my family of the career I wanted to follow, my parents were really worried about my future financial
stability, while my brother thought that being a chef was simply dull and unimaginative. However, my sister backed
me up, probably because she shared my passion for cooking, which meant we used to prepare lots of dishes
together. Consequently, I was determined not to give up my dream, so I went to culinary school and ended up
graduating with honours. This opened a lot of doors for me, so I was soon developing my skills in one of the poshest
restaurants in the city. Nowadays, preparing sophisticated food is both my passion and my job, so what more could
I wish for?

When Aunt Joanna recommended a new restaurant close to my office, I thought I should check it out, as she’s got
quite good taste as far as food goes. So, I invited my boyfriend to join me, and we booked a table for two, even
though it was not as packed as more popular restaurants in the city centre. The service was perfect, I have to admit,
but the dish I ordered … hmm … well, let me put it this way: I had never eaten anything so strange before. I have no
idea how the meat had been prepared, but it tasted like … rubber. And the vegetables … well, I wouldn’t say they
were all that fresh, if you know what I mean. Anyway, I don’t think we’ll be going there again.

I know some people believe that being unable to cook means you won’t survive for long, but I guess I’m an exception
to the rule. I was never all that interested in preparing meals and I didn’t actually care what I ate either, which was
probably fortunate for my parents because I never used to make a fuss about what we ate. As a result, I’m perfectly
comfortable with the idea of eating canned food or just a sandwich, as these are the only meals I can actually
prepare. And there are always takeaways, of course. I must admit that I’m a huge fan as the variety of food you can
choose from is really stunning, so why bother wasting valuable time in the kitchen? And I can afford them, so that’s

I’m not a great cook, so I had never devoted too much time to preparing healthy meals, as I always thought there
were more important things to do. But about a month ago, I decided to lose some weight and, having consulted
a dietician, I switched from my old, takeaway diet to a healthier, home-made one. During my appointment, I was
provided with a list of dishes that I should cook and eat every day and so it began! To be honest, it’s been a bit of
a nightmare, as I had no idea how time-consuming it was going to be, but I have to admit, I’m starting to feel a bit
better and I’ve already lost two kilograms. Hopefully, by the end of this month I’ll have lost another. Keep your
fingers crossed for me.

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Zadanie 3.

Interviewer: We’ve probably all heard nightmare stories of deadly Australian fauna: the spiders, the snakes and
the other scary creatures that hide in the shadows waiting to get us. But today we want to tell you
something about one of the cuter inhabitants of Australia, namely the platypus. In the studio with me
is Dr Ann Stirling, a zoologist from the University of Western Australia. Dr Stirling, can you tell us more
about this unusual animal?
Dr Stirling Well, the platypus is almost like any other mammal … but with several important differences. If you
can get close to one, you’ll see it has a furry otter-like body with a beaver-like tail, but its feet and beak
look like they’re from a duck. In addition, it’s got sharp claws and teddy bear-like eyes. Did you know
that when it was first discovered, it caused so much confusion that some scientists actually believed
it to be a hoax?
Interviewer: Really?
Dr Stirling Yes, you have to admit that it sounds like something straight from a science-fiction film! Oh, it also
lays eggs, just like a bird, so its young have to be hatched out. However, they then drink their mothers’
milk, like all the mammals. Platypuses are aquatic animals, so they usually live on the banks of a river
or stream with lots of plants to provide cover. This is because they’re not very well adapted to walking
on land due to the shape of their feet.
Interviewer: Wow, that’s quite an extraordinary mix. Is there anything else to add to their unique status?
Dr Stirling Well, the males are poisonous, which is also extremely rare for mammals. The poison is located close
to their back feet, so if they’re attacked, they defend themselves by delivering a highly toxic kick. The
poison is strong enough to paralyse large animals or humans and can be deadly to smaller animals.
However, many people who have experienced the toxin first-hand have stated that it causes
excruciating and long-lasting pain, so I would certainly recommend staying well away from any
Interviewer: I’ll remember that! One last question, are platypuses social animals?
Dr Stirling No, not really. The platypus is a solitary animal, although a few occasionally share the same body of
water. Obviously, they meet in order to breed, but only the female takes care of the eggs; the male of
the species is too busy enjoying the life of a single, so to say.

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