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Skill acquisition in sport: Some applications of

an evolving practice ecology
Craig Handford , Keith Davids , Simon Bennett & Chris Button
Published online: 07 Feb 2011.

To cite this article: Craig Handford , Keith Davids , Simon Bennett & Chris Button (1997): Skill acquisition in
sport: Some applications of an evolving practice ecology, Journal of Sports Sciences, 15:6, 621-640

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Jour nal of Sports Sciences, 1997, 15, 621- 640

Skill acquisition in sport: Some applications of an

evolving practice ecology
C R A IG H A N D F O R D,* K E IT H DAV ID S , SIM O N B E N N E T T and
M otor Control G roup, Departm ent of Exercise and Sport Science , C rewe + Alsager Faculty, The M anchester
M etropolitan University, H assall Road, Alsager ST7 2HL, U K

This paper builds on recent theoretical concerns regarding traditional conceptualizations of the skill acquisition
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process. The implications for the process of practice in sport contexts are explored with reference to the
information-processing approach to motor behaviour and the newer ecological paradigm. Issues are raised with
current principles of practice based on traditional theoretical ideas. A practice strategy that gives greater weight
to the guided exploration of the practice workspace jointly de® ned by the properties of the individual’s
subsystems, the speci® c task and the environment is advocated. Such a constraints-led perspective supersedes
previous distinctions between rudimentary and voluntary skills. Sports scientists, coaches, teachers and
m ovement rehabilitation therapists are invited to review current practices in the light of recent theoretical
advances from the ecological perspective.

K eywords : dynamical systems, ecological psychology, information processing, skill acquisition.

Introduction practice environm ents are m anaged. Finally, we exam -

ine the progressive developm ent of skilled behaviour
T his paper is aim ed at sport and exercise scientists from the ecological perspective, highlighting in particu-
interested in current theoretical modelling of processes lar the consequences for traditional conceptions of ped-
of skill acquisition and m ovem ent rehabilitation. It agogical processes.
starts by raising a num ber of concerns regarding the M ost sports and exercise practitioners im plicity or
robustness of present interpretations of skill acquisition explicitly use a conceptual m odel of hum an perform -
from the established approach in cognitive science, ance as a basis for practical activity. The intention is to
w hich em phasizes information-p rocessing activities of provide m ore objective structuring of learning environ-
the m ind. The m ain focus of the paper is on the eco- m ents and m ore effective use of practice and therapy
logical approach to the acquisition of co-ordination and tim e. In m any cases, the theoretical standpoint adopted
its implications for pedagogical practice in the sport exerts a strong in¯ uence on perceptions of the learner,
and exercise sciences. Our com mentary focuses on four the learning environm ent and the interaction between
m ajor areas, beginning with a brief account of the the two. Traditionally, the inform ation-processing
implications of perception- action coupling. We m ove approach has dom inated theories of skill acquisition,
on to consider the treatm ent of perform ance variability emphasizing the developm ent of prescriptions for
by the ecological approach and discuss a num ber of m ovem ent production (see Schm idt, 1982; Carello
issues which m ay profoundly affect the way in which et al., 1984; K elso, 1995). The hum an m ind has been
the perform er- perform ance relationship is viewed. This conceptualized as a capacity-lim ited device, into which
is followed by an introduction to the concept of `con- raw sensor y inform ation is channelled and then acted
straints’ (Newell, 1986), with a discussion which elab- upon through the realization of a stored motor plan (for
orates on the likely im plications for the ways in which com prehensive reviews, see Beek and M eijer, 1988;
Abernethy and Sparrow, 1992; W illiam s et al., 1992;
* Author to whom all correspondence should be addressed. D avids et al., 1994). T his popular view of the perform er
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622 H andford et al.

has been established as the working m odel for m any of the study of organic m aterial like the brain unless the
those working w ith m ovem ent and skill acquisition in physical laws and constraints operating in the natural
sport and exercise settings. physical world are considered. T he established philo-
sophical view, however, proposes that the m ind is
com posed of a special substance which cannot be
The com puter m etaphor understood within the fram ework of the physics of mat-
ter. C artesian dualism is the philosophical standpoint
H istorically, the m ain in¯ uences on the cognitive that prom otes the belief that the mind is a special organ
sciences have been the philosophical theory of indirect which controls the physical m achinery of the body.
realism , and the engineering and com puter sciences However, a fundamental issue concerns the traditional
(C arello et al., 1984; Kelso, 1995). The adoption of the acceptance of the existence of internalized representa-
com puter m etaphor for the human brain led cognitive tions as control m echanism s in the perceptual and
psychology to eschew the biological sciences in m odel- action systems, a priori to scienti® c investigation (see
ling hum an m otor behaviour. Cognitive scientists W illiam s et al., in press). Just because an algorithm can
believe that people attain knowledge com posed of sym - be written for a m achine to carr y out a task, this does
bolic representations (see Edelm an, 1992). For them , not constitute an explanation for behaviour in bio-
cognition involves m anipulating the symbols that com - logical system s. As Edelm an (1992) has argued, such a
Downloaded by [University of Guelph] at 07:38 18 June 2013

pose these representations in a rule-based manner. view has failed to recognize that biological organisms
O perating according to these rules is known as `com pu- have an evolutionary history w hich m ust be considered,
tation’ . Therefore, the m ind is seen as a com puter since it has constrained the developm ent, function and
which `reads’ sym bolic representations sem antically. form of system com ponents. As a result, traditional
T his is the essence of cognitivism (Edelm an, 1992). psychological exp lanations have been accused of pro-
Traditional theorizing on hum an m ovement behaviour m oting a rather m echanistic view of hum an m ovem ent
has emphasized the representation and com m unication behaviour (see D avids et al., 1994, for a m ore detailed
of inform ation w ithin the m ind. T he favoured analogy review ).
has been that of a hierarchical `control system ’ from In support of these argum ents, som e explanatory dis-
system s engineering (Kelso, 1992). Typically, therefore, com fort exists for traditional accounts in the great flex-
cognitive scientists have attem pted to explain ordered ibility of perform ers in accomm odating variable task
m ovem ent with reference to internalized know ledge demands. Recent ® ndings have suggested that per-
structures and m otor program s represented w ithin the form ers m ay be better able to adapt to changes in the
central nervous system (C N S). T hese m echanism s have available inform ation than previously believed. For
been invoked to explain how the hum an body is `con- exam ple, work in our laborator y on one-handed catch-
trolled’ by the m ind (Newell, 1985). T he role of the ing (e.g. Bennett and D avids, 1996) has provided kine-
perceptual subsystem s has been conceptualized as pro- m atic data indicating that successful catchers are able
viding the necessary stim ulus which acts to `release’ an to adapt to a change in environm ental information by
appropriate program me of action or to contextualize a organizing a kinem atically different, but still successful,
m ovem ent representation. m ovem ent response (see also Lacquaniti and Maioli,
1989). Similar results have been reported by other
researchers with a range of tasks varying from m anual
C oncerns with the traditional infor mation- aim ing (Paulignan et al., 1991) to speech production
processing approach (Abbs et al., 1984). T he notion of such a ¯ exible sys-
tem causes problem s for the traditional inform ation-
Philosophical issues: W hy minds are not like computers
processing account of the hum an perform er. The ability
An im portant question for sport and exercise scientists to adapt successfully to changes in the environm ent
is w hether biological nervous system s function like would require an incredibly fast processor capable of an
control engineering system s (Davids et al., 1994). T he enorm ous number of computations per second. Highly
m ajor criticisms proposed are that: (1) the brain is not integrated, parallel processing m achines have been
a com puter and (2) that psychologists have been guilty forwarded as the latest answer to such a problem (see
of idealizing the mind rather than studying it within the Bullock and Grossberg, 1988; Jordan, 1990; M arteniuk,
framework of physical biology (C arello et al., 1984; 1992). H owever, although m im icking som e of the
Kelso, 1995). The Turing m achine, which provided the structure of the hum an brain (Edelm an, 1992), these
form al basis for the developm ent of com puter system s, m achines are at present far from being able to deliver
should be considered as `an ideal m athem atical object’ the prom ise of highly skilled, co-ordinated, multi-
(C arello et al., 1984, p. 230). It cannot be applied to degree-of-freedom actions.
Skill acquisition in sport 623

