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1) Leia a passagem e coloque os diagramas em ordem.

In Japan, the average population is getting older. People are

living longer, and they are not having so many children. The
number of people who work is falling, but the number of retired
people is growing. This is having an effect on the economy, as
fewer people are paying taxes, while the number of people they
have to support is increasing. Why is this happening? People
are living to a very old age because medical care is improving,
and more women are joining the workforce, so they are waiting
longer to have a family and the birth rate is slowing.

1 __________

2 __________

3 __________

2) Leia novamente a passagem da Atividade 1 e conte o

número total de verbos Present Continuous presentes nela.
3) Complete a passagem com a forma correta do verbo entre
parênteses, usando o Present Continuous onde for possível.

The Earth’s climate​ ( 1 ) ..................... (​ change). The Earth

( 2 )​ ..................... (warm) up, and most scientists now ​( 3 ) ...................
(agree) that human activity ​( 4 ) ........................ ​(cause) this to
happen. Species of plants and animals​ ( 5 ) .......................... (​ die),
and chances for ecosystems to adapt ​( 6 ) .....................​ (diminish).
What (​ 7 ) ..................... ​governments....................... (do) about it? They
( 8 ) .....................​ (discuss) ways we can reduce carbon emissions,
and many powerful governments and businesses (​ 9 )​ .....................
(co-operate) with the advice from experts.

4) Complete a passagem com os verbos na caixa. Use o

Present Continuous sempre que possível.

increase - hunt - believe - cause - develop - result - poison -

disappear - happen - sell - not adapt

Some people ​( 1 ) ...................​ that we are in the middle of a mass

extinction of animal life. Why (​ 2 ) ..................... ​this .......................?
Global warming may be one reason, but many other factors
( 3 ) ....................​ difficulties for wild animals. In many countries,
poachers ​( 4 ) ...................... r​ are animals for money. They ​( 5 )
....................​ the animal parts for traditional medicine. As the
human race ​( 6 ) ....................​. , natural habitats
( 7 ) ......................​ and the animals​ ( 8 ) ....................​ to the new
environment. Chemicals used by farmers (​ 9 ) ......................​ the
land, and this ​( 10 ) ......................​ in imbalances between the
species. However, extinction of certain species may also be part
of a natural process, as new species ​( 11 ) ....................​ to replace
those which are lost.
Áudio 1 (​clique aqui com botão direito + “abrir em uma nova
guia” para escutar​)

5) Ouça a Parte 1 de um exame IELTS Speaking e complete as

anotações abaixo sobre o que foi dito, utilizando o Present

Petros ​( 1 )​ ...................... English and (​ 2 )​ ....................... as a waiter. He

( 3 )​ study a t university. After that, he ​( 4 )​ ....................
his father’s business in Athens. Petros ​( 5 )​ ..................... his studies,
but he ​( 6 )​ ............................................ a problem paying his fees.

(Gabarito abaixo)
Gabarito - ​Aula 1 - Present Continuous

Activity 1

1) Diagram B
2) Diagram A
3) Diagram C

Activity 2


Activity 3

1) is changing
2) is warming
3) agree
4) is causing
5) are dying
6) are diminishing
7) are (governments) doing
8) are discussing
9) are not co-operating

Activity 4

1) believe
2) is (this) happening
3) are causing
4) are hunting
5) are selling
6) is increasing
7) are disappearing
8) are not adapting
9) are poisoning
10) is resulting
11) are developing

Activity 5

1) is studying
2) (is) working
3) is hoping
4) is joining
5) is enjoying
6) is having

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