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An Undergraduate Research Presented to the Faculty

D.Q. Liwag National High School; Senior High School Department

Barangay Sto. Domingo Vinzons Camarines Norte

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

For The Practical Research 1

Name of Researcher

Ana Sofia Alzol



The current coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic is having a profound impact, not only on

people’s health but also on how they work, behave and live. Restricting measures have been

implemented in several countries in an attempt to slow down the dissemination of the

coronavirus. Thus, the emphasis is on taking extensive precautions such as extensive hygiene

protocol like regularly washing hands, avoidance of face-to-face interaction, social distancing,

and wearing masks. The pandemic also led to the closures of all academic institutions including

elementary and high schools with the hope of slowing the transmission of the virus among the

population. Furthermore, all students have been advised to be home quarantined for their safety.

One group particularly affected by these changes is students. The absence from the academic and

educational environment can affect the students’ behavior towards education, their health, and

social interaction.

According to Minton (2014), behavior is the actions and mannerisms made by

individuals, organisms, systems, or artificial entities in conjunction with themselves or their

environment. Behavior consists of an organism's external reactions to its environment. It is the

way in which someone conducts oneself or behaves. The implementation of rules and guidelines

of authorities to slow down the dissemination of coronavirus, highly affected the daily activities

of students. As they follow the Covid-19 Guidelines, they also change their way of living and

personal habits. Specifically, students lost their structure and routines. Due to given

circumstances, COVID-19 negatively affects the students’ emotion and dramatically impact their

The pandemic has heavily hit the country in multiple ways. As an archipelagic

country made up of more than 7000 islands, the Philippines is among the most vulnerable

countries in the world to natural disasters. In addition, the longstanding battle with

infectious diseases has been compounded by the rise in non-communicable diseases due to

lifestyle changes and an increase in risk behaviors. These issues have predisposed the

population to severe negative effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. The economy shrank

almost 10% in 2020, which pushed more people into poverty. Besides the direct health

losses due to the pandemic and the associated policy response, there are indirect health

losses that are hard to estimate for example, when healthcare resources were reprioritized

away from other important areas (National Library of Medicine, 2021).

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to determine the impact of rules and guidelines of Covid-19 pandemic on

the behavior of Senior High School Students in D.Q. Liwag National High School and find the

relationship between rules and guidelines of Covid-19 and the behavior of the students.

More specifically, it sought answers to the following questions:

1. What are the demographic profile of students in terms of:

1.1 Gender

1.2 Age and;

1.3 Strand?

2. What are the impact of the rules and guidelines of Covid-19 pandemic on the

behavior of students in terms of:

2.1 Academic and;

2.2 Personal Health and;

2.3 Social Interaction?

3. Is there any significant relationship between the rules and guidelines of Covid-19

pandemic and the behavior of students?


There is a significant relationship between the rules and guidelines of Covid-19 and the

behavior of students.
Scope and Limitation

The scope of the study is reflected in the title, The Impact of Rules and Guidelines of

Covid-19 Pandemic on the Behavior of Senior High School Students in D.Q. Liwag National

High School. The variables of the study are the Rules and Guidelines of Covid-19 pandemic in

terms of Academic, Personal Health and Social Interaction and Behavior of Students. The study

limited its coverage in D.Q. Liwag National High School. It is confined to the selected current

senior high school students enrolled for the school year 2022-2023 from the General Academic

Strand (GAS), Humanities and Social Sciences (HUMSS), and Technical-Vocational-Livelihood

(TVL) of the said school. The sample size is delimited to senior high school students from

DQLNHS who will serve as the respondent for this study with the use of a questionnaire survey.

The study will solely focus on finding whether there is a significant relationship between the

rules and guidelines of Covid-19 pandemic and the behavior of students, after finding out the

impact of rules and guidelines of Covid-19 on the behavior of students.

Significance of the Study

Understanding ourselves more and the relationship between our emotions and self-view

is a fundamental foundation of learning. The study aims to provide significance to:

Students. This study will give the students, more importantly, those involved in the

research, a more thorough understanding of the rules and guidelines of Covid-19, specifically in

their own selves and behavior.

Parents. This study will be beneficial to parents because they would be able to guide and

thoroughly understand their children’s behavior. Parents would begin to engage more in the lives

of their children as they cope with the environmental changes of Covid-19.

Community. This study would make the community realize the need for youth

counseling. It is important that youth viewed themselves in a positive way and with good

behavior as they are facing the changes and challenges due to Covid-19.