Criticism s of an inform ation-processing approach dynam ic environm ents of m any sporting activities. Fur-
are levelled at the `loans on rationality’ (Dennett, 1991, therm ore, the philosophy of dualism has resulted in
p. 12) required if such vast am ounts of inform ation independent treatm ents of perception and action and a
regarding contractile states and lim b orientation with preoccupation w ith outcom e or error scores as per-
respect to gravity are speci® ed, a priori and ongoingly, form ance measures. M ore seriously, Van Rossum
by an existing prescription for m ovem ent. C onsider (1990, p. 428) has argued that `the usage of various
the task of acquiring skill in a tennis forehand stroke, error scores seem s to be justi® ed m ore by their avail-
the problem for the learner is one of co-ordinating the ability than by their appropriateness to the research
m any independent m uscles of the upper and lower question at hand’ . Assessm ent of m ovem ent in this way
body (800) which are acting around num erous joints provides little direct inform ation relating to the under-
(100) (values taken from Wells, 1976). T his huge num -
lying m echanism s of skill acquisition and, conse-
ber of system degrees of freedom actually represents a
quently, evidence of learning is often by inference.
`curse’ for com putational accounts of skill acquisi-
M any com plex sport skills are rather arti® cial and
tion and perform ance (Kugler and Turvey, 1987). T he
stylistic (e.g. racewalking, high hurdling, fast bowling
problem is com pounded when we consider the vari-
in cricket), and it has been argued that the intention of
abilities in anatom ical and m echanical properties and
the system in such skills is constantly competing against
physiological processes induced by the rapidly chang-
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the powerful constraints of natural structural design

ing contexts typical of sport and exercise activities (see
D avids et al., 1994). Detailed analysis of experim ental and m usculoskeletal properties (Jensen et al., 1989). In
m ethodologies and the evidence supporting the appli- other words, evolution has provided a system with a
cation of an information-p rocessing approach to sport highly functional anatom ical architecture, the resources
skill acquisition provides a general cause for further of which can be exploited for such im portant acts as
concern. locomotion, but w hich m ay be less well suited to the
perform ance of the Triple-Salchow or Tsukahara vault.
This reasoning supports the comm on belief that the
M ethodologic al issues
development of pro® cient perform ance in sport is an
T he developm ent of principles of practice from within extensive process, requiring m uch repetition, often
the inform ation-processing approach has been substan- spanning m any years of practice (Ericsson et al., 1993).
tiated by a myriad of data from motor skill psychology, In contrast, m any of the experim ental tasks used in
the application of which has ® ltered through to the the m otor skills laboratory are easily acquired in short
coaching and rehabilitation literature (for com prehen- periods of tim e (Newell, 1985). For m ore com plex
sive treatm ents, see Gentile, 1987; Schm idt, 1991; tasks, the use of short-term acquisition periods (typic-
Archontides et al., 1994; Sharp, 1992). M any coaches, ally 3- 14 days) m ay have restricted perform ers to the
athletes and sport scientists have freely accepted the early stages of skill acquisition, with the consequence
traditional view and its prominent predictions have that a high level of skill is rarely developed in the tim e
been extensively applied, virtually unquestioned. How- available. Furtherm ore, the scheduling of practice trials
ever, the information-processing establishm ent has in m any studies fails to replicate typical sports training
recently been subjected to profound criticism (for
program m es. Trial blocks and intervals between prac-
reviews, see Beek and M eijer, 1988; Abernethy and
tice sessions are often condensed to alleviate the time
Sparrow, 1992; W illiam s et al., 1992).
demands placed on data collection. This has resulted in
Traditional theories of skill acquisition and perform -
practice schedules that are clearly unrealistic and
ance have been considered `unprincipled’ and based on
im practical when applied to real-world settings, with
em pirical work em phasizing arti® cial laboratory para-
som e obvious im plications for aspects of m ovem ent
digm s (Bootsma, 1988; Tur vey, 1990; W illiam s et al.,
pattern retention. In addition, m any previous studies of
1992). For m any students of skill acquisition, this prob-
lem is related to the dependence of cognitive science on skill acquisition have examined perform ance only dur-
the computer m etaphor to describe m ental processes ing the practice phase and this m ay not necessarily
and its underlying im plications for the design of m otor re¯ ect a perm anent learning effect (see Salm oni et al.,
learning research program m es. The goal of internal 1984). Equally, an exam ination of only transfer or only
validity, cherished in experim ental psychology, has retention perform ance ignores the m echanism of acqui-
resulted in much research on single-degree-of-freedom sition and, consequently, evidence of learning is
tasks in isolated laboratories (e.g. linear positioning, by inference. Finally, the failure to include a control
reaction tim e and pursuit rotor). Such approaches are or discover y learning group questions the validity of
clearly not representative of the com plex co-ordinated experim entally m anipulated learning conditions in
m ovement patterns that are characteristic of the m any of the previous investigations.
624 H andford et al.

Theoretical issues 1991). Horak (1992) argued that both the elaboration
and reconstruction accounts of this contextual inter-
Existing experim ental support for the m ain tenets of
ference effect pose problem s for schem a theory. It
inform ation-processing theory has recently been chal-
would appear that the speci® c structure of the variable
lenged on a num ber of fronts. We conclude this section
practice regim e has a greater effect on test perform ance
by selectively focusing on three issues, from schem a
than variability itself. T hat is, conditions which could
theory (e.g. Schm idt, 1982) and the speci® city of learn-
potentially disrupt the schema-form ation process seem
ing hypothesis (e.g. Proteau, 1992), to exem plify the
to be m ore advantageous to learning than those w hich
problem s with traditional theoretical explanations for
prom ote reliable schema developm ent.
m otor learning.

The speci® city of learning hypothesis. In the traditional

The invariant relative timing hypothesis. Gentner
m otor learning literature, it is not uncomm on to ® nd
(1987) has called into question the key notion of stored
references to the speci® city of learning hypothesis (for a
invariants of a given m ovem ent class. For exam ple, he
detailed review, see Proteau, 1992). This approach
has suggested that, because the tim ing sequences of a
states that the learner becom es increasingly dependent
m ovem ent are uniquely individual, the use of m ean
on the speci® c sources of inform ation available during
data calculated across groups is inappropriate in pre-
practice. Removing or adding a source of inform ation
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vious investigations of the invariant relative tim ing

in transfer would, therefore, result in perform ance
hypothesis. A num ber of recent studies (e.g. Gentner,
decrem ents. H ence, the practice condition should
1987; Burgess-Lim erick et al., 1992) have failed to
m atch as closely as possible the transfer condition (e.g.
uphold the generalized m otor program m e position in
the com petition environm ent). The im plication of such
m ulti-degree-of-freedom activities. A good exam ple
a view is that of a rigid, non-¯ exible system that can
was recently seen in a m anipulation of take-off condi-
only act successfully when there is equivalence between
tions for exp ert and novice triple jum pers. M araj et al.
the available and exp ected inform ation. The notion of
(1993) demonstrated signi® cant non-proportional dif-
speci® city of learning does not ® t with the principles
ferences in relative tim ing and distance during both the
espoused by the variability of practice hypothesis.
¯ ight and stance phases, inconsistent w ith the existence
Blocked practice would provide continuous availability
of a generalized motor programm e.
of the information that the speci® city of learning
hypothesis demands. However, such an approach to
The variability of practice hypothesis. A further question
m ark hangs over this other m ain prediction of schem a practice organization contradicts the em phasis of the
theory. T he sim plicity of this idea has attracted a great variability of practice hypothesis on the random ization
deal of research attention (e.g. M oxley, 1979; Shapiro of practice conditions.
and Schm idt, 1982; Lee et al., 1985), resulting in wide- In sum m ary, concerns for the com patibility between
spread claim s for strong em pirical support. However, inform ation-processing theories and the acquisition of
an extensive review of the pertinent literature by Van sport skill have emerged from philosophical, theoretical
Rossum (1990) casted considerable doubt on the con- and em pirical standpoints. M any of the traditional
sistency of support from investigations conducted over principles of practice appear to be less than robust
the last decade. Follow ing the rejection of those studies despite their `gospel’ status in the traditional literature
in which no im provem ent over practice was recorded, base. This state of affairs recently led Glencross et al.
only 12 adult and 11 child studies were considered to (1994, p. 33) to lament:
actually test the original hypothesis. O f these, only two . . . the lack of advance in the understanding of motor skill
adult and four child experim ents provided supportive acquisition that nearly a quarter of a century of m otor con-
evidence for the hypothesis. Furtherm ore, although trol research has provided. Indeed a perusal of m ajor
schem a theory presents a clear prediction regarding the contemporary textbooks on motor control and learning
effects of variable practice, it rem ains silent on the (Magill, 1989; Schmidt, 1988) suggests that we have not
exact scheduling of practice sessions to facilitate learn- progressed m uch beyond the level of description in the
m otor learning ® eld so that more important tasks of under-
ing. That is, variable practice regim es m ay be scheduled
standing and explaining the learning process have seldom
in different ways, depending on the level of random iza-
been addressed.
tion of practice conditions. Recent research on practice
organization has dem onstrated that random scheduling It is clear that appropriately designed empirical work
of variable practice trials (high cognitive interference) is urgently required if we are to gain some insight into
leads to better test performance than blocked schedul- the unique skill acquisition problem s generated by
ing (low cognitive interference) in a variety of m otor sport. Future sport-related research should consider
skills (e.g. M agill and H all, 1990; W risberg and Liu, novel, real-world, m ulti-degree-of-freedom tasks for
Skill acquisition in sport 625

