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Original Research Article

Progress in Environmental Geography

2023, Vol. 2(1-2) 3–32
Digital ecologies: Materialities, © The Author(s) 2022

encounters, governance Article reuse guidelines:
DOI: 10.1177/27539687221145698

Jonathon Turnbull
University of Cambridge, UK
Adam Searle
Université de Liège, Belgium
Oscar Hartman Davies
University of Oxford, UK
Jennifer Dodsworth
University of Oxford, UK
Pauline Chasseray-Peraldi
Sorbonne Université, France
Erica von Essen
Stockholm University, Sweden
Henry Anderson-Elliott
University of Oxford, UK

Digital technologies increasingly mediate relations between humans and nonhumans in a range of contexts
including environmental governance, surveillance, and entertainment. Combining approaches from more-
than-human and digital geographies, we proffer ‘digital ecologies’ as an analytical framework for examining
digitally-mediated human–nonhuman entanglement. We identify entanglement as a compelling basis from
which to articulate and critique digitally-mediated relations in diverse situated contexts. Three questions
guide this approach: What digital technologies and infrastructures give rise to digital entanglement, and
with what material consequences? What is at stake socially, politically, and economically when encounters
with nonhumans are digitised? And how are digital technologies enrolled in programmes of environmental
governance? We develop our digital ecologies framework across three core conceptual themes of wider
interest to environmental geographers: (i) materialities, considering the infrastructures which enable digit-
ally-mediated more-than-human connections and their socioenvironmental impacts; (ii) encounters, exam-
ining the political economic consequences and convivial potentials of digitising contact zones; (iii)
governance, questioning how digital technologies produce novel forms of more-than-human governance.
We affirm that digital mediations of more-than-human worlds can potentially cultivate environmentally
progressive communities, convivial human–nonhuman encounters, and just forms of environmental gov-
ernance, and as such note the urgency of these conversations.

Corresponding author:
Jonathon Turnbull, Department of Geography, University of Cambridge, 20 Downing Place, Cambridge CB2 1QB, UK.
4 Progress in Environmental Geography 2(1-2)

digital ecologies, materiality, encounter, governance, digital geographies, more-than-human geographies,
new media studies, digital entanglement

Introduction digital media (see Leszczynski 2015; McLean

2017; 2020) and the technofix prometheanism
Digital technologies increasingly mediate human–
behind ‘digital solutionism’ (Kuntsman and
nonhuman relations in diverse settings including
Rattle 2019). Instead, following Taffel (2019), we
environmental governance, surveillance, and enter-
employ the term digital entanglement. For Taffel
tainment. Digitisation produces unique understand-
(2019, 2), entanglement “refuses subject/object,
ings of, and modes of access to, more-than-human
nature/culture and representation/reality dualisms,”
worlds, and fundamentally reshapes conserva-
whilst emphasising the inseparability of the mater-
tion, environmentalism, and ecological politics
ial and experiential qualities of digital mediation.
(Jørgensen 2014). Early critics argued that these
This position provides a useful basis from which
intensified human-technology relationships both
to develop a holistic approach attentive to energy,
produced and reflected public ecological disen-
matter, information, data, code, and attention
gagement (e.g., Balmford and Cowling 2006; (Taffel 2019). For us, entanglement highlights the
Louv 2005; Kareiva 2008). Digitisation, they potentials afforded by digital mediation and tech-
argued, was driving humanity’s ‘extinction of nologies, which do not inherently disengage nor
experience’ (Pyle 1993) and fuelling ‘nature reconnect humans to nature. Rather, they foster
deficit disorder’ (Louv 2005). In response, the potential for both, depending on socio-
‘reconnecting’ with nature beyond the on-screen economic, ecological, cultural, historical, and geo-
encounter emerged as “the mantra for addressing graphical context (Altrudi 2021). They inaugurate
humanity’s severance from the natural world” new relationships that cannot be easily judged as
(Zylstra et al. 2014, 120). More recently, harmful nor as a one-way ticket to a fantasised con-
however, researchers and policymakers are vivial techno-utopian future.
increasingly embracing the optimistic idea that We begin by situating our interventions at the
digital technologies can provide new forms of confluence of more-than-human and digital geog-
nature reconciliation. Such technofix solutionism raphies, political ecology, and media studies in
is pervasive in discourses concerning all sorts of Section 2, developing a shared lexicon that seeks
nature recovery programmes (see Fletcher 2017). to bridge these subdisciplines. In doing so, we
In both of these ideological frames, the impacts advance digital ecologies as an analytical
of digitisation remain under-studied in concep- framework and field of research covering the
tual and empirical terms (see Kuntsman and diverse range of approaches within this space
Rattle 2019). (see Verma 2021).1 Then, to help understand the
In this paper, we present ‘digital ecologies’ as an nuances of digital entanglement, we develop our
analytical framework for researching digitised analytical framework across three key themes of
human-nonhuman relations which favours situated long-standing interest to environmental geogra-
understandings of digitisation as a material, affect- phers: materialities, encounters, and governance.
ive, and plural process. We feel this intervention is This structure reflects key domains in which digit-
timely and of growing importance given the ubi- isation alters human–nonhuman relations, and
quitous nature of digitisation in everyday life offers a robust approach for examining the
(Ash et al. 2018; Leszczynski 2020). We resist nature, ethics, and politics of digital entanglements:
the false binary between connection/disconnection what they are, where they are, and why and to
underpinning forms of eco-scepticism towards whom they matter.
Turnbull et al. 5

Section 3—materialities—develops two What material, social, and political economic

arguments. First, digital mediation must be relations are enabled, reinforced, or foreclosed
understood ontologically as a material process. through the digital mediation of more-than-
This is crucial to conceptualising digital human worlds? Our three thematic sections
entanglement and attending to the political speak directly to this question, which helps to
economies implicated in producing, enacting, guide research into diverse instances of digital
and sustaining digital mediation. Second, we entanglement. Materialities places digitisation in
examine the environmental harms and socio- an assemblage of material entities and relations,
economic inequalities implicated in digitisation, and foreground the socioecological injustices
which are often obscured by digital systems and that underpin it. Encounters examines the
‘solutionism’, but illuminated through attention experiential qualities and ways of being inaugu-
to digital materialities (e.g., Crawford and Joler rated by digital entanglement, and the political
2018; Kuntsman and Rattle 2019). In section 4, economies implicated in such encounters.
we examine the affects, spatialities, and media- Governance highlights how practices of digitis-
tions associated with more-than-human digital ing more-than-human worlds carries bio- and
encounters. Following McLean (2020), we con- geo-political consequences. Thus, we propose
ceptualise digital encounters as ‘more-than-real’ digital ecologies as an analytical framework for
rather than impoverished approximations of the elucidating instances of digital entanglement,
‘real world’. Jettisoning ‘real’/’virtual’ distinc- foregrounding the interconnected potentials, pol-
tions, we focus on the specific spatialities in itics, and responsibilities associated with the
which digital encounters occur, examining the digitisation of more-than-human worlds.
affects and affordances of technological inter-
faces, and the environmental subjectivities inau-
gurated both through and beyond ‘the screen’.
A shared lexicon for digital
Drawing from political ecology, we discuss ecologies
how digital encounters are valued and com- We begin by defining key terms—digital/digit-
modified—producing ‘digital encounter value’ isation and ecology—to establish a shared
in settings including wildlife livestreaming and lexicon for digital ecologies, before intellec-
videogames—and point to the implications tually situating our intervention in relation to a
this has for contemporary forms of environmen- genealogy of related work. While work in
talism. Remaining critical of commodified more-than-human geography (Whatmore 2002;
digital encounters, we note that digital encoun- 2006) has explored the role of digital mediation
ters can, under certain circumstances, produce in human-nonhuman relations (e.g., Blue 2016;
meaningful modes of care and concern outside Davies 2000; 2005; Nelson 2017; Ritts and
capitalist relations, and encourage researchers Bakker 2021; Stinson 2017; Verma 2016;
to produce situated accounts of digital encoun- Verma et al. 2016; von Essen et al. 2021),
ters across contexts. Finally, Section 5 brings there remains relatively sparse engagement
the material and experiential aspects of digital between the disciplinary traditions of
entanglement together to examine novel forms more-than-human and digital geographies
of environmental governance inaugurated by (although see Dwyer 2021; McLean 2020;
the proliferating use of digital technologies. Nelson et al. 2022; Nost and Goldstein 2021;
We explore how digital entanglement fosters Prebble et al. 2021; Travis et al. 2023). As
uneven exercises of power, domination, and Leszczynski (2019, 21) notes, scant attention
control, and ask how these technologies are has been paid “to how nature as an assemblage
themselves governed. of both human and non-human organic life
6 Progress in Environmental Geography 2(1-2)

