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Vocabulary I

1 Choose the correct options to complete the sentences with free time activities and adjectives.
1 Beth always wins her games of chess because it’s ____________ for her. She’s so intelligent!
(a) easy (b) hard (c) fun
2 I ____________ table tennis every Saturday at the sports club.
(a) take (b) do (c) play
3 Paul and I do ____________ on Wednesdays. Paul likes judo but I prefer karate.
(a) dance classes (b) martial arts (c) volleyball
4 My basketball classes are ____________ because we always play games!
(a) fun (b) easy (c) hard
5 My father does ____________ every morning before breakfast. It’s very relaxing.
(a) martial arts (b) table tennis (c) yoga
6 Billy ____________ dance classes every week. He wants to be a ballet dancer.
(a) does (b) plays (c) takes
7 Card games are very ____________ for me because I don’t like numbers!
(a) easy (b) hard (c) fun
8 We play ____________ at my school. We play in a competition this week!
(a) yoga (b) volleyball (c) dance classes

2 Complete the text with the correct free time activities and adjectives.
Alfie: What sports do you do at school?
Jack: Well, why don’t you guess? I really enjoy being close to the net! It’s a lot of
(1) _________________! And it’s (2) _________________ for me because I always get a lot of points!
Alfie: I know that sport! You (3) _________________. It’s a great sport! But it’s
(4) _________________ for me because I like to play with my feet, not my hands! At my school, we (5)
_________________, but I don’t like it. We jump a lot and I get tired! We also (6) _________________
and I love that. I am good at karate and I want to get a black belt next year.
Jack: That’s great! I really want to (7) _________________ because I love to move my body to music. But we
don’t have those classes at my school.
Alfie: At my school, we do! And we (8) _________________. I love it. It helps me to relax my body after sport.

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Vocabulary II

3 Choose the correct options to complete the sentences with sports and time expressions.
1 My mum and I go fishing / go hiking / go horse-riding in a river near our home.
2 Do you go swimming / go diving / go hiking at the sports club? They have a great pool.
3 We have a beach near our home and we go surfing once / every / on a week.
4 We go hiking / go horse-riding / go diving under the sea. We see fish and dolphins!
5 Does Amelia go cycling once / on / every Sundays?
6 On holiday, I go horse-riding / go swimming / go fishing with my family. We can ride very fast!
7 Alicia totally loves skateboarding and she goes every / once / on day.
8 This summer we want to go hiking / go diving / go swimming in the mountains.

3 Complete the text with the correct sports and time expressions.
Do you want to have a great holiday in the country? Come to the TeenTrek holiday camp!
There are so many things to do! Are you energetic? You can (1) ___________________ in the hills. There is so much
to see, but take some water. It’s a long walk!
There is also a river in the camp. You can (2) ___________________ but you can’t eat them!
It’s just for fun and classes are at 4 pm (3) ___________________ Saturdays. You can also
(4) ___________________ in the lake or you can (5) ___________________ under the water!

Do you want to go for a ride? You can (6) ___________________ and take time to look at the beautiful views. There
are a lot of bikes at TeenTrek! You can do this (7) ___________________ a day at 12 pm.

There is something for everyone at TeenTrek! And we are open (8) ___________________ summer! We hope to
meet you there!

On the Pulse 2nd Edition 1 © Macmillan Publishers S.A. 2021

Grammar I

1 Choose the correct options to complete the sentences with adverbs of frequency.
1 We ___________ go swimming in the lake. We go about once a month.
(a) always (b) usually (c) never
2 Dara is ___________ late to school. She arrives at 8 am every day.
(a) sometimes (b) never (c) usually
3 I ___________ do martial arts on Mondays, but this week the class is on Wednesday.
(a) usually (b) never (c) sometimes
4 They are ___________ happy to go to yoga class. They love it!
(a) never (b) sometimes (c) always
5 Jake ___________ plays volleyball at weekends. He normally plays during the week.
(a) always (b) sometimes (c) never
6 Flavia and I ___________ go hiking in Bariloche. We do it all the time.
(a) usually (b) never (c) always
7 I am ___________ on time for class. Some days I’m late but I try to be responsible.
(a) never (b) often (c) always

3 Complete the conversation with adverbs of frequency.

Jess: What do you do after school, Vicky? I (1) _________________ play football on Wednesdays, but today
there is no class!
Vicky: Oh no! Do you want to come to my dance class? Our classes are
(2) _________________ on Wednesdays every week. Come with me! I love the classes, so I am (3)
_________________ on time!
Jess: Great! Thanks! Haha, I am (4) _________________ on time for my aerobics classes. I arrive late because
I finish school five minutes before the class!
Vicky: I like aerobics! Well, I (5) _________________ do aerobics, about once a month. But it’s hard for me
because it makes me tired.
Jess: I know what you mean! What do you do at weekends?
Vicky: Well, on Saturdays I take dance classes and on Sundays I (6) _________________ see my friends. Not
every Sunday, maybe once every two weeks.
Jess: Haha, I (7) _________________ see my friends on Sundays. It’s my time to be at home and read!