Future Researchers. This study can be used by future researchers as reference material

for their research and this research may serve as a guide for their report and research study.

Researcher, Herself. This study will help her in knowing the impact of the rules and

guidelines of Covid-19 on the behavior of the said students.

Definition of Terms

The following is a list of terms that will provide meaning in order to understand the

content of this study:

Academic. The actions and mannerisms made by students in their academic or study.

Behavior. The way in which one acts or conducts oneself, especially toward others

Personal Health. It is an action to maintain, attain, or regain good health and to prevent


Pandemic. It is defined as “an epidemic occurring worldwide, or over a very wide area,

crossing international boundaries and usually affecting a large number of people”. The classical

definition includes nothing about population immunity, virology or disease severity. s

Protocol. The official procedure or system of rules governing affairs of state or

diplomatic occasions.

Rules and Guidelines of Covid-19. It is a set of instructions for doing something

correctly during Covid-19. These are the principles that govern and conduct or behavior of a

person in an organization or country.

Social Interaction. It is a set of actions performed by individuals when they interact with

each other.

Minton. (2014).

National Library of Medicine. (2021)

Review of Related Literature and Studies

This chapter constitutes the related literature and studies made regarding Rules and

Guidelines of COVID-19 and behavior of students which are imperative as to give a general

overview of the relationship between these variables and what does other researchers and study

found about this.

Related Literature

According to Aristovnik (2020), many feel increased stress levels and anxiety, and

depressive symptoms as a result of changed delivery and uncertainty of university education,

technological concerns of online courses, being far from home, social isolation, and decreased

family income, and future employment. These impacts have been observed in universities across

the world.

According to Pekrun et al. (2020), “emotions of progress” as emotions are directly linked

to either emotion during the activities or its consequences, which consists of various situations.

Their study findings revealed that academic emotions were remarkably associated with the

students’ enthusiasm, academic achievement, self-regulation, cognitive resources, and learning

strategies, as well as class experiences and character.

According to Blanchard (2021), virtual working in the time of COVID-19, an adjustment

that many of us have had to make. While video conferencing can be a wonderful tool for

communication and feelings of belonging, a lack of informal exchanges between colleagues can
create difficulty. Blanchard (2021) sees this as an opportunity for future research to focus on

creating healthier virtual working environments.

According to Vanderlind et al. (2020), in order to prevent the pandemic from escalating,

universities are postponed to start school; moreover, university and college students must reduce

their travels, which prevents them from studying and participating in social activities and may

affect their learning progress and their mood.

The World Health Organization (2020) briefly discussed that it is also necessary to

identify related changes in health behaviors that may be occurring at a population level in order

to better understand the range of downstream psychosocial consequences of the recent outbreak

and its associated containment measures. Indeed, with large segments of the population under

conditions of isolation, modifications to lifestyle behaviors are largely inevitable. These are

likely to include changes in sleep, alcohol consumption, physical activity as well as dietary

habits and even the incidence of domestic violence cases.

According to Fitbit (2020), social isolation and lockdown may be the silver lining

to COVID-19 as it permits most individuals more time at home thus allowing, for some,

flexibility in sleep-wake timings and extended sleep duration. Fitbit has recently confirmed this

when they reported a change in sleep patterns from their global community. They revealed that

people are going to bed later and achieving more sleep than usual since the COVID-19 outbreak.

According to Matias et al. (2020), the importance of physical activity during lockdown

has been recently emphasized with the authors arguing that exercise can help to rebalance

physical and mental health and wellbeing. It was concluded that exercise should be promoted as

much as social distancing measures during these challenging times.

Malcolm et al. (2019) briefly discussed that evidence exploring the association between

physical activity and sedentary behavior with social isolation and loneliness is, surprisingly,

relatively limited. It is inevitable that, for large numbers of individuals, quarantine and self-

isolation measures will have a dramatic negative impact on levels of physical activity with gyms,

parks, and a host of other recreational facilities closed off.

Hales et al. (2021) explore the implications of lockdowns and social distancing guidelines

for mental health from the perspective of social ostracism. Restrictions on movement and

behavior can result in people feeling ostracized. However, Hales and colleagues (2021) also offer

some cause for optimism and find that people may be more resilient than they think in times of

crisis, and that social norms are quickly shifting such that people may actually feel less

ostracized and a greater sense of belonging as time goes on.