intersects with or fits into what is often presented mechanisms. In relation to the nonhuman
as a triad of technology-society-space relations.” world, these multiple processes of digitisation
As such, digitisation is under-examined and work, in turn, to produce a multiplicity of
under-theorised in more-than-human geography, natures (Nelson et al. 2022). Digitisation thus
while digital geographies could benefit from shapes human–nature relations in multiple
fuller conceptualisations of nonhuman agency ways, enabling and foreclosing connections
and materiality as offered by more-than-human across more-than-human assemblages, events,
geographers. By conversing these geographical and processes (Leszczynski 2015; Grusin 2015).
subdisciplines (alongside adjacent work in polit- We turn next to the theoretical lens of
ical ecology and media studies), this paper thus ecology, which draws attention to how the
offers an analytical framework for future interdis- process of digitisation is always underpinned
ciplinary research. by material relationships and infrastructures,
For Ash et al. (2018, 25), geography’s despite these relations often being obscured.
‘digital turn’ signals “a demonstrably marked As such, ecology reminds us to examine “the
turn to the digital as both object and subject of materials that media are made of” (Cubitt
geographical inquiry,” and the ways in which 2016, 11). Ecology is conventionally under-
“the digital has pervasively inflected geographic stood as the biological study of interactions
thought, scholarship, and practice” (see also between living organisms and their environ-
Ash et al. 2019). Despite this digital turn, the ments. Promisingly, the term has also been
continued definitional ambiguity of ‘the adopted and reworked in the social sciences
digital’ is well documented (Berry 2014; and humanities, notably by STS scholar and
Duggan 2017; Kitchin and Dodge 2011; philosopher of science Isabelle Stengers (1997;
Jeanneret 2000). Miller and Horst (2012, 3) 2005; 2010), precisely because of its focus on
define the digital as “all that which can be ultim- relations, assemblages, practices, and connec-
ately reduced to binary code, but which pro- tions between more-than-human actants (Hörl
duces a further proliferation of particularity and Burton 2017; Latour 2004; Latour et al.
and difference.” Digitisation converts the 2018; Tsing 2015). Inspired by Stengers, scho-
messy worlds of ‘organic signals’ into ‘digits’: lars have explored ecological frameworks for
the zeros and ones constituting binary code elucidating the relations between matter,
(Fish 2019; Lunenfeld 1999). As such, new bodies, and environments (Barad 2007;
media theorists suggest digitisation can be con- Bennett 2009; Braun and Whatmore 2010;
sidered a contemporary form of inscribing, Barua 2014; Lemke 2021)—key themes
writing, and representing the world (Jeanneret running throughout this paper. Digital geogra-
2000; 2013; 2019). This work attends to phers have likewise deployed an ecological
digital technologies as cultural ‘objects’ as lens to study the agencies of cybernetic matter
well as analysing media content itself, exempli- such as algorithms, data, and malware
fying the heterogeneity of digitisation (Bolter (Amoore 2020; Dwyer 2019; 2021; Lupton
and Grusin 1998; Jeanneret 2008; 2014 2016), and ecological metaphors are commonly
Jeanneret and Souchier 1999; 2005; Kittler deployed in organisational theory (Raptis et al.
1986; Manovich 2001; Souchier 1996; Stiegler 2014), making ecologies a fruitful framing for
1998). In this vein, Ash et al. (2019, 4) warn interrogating the diversity of social and material
against singular ‘monolithic’ depictions of ‘the relations that comprise digital entanglement.
digital’, instead invoking ‘digital’ in multiple While its use as a generic descriptor of
ways to conceptualise the interconnected systems has been common since the 1970s,
things produced through digital modes and ‘ecology’ also references the critical tradition
Turnbull et al. 7

of political ecology; a field of study examining social difference, and emotions” in shaping
how environmental conflicts and change are suf- how digital entanglement is differentially
fused with political, economic, and social power experienced, accessed, and governed. Their
relations (Harvey 1996; Robbins 2020; Sultana approach involves “understanding exactly who
2020). More recently, scholars have begun to creates and uses digital technologies” and
define ‘digital political ecologies’ (Tait and “how they are used or affectively engaged
Nelson 2021), drawing on work in ‘feminist with” (Nelson et al. 2022, 4). Drawing inspir-
digital geographies’ (Elwood and Leszczynski ation from such work, digital ecologies research
2018; Leszczynski 2018; Brooke 2021), ‘femin- should not only offer critique of digital entangle-
ist political ecology’ (Harcourt and Nelson ment, but work towards just more-than-human
2008; Sundberg 2017), and ‘digital conserva- worlds by seeking to create “possibilities of a
tion’ (Nelson 2017) to understand how political, liberatory digital politics for re-making our tech-
economic, and social power dynamics play out nologies and ourselves as digital subjects”
and transform when environmental conflicts (Elwood and Leszczynski 2018, 640).
take place online or are digitally mediated Within geography and cognate disciplines,
(Tait and Nelson 2022; Nelson et al. 2022). several terms have emerged to describe specific
Nelson and colleagues (2022, 4) call this body empirical or conceptual domains dealing with
of work ‘Feminist Digital Natures’ and empha- the digitisation of more-than-human worlds.
sise the importance of “power, embodiment, Verma (2021) recently outlined some of the

Table 1. Selected research strands informing digital ecologies as an analytical framework, following the initial
provocation of Verma (2021).
Term Example Empirical and theoretical focus
Digital Arts et al. 2015); Van der Critically inspects the technologically enabled knowledge
conservation Wal and Arts (2015) practices and methods deployed in wildlife conservation
Anthrobscene Parikka (2015a) Attuned to the materiality of digital technologies, drawing
attention to the uneven impacts of environmental
degradation caused by the production of digital
Media ecologies Cubitt (2016); Fuller Examines how mediation produces uneven political
(2005) ecological relations and the linkages between digital
media and environmental degradation
Nature 2.0 Büscher (2016) A political ecological approach for examining how value is
extracted from nonhumans online
Digital McLean (2020) Argues that both ‘the digital’ and ‘the Anthropocene’ are
Anthropocene similarly “networked, material and abstracted spaces
and concepts” (McLean 2020, 15) to examine the
politics and affective experience of each in conjunction
Feminist digital Tait and Nelson (2022); Examines the digital mediation of “socio-ecological
natures Nelson et al. (2022) relationships, particularly in the realms of conservation
and environmental governance” with a particular focus
on power, emotion, and embodiment (Nelson et al.
2022, 5)
8 Progress in Environmental Geography 2(1-2)