On the Pulse 2nd Edition 1 © Macmillan Publishers S.A. 2021

Grammar II
4 Write Wh- questions in the present simple.
1 A: you / do/ at weekends?
B: I play table tennis.
2 A: Hilary / take / her dance classes?
B: On Fridays.
3 A: they / go fishing?
B: Once a month.
4 A: our maths class / start?
B: On Monday.
5 A: Yulia / do / after school?
B: She does gymnastics.
6 A: you / do / your homework on time?
B: I always do it on time!
7 A: we / have / the class?
-B: At the sports club.

5 Read the answers and complete the questions.+

1 A: Where _____________________________? 7 A: Where _____________________________?
B: I live in Bristol, in the UK. B: Sandy goes skateboarding at Kaos Temple.
2 A: How _____________________________?
B: I go diving about once a year.
3 A: Where _____________________________?
B: Delia plays volleyball at the club on College Road.
4 A: What _____________________________?
B: In summer I go on holiday with my family.
5 A: What _____________________________?
B: Tina goes fishing at weekends.
6 A: How _____________________________?-
B: They go hiking twice a week.

On the Pulse 2nd Edition 1 © Macmillan Publishers S.A. 2021


Read the text.

Interview with Tory Diaz, karate champion

Tory, you are a very young karate champion. How old are you?
I am 13 years old! I am 14 in October.
That’s very young! How often do you practise?
I practise every day. I go to the gym to work out after school and I have karate training in the evenings. I don’t
practise in the mornings because I am very tired!
But, you are 13! When do you go to school?
I have a lot of competitions during the year, so I usually study at home. I have got a tutor and she’s amazing! When
I’m on tour, she gives me all my classes online.
What do you eat when you are training?
I eat a very special diet. I eat fish, eggs, vegetables and fruit. I don’t eat meat. I am a vegetarian, but also it’s not
good for karate training. I also eat some pasta but not a lot. Also, I can’t drink soft drinks. Things like cola are not
good for training, so I drink water and green tea!
What do you do when you are not training?
Well, I love swimming and cycling. I go swimming and cycling every week. I also love horse-riding, but I can’t do that
when I travel, so I only do it sometimes.
What do you want to do in the future?
I love competitions and I want to compete in the Olympics. I want to get a gold medal! I also want to teach karate
classes. I want to teach kids. Karate gives me self-confidence. I want young people to feel like me!
Thank you, Tory! And good luck at the Olympics!

1 Read again and write True or False next to the sentences.

1 Tory is not 14 years old. ____________
2 She loves practising karate at any time of day. ____________
3 She does all her classes online. ____________
4 She sometimes eats pasta. ____________
5 She never drinks cola. ____________
6 She usually goes horse-riding. ____________
7 Karate makes Tory feel good about herself. ____________

2 Read again and answer the questions.

1 When does Tory work out?
2 Where does she do her school work?
On the Pulse 2nd Edition 1 © Macmillan Publishers S.A. 2021
3 What does she not eat?
4 What does she drink?
5 What does she do in her free time?
6 What does she want to do in the future?
7 Why does she want to teach children?

1 Listen to the interview and answer the questions.

1 Where is the event?
2 What time of year is the event happening?
3 How many sports does Phil talk about?
4 What sport uses rollerblades?
5 Is the sport dangerous?
6 How many kinds of dance does Phil talk about?
7 When is the dance programme in?

2 Listen to the interview and write True or False next to the sentences.
1 Street Sport is for people of all ages. ___________
2 The Street Sport event is in one part of the city. ___________
3 They talk about a sport called Street Bowling. ___________
4 Street hockey is great fun. ___________
5 All children like sports. ___________
6 There are many types of dance to learn. ___________
7 The sports centre is in the centre of the city. ___________

On the Pulse 2nd Edition 1 © Macmillan Publishers S.A. 2021

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