Tenenbaum et al. (2021), the impact of the pandemic on children’s social development,

stressing the impact that prolonged separation from peers may have on the development of

social, emotional, and cognitive skills. A silver lining highlighted by Tenenbaum et al (2021) is

the potential of online communication tools that allow children to interact with others their own

age and form and sustain friendships with minimal adult interference. The quality of social

relationships is impacted by positive aspects such as emotional support from others, and negative

aspects such as conflict and stress. Social relationship scientists often emphasize that

comfortable, relaxed and easy social relationships are important in a person’s life and have a

great impact on health, affecting their behavioral, psychosocial, and physiological states (Montez

et al, 2010).

According to Algunmeeyn et al. (2020) the stringent social distancing measures that were

implemented remain in many sectors, particularly in education, social gatherings, sports clubs,
and others. While such measures are intended to protect people from the infection, a key and

unintended consequence of such instructions could be an increase in stress, loneliness and

domestic violence among the whole population.

Related Studies

According to the study of Walker (ND) highlighted for adolescents who are home-

schooled during lockdown, providing they can keep their own schedule and are not required to

attend live early morning classes, there may be positive downstream effects on a range of

cognitive outcomes. These include heightened levels of alertness, attention, memory, decision-

making as well as problem-solving.

In accordance to the study of Norman (2020), though personal hygiene practices such as

washing hands, wearing masks, and maintaining social distance are widely recommended to the

public based on the knowledge of droplet transmission, there is still scarce evidence of the

effectiveness of these personal measures in preventing COVID-19 infection at the individual


According to the study of Xiang et al (2020) entitled the Impact of COVID-19 pandemic

on children and adolescents' lifestyle behavior larger than expected, the ongoing coronavirus

disease 2019 (COVID-19) spread is a public health emergency and global threat. Governments

have ordered citizens to stay at home as an emergency measure and implemented school closures

to prevent further spread of the infection. They found out that governments, schools,

professionals for health and exercise, and parents need to be aware of the severe situation and

implement more effective interventions for PA immediately to minimize the negative impact of

the COVID-19 pandemic on children's and adolescents' health.

According to the study of Jamison (2021) entitled Comparing the impact on COVID-19

mortality of self-imposed behavior change and of government regulations across 13 countries,

disaggregating government policies, the most beneficial for reducing fatality, are intercity travel

restrictions, canceling public events, requiring face masks in some situations, and closing

nonessential workplaces. Other sub-components, such as closing schools and imposing stay-at-

home rules, show smaller and statistically insignificant impacts. the effect of voluntary behavior

change is of the same order of magnitude as government-mandated regulations. These findings,

including the substantial variation across dimensions of closure, have implications for the

optimal targeted mix of government policies as the pandemic waxes and wanes, especially given

the economic and human welfare consequences of strict regulations.

According to the study of Martinez et al (2020) entitled Lifestyle behaviors during the

COVID‐19 – time to connect, people around the globe have been urged to self ‐isolate and refrain

from social interaction due to the COVID‐19 pandemic. From public health and preventative

care perspectives, there is a pressing need to provide individuals, communities and health

agencies with information and interventions to maintain the healthiest possible lifestyle while in

isolation. It was found out that unhealthy lifestyles may be a driving force in the epidemic of

common mental disorders. The current pandemic‐related, mandatory self ‐isolation may trigger

depression and post‐traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and that being a healthcare worker or

having COVID‐19 is risk factors for stress‐related psychiatric disorders.

According to the study of Singh et al (2020) entitled Impact of COVID-19 and lockdown

on the mental health of children and adolescents: A narrative review with recommendations,

COVID-19 pandemic and lockdown have brought about a sense of fear and anxiety around the

globe. This phenomenon has led to short-term as well as long-term psychosocial and mental
health implications for children and adolescents. The quality and magnitude of impact on minors

are determined by many vulnerability factors like developmental age, educational status, pre-

existing mental health conditions, being economically underprivileged, or being quarantined due

to infection or fear of infection. They found out that there is a need to ameliorate children and

adolescents’ access to mental health support services geared towards providing measures for

developing healthy coping mechanisms during the current crisis. For this innovative child and

adolescent mental health policies with direct and digital collaborative networks of psychiatrists,

psychologists, pediatricians, and community volunteers are deemed necessary.