most prominent terms in this growing lexicon, vessels (Weimerskirch et al. 2020). Certain
which inform the genealogy outlined in Table 1. devices generate ecological data on biotic and
Encapsulating the bodies of work outlined abiotic environments, from oceanic conditions
above, ‘digital ecologies’ simultaneously invokes to environmental radiation levels, facilitating
the (often harmful) material relations that under- the gathering of previously inaccessible data
pin digitisation, the uneven geographies forged and the enrolment of nonhumans themselves
by digitised encounters, and the forms of envir- as sensors and sentinels of environmental condi-
onmental governance shaped by digitisation. tions (Gabrys 2018; Keck and Lakoff 2013).
Importantly, it is able to account for the Digitised nonhumans, therefore, are now situ-
multiplicity of digitisation as a process and the ated within wider digital milieus, presenting
subsequent multiplicity of technology-society- novel research opportunities for ecologists. For
environment relations constituting digital instance, in the Chornobyl Exclusion Zone in
entanglement. It thus offers an apt analytical Ukraine, ecologists have used specially
framework for interrogating emergent and inter- designed GPS-collars fitted with dosimeters to
related digitised more-than-human worlds simultaneously understand the radiation expos-
across geographical contexts. ure of wolves and their spatial range (Hinton
et al., 2019).
Nevertheless, digital entanglement is always
Materialities of digitisation multiple, and partial: not everything can be
Materiality is a foundational concern of neatly digitised, nor is digitisation a uniform
more-than-human geography, highlighting the process. Matter is inherently lost in the digitisa-
diversity of nonhuman actants implicated in tion process, meaning digitised worlds are
the co-fabrication of social, political, and eco- altered versions of the realities they portend to
nomic worlds (Whatmore 2006). This diversity represent. In one sense, digitised worlds are
is frequently obscured by the seemingly imma- reduced versions of the worlds they represent
terial character of digitised worlds. Thus, —usually, you cannot smell a digitised flower.
within our digital ecologies analytical frame- But this argument is a red herring: rather than
work, we begin with materialities of digitisation impoverished copies, digitisation produces dif-
to draw attention to the materials, devices, and ference and novel spatial constructions with
infrastructures that are fundamental to the digit- their own sets of affects and affordances that
isation process. We turn first to the diversity of cannot be equated with the ‘real thing’
devices that digitise animals’ lifeworlds. (Kitchin and Dodge 2011; Kinsley 2014;
Digitisation takes many forms and occurs via Stinson 2017). Indeed, digitisation produces
a plethora of devices across many geographical and shapes material worlds; it does not merely
contexts. For instance, the use of digital moni- represent them. This is well exemplified by the
toring technologies in ecological research has case of ‘smart forests’, or other so-called
burgeoned since the mid-twentieth century, ‘smart’ environments (see Moss et al. 2021).
such that wildlife is now ‘wired’ (Benson Once digitised by an array of technologies—
2010) with a continually advancing array of including terraforming drones, sensors, AI,
available loggers and sensors (Holton et al. and robots (Gabrys 2020)—forests are reme-
2021). Examples now include miniature tags diated and circulated through devices which
for bees (Barlow et al. 2019), software that “co-constitute and mobilise forests as distribu-
translates environmental data from a single ted sites that travel across platforms, data sets,
tree into social media posts,2 and radar sensors observation technologies and participatory
attached to albatrosses to police illegal fishing apps” (Gabrys 2021, 2). These processes allow
Turnbull et al. 9

different groups to then intervene in material 2009; Star 1999; Star and Ruhleder 1996)—
forest processes in divergent ways, transforming examines the infrastructures underpinning
forests and forest governance (Gabrys 2020; digital mediation. This research foregrounds
2021; Gray 2020). Digitised worlds are thus: the materiality of data centres (Bratton 2016;
(a) mutable, translating between physical and Hogan 2018; Holt and Vonderau 2015; Parks
cybernetic forms; (b) multimedial, materialising and Starosielski 2015), undersea cables
across a range of geographical and techno- (Starosielski, 2015), and cloud infrastructures
logical contexts; and (c) massive, existing in (Peters 2015; Amoore 2020) amongst other
great number and frequency (see Rose 2016). things, and their role in geopolitical and envir-
For Adams (2020, 18), digital devices give onmental inequalities (Franklin 2021). It is not
nonhumans “a second life lived through the con- only digital hardware that causes socioenviron-
tinuous unspooling of location data” moving “in mental damage, though; software, too, can be
server farms and temporary storage in its trans- more or less energy efficient (Taffel 2019).
mission from animal to satellite and down For instance, each Google search emits 0.2 g
again.” In an era of extinction, some digital of CO2 (Cubitt 2016).
animals may outlast their corporeal counter- Like with other commodities, the production
parts. Nevertheless, the infrastructures under- of digital technologies deepens the socio-
pinning digital mediation are themselves economic inequalities associated with resource
subject to the process of decay and require extraction, commodification, and waste disposal
ongoing replacement (Taffel, 2022). Given (Taffel 2012; 2019; 2022). For example, in the
this, it is concerning that institutional environ- Katanga Copperbelt, Democratic Republic of
mental regulations continue to overlook the Congo, where more than half of the world’s
impacts of these energy-intensive, cobalt is mined, workers are exposed to poor
maintenance-requiring digital infrastructures working conditions, unjust wages, and environ-
(McLean et al. 2022). As Kuntsman and Rattle mental toxins through mining a mineral essen-
(2019) note, ‘digital solutionism’ continues tial to lithium-ion batteries now found in
apace with little concern for digitisation’s dele- mobile phones and other digital devices world-
terious impacts. Without systematically wide (Tsurukawa et al. 2011; Nkulu et al.
accounting for the materialities of digital 2018). Cubitt (2016) outlines how 70% of all
devices, the promise of digital technologies for mined uranium—often used to generate the
environmentally-positive futures is debatable electricity which powers digital devices—
(Kuntsman and Rattle 2019). Thus, we turn comes from Indigenous territories and is often
next to the material ecologies of media them- acquired through exploitative neo-colonial prac-
selves—both active and obsolete—littered tices. For example, the Australian government
around the world (Gabrys, 2011). breached international human rights laws
In contrast to common imaginaries of digital while extracting uranium from Indigenous
worlds as immaterial ‘clouds’ (see Monserrate lands. Examples such as this abound, and the
2022), media ecology theorists stress that envir- relationship between digital media and capital
onments do not simply surround media but run is at the root of this exploitation (Cubitt 2016).
through and enable them (Kember and Digital materialities extend beyond metals and
Zylinska 2012; Parikka 2015a; 2015b; minerals, too, contributing to the production of
Pickren; 2014; 2016).3 Indeed, a long tradition plastic, radioactive waste, and other forms of
in media theory—which culminated in the pollution (Taffel 2016; 2021).
‘infrastructural turn’ around the turn of the mil- The technoscientific ability to understand
lennium (Bowker and Star 2000; Edwards et al. earth systems is dependent upon the extraction
10 Progress in Environmental Geography 2(1-2)