which m ovem ent patterns, rather than outcom e scores, tem s in biological organism s (see Beek and M eijer,
are m easured over extended periods of practice, reten- 1988; D avids et al., 1994). Michaels and Beek (1995)
tion and transfer trials (see Anderson and Sidaway, propose that a com m on feature of the theoretical
1994, for a rare exam ple). T his requires an accom m o- approaches under the ecological um brella is that they
dating theoretical foundation that will allow for eco- emphasize the `circular relations’ that exist between the
logically valid exp erim ental design and task selection, perceptual system s and the m ovement system s. They
one that will also perm it sport and exercise scientists argue that perceptual information, in the form of
to pursue the interdisciplinary study of m ovem ent energy ¯ ow s, can constrain the co-ordinated move-
co-ordination and skill acquisition. We argue that m ents which emerge during functional, goal-directed
such a theoretical paradigm exists in the ecological activity. Since perceptual inform ation is also created by
app roach. the speci® c m ovem ents of the perform er, it can be used
to `guide’ the evolving dynam ics of the neurom uscular
system towards the m ost adaptable pattern necessary
O verview of the ecological approach for successful task execution. The overarching in¯ uence
of the ideas of Bernstein (1967) on the fundam ental
T he philosophy of direct realism underpins the eco- problem of the regulation of the biom echanical sys-
logical approach to m ovem ent co-ordination and skill tem ’s degrees of freedom , and of Gibson (1979) on the
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acquisition (Carello et al., 1984; Turvey, 1990). D irect direct perception of inform ation for on-line m ovem ent
realists do not subscribe to the view that biological regulation, have been well docum ented in the literature
organism s need highly developed, detailed internal rep- (see Turvey, 1990, for a detailed review).
resentations to ascribe m eaning to the inform ation sup-
plied by the sensory system s (e.g. Turvey, 1990). T heir Direct perception
fundam ental philosophy rejects the traditional tend-
ency to conceptualize the m ind from a non-m aterialist D irect perception theorists argue that the environm ent
perspective. The traditional theories of m otor learning is constituted of a set of affordances (opportunities for
and control that idealize the m ind as a kind of em - action) that are speci® ed by the invariant energy pat-
powering com puter tend to neglect the role of the terns available to be picked up by, for exam ple, the
environm ent in shaping actions. Actions may be best sm art (purpose-designed) perceptual m echanism s of
understood as a highly specialized relationship between the sport performer. These invariants act as inform a-
a biological organism and its speci® c environm ental tion which is speci® c to the environm ent. Gibson’s
habitat. T he ecological approach is less focused on (1979) view of affordance argues that the environm ent
the internalized knowledge structures or executive is described in `perform er-relevant’ terms of capacity
for activity or action possibilities. T his inform ation m ay
regulators which form an integral part of traditional
be speci® ed directly by the structure of the optic array
inform ation-processing theories. According to ecolog-
(Fitch and Turvey, 1977; Fow ler and Turvey, 1978).
ical theorists, the study of the relationship between per-
For exam ple, as a basketball player dribbles a ball, the
ception and action should be aim ed at `. . . phenom ena
distribution of light energy is lawfully patterned as it is
within the organism - environm ent synergy rather than
re¯ ected from the surrounding surfaces (opponents’
within the organism per se’ (Beek and M eijer, 1988,
shirts, ball, backboard, etc.). T he intensity, wavelength
p. 160). In the words of Kugler and Turvey (1987,
and phase of the light are speci® c to the properties of
p. xii):
the re¯ ecting surface (slant, texture and colour) w ithin
Ecological Science, in its broadest sense, is a multi- the speci® c circum stances created by the perform er-
disciplinary approach to the study of living systems, their environm ent interaction. The generation of a unique
environm ents and the reciprocity that has evolved between and invariant optical ¯ ow speci® es the player’s forward
the two . . . Ecological Psychology . . . [emphasizes] the m otion and rate of approach and, consequently, the
study of information transactions between living systems
affordance of an interception by an opponent.
and their environments, especially as they pertain to per-
Such a conceptualization provides the basis for direct
ceiving situations of signi® cance to planning and executing
control of action. For exam ple, in relation to the tim ing
of purposes activated in an environment.
of interceptive actions, Lee (1976) demonstrated that
A system s perspective is emphasized. Ideas from inform ation from the optic array, in the form of optic
m odern scienti® c paradigm s such as chaos theory and variables such as `tau’ (the inverse of the relative rate of
non-linear dynam ics have been integrated with theoret- dilation of the im age of an approaching object on the
ical developm ents in physics, chem istry, biology and perceiver’s retina), can be used to specify directly the
m athematics to re-shape our understanding of the rem aining time-to-contact between an observer and
function of the perceptual systems and m ovem ent sys- an approaching object (tau-m argin). Although Wann
626 H andford et al.

(1996) has raised som e im portant questions regarding of an interaction between the type of training (w ith and
the data from studies of the tau-m argin during natural without a dilating im age of an approaching ball) and
tasks, his proposal that the j ratio (or the proportionate perform ance accuracy, and the kinematic pro® le of
relationship between the instantaneous distance of an action in pre- and post-training tests, did not statis-
approaching object and its start position) be considered tically support the proposal that tim e-to-contact infor-
as, at least, a viable alternative to the tau-m argin for m ation is im portant during the learning of interceptive
tim ing control, does not invalidate the principle of the actions. Enough additional data from the study sug-
optical speci® cation of action. Theoretically, the tim ing gests that further investigations are warranted on the
of interceptive actions such as running to step on a acquisition of extrinsic tim ing behaviour from the
surface or punching a ball m ay be precisely and directly action system s perspective. For exam ple, there is som e
geared to critical values of the tau-margin (see Lee et evidence that training in dynamic com pared to static
al., 1982, 1983). Sim ple laws of control m ay be derived conditions engendered differential developm ent of the
to describe the interactions between a perform er and coupling between perception and action system s.
the environm ent (Warren, 1990; Bootsm a and Peper,
1992). C om putational accounts of tim ing behaviour
Dynamical systems theor y
involve m emorial representations of physical properties
(e.g. object size, distance, velocity) gained in sim ilar The dynam ical systems approach to m otor co-
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instances from the past experiences of the perform er ordination has also gained increasing popularity w ithin
(W illiam s et al., 1992). T hese ideas have been regarded the ecological cam p during the last decade. T he theo-
as unnecessarily com plex and prone to errors in judge- retical basis of this perspective is that the hum an bio-
m ent (Lee, 1980). Furtherm ore, som e evidence sug- m echanical system m ay be m odelled as a com plex,
gests that hum ans prefer to constrain action through dynam ical system (e.g. W illiam s et al., in press). Com -
optic variables rather than physical variables (e.g. Todd, plex system s in nature exhibit m any fundam ental
1981). attributes, including: m any independent degrees of
However, the role of tau in constraining perception- freedom (rough ly com ponent parts) which are free to
action coupling during the acquisition of skills is as yet vary; m any different levels to the system ; non-linearity
unclear. Bootsm a et al. (1991) chose to address this of behavioural output; a capacity for stable and un-
issue using a table tennis forehand drive, which stable patterned relationships between parts of the sys-
required subjects to strike balls as quickly and accu- tem (i.e. co-ordinated states) to em erge through system
rately as possible onto a target positioned on the self-organization; and the ability of subsystem com po-
opposite side of a table tennis net. Two groups of inex- nents to constrain the behaviour of other subsystem s
perienced subjects received either static training, where (for detailed reviews, see Yates, 1979; Kugler and
the ball was suspended in an airstream , or dynamic Turvey, 1987; K auffm ann, 1993; C lark, 1995; Kelso,
training using a moving ball feed. The dynamic training 1995). How order em erges in the behaviour of com-
group had tim e-to-contact inform ation available during plex, dynam ical system s is the fundam ental problem
the learning period, which was produced by the relative for scientists studying natural phenom ena within this
rate of expansion of the retinal im age of the oncoming fram ework of analysis. It is worth noting how, in the
ball. After 1600 practice trials over a 4-day period, both area of m otor behaviour, this issue has been encapsu-
groups were shown to have im proved when transferred lated in what has becom e known as Bernstein’s (1967)
to a dynam ic test. Although the static training group degrees-of-freedom problem . Bernstein’s sem inal de® -
developed a stronger consistency in initiation point of nition of m ovem ent co-ordination neatly captures the
the drive, this did not lead to a m ore consistent location fundam ental problem for the ecological group. Co-
of bat- ball contact. The im portant point here is that ordination is viewed as `the process of m astering redun-
control of the bat- ball contact, shown to be the m ost dant degrees of freedom of the m oving organ, in other
im portant determ inant of success in expert perform - words its conversion to a controllable system ’ (Bern-
ance of m any striking tasks, was not achieved through stein, 1967, p. 127).
the strategy of developing a highly consistent m ove- A wonderful description of dynam ical system s theory
m ent pattern, as proponents of an inform ation-process- has been provided by the theoretical biologist Stuart
ing approach would suggest (Fig. 1a). T his ® nding is Kauffm ann (1993). H ere we provide a sum mary of his
further supported by the variability in acceleration pro- outline, w hich is related to the co-ordination problem
® les following the training period (Fig. 1b). From Fig. in hum an m ovem ent behaviour. T hink of an exam ple of
1b it is apparent that the funnel-like control strategy a highly integrated, dynam ical system in nature. Im ag-
identi® ed in previous work w ith exp ert perform ers (e.g. ine the dif® culty in describing its behaviour at any one
Bootsm a and Van W ieringen, 1990) was evident during tim e. H ow could it be done? A mathem atically rigorous
the learning phase. However, strictly speaking, the lack way is to break down the integrated system into its n
Skill acquisition in sport 627