According to the study of Ngwacho (2020) entitled COVID-19 Pandemic Impact on

Kenyan Education Sector: Learner Challenges and Mitigations, the COVID19 has continued to

spread across the world with immediate and long term social economic effects on national

economies and their individual citizens as already underscored. The pandemic has disrupted

learning for more than 1.7 billion learners worldwide. As the global death toll from the pandemic

continues to rise, large numbers of children will be orphaned and become vulnerable to

exploitation and abuse. Conclusively, it is imperative to be ahead of the game purposely to

envisage seamless learning in critical situations as evidenced by infectious diseases, like

COVID19 and others, to emanate in the future to ensure that learners do not lose out on essential

learning times that could have an impact on their developmental milestones. Therefore,

continuing education, through alternate learning pathways, as soon as possible, must be a top

priority for MoE to ensure that the disruption to the education sector is as limited as possible.

Measures to mitigate any emerging challenges from the laid down strategies are also critical to

ensure that MoE is able to provide access to quality, equitable and inclusive education to learners

during and after the crisis to ensure continued learning and to keep pace with 100 percent policy.
According to the study of Meo et al (2020) entitled COVID-19 Pandemic: Impact of

Quarantine on Medical Students’ Mental Wellbeing and Learning Behaviors, the novel

coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic causes great public health and socioeconomic harms.

Worldwide many countries implemented quarantine policies to minimize the spread of this

highly contagious disease. The findings encompass two important characteristics related to

quarantine, psychological wellbeing, and learning behaviors. Both female and male medical

students have identified that quarantine has caused them to feel emotionally detached from

family, fellows, and friends and decrease their overall work performance and study period. The

findings also show that one fourth of the medical students who participated in this study felt

disheartened during the quarantine period. The long-term quarantine due to COVID-19

pandemics may causes further worsening in the psychological and learning behaviors of these

medical students.

According to the study of Becher (2021) entitled Ideology and compliance with health

guidelines during the COVID-19 pandemic: A comparative perspective, novel coronavirus

disease (COVID-19) was caused by the Sars-Cov2 virus, large-scale behavioral change is

essential to limit the loss of human lives and to allow societies to resume economic and social

activities. Social desirability is likely to be a factor when respondents are directly asked to report

whether they complied with highly publicized behavioral rules. While there is a clear ideological

gap in compliance with health guidelines during the COVID-19 pandemic in the United States,

in a majority of the countries we studied there is no comparable association between ideology

and compliance. Their results highlight the importance of taking a comparative perspective. The

degree of heterogeneity revealed in both the list experiment and the semiparametric latent

variable analyses suggests that researchers studying the pandemic should be cognizant of the
pitfalls when extrapolating from both single-country studies and standard pooled (or

homogenous) country regressions. An implication of their results is that it may be difficult for

policymakers to learn from other countries' experiences when crafting policies intended to

enhance compliance with public health guidelines. While behavioral social science can draw on a

repertoire of experimentally tested “nudges” to enhance compliance (Bavel et al., 2020), the

results highlight that the social and political characteristics of individuals less likely to follow

health guidelines vary across countries. Thus, behavioral interventions intended to target

noncompliers should not be based on the assumption that “noncompliers” behave identically

across countries.

Synthesis of the Studies

The researcher highlighted the similarities and differences between the studies of authors

in determining the impact of rules and guidelines of Covid-19 on the behavior of Senior High

School Students in D.Q. Liwag National High School and guidelines of COVID-19 pandemic.

With the wide range of readings relevant to the present study, the researcher was able

conceptualize the significance of the study.

In some extent, various studies were contributory to present study particularly Authors

Malcolm et al., Algunmeeyn et al., Hales et al., Umberson and Montez stated that quarantine and

self-isolation measures will have a dramatic negative impact on levels of physical activity.

Furthermore, the impact of the pandemic on children’s social development, stressing the impact

that prolonged separation from peers may have on the development of social, emotional and

cognitive skills. As a result, a key and unintended consequence of such instructions could be an

increase in stress, loneliness and domestic violence among the whole population.
In contrast, several authors Cameron and Tenenbaum claimed that a silver lining

highlighted is the potential of online communication tools that allow children to interact with

others their own age and form and sustain friendships with minimal adult interference.

There are similarities and differences between the present and reviewed studies that have

been noted. However, the present study differs only in its research environment, time, element,

and its subject. The researchers perceived that the behavior of students is affected by the Rules

and Guidelines of COVID-19 pandemic based on the reviewed studies. The studies imply that

the behavior of students is dependent in the rules and guidelines of COVID-19. Studies about the

impact of rules and guidelines of COVID-19 on the behavior of students are extremely rare to

find, thus it is imperative to publish more studies to further understand this, especially in D.Q.

Liwag National High School.

And so this study serves as a framework of a pioneering study targeting the impact of

rules and guidelines of COVID-19 pandemic on the behavior of Senior High School Students in

D.Q. Liwag National High School.