of the very same earthly materials under exam- ‘prosumers’ under platform capitalism, others
ination. The observed materials are themselves note the ‘democratising’ impact digital tech-
integral to the building of digital sensing nologies can have (Silk et al. 2021). We return
devices. Parikka’s (2012) neologism ‘mediana- to this in more depth in the next section.
tures’ captures this ironic interdependence. Foregrounding the materials and infrastruc-
Elsewhere, Parikka (2015a) highlights the long- tures underpinning digital entanglement shows
lasting material remnants of digital devices, how digital media themselves fundamentally
raising awareness of the extractive processes affect the environments, interactions, and
implicated in their production and their toxic bodies of the nonhumans they were invented
lives and afterlives (see Palmer 2021), which to observe. Epistemic practices involving
form technological debris scattered globally. digital technologies are thus tightly entangled
What ends up as a toxic contaminant in one with their subjects of study. A focus on materi-
place begins as a rare earth mineral elsewhere, ality connects sparse spatiotemporalities to illu-
briefly animating a technological device in the minate the mineral lives of digital media before
interim. Gabrys (2011) similarly highlights the their use, the extractive labour politics that bring
ubiquitous and long-lasting toxic rubbish them into being, and their environmentally dele-
by-produced through digitisation. Understanding terious afterlives perpetuated when rendered
digital technologies through this material lens obsolete by capitalist economies (Gabrys
thus involves widening the ontology of ‘digital 2011; Taffel 2022). Bringing attention to digit-
technologies’ to include vast material infrastruc- isation as a material process also draws together
tures produced through exploitative extractive disparate material relations often obscured by
economies. Akin to follow-the-thing methodolo- popular notions of ‘the cloud’ that are culturally
gies (Cook et al. 2004), tracing the lives of tacked onto digitality. Materiality thus offers
digital devices from production to disposal digital ecologies a lens to consider new digital
reveals the inherent materiality of digitisation spatialities, subjects, beings, relations, and polit-
(see Palmer 2021). ics. In addition, it gestures to how digital media
In addition to labour exploitation in the are rooted in relations of extractive and colonial
extractive industries underpinning digital tech- capitalism and, in doing so, points to possibilities
nologies, labour is also exploited through for conceiving of alternative digital subjectivities
digital platforms (Terranova 2000; Marres and politics (see Elwood and Leszczynski 2018).
2017). This is prominent in the context of Having examined the material basis of digital
crowdsourcing for environmental projects entanglement, we turn our attention in the next
(Woodcock et al. 2017) where volunteers’ section to its experiential aspects and the political
time, skill, knowledge, and energy become economies invoked via more-than-human digital
digitally obfuscated (Dagiral and Peerbave encounters.
2012; Scholz 2015). This becomes particularly
problematic when enterprises are heralded as
democratising science, but in reality, engage Digital encounters
volunteers as ‘cogs in a machine’ to execute An encounter takes place when two or more dif-
pre-set tasks under disciplined supervision ferent entities come into contact, thus reconfig-
(Benson 2017; Woodcock et al. 2017). uring identities, space, and political economies
Increasing smartphone use and internet accessi- (Barua 2015; Wilson 2017). More-than-
bility blurs distinctions between producers and human encounters occur within ‘contact zones’
consumers of nature content online. But while which unsettle borders between humans and
Büscher (2016) laments the rise of so-called nonhumans (Haraway 2008). In this context,
Turnbull et al. 11

digital entanglement involves mediated corporeal encounters. But while digital encoun-
encounters in which ecologies are experienced ters may involve fewer sensual elements of the
and made sense of. So, what happens when nonhuman world, they are not disembodied:
contact zones are digitally mediated? How screens produce “a world for the viewer,” gener-
does digitisation transform encounters with ating “affects [which] resonate to form a terri-
the nonhuman world? And what is at stake pol- tory for the body” (Ash 2009, 2116). Screens
itically and ethically when species (sort of) thus create novel socialities and spatialities
meet digitally? (Boellstorff 2020). For Ash (2009), their
Digitisation allows humans to amplify and ability to forge connections between bodies
alter “possibilities of perceiving, feeling, and environments even renders screens
knowing and acting” (Carbone 2019, 97-98). ‘ecological’.
Furthermore, it ‘reorients’ senses and bodies to Digital encounters are intensely affective. As
different environments, opening up new spaces a result, they are often put to work for political,
of political opportunity (Nelson et al. 2022). social, and economic ends, both conservative
We identify two ontological shifts inaugurated and progressive; coercive and empowering
by digital encounters. First, digitisation (Chasseray-Peraldi 2020; Dyer-Witheford and
enables new ways of encountering nonhumans de Peuter 2009). For example, Berland (2019)
that were (and are) encountered without digital directly links colonial menageries and digitised
mediation. These are encounters that took animals, noting that both were/are enrolled to
place before digitisation but which are now facilitate the commodification of nature in
mediated by it. Second, entirely novel encoun- exploitative ways. Here, digitised animals are
ters are facilitated by digitisation, involving used as charismatic entertainers to generate
aspects of nature inaccessible to encounter profit for corporations, resembling the objectifi-
without the use of digital technologies. This cation of animals in colonial menageries to sym-
section explores how digitisation transforms bolise status, wealth, and power. Contrastingly,
encounters and mobilises them to generate Hawkins and Silver (2017) examine how Inuit
value, foster conviviality, and facilitate novel activists have used digital media and social
insights into the nonhuman world. We begin media platforms to challenge colonial views of
by interrogating where digital encounters take their hunting practices as cruel, a sentiment per-
place. petuated by uninvolved celebrities and animal
Digital encounters—from entertainment to rights organisations online. Digital technolo-
scientific research—most often take place via gies, including hegemonic tools like those
screens, where digitised nonhumans are com- used for surveillance, can thus be (and often
monly encountered as audio-visual renderings. are) subverted towards progressive ends (e.g.,
This involves both high-definition imagery and Engelmann et al. 2022). This exemplifies how
sound, or rudimentary abstractions like GIS “digital technologies can open up new possibil-
dots-on-the-map. Given visual bias, screens ities of multi-species relating through embodied,
have become the most dominant technology affective, emotional interactions, and reci-
for mediating ecologies and are “a central com- procity” (Nelson et al. 2022, 5). As these exam-
ponent of an increasingly digital world” (Silk ples show, the political potential of digital
et al. 2021, 1130). They tend to produce encounters is highly contingent, making it
encounters imbued with a fundamental ‘flatness’ imperative to examine the specific uses of
(Yang 2021) and ‘partiality’ (Haraway 1988). digital technologies in situated practices to
For this reason, screen-based encounters are understand the pros and cons they engender,
often considered disembodied versions of and for whom.
12 Progress in Environmental Geography 2(1-2)

Despite the potential for digital encounters to Joshua et al. 2016; Despret 2016), while
be either progressive or conservative, much smaller-bodied taxa, are often excluded from
scholarship regarding digital human-nature online digital encounters (Silk et al. 2021), cre-
encounters remains rooted in critical discourses ating skewed understandings of ‘pristine’ nature
concerning commodification and surveillance. among broad publics (Büscher 2016). Digital
This literature holds that digital encounters encounter value is thus associated with ‘spec-
“stimulate and complicate the commodification tacular accumulation’ (Barua 2017; see also
of biodiversity,” allowing new forms of nature Goodman et al. 2016), which generates profit
commodification to take place (Büscher 2016, by stripping individual nonhumans from their
726). Büscher (2016, 726) suggests these spec- ecologies to render them marketable.
tacular forms of commodification produce However, not all digital encounters render
‘Nature 2.0’; a reimagining of “ideas, ideals nonhumans spectacular through ecological and
and experiences of (‘pristine’) nature” (see historical decontextualisation. Digital technolo-
also Mitman 1999). Digital encounters with gies offer real-time, widespread access to the
Nature 2.0 involve the production of digital daily lives of nonhumans globally (Kamphof
encounter value (see Turnbull et al. 2020). 2011; 2013; Loomis et al. 2018), where we
‘Encounter value’ is produced when species see promise for convivial practice. Turnbull
meet. It is considered the third form of capitalist et al. (2020) examine popular livestreamed
value alongside ‘use value’ and ‘exchange animal encounters during COVID-19 lock-
value’ as theorised by Marx (Haraway 2008; downs, where organisations actively situated
Barua 2016). Digital encounter value is thus nonhumans in ecological contexts to produce
generated through digitally mediated encounters digital encounter value. One example involved
when human and nonhuman bodies are not ‘virtually petting’ free-roaming dogs in the
necessarily proximate in time and space, funda- Chornobyl Exclusion Zone, where online tour-
mentally altering the nature of how value is pro- ists learnt of the dogs’ life histories. In 2021,
duced by involving a range of distributed Cambridge University Botanic Garden lives-
human, nonhuman, and technological agencies treamed the rare blooming of the moonflower
(see Oliver 2021). This value production (Selenicereus wittii)—accompanied by public
“often occurs through spectacle, celebrity, and dialogues regarding the species’ natural
popular media-based content encouraged in history. Encounters livestreamed 24-hours-
many digital spaces” (Nelson et al. 2022, 5). a-day, like peregrine falcon ‘nestcams’ (Searle
‘Lively capital’ (Barua 2016) is thus produced et al. 2022), allow for recurring encounters
at and circulates between, a wider range of (Kamphof 2011), where affective bonds
sites in the age of digital entanglement, the between human viewers and individual
nuances of which should be explored in future animals can be forged. Livestreamed encounters
research. often cut against spectacular accumulation,
On social media, digital encounters most broadcasting a range of species doing ‘boring’
commonly occur with familiar species, involv- everyday things, which appeal to those in
ing spectacular, stereotypical, and repetitive search of calming slowness (see Peplin 2016).
representations (Igoe 2010; Somerville et al. Digitisation thus fosters the potential for
2021). The ‘Instagrammable outdoors’ reoccurs less-exploitative, consciously situated, and
as users adhere to pre-set cultural scripts in the more convivial human-nonhuman relations.
pursuit of likes and shares (Arts et al. 2021). The real-time insights gleaned by livestream-
Charismatic animals can even attain celebrity ing technologies also allow for significant scien-
status in digital form (Barua 2020; Dale tific insights to be made into a range of species’
Turnbull et al. 13