(a) Pre-test Post-test

1.5 1.5
Contact Contact

1.0 1.0
Position (m)

Position (m)
0.5 0.5

0 0

± 0.5 ± 0.5
± 200 ± 150 ± 100 ± 50 0 50 ± 200 ± 150 ± 100 ± 50 0 50
Time (ms) Time (ms)

(b) Pre-test Post-test

Downloaded by [University of Guelph] at 07:38 18 June 2013

150 150
Contact Contact

100 100
Acceleration (m s± 2)
Acceleration (m s± 2)

50 50

0 0

± 50 ± 50
± 200 ± 150 ± 100 ± 50 0 50 ± 200 ± 150 ± 100 ± 50 0 50
Time (ms) Time (ms)

F igure 1 Typical position (a) and acceleration (b) traces demonstrating variable movement patterns for subjects in the group
learning in static training conditions. Reprinted with permission from Bootsm a et al. (1991).

com ponent parts and to plot the system ’s behaviour as som ewhat like a m arble rolling around an ashtray. The
it changes over tim e - yielding an n-dim ensional state rugged regions are unstable and dif® cult for
space. T hat is, over one sm all period of time, the n the ¯ owing system to ® nd a lasting foothold. The
com ponents of the system can all change in value, to a workspace for a dynam ical system only ever offers tem-
greater or lesser extent. A picture em erges of a system porary stability at most. These regions of tem porary
with its m icrocom ponents all capable of increm ental stability are known as `attractors’ in the m athem atical
change. T he description is of a system w hich typically language of dynam ical system s theor y. Attractors repre-
¯ ows slowly through the state space com posed of all its sent system states in which com ponent parts are
possible coordinate points. It you join the lines between brought into relation w ith each other. At any instant, a
the coordinate points (rather like a child’s join-the-dots dynam ical system is either tem porarily settled into an
picture book), the system provides a trajectory which attractor or is ¯ ow ing to an attractor.
describes its behaviour in the form of a ¯ ow. T he trajec- If one im ag ines the hum an body as a system w ith n
tor y that a system could take is entirely selected by a coordinates that are capable of changing in value over
num ber of key constraints (environm ental and internal) tim e, then the attractors are rough ly equivalent to a
outlined in the next section. N ow im ag ine the state state of co-ordination between the parts of the body
space area that the system could ¯ ow around as a topo- (Kelso and D ing, 1993). T he organizational state of the
logical landscape (workspace) with rocky peaks and body can be m ore sim ply described by an `order
smooth hollow s (see Fig. 2). T he hollow s are sm all param eter’ when it has ¯ owed to an attractor point.
regions which the system could eventually settle into, Order param eters describe the structural organization
628 H andford et al.



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F igure 2 A graphic illustration of the perceptual- motor workspace as a dynamical landscape. The deep regions represent
attractor states in which the system achieves co-ordination, whereas more shallow regions are less stable. Reprinted with
permission from Thelen (1995a).

of a com plex system ; for exam ple, the relative phasing control param eter, such as the oscillatory frequency of
of potential and kinetic energy in the lim bs during dif- the lim bs during locom otion, has little effect on an
ferent types of locom otion. O rder param eters are key order parameter, perhaps described by the phasing of
variables which are essential for capturing the co- potential and kinetic energy during walking and run-
ordination or collectivity in a dynam ical system (Kelso, ning. However, there com es a point (actually called a
1995). `bifurcation point’ ) when a sm all change in the control
How does the system `decide’ which attractor to ¯ ow variable will specify a dram atic shift in the order para-
onto during its journey? This is a job for the `control m eter, w ith signi® cant consequences for the system
param eters’ . Changes in control param eters, like en- state. For instance, in the locom otion exam ple, the
vironm ental inform ation or oscillator y frequency of system may change autonom ously from an attractor
lim b segm ents, can lead to signi® cant changes in the describing walking to an attractor for running as a
overall pattern of the dynam ical system . T his is why function of the injection of kinetic energy into the lim bs
they have been termed `control parameters’ (Haken for locom otion. T his is known as a `phase transition’
and Wunderlin, 1990). The function of control para- and describes how self-organization occurs in living
m eters is to `move’ the system through its many differ- system s. A nice analogy for understanding the relation-
ent states. Som etim es a sm all change in a critical ship between control and order param eters has been
Skill acquisition in sport 629

provided by Roberton (1993). She argues that in the negative feature of skill acquisition. Response variabil-
dynam ical system s approach, qualitative change in ity, usually exp ressed as the standard deviation of the
m otor patterns: distribution m ean of a relevant variable, is often inter-
preted as a re¯ ection of the level of `noise’ in the system
. . . is seen as a post hoc result of change in another vari-
(see K elso, 1992). As such, it is thought to be a good
able, known in dynamical systems parlance as a `control
param eter’ . . . (the latter is sim ilar in concept to an indication of m otor program m e developm ent and sys-
`independent variable’ except that nature has no scientist tem stability (Schm idt et al., 1990). It follows that a
manipulating the control parameter). When scaled past highly variable m ovem ent pattern is undesirable at
some critical value, the control parameter causes reorgan- all stages of learning. T he goal of successful skill
isation of the dependent variable (known as the essential acquisition program m es, whether im plicit or explicit, is
or collective variable) . . . An everyday example is the believed to be the reduction, and ultim ately the elim -
changes that occur in the state of H 2 O molecules as tem- ination, of system noise. D espite the intuitive appeal of
perature is increased: the macro `states’ shown by m ol- this line of reasoning for sports skill acquisition, this
ecules form a `developmental sequence’ from ice to water view of perform ance variability has only been substan-
to steam. No pre-program med directions, either genetic or tiated for tasks in w hich a reduction in m ovem ent vari-
com puted, are contained in the tem perature- m olecule sys- ability is essentially the goal. In tasks involving m ultiple
tem; yet, the changes are observable, predictable and
degrees of freedom w ithin a dynam ic environm ental
ordered (Roberton, 1993, p. 97).
Downloaded by [University of Guelph] at 07:38 18 June 2013

