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(i) Should be able to select their favourite dishes from available restaurants

(ii) Should be able to see most discounted restaurants, and should have filters to
select restaurants based on avg. meal price for two, and delivery distance from
their location.
(iii) Should allow users to see food prices and food ratings for most popular
(iv) On checkout page should show list of available coupons and have list of
various payment options.
(v) Should allow users to select membership subscriptions and added advantages of
(vi) Allow users to select their address on map or using gps,and also to enter it
in the address field.
(vii) Should show estimated delivery time.status of delivery and live tracking of
deliver agent.
(viii) Should allow seamless customer service in case of cancellations and refund
(ix) Should have options for users to select where the delivery agent should drop
the food package.
(x) Allow users to tip the delivery agent in case of good behaviour or unfavourable
(xi) Allow users to rate the services and the dish ordered from the restaurant
after successful delivery.

(i) Should notify restaurant owners once a customer orders from them and give them
the option to accept or reject the order.
(ii) Should allow them to change status of an order from food preparation to
Packing to ready for delivery.
(iii) Should give them the option to remove a dish if it gets out of stock or sold
(iv) Have seamless customer service in case of payment dispute or if a dish
ingredients went out of stock or if unable to reach delivery agent or order
cancellation from user.
(v) Should give them the option to contact delivery agent and live track them.
(vi) Should get notified about customer ratings for each of the dish the restaurant
is serving.

(i) Should give them the notification once a order is assigned to them.
(ii) Give them directions on map to reach the restaurant or call them incase if
unable to locate it.
(iii) Should have list of ordered food items and preferences of the customer for
the food and allow them to check during food packaging.
(iv) Should have contact details of customer in case of delay or unavailability of
ordered food or clarification regarding delivery location.
(v) Should have seamless customer service in case of any dispute.
(vi) Give them direction to reach delivery location and contact customers in case
if unable to locate.
(vii) Should allow them to change status once a food is delivered.
(viii) Should give them information regarding no. of orders completed and avg
rating given by users to them.

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