biologies and ecologies globally. Emerging Nevertheless, digital encounters—like all

digital technologies have the capacity to encounters—always offer partial perspectives.
produce on-screen encounters with otherwise When inaugurated for resarch purposees,
un-encounterable aspects of nonhuman life. digital encounters must thus be situated in
Through a case study of peregrine falcon ‘nest- broader socioecological contexts, and often sup-
cams’, Searle et al. (2022) detail how digital plemented with other forms of enquiry.
encounters allowed for previously unachievable While the spatiotemporal displacements
observations that generated insights fundamen- caused by digitisation can imply immateriality,
tally reshaping understandings of peregrine eth- digital encounters always remain rooted in
ology (see also Kettel et al. 2016). Similarly, physical encounters and material relations (see
Crickette Sanz and colleagues have used Chasseray-Peraldi 2020; 2022; Fish
digital camera traps to observe wild chimpan- 2020; Hoelzl and Marie 2022; Pink 2011).
zees without relying on human habituation to The very presence of digital devices and infra-
study their behaviour ‘in the wild’ (Musgrave structures in certain places can thus have detri-
et al. 2016). Novel ecological insights can mental effects on local communities, some of
thus be facilitated with little intervention into whom oppose and resist their deployment. We
the lives of at-risk species through digital return to the implications of this for environ-
encounters. mental governance in the next section.
But while digital encounters bring distant Digital encounters, moreover, are commonly
wildlife into homes and laboratories around non-reciprocal and the intimacies they inaugur-
the world, this can have negative consequences, ate can be problematic (Marres 2017; see also
especially in conservation contexts where ‘less Koch and Miles 2021). Concerns are raised
interventionist’ technologies like camera traps that one-sided encounters breach the privacy
and drones are used (Rovero and Zimmerman of nonhuman animals (Collard 2016; Mills
2016; Sandbrook et al. 2018; Wich and Koh 2010), as well as people (Sandbrook et al.
2018). As Kiggell (2021) notes, the increased 2018). The infringement of nonhuman privacy
use of digital remote sensing technologies is only beginning to be problematised (Paci
among ecologists means that less time is spent et al. 2022). Digital technologies now capture
in the field interacting with implicated commu- animals in their most vulnerable states—such
nities, which generates impoverished under- as nesting, giving birth, mating—which they
standings of complex nonhuman lives, go to great lengths to conceal in the wild. An
including the ways in which they relate to additional issue with this involves putting
humans (Collard 2018; Parks 2019). Digital endangered animals at increased risk of undesir-
encounters can displace decision-making away able in-person encounters, or even poaching, by
from local communities and their situated people who determine their whereabouts online
knowledges, which in turn reinforces colonial (Silk et al. 2021). This unidirectional relation,
knowledge production practices that plague the though, is not always the case. Joanne Tate
history of global conservation (Adams 2019; (2021), for instance, notes how, during
Kiggel 2021). The very notions of ‘the field’, COVID-19 lockdowns, an aquarium in Tokyo
fieldwork, and field encounters are thus recon- encouraged the public to video call its resident
stituted via digital technologies (Benson garden eels as a means of engaging, helping,
2016), and new questions are raised concerning and caring for them. The zoo believed the
the ethics of access to traditional ‘fieldwork’ and eels’ health and sociability would be improved
the forms of enquiry necessary for producing through these digital encounters. Contrary to
knowledge about the world (Guasco 2022). the risks of poaching just identified, civilians
14 Progress in Environmental Geography 2(1-2)

have also become watchdogs of the security and fabricated versions of nature (Louson 2021;
well-being of wild animals on livestreams, alert- Silk et al. 2021). Furthermore, apps geared
ing authorities to risks of poaching or urging towards nature engagement often demonstrate
intervention in the case of harm (Pschera a preoccupation with self-monitoring and com-
2016; Searle et al. 2022). Digital encounters petition—i.e., gamification (Arts et al. 2021).
thus take a range of both care-full and harmful Even accredited scientific initiatives which log
forms. species data, like ‘Artdatabanken’ in Sweden,
Beyond digital encounters with actual wild- are now pressured to satisfy citizen scientists’
life, encounters with entirely novel natures are competitive urges (Peterson et al. 2021).
facilitated by digital technologies. Such encoun- Indeed, developers often operate with the
ters often take place in videogames, virtual or primary purpose of enhancing user-experience
augmented realities (Nelson et al. 2022; Tyler rather than facilitating convivial more-than-
2022; Wallin 2022), and imagined or designed human relations. However, emerging research
worlds. While at first glance this may seem eco- in digital ecologies is beginning to show that
logically irrelevant, there are now approxi- focusing solely on in-game, in-app, or on-screen
mately 2.7 billion gamers worldwide, and a encounters is an ineffective approach. Indeed,
variety of videogames engage themes relating digital encounters—gaming or otherwise—
to ecology, making them important contact regularly incite action beyond the screen, such
zones between humans and avatars of the non- as seeking out a physical encounter with a bird
human world (Chang 2019; Dorward et al. from user coordinates logged in a database
2017; Fisher et al. 2021). For many, such (see Turnbull et al. 2022; Von Essen et al.
encounters are a primary site where nature is 2021).
made sense of. Certain videogames are expli- Technological improvements in miniaturisa-
citly concerned with conservation issues tion also allow unfamiliar aspects of nature to
(Sandbrook et al. 2015), species loss and extinc- be depicted (Verma et al. 2016; Silk et al.
tion (Büscher 2016), and animal management 2021). At the genomic scale, for instance, emer-
(Burroughs 2014). Some, like WilderQuest, ging digital technologies are allowing scientists
even have the explicit remit of combating to encounter what was previously speculated to
‘nature deficit disorder’ in children (Louv be ‘biological dark matter’ (Marcy et al. 2007).
2005; Fletcher 2017). Crowley et al. (2021) For instance, Meta AI (previously Facebook)
suggest certain action-adventure games should recently predicted the existence of 600 million
be taken seriously as conservation education microbial protein structures through machine
tools by highlighting the ability to play as ‘nat- learning (Callaway 2022). Microbial ecologies
uralists’ completing storylines in ‘eco-friendly’ are thus made knowable and visible through
ways. screen-based encounters and digital mediation
But ‘eco-friendly’ videogames often sidestep and speculation (Almeida et al. 2021; Lapidus
issues relating to power over natural resources and Korobeynikov 2021). Such interventions
which are, in fact, drivers of the biodiversity involve the production of novel digital realities
crisis (Fletcher 2017). Indeed, commercial in which nonhuman life can be governed at
videogames continue to exhibit forms of the molecular scale. These instances reflect a
‘Casual Empire’ by depoliticising and reframing broader display of biopower in which non-
colonial encounters as ‘adventure’ (Harrer human life is quantified, valued, and commodi-
2018). Scepticism towards these games is com- fied through the digitisation of genomic
pounded by the fact that digital encounters can information (Lonkila and Kaljonen 2018).
be manipulated, misleading viewers with Digital technologies not only engender novel
Turnbull et al. 15