context, it has been shown that an initial rigid coupling

M ovem ent perform ance m ay be characterized as the between system com ponents gives way to a m ore ¯ ex-
body (conceptualized as a dynam ical system) searching ible regim e characterized by an increased variability in
for relevant states of co-ordination as it engages in joint m otion (Vereijken et al., 1992). From this stand-
functional activity. Skill acquisition m ay, therefore, be point, variability m ay be indicative of a functional level
viewed as a process of `hollowing’ out a functionally of independence between com ponents of the body that
appropriate attractor well into which the system can all contribute towards the achievem ent of a task goal.
settle during a task or activity. T hat is, it m ay be a pro- Therefore, a m ore appropriate line of investigation for
cess of m aking a tem porary state of co-ordination m ore m otor control theorists interested in sport would be a
resistant to the environmental forces which could per- redirection of attention towards the variability in m ove-
turb the stability of the system . In other words, learning m ent dynam ics w hich are responsible for task out-
is the process of enhancing the tem porary organization com es (Newell and C orcos, 1993).
of the system when it has found a useful niche in the A functional role for a control strategy emphasizing
landscape to settle into (e.g. Zanone and K elso, 1994). adaptive variability in sport was identi® ed earlier in the
Such a description should m ake it clear that attractor context of tim e-to-contact and the table tennis study of
wells for m ovements do not need to be stored or sym - Bootsm a et al. (1991). Sim ilar exam ples demonstrate
bolically represented in the higher centres of the CN S. variability in backswing duration of exp erienced ® eld
Attractors are irresistible as they evolve over tim e as a hockey players (Burgess-Lim erick et al., 1991) and,
consequence of the constraints on the system behaviour m ore recently, the volleyball spike (Sardinha and
in any given context. If the constraints were different, Bootsm a, 1993). In that study, it was noted how highly
the attractors would be located in a different region of variable inter-trial m easurem ents of hand and shoulder
the landscape. velocity, acceleration and phase durations at the start of
the action were show n to end with extrem ely consistent
values at the all im portant point of hand- ball contact.
Bootsm a and Peper (1992) have termed this form of
Im plications of the ecological approach for
control strategy `funnel-shaped’ . T hese ® ndings appear
spor t and exercise scientists
to support the notion of a bandwidth for variability,
outside of which the system becom es unstable or settles
into a different attractor state. The suggestion is that
Traditional m otor behaviour theories are based on the individuals involved in skill acquisition should be more
idea of the storage of invariant characteristics of m ove- or less tolerant of variable m ovem ent patterns depend-
m ents within the CN S to em phasize the order and ing on the task at hand. Latash (1993) discussed in
regularity in m ovements. For exam ple, im plicit in the som e detail a dynam ic pattern generation approach to
generalized m otor program m e concept is the notion such variability, which offers a straightforward explana-
that certain relative features of a movem ent pattern tion based on the notion that working conditions can
rem ain invariant despite changes in absolute param eter never be exactly reproduced because of an under-
values. This has resulted in a tendency to view variabil- lying instability of the control system (e.g. neural and
ity in observed or m easured m ovem ent outcom e as a m echanical structures). As a consequence, m ovem ent
630 H andford et al.

patterns produced in any particular task are always texts, a m ajor task is to discover the control param eters
different, even if initial external constraints can be which act to constrain the order parameters of the body
reproduced exactly. as a dynam ical system . This is not an easy task, given
W hat are the consequences of viewing variability not the highly integrated nature of com plex system s. A
as a peripheral lim iting factor, but as an inherent deter- constraints-led explanation of skill learning and devel-
m inative property of the dynam ical action system ? T he opment has enorm ous im plications for our current
m essage for sport and exercise scientists seem s to be: understanding of these processes. For m otor behaviour
value it! If we accept that learning is the process of specialists, a radical im plication of the previous discus-
continually searching for regions of stability or attrac- sion is that m ental states, ideas, perceptions, m em ories,
tion within the geom etric layout of an individual’s intentions, plans or program m es may be better con-
workspace, variability in m ovem ent dynam ics enhances ceived not as ill-de® ned representations residing som e-
the search process. To test the robustness of a possible where in the CN S, but as dynam ic, self-organizing,
task solution, the perform er m ust be allowed to m anip- m acroscopic patterns form ed from the m olecular con-
ulate the controlling variables, thus disrupting the sta- stituents of the system during goal-directed activity
bility of the attractor state, causing it to adopt a new
(Edelm an, 1992; K elso, 1995; Thelen, 1995b). In this
state. In this way, perform ance variability takes on a
context, internal and external constraints are im portant
constructive role in the control and self-orga nization of
in¯ uences, shaping and guiding the co-ordination pat-
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com plex system s (K elso and D ing, 1993). The learning

terns which em erge when an organism perform s
process m ay be characterized as the system undergoing
im portant functional and speci® c tasks in its natural
transition from one stable state to another. O bserva-
habitat. They are integral to descriptions of `order for
tions of variability in system behaviour m ay re¯ ect the
free’ in biological system s that need to m ove between
readiness of the system to change and m ay be exploited
m ultiple states of stability (Kauffm ann, 1993). The
by the coach (Clark, 1995). T herefore, variability in
m ovem ent patterns resulting from free exploration original stim ulus for the idea of constraints in the study
should be viewed as a very natural and necessary con- of m ovem ent co-ordination was proposed by N ewell
sequence of m ovem ent control and learning in som e (1986). He argued that the m ajor constraints are
skills. For skill acquisition, exploration - whether suc- organism ic, environmental and task-related, and that a
cessful or not (in term s of perform ance outcom e) - is triangulated effect guides the organization of the free
always useful in restructuring task solutions. Experi- variables of the neurom uscular system into an attractor
ence of what is incorrect is important to the discover y state during the course of goal-directed activity (see
of what is correct and is a vital com ponent in the Fig. 3).
learner’s exploration of the workspace. Equally, a lack Organismic constraints can be physical, m ental or
of any observable im provem ent in perform ance out- emotional. For sport perform ance, custom ary patterns
com e is not necessarily considered indicative of an of thinking, levels of practice or defects in the visual
absence of learning. It is for this reason that W hiting
et al. (1990) emphasized `behavioural potential’ in their
de® nition of m otor learning. F rom this perspective, the
aim of skill acquisition program m es should be to facili-
tate exploratory behaviour, not elim inate it. A m ajor
issue for em pirical effort is whether transitional peri-
ods, in which it has been well docum ented that the
system is at its m ost unstable, are rich phases for the
exp loration of m ovem ent pattern dynam ics. W ith this
in m ind, the structure of the exploration environm ent
now becom es a critical issue for the coach, teacher or

C onstraints on skill acquisition

In our earlier discussion of the component param eters
of a dynam ical system , we noted that a constraint
which changes in scale, leading to a qualitative change
in system dynam ics, is term ed a `control param eter’ . Figu re 3 How behaviour em erges as a result of the con-
For sport scientists adopting an ecological fram ework ¯ uence of constraints on the performer. Reprinted with per-
to m ake sense of m otor behaviour in speci® c sport con- mission from Newell (1986).
Skill acquisition in sport 631

system can shape the way that individuals approach a changing the court dim ensions or net height in an
particular performance goal. Perhaps the m ost obvious activity m ay constrain the range of possible m ovem ents
of these constraints refer to the physical dimensions of from side to side, or back to front, or from high to
the individual, such as height, weight and body propor- low.
tions. Such individual, and relatively unique, character- T he goal of the task, and im plem ents such as
istics represent resources to be exp loited or lim itations raquets, bats and sticks, are also considered to be task
that lead to speci® c adaptations by the perform er. constraints. D uring goal-directed activities such as
T hese constraints are often m anifest in the selection of sport, the achievem ent of a task goal remains para-
sporting activities by individuals: a speci® c position or m ount. T he m otor behaviour of an individual organism
role in team sports or a particular event in athletics. m ay vary, even within seemingly highly consistent
Kelso (1995) has argued that cognitive constraints, activities such as a gym nastic vault, a long jump
such as intentions, m ay be the m ost in¯ uential of the approach run or a golf putt, sim ply because the goals of
organism ic constraints on behaviour. Environmental the perform er m ay var y from perform ance to perform -
constraints on goal-directed behaviour are found in the ance. T he im position of constraints through instruc-
contexts of action. T hey can be particularized in the tions or goal-setting has been shown to in¯ uence the
form of energy ¯ ow s, such as visual and auditory infor- interrelation between three fundam ental m ovem ent
m ation surrounding the perform er, or in the social con- param eters: speed, distance and accuracy (see Latash,
Downloaded by [University of Guelph] at 07:38 18 June 2013