Theoretical Framework

The following discussions presented theories and models that justified this research and

provided the intellectual backbone for the purpose of this study.

Theory of Planned Behavior

In relation to behavior and its processes involved in the Theory of Planned Behavior. The

intention of the individual to perform the behavior plays the main role in the theory of planned

behavior. In order to perform the behavior, intentions are believed to have a motivational effect

on behavior. The theory was formally introduced by Ajzen (1980).

Based on what the theory of planned behavior declares, intentions along with perceived

behavioral control create the performance of a behavior. There are some conditions that need to

be met in order to have an accurate prediction. First, the behavior to be predicted should be

compatible with the measures of perceived behavioral control and intention by Ajzen,

(1988). That is why perceptions of control and intentions must be assessed considering the

particular behavior of interest. The context of the research must be similar to that of the

occurring behavior. According to different situations and behaviors, it is expected to have

various levels of importance for perceived behavioral control and intention Bandura, (1977).

Briefly, based on the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) (Ajzen, 1985) which is the

extended version of the Theory of Reasoned Action (Ajzen 1975), behavior is a direct

function of the elements like behavioral intention, which is formed by the person’s attitude, and

perceived behavioral control. Another element is the subjective norm reflecting perceptions that

significant referents prefer the person to perform or not perform a particular behavior. The last

element is perceived behavioral control which shows perceptions of internal and external

constraints on behavior Ajzen In a more formal description, intention and perceived behavioral

control form the weighted function of behavior while the intention is created by the weighted

sum of the attitude, subjective norm and perceived behavioral control components (Todd et al,

Theoretical Paradigm
Conceptual Framework

The paradigm of the study shown in figure 1 illustrated the conceptual framework of the

study. This study explains the relationship between the Rules and Guidelines of Covid-19 and

the behavior of Grade 11 Students in D.Q. Liwag National High School. The frame showed the

relationship and the actual pattern that is used in the study.

The first frame showed the study consisting of Rules and Guidelines of Covid-19 based

on the following aspects: academic, health, and social. The second frame presented the behavior

of students. Both frames show that the behavior of students is dependent on the rules and

guidelines of Covid-19.
Conceptual Paradigm




Demographic profile Impact of rules and guidelines

of Covid-19 on the behavior
in terms of;
of students in terms of;
1. Gender 1. Academic
2. Age 2. Personal health
3. Strand 3. Social interaction


Behavior of Students
(Figure 1. The Conceptual Paradigm of the Study shows the Relationship of Rules and
Guidelines of Covid-19 to Behavior of Students)


Aristovnik (2020). Psychological impacts from COVID-19 among university students: Risk

factors across seven states in the United


Pekrun et al. (2020). Evaluation of students’ attitude and emotions towards the sudden closure

of schools during the COVID-19 pandemic: a cross-sectional study




Xiang et al. (2020). Impact of COVID-19 pandemic on children and adolescents' lifestyle

behavior larger than expected

Jamison. (2021). Comparing the impact on COVID-19 mortality of self-imposed behavior

change and of government regulations across 13 countries

Martinez et al (2020) Lifestyle behaviours during the COVID‐19 – time to connect

Singh et al. (2020). Impact of COVID-19 and lockdown on mental health of children and

adolescents: A narrative review with recommendations
Ngwacho. (2020). COVID-19 Pandemic Impact on Kenyan Education Sector: Learner

Challenges and Mitigations




Meo et al. (2020). COVID-19 Pandemic: Impact of Quarantine on Medical Students’ Mental

Wellbeing and Learning Behaviors

Becher. (2021). Ideology and compliance with health guidelines during the COVID-19

pandemic: A comparative perspective

Research Methodology

This chapter contains research design, population, sample size, and sampling technique,

description of respondents, research instrument, data gathering procedure and the statistical

treatment of data used in the conduct of this study.

Research Design

The Qualitative Research Method is used by the researcher in collecting the information

needed in this study. According to Gall and Borg (2007), the descriptive research design enables

researchers to describe a phenomenon and its characteristics. This research is more concerned

with what rather than how or why something has happened. Therefore, observation and survey

tools are often used to gather data.

The descriptive method of research is the person descriptively presents his/her study.

The descriptive research design enables researchers to describe or present the picture occurrence

or phenomenon under investigation. The goal was the acquisition of factual and accurate data

that can be used in presenting existing conditions and observations of controlled situation. This

method will allow the researcher to gather information from the respondents without any

difficulties in answering questionnaire provide by the researcher to have information regarding

the impact of Rules and Guidelines of Covid-19 on the Behavior of Grade 11 Students of D.Q.