governance techniques but render new aspects governance is generally supported by scientists,
of the nonhuman worlds governable, which we publics, and an expanding analytics industry
turn our attention to in the next section. championing rapid registration of and response
to worldly processes (Beer 2017).
Digital technologies thus facilitate a plethora
Digital environmental governance of instantaneous interventions into diverse ecol-
Digitisation generates opportunities for under- ogies. For instance, they are implicated in ‘pre-
standing pasts, governing presents, and forecast- cision farming’, which entails unprecedented
ing futures (Kitchin 2015; Amoore 2020), and surveillance of—and intervention into—bio-
participates in a culture of control and predic- logical processes via automated monitoring
tion. Digitisation also reshapes the governance and response (Pylianidis et al. 2021). Devices
of technologies themselves. Mark Bevir’s like mooON —a ‘fitbit for cows’ (Sharma
(2013, 1) definition of governance—“all pro- 2019)—are used to monitor bovine physiology,
cesses of governing” regardless of by whom optimising practices such as artificial insemination
and for which purpose—reflects the conceptual and preventative healthcare (Stellapps 2021).
plasticity of governance, providing suitably Moreover, entire agricultural systems are now
broad scope for this paper. In this section, we represented as ‘digital twins’—simulated models
outline the role of digital technologies in the that reflect real-time changes in the system. The
uneven exercise of power, considering how company ‘Growing Underground’, for instance,
technologies transform environmental govern- has developed a digital twin of its vertical
ance. This has diverse implications for both farming operation designed to “monitor, learn,
nonhumans and humans, stemming from the feedback and forecast information that will make
ways digital technologies and the data they the real-life twin work better” (Walsh 2021, np;
produce can redistribute expertise and authority see also Jans-Singh et al. 2020). Through these
to novel actors (Mattern 2017). systems, environmental variables can be sensed
Environmental governance and conservation and modified, and efficiency and productivity
policies increasingly rely on data from monitor- maximised (Gabrys 2014; Green and Chandler
ing devices such as biologgers and camera traps, 2014; Rose and Chilvers 2018; Wolfert et al.
and the models used to analyse, visualise, and 2017).
conduct predictions based on this data (Benson Digitally-enabled surveillance now applies to
2010; Collard 2018; Hussey et al. 2015; Kays wildlife, agricultural, and laboratory animals, as
et al. 2015). As Grusin (2015, 147) suggests, well as entities like rivers (Duncan and Levidis
“data are now gathered on almost everything 2020), oceans (Braverman and Johnson 2020;
humans and nonhumans do,” with proponents Drakopoulos et al. 2022), and atmospheres
of data-driven governance seeking “a world in (Gabrys 2016). Such surveillance often entails
which all humans and nonhumans are net- the enrolment of digital technologies into coer-
worked and mediated.” Governance thus relies cive forms of biopolitics. Yet, just as digital
on the proliferation of digital technologies to encounters are not necessarily spectacular,
satiate its appetite for evermore data to facilitate digital technologies are not always involved in
‘smart’ or ‘precise’ governance interventions. hegemonic biopolitical governance. A phenom-
Such interventions are often championed for enon akin to ‘the Foucault effect’ (Nustad and
their capacity to operate in real-time (Bakker Swanson 2021) prevails in critical scholarship,
and Ritts 2018; Bakker 2022), such that govern- denoting a tendency to label all uses of digital
ance can function in response to the world rather technologies to govern as oppressive biopoliti-
than pre-empting it (Chandler 2018). Real-time cal techniques. While digital technologies are
16 Progress in Environmental Geography 2(1-2)

often used in surveillance contexts, they can Maxwell et al. 2015; Ritts 2017; Ritts and
also generate other, potentially positive, possi- Simpson 2022).
bilities. Whitney (2014), for instance, regards Whilst we see potential in digital technolo-
the bird’s-eye view offered by geolocating tags gies for enhancing environmental governance
not as a manifestation of the ‘god trick’ in progressive ways, a suite of unresolved
(Haraway 1988), but as a form of situated issues remain. First, monitoring technologies
knowledge allowing access to an animal’s can negatively affect the animals being moni-
environment. Real-time monitoring, in particu- tored, either via the research process itself
lar, has consequences beyond hegemonic gov- (e.g., the effects of tagging an animal) or by cre-
ernance and can enable more convivial more- ating new avenues for policing, exclusion, and
than-human relations to emerge (von Essen exploitation (Phillips et al. 2003; Sandbrook
et al. 2021). ‘Nestcams’, for instance, allow et al. 2018; Wilson et al. 2019). This applies
publics to report wildlife crime and accidents, to the humans caught in an animal’s orbit, too,
like when fledglings fall from nests (see where breaches in privacy are enabled when
Chambers 2007; Searle et al. 2022), whilst the technologies collect private data or imagery
Deepwater Horizon ‘spillcam’, arranged by without consent, like camera trap imagery
popular public demand, acted as a livestreaming (Sandbrook et al. 2018). As digital methods pro-
witness to environmental catastrophe and liferate, de-contextualisation becomes more of an
allowed scientists to contest BP’s impact esti- acute issue. This is most evident in conservation
mates (Jue 2020). planning’s reliance on digitally-simulated animal
Digital technologies, moreover, often enrol movement. The ‘minimal animal’ (Benson 2016)
nonhumans as actors or labourers in the govern- in these simulations is divorced from observa-
ance process. The potential for ecologies them- tions of actual living animals (Bergman 2005).
selves to guide governance via networks of As Kumar et al. (2021) note, models for predict-
sensors is expressed by Lenton and Latour’s ing wildlife movement produce ‘minimal ecol-
(2018) conceptualisation of ‘Gaia 2.0’: a self- ogies’ in which broader ecological relations are
regulating and self-aware Earth system. In obscured (see also Kumar et al. 2022). These
Gaia 2.0, organism-sensor assemblages con- practices have been critiqued for deepening con-
nected to the ‘Internet of Animals’ (Curry servation’s biopolitical tendencies towards forms
2018; Max-Planck-Gesellschaft 2021) conduct of population management neglectful of individ-
ecological monitoring and shape governance. ual animals’ experiences (see Srinivasan 2014;
This includes far-ranging examples such as Braverman 2015; Kumar et al. 2022), and
‘albatross cops’ (Stokstad 2021), ‘elephant seal digital technologies still require
oceanographers’ (Forssman 2017), and ‘ground-truthing’ to ensure equitable and respon-
’poacher-detecting herbivores’ (de Knegt et al. sible conservation outcomes.
2021). These nonhumans are rendered infra- Second, digital technologies may even be
structural and contribute actively to desired sys- designed to kill, as with autonomous vehicles
temic properties such as biodiversity and flood that automatically detect and kill starfish
resilience (Barua 2021; Braun 2014; Manaugh which damage the Great Barrier Reef (Dayoub
2015; Wakefield and Braun 2019). Dynamic et al. 2015; Dauvergne 2020). These activities
ocean management systems which monitor eco- are often performed by wildlife managers—as
logical conditions and the movement of pro- with the culling of tracked wolves who regularly
tected species to inform marine management predate cattle (Marris 2017), and the elimination
decisions in real-time offer one example of of potential predators of endangered species (see
this already in operation (Bakker 2022; Reinert 2013). Whilst “killing for conservation”
Turnbull et al. 17