texts of behaviour (e.g. C lark, 1995). An important 1993). This was necessarily accom panied by differing
task for sport and exercise scientists is to develop an levels of m ovem ent variability, w ith reproduction of
understanding of environmental constraints and in par- ® nal position exhibiting less variability than m ovem ent
ticular the inform ation that is being m ade available to
speed, w hich is, in turn, less variable than reproduction
the learner in different practice conditions. Prelim inary
of m ovement time. It seems logical that exp osure to a
® ndings from our exp eriments using the volleyball
m ore expansive workspace, through the variation of
serve appear to show that the inclusion or exclusion of
task constraints, generates additional inform ation, per-
a sim ple source of optical information (an opposing
m itting a m ore extensive search and probing of states of
receiver) has substantial effects on target aim ing per-
system stability. As a result, a m ore elaborate construc-
form ance. Although there have been few experim ental
tion of the layout w ill be form ed offering the possibility
attem pts to m anipulate such variables, the physical
of m ultiple task solutions w hich characterizes the
location of an act m ay also be considered to be a con-
behaviour of sports perform ers as adaptive com plex
straint on action. Consider the different m ovem ent
system s. U sing this approach, it is possible to account
possibilities in accomplishing the sam e task perform ed
for im proved transfer perform ance following random -
on land or on ice, or under the different gravitational
ized variable practice (high contextual interference)
forces exerted in mid-air or in water (see Shik and
without recourse to traditional inform ation-processing
O rlovsky, 1976; Thelen, 1995a).
Although perform er- and environm ent-based con- explanations (Newell and M cDonald, 1991).
straints are less likely to ¯ uctuate signi® cantly in any Approaching practice in this way offers a structure
given task, the constraints associated with the task are in which to de® ne the lim its and properties of the
perhaps m ore obviously in¯ uenced through the inter- perceptual- motor workspace with an understanding of
vention of scientists and coaches. Task constraints the inform ation being m ade available to the perform er.
include the rules constraining spatial and tem poral pat- Furtherm ore, it is possible to m ake decisions regarding
terning of the m ovem ent dynamics during an activity the transfer of skill learning in variable practice regim es
that m ay be open to interpretation, as in gym nastics, based on the compatibility of task constraints and
diving or ice-skating. T he three-point boundary in workspace topology (Newell and M cDonald, 1991).
basketball provides a clear example of an im posed rule, From this perspective, practice is considered to be the
which, in interaction with organism ic and environ- continuous search for solutions to a m ovement prob-
m ental constraints, in¯ uences the range of possible lem in a perceptual- m otor workspace, which is gen-
m ovem ent solutions. In m ost cases, the perform er is erated by the com bined constraints of the learner, the
constrained to shoot using a high trajector y as the con- environm ent and the task (Newell, 1986; M cD onald
straints do not afford a dunk! An im portant m essage et al., 1995). T he suggestion is that there are m any pos-
here is that individuals concerned with the acquisition sible m ethods of discovering an appropriate solution to
of skill should consider the manipulation of signi® cant any particular task. T he search process involves the
constraints to facilitate a desired response. For ex- m odi® cation and perfection of movem ent solutions
am ple, a soccer coach m ay guide the search for a m ove- from trial to trial without identical perform ance, a type
m ent solution by im posing a rule constraint that only of `repetition without repetition’ (Bernstein, 1967;
allow s shots from outside the penalty area. Sim ilarly, Vereijken and W hiting, 1990).
632 H andford et al.

Recently, these argum ents have been allied to the and w hich are interconnected as a dynam ical system .
ideas of Edelm an (1992) on learning as selective pat- All subsystem s can constrain the global behaviour of
tern form ation in the brain. A constraints-led perspect- the system in a particular context. H owever, one or
ive of learning indicates that, once a functional task m ore subsystem s are capable of acting as the executive
goal for a perform er has been speci® ed, then a process by providing the key control param eters to regulate
of random exploration eventually results in an appro- behaviour on speci® c occasions. For example, T helen
priate solution to the task, given the instantaneous (1995a) has argued that the emergence of walking as
constraints on the individual. The emergence of a the dom inant form of locom otion in infants seem s to
m ovem ent pattern that succeeds in achieving a task be dependent on the developm ent of up to eight sub-
goal results in the strengthening of neural pathways system s, nearly all of which are related to the processes
connecting different parts of the brain by a chem ical of perception and action. Because of the intertw ined
neurotransmitter acting as a `value system’ . T he tem - nature of these subsystem s of perform ance, the rate
poral synchrony exhibited between the successful at which one develops m ay lim it the progression of
achievem ent of a functional task goal, and the diffusion locom otory skills in infants.
of the neurotransm itter by the value system , facilitates T here are a num ber of im portant im plications here
a pattern of neural connections as a neural attractor that are worth a brief m ention. First, this explanation
state. T he `successful’ network pattern gains increas- for the onset of infant walking exempli® es why it would
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ing strength as practice progresses, while other less be theoretically and methodologically unsophisticated
successful patterns stim ulated during the random for sport and exercise scientists to decouple the proces-
search are discarded. From this perspective, the self- ses of perception and action in studying sport-related
organizational process in skill acquisition m ay be con-
m ovem ents. Secondly, it appears that a constraints-
sidered as `selection under constraint’ (Thelen, 1995a).
led perspective suggests that the traditional distinction
Tur vey and Fitzpatrick (1993) suggest that the system
between phylogenetic and ontogenetic skills should be
exp lores different states of co-ordination in attempting
considered theoretically irrelevant (Newell and Van
to satisfy task constraints. For this reason, they argue
Em m erik, 1990). T hat is, an understanding of the con-
that the search process involves `chaos plus feedback’ .
straints surrounding the learner (at w hatever stage of
T he explorator y process resem bles the determ inistic
the hum an life-cycle) rem ains param ount and the
randomness which de® nes a chaotic system , since there
identi® cation of the key constraints w hich act as `rate
are boundary lim its to the states of co-ordination which
lim iters’ (Thelen, 1995a) is a m ajor task for sports
can emerge under constraint.
pedagogists. Finally, in the context of sport, it is worth
However, the role of the coach or teacher is all
investigating how a constraints-led theoretical perspect-
im portant as the learner searches the dynam ics of the
ive could provide a useful explanation for the `gam es
task. In the ecological view, the organization of practice
for understanding’ approach (Thorpe et al., 1986),
sessions becom es a m ethod by w hich environm ental
which has gained m uch recent recognition as a
and task structure are m anipulated to channel the
search through the workspace. D irected coaching m ay pedagogical approach. D iscovery learning appears to
be de® ned as a very narrow search process, w hereas, at underpin the success of the m ethod but it has never
the other extrem e, random unguided discovery learn- been m ade clear exactly how the strategy works.
ing theoretically encom passes the whole workspace. Although there have been som e attem pts to embed the
H ighly directed coaching does not allow learners to strategy within a cognitive theoretical fram ework, it is
learn how to search. C om pletely random searching of unclear whether learning w ith this m ethod is believed
the workspace could be tim e-consum ing, possibly to aid the developm ent of an internalized knowledge
unsafe and m ay lead to losses of con® dence and m oti- structure (see Turner, 1996). From a constraints-led,
vation in learners. An im portant role of the coach, from dynam ical approach, the m anipulations m ade by the
this theoretical position, would be to support the search teacher or coach can be categorized as task constraints
process by manipulating constraints so that exploratory which in¯ uence the self-orga nization of the m otor sys-
activity occurs over an optim al area of the perceptual- tem into functionally relevant attractor states. N ewell
m otor workspace. (1986) proposed that constraints shape the patterns
One important feature that em erges from this form ed in the hum an system to perform a m ovem ent
approach is that the nature of the constraints which task, not by determ ining the instructions to achieve a
interact to form the m ovem ent problem dictate that speci® c behaviour, but by elim inating all but the m ost
each search, and eventually each solution, is individual- functional solutions to a problem . The m anipulation of
speci® c. T he perform er has m any important sub- constraints could also underpin the developm ent of
system s (e.g. cognitive, emotional, perceptual, action) tactical and strategic skills in sport; there is a need for
which develop at different rates during the life-cycle empirical research on the question of whether the
Skill acquisition in sport 633