Liwag National High School.

This research aims to determine impact of Rules and Guidelines of Covid-19 Pandemic

on the Behavior of Senior High School Students and correlate the relationship of Rules and

Regulation of Covid-19 and behavior of students.

Population, Sample Size and Sampling Technique

The senior high school students in D.Q. Liwag National High School during school year

2022-2023 are the respondents of this study. The researcher used a probability sampling, the

simple random sampling method, which draw out samples from a larger population. Through this

method, the total population has equal chances which provides more accurate data. To get the

sample size of the study, Slovin’s formula was used which is as follow:

n = N1+Ne2


n = no. of samples

N = total population

e = error margin / margin of error

In this study, the researchers used 95% confidence (giving a margin error of 0.05) may be

accurate enough, so we get:

n = N1+Ne2 =

The random sample of senior high school student respondents are drawn from the overall
Table 1. Respondents, Population Size, Percentage







Table 1 showed the respondents, population size, ages, percentage and the sample size.

TABLE 2: Respondents by Age





Table 2 showed the respondents by age.

Context and Participants

The respondents of this study were the senior high school students from: Humanities and

Social Sciences (HUMSS) General Academic Strand (GAS) and Technical Vocational

Livelihood (TVL) of D.Q. Liwag National High School. The researcher chose them as the

respondents of the study because were having greater exposure, experiences and knowledge that

will give the best response for this research.

Research Instruments

The researcher will use survey questionnaires as an instrument of this study. This will be

divided into two parts: Demographic Profile of the Respondents and impact of rules and

guidelines of Covid-19 pandemic on the behavior of students under three categories.

Items under the impact of rules and guidelines of Covid-19 pandemic on the behavior of

students’ part have 3 statements each which required the respondents to answer the questions in

3 ways: Always, Sometimes, Never. The equivalents of these are 3, 2 and 1 respectively.

Therefore, the higher the score on scale, the higher impact of rules and guidelines of Covid-19 on

the behavior of students while the lower the score, the lower impact of rules and guidelines of

Covid-19 pandemic on the behavior of students.

Table 2. Likert Scale for Impact of Rules and Guidelines of Covid-19 Pandemic on the

Behavior of Senior High School Students.

Numerical Value Rating Scale Verbal Interpretation

3 2.51 – 3.25 Always (A)

2 1.76 – 2.50 Sometimes (S)

1 1.0 – 1.75 Never (N)

Data Gathering Procedures

The initial stage of data gathering procedure concern to the collection of information to

where the sample respondents drawn. The researchers asked permission of the faculty D.Q.

Liwag National High School before conducting the study and get the official list of enrollees in

the school year 2022-2023.

The last stage of data gathering activity is the distribution of the questionnaire to the respondents.

In this stage, the researchers ask the permission of the teacher and selected respondents in

accessing information relative to the distribution of the questionnaire before it was distributed.

After obtaining the permission, the researchers gave each respondent an online survey

questionnaire which include to it the directions and reminders for them to answers the

questionnaire properly and accomplish it. The researchers asked the respondent to read the

direction carefully and fill out both the demographic and the main part of the questionnaire.

After the survey questionnaires was answered by the respondents, the answered collected

were evaluated by validated, tallied, tabulated, and interpreted by the researchers according to

the respondents’ response.

Statistical Treatment of Data

After the collection of data, the researchers will tabulate the responses using the

qualitative statistic method. The following statistical treatments will be used in gathering the


1. Frequency and Percentage

Frequency and Percentage was used to determine the percent equivalent of respondents.

P = fnx 100%


P – Percentage

f – Frequency

n – Number of sample/respondents

2. Likert Scale

A type o rating scale, often found on survey forms or questionnaires, that measures how

people feel about something which can be useful in many different situations.

3. Weighted Mean

Weighted mean was used since the response to the item in the survey questionnaire are

quantitative and weighted points are assigned for quantitative analysis, weighted mean is used to

determine the response that would typical to the respondents as a group.

Mw=∑ fwn


Mw-computed weighted mean

∑- summation

fw- product of the frequency and weight

n- total number of samples

4. Frequency Count.

The researchers used frequency count to determine the number of responses to a

particular item.

5. Ranking.

It is a question response format used when a researcher is interested in establishing some

type of priority among a set of objects, whether they be policies, attributes, or some other topic

or property of interest. The researchers will use this treatment to show the results of the survey

from highest to lowest.

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