(Duffy 2000) and the “entanglement of harm celebrated for addressing issues spanning
and care” in conservation practice (Srinivasan poverty, food security, and biodiversity loss,
2014, 501) have long been prominent features they also raise important concerns around data
of the field, the efficiency and non-reflexivity sovereignty, digital divisions and disposses-
with which this can be achieved using digital sions, and the actors involved in decision-
technologies, and the lack of common govern- making (Adams 2019; Bakker and Ritts 2018).
ing principles, requires critical scrutiny in Equally, critical scrutiny of the shifting sites
future research. and forms of expertise and decision-making—
Third, in relation to the above examples con- particularly towards those who design technolo-
cerning sentinel animals, there remains a risk gies and analyse and communicate data—is
that wildlife is valued solely in terms of its necessary (Nost and Goldstein 2021; Goldstein
“sensory-driven utility” (Barua, 2021, 69); that and Nost 2022; Nadim 2021; Turnhout et al.
is, objectified as data producers. This is likely 2014). As knowledge production and the oper-
in a context where data is highly valued and ation of power increasingly occur algorithmically,
can thus be sold to private companies, insurance governance can itself be conceived of as a funda-
agencies, and more. Such animals are not only mentally more-than-human achievement—dis-
enrolled as environmental sensors, but also tributed across human actors, sensors, data
into processes of capital accumulation. Such infrastructures, and algorithms (Machen and
concerns extend to contexts where nonhumans Nost 2021; Amoore 2020). Digital technologies
are put to work under the framework of ‘ecosys- might even entail notable reductions of human
tem services’ and ‘natural capital’ (Helm 2016). agency in environmental governance through reli-
Varied digital technologies—from drones meas- ance on artificial intelligence (Fish 2020; see also
uring organic carbon (Stanley 2022) to block- Drakopulos et al. 2022). And yet, digital technolo-
chain technologies used to trade environmental gies are often embedded with (and perpetuate) the
goods as exchangeable tokens (Stuit et al. biases and exclusionary practices of the human
2022)—further translate organic processes into groups from which they emerge (Graham and
value-able, marketable entities. Digital technolo- Dittus 2022; Silk et al. 2021), raising pressing
gies, in this way, help to “make nature exponen- questions regarding who gains and who loses
tially more available to the uses of capital and amidst digital entanglement.
empire” (Lehman 2020, 165), enabling processes In response to the aforementioned issues,
of valuation that political ecologists have cri- digital technologies themselves require robust
tiqued for objectifying, commodifying, and governance frameworks to ensure their more
de-contextualising nature, while failing to equitable use. However, efforts to responsibly
deliver equitable outcomes (Apostolopoulou govern the use of new technologies are often
and Adams 2017; Büscher and Fletcher 2015; outpaced by their deployment and development
Smith 2007). (di Minin et al. 2021; Sandbrook et al. 2021).
Fourth, as noted by Bakker and Ritts (2018), For example, intentional or accidental collection
real-time environmental governance does not of data on people via conservation monitoring
necessarily guarantee ecological wellbeing and technologies has generated growing concern
may favour certain actors over others. The risk (Sandbrook et al. 2021). Camera traps, for
is that governing could be reduced to the real- example, generate ‘human bycatch’ (uninten-
time regulation of the neoliberal status quo, tional images of humans), with no common
leaving major (infra)structural issues unad- framework for the handling of these data
dressed (Chandler and Pugh 2021). Indeed, (Sandbrook et al. 2018). Similar issues have
whilst digital governance tools are often been identified for drones (Sandbrook 2015)
18 Progress in Environmental Geography 2(1-2)

and for the use of social media data in ecological look to provincialise “smart projects within situ-
research to inform decision-making (di Minin ated histories” and to ground “smart develop-
et al. 2021). Data collected for biosecurity mon- ment within existing struggles over land,
itoring has also been exploited for financial gain labour, and livelihoods.”
when sold to third parties (Corcoran and The concept of environmental data justice
Hamilton 2021). Amongst other risks, this can offers a powerful lens to challenge the extractive
entrench a mode of militarised and coercive logic of environmental policies and produce fair
conservation through the vehicle of surveil- and participatory data practices (Walker et al.
lance, or ‘conservation by fear’ (Adams 2017; 2018; Vera et al. 2019). Examples include
2018; see also Duffy 2000; Humle et al. 2014; community-based counter-mapping initiatives
Sandbrook et al. 2021; Simlai and Sandbrook that use drones and aerial imagery to illuminate
2021). In addition, without adequate govern- land grabbing and resource extraction within
ance frameworks, openly accessible animal Indigenous territories (Radjawali and Pye
location data “can help people locate, disturb, 2017), and strengthen the claims of Indigenous
capture, harm or kill tagged animals,” with groups "regarding specific environmental liabil-
some hunters tracking data for these purposes ities and justice issues” (Paneque-Gálvez et al.
(Cooke et al. 2017, 1205). Attending to novel 2017, 86). Equally, organisations like the
modes of digital entanglement in environmental Arctic Eider Society (2021) and the Digital
governance ultimately requires tracing how Indigenous Democracy platform are combining
digital technologies intersect with, exacerbate, Indigenous epistemologies with earth observa-
or lessen pre-existing inequalities and affect tion, sensing, and communication technologies
“ongoing decolonial struggles across the to promote community building and Indigenous
uneven landscapes of the postcolonial world” participation in environmental governance
(Faxon and Kintzi 2022, np; see also (Young 2021). These initiatives show that
Indigenous Geotags 2018). digital technologies can enable progressive polit-
The use of digital technologies to generate ics by demonstrating how, reconfigured, digital
data also poses several problems. Rooted in environmental governance can advance self-
ongoing use as a “technique of colonial determination and environmental justice.
power” (Hunt and Stevenson 2016, 372), the
production of environmental data is integral to
exclusionary processes that construct ecologies
Digital ecologies: an analytical
as profitable resources (see Murray Li 2014). framework
Digital technologies can deepen existing We began this paper by diagnosing digital
inequalities in knowledge production and entanglement as a condition of the contemporary
decision-making (Adams 2018; Bakker and socioecological era. But on its own, this ambiva-
Ritts 2018), widening the ‘digital divide’ or lent diagnosis does nothing to engender a par-
exacerbating harms to the ‘digitally dispos- ticular set of responsibilities or to advance an
sessed’ (Franklin 2021). Traditional ways of ethical framework fit for living well together in
knowing ecologies, such as those embedded in digitally mediated more-than-human worlds.
Indigenous cosmologies, risk being erased or Neither does it give researchers the toolkit with
replaced as a result of remote, standardised which they can understand the nuances and
ways of extracting data (see Belcourt 2015; multiplicity of digital entanglement in specific
TallBear 2013; Todd 2016; Watts 2013). empirical contexts. Thus, we propose digital
Indeed, following Faxon and Kintzi (2022, ecologies as an analytical framework for examin-
np), future work in digital ecologies should ing what comes after digital entanglement (see
Turnbull et al. 19

Giraud 2019). This provocation prompts us to the benefits they engender. An example of one
acknowledge the complexities and messiness of such interruptive narrative is Phone Story, a
entangled digital relations that condition videogame played on mobile phones involving
more-than-human everyday life, and “to “a series of events that highlight ecological
explore the possibilities for action amid and impacts associated with mobile phones,”
despite this complexity” (Giraud 2019, 2). before the player is told: “Don’t pretend you
Digital ecologies align approaches from are not complicit” (Taffel 2019, 202). What is
more-than-human geography, digital geog- at stake, then, is understanding how digital tech-
raphy, political ecology, and media studies, nologies can “go beyond just raising aware-
developing three key themes to guide future ness,” and instead empower users to take
research in this emerging field: materialities, action (Taffel 2019, 204).
encounters, and governance. Our tripartite Digital entanglement is not only material, but
structure elucidates what digital entanglement also experiential. Most humans now sense and
entails; where it takes place and within what make sense of the nonhuman world via a
political economies; and who and what assem- degree of digital mediation. Digital devices
blages are implicated in the emerging forms of facilitate more-than-human encounters from
digital environmental governance it engenders. research to entertainment, and newly-designed
In conclusion, we reflect on the consequences technologies continually emerge, opening up
of this approach and identify avenues for evermore modes of relation. As a result, experi-
future research. ences of digital entanglement are plural and
A focus on the materialities of digital diverse. We showed that digital encounters
entanglement highlights the implications of engender embodied and affective relations
digital technologies and practices in economies with nonhumans previously encountered
of extraction, often involving exploitative without digitisation, as well as entirely novel
labour relations and destructive environmental natures made encounterable by digital technolo-
practices. Indeed, the digital technologies used gies. These encounters should be taken ser-
to understand the effects of climate change iously to understand how nature comes to be
and to study the ecological effects of mining known by vast swathes of people in the contem-
rare earth minerals are somewhat ironically porary era. Much existing research on digital
built using these very same minerals and are entanglement focuses on social media, remain-
powered by the fossil fuels that are driving ing rooted in representation and critical analytic
climate change (Allard and Monnin 2022). lenses of surveillance and commodification
From this position, how is it possible—ethically which, we argue, do not capture the diverse
and politically—to find hope for digital convivi- affects involved in digital encounters. Much
ality? What is clear amidst this complexity is can be learned here from digital geographers
that these are ‘compromised times’ where who have developed methods for studying
notions of ‘purity’ must be abandoned geographies produced through, produced by,
(Shotwell 2016). Nevertheless, it is possible to and of the digital (Ash et al. 2018). Despite
counter concepts that problematically obscure digital divides and their implicated power rela-
the materiality of digital mediation via meta- tions, fieldwork in postcolonial and Global
phors such as ‘the cloud’. For instance, Dustin South contexts is particularly important to coun-
Edwards (2020, 59) develops a creative teract the “problematic filtering that occurs
approach—‘storying digital damage’—for through the technological gaze” (, 324).
raising awareness of these obscured digital Indeed, digitisation of environments and
materialities without completely disregarding species is not an evenly distributed process,
20 Progress in Environmental Geography 2(1-2)

