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In the city of Machala, on the 10th day of January 2013, on the one hand, Mrs. -------------------------
---------------------------, with identity card No-------------- ----------------------------, as LESSOR , and on the other hand,
Mr. ……. ……………………………………………………………., with identity card No. .................................., as
LESSEE , who by their own rights, legally capable agree to celebrate this lease contract, in accordance with the
following clauses:
FIRST.- Object of the Contract: THE LESSOR, delivers as a lease to THE LESSEE and the LESSEE receives it as
an equal title, a property located in the city of ---------------- , with the nomenclature First Floor Office ----------------
with an approximate construction area of 48 Mts.2 in the Building -------------
-------------------------------------------------- --------------.
SECOND.- Characteristics of the real estate: For the purposes of this contract, the LESSOR is the owner of the
property described below:
Type of property : MEDICAL OFFICE in horizontal property
Location : Building ----------------------------------------------- ---, First Floor Office -------------------; whose address is
----------------------------------------------- ---------------------------, from the City of ------------------ ----
Approximate area : 48 m2
Services it contains : RECEPTION ROOM furnished with desk for secretary, 2 waiting furniture (1 medium 1 large),
1 chair for secretary, 1 water dispenser (hot and cold), 1 corner for magazines, 1 working telephone paid per day , 1
24” television, 1 large vase with artificial plant, 1 Air Conditioner; OFFICE ROOM with separate bathroom, furnished
with Executive “L” Desk, 1 Executive Chair, 1 Printer, 1 Telephone with working line paid daily, 2 chairs for patients,
1 Set of Furniture, 1 coffee table, 1 chaise lounge, 1 drawer, 1 display case, 1 apron holder, 1 two-body negatoscope, 1
refrigerator, 1 Air Conditioner; electric and water meters with their respective connections and installations, lamps,
right to communal areas and services.
THIRD.- Destination: THE LESSOR leases TO THE LESSEE the real estate that is the subject of this contract
described in the first clause, so that it undertakes to use it only as a consulting office, to develop activities specific to
its corporate purpose; prohibiting in advance to use it for activities contrary to morality, good customs and those
expressly prohibited by the Laws and Rules of Operation of the Building.
FOURTH.- Duration: This contract will have a duration of one year, counted from the present date, and may be
renewed successively for equal periods. To terminate the contract, a written notification must be given with a period of
no less than 30 days before its expiration, otherwise it will be automatically renewed.
FIFTH.- Consideration and Payment Method: The rental fee is set at the amount of ---------------------------- --------
US DOLLARS monthly, payable in advance during the first 5 days of each month. This fee will undergo an annual
increase equivalent to the average inflation rate of the immediately preceding year. SIXTH.- Declaration of
reception: The tenant declares that he receives the property in perfect condition, and must be responsible for its
elements in case of loss, breakage or deterioration, except for wear and tear due to normal use. To comply with this
clause, the lessee deposits with the lessor as security the amount of……………………………………… US
DOLLARS. This guarantee will be refunded upon delivery - receipt of the property at the end of the contract, as long
as it is in the same conditions in which it was rented and after covering the payment of basic services. In no case will
the guarantee be deductible with rental fees.
SEVENTH.- Grounds for Termination: This contract may be terminated before its expiration, for the causes
established for the lease contract of the commercial premises in the Commercial Code and especially for the
following: 1) By mutual agreement; 2) Due to breach of contractual obligations by any of the parties; 3) Due to
expiration of the term; 4) The landlord may terminate due to non-payment of two consecutive monthly payments; 5)
For modifying the property without authorization, for improper use, as well as for unauthorized subletting.
EIGHTH.- Restitution: Upon termination of this contract, for any reason, THE LESSEE will return the area to the
LESSOR in the same state in which THE LESSOR has delivered to THE LESSEE, which on the date of delivery is in
good condition, except for natural deterioration due to legitimate use and enjoyment. For this purpose, no later than
the day of material delivery of the property, they will sign the corresponding receipt document.
NINTH.- Payments for Public Services: Payments for services will be borne by the tenant as follows: Electricity:
complete form; Telephones: complete form; Expenses: those in force in their entirety that are required by law for its
normal functioning. Likewise, THE LESSEE is obliged to pay the sanctions, costs or fines that the companies
respectively or any authority impose for violations of the respective regulations or for not having timely paid for the
services caused during the validity of this contract and will compensate THE LESSOR for the damages that such
infractions or omissions may cause. PARAGRAPH ONE.- At the end of this lease contract and when THE LESSEE
delivers to THE LESSOR the property that is the subject of this contract, he will deliver the last three (3) receipts for
canceled services and a commitment to cancel the consumption caused until the day of return of the property.
TENTH. - Difference in rental fee: If there is any difference between the rental fee agreed in this contract with that
set by the Tenancy Office of the City of ------------------ ---, the contracting parties renounce jurisdiction or claim for
any difference, as well as any judicial action for this concept, giving priority to the mutual agreement as it is Law for
the parties.
ELEVENTH: Repairs and Improvements: THE LESSOR or owner expressly authorizes THE LESSEE to make the
improvements essential to the adaptation of the property in order to develop the activities of its corporate purpose,
which will be at the expense of the LESSEE. Regarding the useful improvements that THE LESSEE makes in
carrying out the aforementioned authorization, he may separate and take away the materials used in the works he
executes, without detriment to the leased property, but those that cannot be separated without suffering any damage to
the property. property, will be added to the property at no cost to THE LESSOR and will remain his property.
TWELFTH: Inspection: THE LESSOR may carry out inspections of the leased property as long as the provision of
the service is not hindered, formulating in writing the suggestions and recommendations that are necessary for better
functioning of the property.

The parties accept the content of this contract in its entirety and in witness of which they sign in triplicate, submitting
to the competent authorities and judges of the City of Machala.
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