`gam es for understanding’ approach should be sub- T he co-ordination stage is characterized by the tem -
sum ed into the dynam ical theoretical fram ework. porary ® xation or freezing of the degrees of freedom as
a m eans of reducing the control problem, but w ith the
consequence that movem ent around key joints tends to
A developmental perspective
be severely lim ited. This feature of novice perform -
T he cognitive emphasis on the stages of learning con- ance has been identi® ed in tasks such as pistol-aim ing
struct focuses almost exclusively on the development of (Arutyunyan et al., 1968, 1969), dart throwing (M c-
a prescription for m ovem ent. We highlighted earlier D onald et al., 1989), handwriting (Newell and Van
that, for coaches and teachers, this has m eant an Em m erik, 1989), simulated skiing (Vereijken, 1991;
approach to m otor skill acquisition and m otor develop- Vereijken et al., 1992) and soccer kicking (Anderson
m ent that is based on an evaluation of perform ance and Sidaway, 1994). The rigid and in¯ exible function-
outcom e m easures, such as error, speed and response ing of novice perform ers is obvious in the early stages
m agnitude (Schm idt, 1988). However, the theoretical of learning of m any highly dynam ic m ovem ents, such
basis of the ecological approach affords a reassessm ent as the tennis serve or volleyball spike, w hich require the
of learning and presents a very different viewpoint. The organization of m ultiple degrees of freedom . N ewell
acquisition of skilled m ovem ent describes the naviga- and McD onald (1994) suggest that the severity of
tion of the system through `co-ordination’ , `control’ freezing is highly dependent on the task and the indi-
Downloaded by [University of Guelph] at 07:38 18 June 2013

and `skill’ as it m oves from a state of com petition vidual perform er and, as such, can be considered to
between task demands and existing dynam ics towards a re¯ ect, at a behavioural level, initial conditions. An
state of co-operation. additional solution in this early stage m ay be to rigidly
couple m ultiple degrees of freedom into close phase
C o-ordina tion. Early in learning, the perform er’s prob- relations, in an attem pt to reduce control to a sm aller
lem is to identify and establish basic and broad rela- num ber of `virtual’ degrees of freedom (Bernstein,
1967). The notion of the co-ordinative structure sug-
tionships am ong the com ponents of the dynam ical
gests that m uscle collectives are organized into em er-
system , assem bling the appropriate relative m otions
gent and dynam ic functional units, the behaviour of
am ong body parts in the construction of a goal-directed
which is constrained by the im m ediate environm ental
action. To achieve this task, the perform er starts by
demands. As a result, each co-ordinative structure per-
exp loring the perceptual- m otor workspace in which the
form s in an activity-speci® c m anner, w ith sets of co-
interaction w ith im portant environm ental objects and
ordinative structures com bining to govern sequences of
surfaces takes place. This involves a perceptual search
m ovem ent. C o-ordinative structures are tuned to func-
for the borders of regions of attraction of equilibrium in
tion speci® cally in each unique task by environm ental
an attem pt to reveal the geom etric form of the work-
inform ation. T he hum an body m ay be conceived of as a
space as the existing dynamics com pete with the
dynam ical system com posed of a series of functional
demands of the task. The continuous collapse and
m uscle groupings lawfully constrained by inform ation
rebuilding of unstable regions is a sign of early learning
in the form of energy ¯ ow ing freely through the en-
and often manifests itself in unpredictable and dra-
vironm ent (Kugler, 1986). In som e activities, an exten-
m atic shifts in m ovem ent form (Newell, 1985; Scully sion of this control m ethod is fundam ental to the
and N ewell, 1985; N ewell et al., 1989; Schm idt et al., developm ent of m ovem ent patterns in the search for
1992). T he abruptness of the change m ay be dependent optimal organization. Swim m ing provides an excellent
on the degree of similarity between task demands and exam ple, where the independent actions of arm stroke
the existing co-ordination dynam ics. If the relationship and leg kick are required to be tem porally linked either
is very close, the existing attractor m ay require re- in-phase (breaststroke and butter¯ y) or anti-phase
param eterization and the num ber of attractor states (freestyle and backstroke). C oncom itantly, the arm
does not increase. Equally, a m ore continuous adapta- stroke and leg kick are also coupled together into addi-
tion m ay be exhibited as an existing attractor which tional phase relations thereby further reducing the con-
is destabilized and absorbed into the new, m ore trol problem . In support of this notion, Van Ingen
functional system state. Alternatively, com pletely new Schenau (1989) demonstrated the unique action of
attractor states m ay be developed, increasing the num - bi-articular m uscles in the activities of jum ping and
ber of stable states and causing an abrupt change cycling. Evidence was presented to suggest that these
in m ovem ent pattern (Zanone and Kelso, 1994). This structures act naturally to im pose anatom ical con-
initial process m ay be viewed as a re¯ ection of the straints that optim ize co-ordination of the segm ents in
learner’s quest for `soft’ assem bly of body segm ents in these movem ents. These exam ples show how a proper
such a way that an approxim ate (em ergency) solution relation am ong the m any degrees of freedom m ay be
to the m ovem ent problem is realized. achieved through self-organization governed by sim ple
634 H andford et al.

physical principles (Turvey, 1990). The assem bly of sure than one acquired through explicit know ledge. An
these temporary co-ordinative structures, leaving only a ecological interpretation of these ® ndings would sug-
lim ited num ber of degrees of freedom unconstrained gest that the m ost stable dynam ics of the skill were
by m uscle linkages, is the acquisition of `co- revealed through discovery learning. This approach to
ordination’ . skill acquisition m ay have profound im plications for the
W hat is proposed here is in sharp contrast to tradi- prevention of long-term accum ulative injuries in sport,
tional approaches to early learning, which em phasize which are thought to result from attempts to acquire
verbalization, active cognition and a dependency on techniques early in learning which are often anatom ic-
feedback from external agents such as a coach. The ally inappropriate for particular individuals. The
proposition is that the learner should be free to explore current debate on fast-bowling techniques in cricket
system degrees of freedom rather than being shackled provides a clear exam ple in this context (e.g. see Elliott
by what m ay be arti® cial constraints im posed by a text- et al., 1992).
book approach. As we suggested earlier, the role of the
coach in this context is to ensure the correct `discovery Control. O nce the relationships between body parts
environm ent’ , through the m anipulation of task and and the co-ordination of basic actions with environ-
environm ental constraints in an attem pt to guide m ental objects and surfaces have been established, the
exp loration of the dynam ics of the workspace. In this perform er is faced with the challenge of discovering the
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way, the set of possible solutions to a m ovem ent prob- laws which govern their control. M ore speci® cally, the
lem is lim ited by the dim ensions of the workspace search is for a tighter coupling between body segm ent
im posed by the coach. If the boundaries of the work- relations, previously assem bled, and the force-related
space are too tightly constrained, regions of stability com ponents which are responsible for m ovem ent. T his
m ay be dif® cult to discover. Sim ilarly, if the lim its are now requires the perform er to becom e perceptually
too broad, then m ultiple regions of stability m ay con- tuned to the consequences of different com binations of
tinually em erge and disappear as the learner searches these features (control variables) to channel the search
inde® nitely. The skill of the coach at this stage is to through the dynam ics of the m ovem ent (Fow ler and
constrain the workspace appropriately based on a Turvey, 1978). E ach exp loration of the workspace has
knowledge of the param eters which in¯ uence success- perceptual consequences associated with it, and these
ful co-ordination. The suggestion is that the interaction are thought to act to tune the action system s directly
between coach and perform er is m inim ized in the ver y until the desired kinem atic outcom es are attained and
early stages of learning so that the true dynam ics the set of task constraints is satis® ed (see Fitch et al.,
(im portant controlling variables) of the m ovem ent are 1982). A change in inform ation source towards higher-
revealed through discovery. C oach inter vention at this order derivatives of positional inform ation, such as
stage m ay well assist in the short-term assem bly of co- velocity and acceleration, is thought to occur at this
ordinative structures as tem porar y solutions, but the stage (see F uchs, 1962; Schmidt, 1987; Cox, 1991),
ongoing process of establishing control m ay be delayed accom panied by a shift internally through large individ-
as a result of inappropriate co-ordination early on. In ual differences in anatom ical and m orphological con-
other words, the learner m ay com e to rely on these straints (Scully and N ewell, 1985).
tem porar y solutions for im mediate perform ance in spe- Exploration of this kind is only possible if the co-
ci® c environm ents, but the unique relationships which ordinative structures that were assem bled in early
in¯ uence long-term perform ance transfer to a variety of learning are progressively released and allowed to
novel experiences will not be established early in learn- reform into different con® gurations. T his is character-
ing. Recently, there has been increasing recognition of ized by the unfreezing of degrees of freedom such that
the signi® cance of this type of strategy in the coaching they are re-constrained by a variable of the perform er-
process. For exam ple, D avids and H andford (1994) environm ent system rather than a m uscle- joint synergy.
have advocated a `hands-off ’ approach to coaching Perceptual inform ation generated by m ovem ent in
based on the idea of m anipulating constraints. Thorpe the environm ent becom es critical as the perform er
(1996) has also warned that coaches must learn when attem pts to control the newly released degrees of free-
to rem ain `silent’ and has term ed the over-reliance of dom . As the learner becom es increasingly tuned to the
athletes on coaches for solutions to perform ance prob- perceptual consequences of particular m ovem ents, and
lem s, `coach dependency’ . their relationship with stable regions of attraction,
Support for this perspective is offered by a recent greater control over degrees of freedom is tem porarily
study that explored the resistance to stress of acquired surrendered to certain variables speci® ed by environ-
golf-putting skills (M asters, 1992). Evidence was pre- m ental inform ation (e.g. tau). In this way, the various
sented showing that a skill acquired in a discovery constraints form ulate a co-ordinative structure which is
learning environm ent was less likely to fail under pres- task-speci® c and governed directly by perceptual infor-
Skill acquisition in sport 635