and attending to its plurality is essential for and novel modes of digital environmental
understanding its potentials. governance.
Questions remain as to how to bring together Throughout this paper, we do not paint a
the material and experiential aspects of digital purely affirmative or negative critique of
entanglement into cogent analyses. While we digital entanglement: the same technologies
begin the conversation here, closer engagement which enable ethically questionable practices
between geography and new media studies will of digital capture, monitoring, control, and
offer fruitful avenues for thinking materialities commodification incubate potentials for produ-
and encounters—or infrastructure and experi- cing convivial futures. What matters, then, is
ence—together. Taffel’s (2019) work, which how digital ecologies are mobilised in search
draws on Félix Guattari’s entangled ecologies of progressive ethics and political potential. As
of mind, society, and environment offers a fruit- ethics are always situated and emergent (see
ful place to start. Taffel (2019) argues for a rela- Gerlach 2020), geographers should pay close
tional approach to scale that acknowledges how attention to ecologists, policymakers, and other
Guattari’s ‘three ecologies’ are now always practitioners experimenting with digital tech-
implicated in processes of digital mediation. nologies to determine the responsibilities and
Indeed, for Taffel (2019), it is impossible to obligations they inaugurate (see Stengers
understand the agencies of content, software, 2010). Looking towards an ethical framework
and hardware in isolation from one another. for digital ecologies, we pose the following
Importantly, digital entanglement produces question to researchers and practitioners: given
forms of biopower that enrol individual nonhu- the potential for digital technologies to exacer-
mans and ecologies into environmental govern- bate societal inequalities, how can they be
ance in novel ways. We draw attention to such deployed or reoriented towards politically and
instances in elaborating our analytical frame- ecologically just futures?
work to consider how best to govern these emer- In closing, we see opportunities for future
ging technologies which inaugurate a host of work to explore how geographers can deploy
underexplored ethical challenges concerning digital methods themselves, developing digital
human and nonhuman life. A focus on govern- ecologies in practice—meaning methods appro-
ance thus enriches concerns with materiality priate for studying digital human-nonhuman
and encounter, where thinking across spatial relations, as well as methods that themselves
and temporal scales is paramount, from materi- involve digital devices and practices. Such
als to individuals to species to experience. experiments with modes of representation and
Regarding the modalities of biopower made participation will creatively cross disciplinary
possible by digital entanglement, digitisation boundaries. Inspiration can be gleaned from
presents opportunities for activists, researchers, scholars like Clara Mancini, who designs
designers, artists, and others seeking to refash- digital technologies for and with nonhumans
ion how environmental governance takes place to support multispecies cohabitation, collabor-
and subvert technocratic hegemony. Whilst ation, and participation (Mancini et al. 2017;
digital technologies remain rooted in systems North and Mancini 2016), and Jennifer
of extractive capitalism that entrench socioeco- Gabrys, whose Citizen Sense project designs
logical inequalities, they are not, however, air monitoring devices with citizens to democra-
bound to them: they present opportunities, not tise environmental action (Gabrys 2017; see
a silver bullet (Taffel 2019; Wagner et al. also Urzedo et al. 2022). Digital technologies
2022). Digital ecologies present an analytical beyond the usual sensors, camera traps, and
framework to examine and highlight subversive drones, as well as non-screen-based devices,
Turnbull et al. 21

also deserve closer empirical inspection. Virtual comments helped us to draw out the conceptual con-
and augmented realities, in particular, are excit- tribution of this paper.
ing fields for geographers interested in digital
ecological world-making and digital environ- Declaration of conflicting interests
mental politics. Speculative art and design, The author(s) declared no potential conflicts of inter-
moreover, are challenging the boundaries est with respect to the research, authorship, and/or
between digital life and organic life beyond publication of this article.
the figure of the cyborg evoked by Haraway
(1985), offering thought-provoking insights for Funding
digital ecologies research. Anicka Yi’s ‘In The author(s) disclosed receipt of the following
Love With The World’ (2021), for instance, financial support for the research, authorship, and/
asks what it would feel like to share the world or publication of this article: During the preparation
with machines that could live in the wild of this manuscript, the Digital Ecologies research
and evolve on their own,4 while Karolina group received funding from King’s College
Uskakovych’s (2020) ‘Encyclopedia of (Cambridge), the Vital Geographies research group
Consequences’ places mutants generated by artifi- at the Department of Geography (Cambridge), the
University of Bonn, the German Research
cial intelligence into actual landscapes to provoke
Foundation (project number 446600467), the
questions concerning the fusion of biology and
European Research Council (grant number
digital technologies.5 Such projects implore 949577), the Olso School of Environmental
researchers to examine in greater empirical and Humanities, and the Technological Life research
conceptual specificity the intimacies and affects cluster at the School of Geography and the
that emerge during the digitisation of human- Environment (Oxford) to host events in which the
nonhuman relationships and to elucidate the posi- ideas in this paper were formed.
tive, negative, and ambivalent aspects of digitally
mediatd more-than-human worlds. ORCID iDs
The analytical framework we outline in this Jonathon Turnbull
paper regarding materialities, encounters, and 2430-9884
governance serves as a guide for future research Adam Searle
in the emerging field of digital ecologies. What, 895X
then, comes after digital entanglement?
1. ’Digital ecology’ was already in existence among
landscape ecologists who use it to denote monitor-
Acknowledgements ing techniques, information practices, and modelling
The authors would like to thank Bill Adams, Jamie capacities in the digital age (Green et al. 2006). In
Lorimer, Hannah Fair, and Matt McMullen for pro- 2017, the Media Convergence Research Centre at
viding insightful comments on an earlier version of Bath Spa University hosted a symposium exploring
this paper. Eva Giraud’s guidance, support, and similar themes to this paper entitled ‘Digital
reading suggestions throughout the writing process Ecologies and the Anthropocene’. Morey (2012)
have also strengthened this work immeasurably. We uses ‘digital’ as a metaphor to rethink ‘ecology’ in
would also like to thank audiences at the 2021 his chapter entitled ‘Digital Ecologies’. Sy Taffel
RGS-IBG Digital Geographies Symposium and the (2016) uses the term ‘digital ecologies’ in the title
More-Than-Human Research Group at the of a book chapter, although not in the chapter itself.
University of Oxford where these ideas were first pre- 2. See (@awitnesstree)
sented. We are grateful to three anonymous reviewers and The
and our editor Becky Mansfield whose kind Harvard Forest Witness Tree project Tweets and
22 Progress in Environmental Geography 2(1-2)

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