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Name: Sumit Saha

Semester: L-1, Subject: Spanish (Language Dept.)

How Did I Love Thee?

How did I love thee? Let me count the ways,

In moments immersed in memories' soft embrace,
I loved thee with the innocence of our youth,
When life was gentle, and our hearts found truth.

I loved thee for the dawn of eternal grace,

When hand in hand, we had strived to find our place,
I loved thee in the quiet of the night,
When whispered words kindled our pure love's light.

I loved thee for the reveries we dared to dream,

For every celestial body that showed our love's bright gleam,
I loved thee for the warm tears we both had shed,
Through peaks and valleys, Love had always led.

So, as I journey through this life and beyond with thee,

In every way, my love for thee shall be,
A chronicle of moments, today’s old and history’s new,
Forever bound by love, both profound and true.

Genre: A quatern (16 lines poem broken up into 4 quatrains)

Keywords: Nostalgia, Love.
Inspired by Elizabeth Barrett Browning’s Sonnet 43.

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