m ation, hence perception and action are interfaced. organization of co-ordinative structures is provided in
C ontrol over m ovem ent using only a sm all num ber of the rehabilitation of patients following stroke (Ada
environm entally speci® ed param eters is not capacity- et al., 1993). Im provem ents in standing ability were
lim ited and so resolves the storage and novelty prob- re¯ ected in transform ations from irregular m ultiple-
lem s haunting m ore traditional approaches. T here is peak to sm ooth single-peak angular velocity pro® les of
som e evidence to suggest that this increase in the num - the knee and hip after only 29 days of m ovem ent
ber of independently controlled degrees of freedom rehabilitation.
exh ibits directional trends. The studies on handwriting, T he interpretation offered here differs considerably
dart throw ing and soccer kicking reported that, as from the traditional approach, which proposes that an
learning progressed, there appeared to be a shift in con- increase in the accuracy, consistency and ef® ciency of
trol from proxim al to distal segm ents. This m ay be actions is a result of a m ore elaborate and re® ned pre-
considered an indication of control exerted at the level scription for movem ent. Here the role of the coach is to
of task space rather than at the level of body space. In encourage the perform er to becom e aware of the per-
other words, as control develops, exploration at the ceptual consequences (visual, kinaesthetic and audi-
performer- task interface is preferred, because the tra- tory) of m ovem ent w ithout arti® cially constraining the
jectory of this `working point’ is vital for successful degrees of freedom . To be effective, coaches and teach-
execution of the task at hand (Latash, 1993). Bernstein
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ers should seek an understanding of the links between

(1967) offers a com plem entar y exp lanation which actions and possible controlling variables in the sport
assum es that there is som e biomechanical advantage to environm ent, and consider how to introduce these rela-
be gained from such a directional change in co-
tionships through appropriate m anipulation of con-
ordination. Indeed, actions sim ilar to jum ping and
straints and practice design. That is, to assist in the
throwing that require m axim um velocity of the extrem -
releasing process, the coach m ust provide the per-
ities, necessarily dictate that segments with relatively
form er with opportunities to explore further their
large m om ents of inertia begin m ovem ent ® rst, with
perceptual- motor workspace. This will not happen if
low inertial segm ents moving later and at higher angu-
the perform er is suppressed into strict com pliance with
lar velocities (Van Ingen Schenau, 1989).
a particular m ovem ent pattern, so that the laws of
It is likely that such a change of control strategy in
learning are explicitly de® ned and not discovered
favour of external param eters is not perm anent and
(Shaw and Alley, 1985).
m ay regress, if the m otor problem becom es acute as a
G iven the in¯ uential role of inform ation relating to
result of unreliable environmental information; for
m ovem ent kinem atics and kinetics, it would appear
exam ple, poor lighting conditions during a cricket or
that augm ented feedback concerning time-displace-
tennis m atch, a slippery running surface, or the erratic
m ent, joint angles, lim b velocity and acceleration is
¯ ight path of a ¯ oating volleyball serve. Fluctuations in
likely to be of some bene® t to the learner at this stage.
em otional states, such as anxiety and arousal, have also
This view has recently been supported by a renewed
been shown to lead to dim inished accuracy of inform a-
tion detection (Bootsm a et al., 1992). Weinberg and research interest in the area pioneered by N ewell and
H unt (1976) reported a reduction of sequential m uscle colleagues (Newell and Walter, 1981; N ewell et al.,
activity in favour of an energy-expensive, inhibitive 1985; N ewell and Carlton, 1987). H owever, a number
co-contraction of agonists and antagonists in highly of lim itations, including the use of sim ple m ovements
anxious throwers. Increases in muscle tension m ay be and an absence of any transfer or retention tests,
interpreted as efforts to re-freeze degrees of freedom restrict the application of these ® ndings to sport skill
and to reorganize co-ordinative structures in an acquisition (see Schm idt and Young, 1991). M ore
attem pt to regain control. In a later study, Beuter and recently, a number of investigations using m ulti-degree-
D uda (1985) considered the stepping perform ance of of-freedom , sport-related activities have also dem on-
young m ales under low and high arousal conditions. strated an enhanced perform ance effect following
Exam ination of selected kinematic characteristics feedback of this nature (H atze, 1976; Ayalan and Ben-
revealed striking inter- and intra-individual differences Siva, 1987; Sanderson and Cavanagh, 1990; Broker
in the patterns of ankle co-ordination between arousal et al., 1993; M endoza and Scholhorn, 1993). Unfortu-
conditions, w hile hip and knee joint dynam ics nately, m ost of these studies were aim ed at per-
rem ained relatively stable. It was concluded that the form ance optim ization rather than feedback, and are
proxim al (ankle) joint appeared to be subjected to a consequently lim ited by sim ilar design lim itations. The
different set of dynam ical rules, which are apparently potential of this avenue of investigation is unclear at the
in¯ uenced by arousal, thus supporting the regression present tim e. However, the ® ndings of Vereijken et al.
hypothesis. Further evidence for the successful re- (1992) suggest that it m ay be m ore bene® cial for the
636 H andford et al.

coach or researcher to seek a source of feedback infor- and arm s from the legs and hips. T his ability provides
m ation that re¯ ects m ore closely the essential relation- for a technical diversity w hich can have strategic bene-
ships between perform er, environment and task. ® ts. Consider a boxer w ho feints a punch to the body
and then aim s for the head, or the tennis player who
Skill. W hen the laws which govern control have been prepares to hit a cross-court drive and then plays a
discovered, the problem for the learner is to assign opti- drop shot to the line.
m al values to the controlled variables. `Skill’ , or optim al
organization, arises when the com ponents of the con-
trol structure are quantitively scaled such that the re- Conclusions
active forces of the lim bs become largely responsible
for movem ent. Passive, inertial and m echanical prop- Our focused com m entary on the literature on practice
erties of lim b m ovem ents are then fully exploited. C o- has show n that the questions w hich intrigue those
ordinative structures becom e extremely stable and interested in sport-related skills and their acquisition
additional degrees of freedom are released, increasing are as pertinent today as they were three decades
the num ber of controllable param eters and resulting in ago. D espite som e attem pts at creative application of
m ore ¯ uid m ovement (Bernstein, 1967). For som e research-generated ideas, m any questions, at best, have
m ovem ents, this increased ¯ uency m ay also allow per- incited equivocal reply. O thers have sim ply rem ained
Downloaded by [University of Guelph] at 07:38 18 June 2013

form ers to take advantage of elastic energy released by unanswered. T he philosophical underpinning of the
the tendons during m uscle stretch- shortening cycles ecological approach has prom pted a re-examination of
not previously stim ulated. H ence, the acceleration traditional theorizing (and supporting evidence) at a
phase of a lim b follow ing a change in direction m ay be foundation level and with particular reference to sport
increased as a result of the stretch- shortening effect. and exercise. Evidence supporting a knowledge-based,
For exam ple, if the performer separates the two phases prescriptive model for com plex skill learning has been
in the transition from the back swing to the down swing
show n to have som e serious lim itations that affect the
in a golf chip, there is no contribution to the accelera-
practical application of m uch of the current research-
tion of the down swing from the stretch- shortening
based knowledge. T he ecological approach has been
effect. H owever, a smooth transition will bring this
proposed as an alternative fram ework, which is sym-
effect into play (see Schneider et al., 1989), and the
pathetic to the teaching, coaching and study of skill
m ovem ent now becom es highly energy-ef® cient.
acquisition in the highly dynam ic environment of mod-
H ence, intuitive com ments, often based on subjective
ern sport (see D avids et al., 1994). H owever, despite
observation, that describe the execution of actions by
m ethodological m oves away from m easures of perform-
elite athletes as appearing effortless, may be closer to
ance outcome, few attempts are forthcoming to invest-
the truth than m ight be im agined.
igate ongoing changes in m ovement patterns during the
Together w ith energy cost, Latash (1993) discussed
com plete acquisition and learning of m ulti-degree-of-
m ovem ent tim e, im pulse and jerk (rate of change of
freedom skills. Although the em bryonic stage of theor-
acceleration) as possible indices of perform ance that
etical developm ent presently restricts the scope for
m ay be m inim ized in the optim ization of a sim ple
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cept of m inimized m ovem ent `effort’ (a function of needed to evaluate the practical impact of the m ain
joint stiffness, equilibrium position and m ovem ent tenets of an ecological perspective in the sport and
tim e) has been introduced as a possible optim ization exercise context.
param eter (H asan, 1986). Indeed, the combination of
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