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Complete the following statements

1.- It is the process by which a choice is made between alternatives or ways to resolve different life
situations, these can occur in different contexts. This process allows us to achieve and enjoy goals, examine
different options and consider immediate consequences. ANSWER: Decision making
2.- It is the organized set of processed data that contributes a message that changes the state of knowledge
of the people or systems that receive said message ANSWER : Information
3.- It is the action and effect of learning, that is, of understanding by intervening intelligence and natural
reason along with practice. Answer: Knowledge
4.- A student studies Unit 1 of the Module and to do so consults a set of references, reads a package of
books and visits several addresses for Internet sites. You realize that you have gathered a lot of information,
facts, study materials and that, to be sure of your knowledge, you should make a summary to be able to
explain in your words the objective of the Unit and its implications.
According to this writing, what is meant by knowledge?
Answer: Management of assimilated information.
5.- The theory of multiple intelligences is a model proposed by Howard Gardner in which intelligence is not
seen as something unitary, which groups together different specific abilities with different levels of
generalities, but rather as a set of multiple, different intelligences. and independent.
6.- Howard Gardner, creator of the theory of multiple intelligences model, defines intelligence as __ the
ability __ to solve problems or produce products that are valuable in one or more cultures.
7.- They are the part of the personal growth process that answers the questions:
What do I want?
What I want to learn?
So that?
What ways of acting, thinking and feeling will I obtain as a result of my experiences?
Where do I want to go?
Answer: The objectives
8.- Relate the types of characteristics that you should meet as a high school graduate in the left column, with
their definitions in the right column, as established by the SEP.
Characteristics of graduates Definitions
1. Analytical a. It is the skill that allows you to be practical
and organized both in your study time and
in completing your school work.
2. Autonomous b. It is the ability to participate in activities
that seek the good of the community, local
or global, based on sustainability.
3. Critical c. It is the ability to think for themselves, both
intellectually, civically and morally, and
make decisions based on these thoughts.
d. It is the ability to create hypotheses, based
on observation, or solve problems that
involve the conjunction of diverse
e. It is the commitment one has to defend
diversity, relating to others and giving a
primary place to dialogue.
4. Systematic f. It is the ability to observe contemporary
events with an awareness of the
sociocultural roots, the relevance of the
events and the historical dimension they
ANSWER 1-f, 2-C, 3-D, 4-A
9.- Analyze the following statements regarding the differences between information and knowledge. Identify
the true statements
a) Knowledge can be public or private and information is a process that depends on each individual
b) Information requires filtering since it does not only include knowledge. On the other hand, in
knowledge, information that is not useful to the person is discarded. True
c) To transmit information, only a sender and a receiver are required. Knowledge requires a person
(knowing subject) to be acquired True
d) Knowledge by itself does not contribute to the modernization of society, what does is the
information that is transmitted through communication. Fake
e) Knowledge requires information but information does not always transmit knowledge, because it
always needs a person (knowing subject). TRUE
Answer: b, c and e
10.- Read the following examples carefully and indicate which concept it refers to.
a) An engineer needs spatial interpretation skills, but he also needs logistical and mathematical skills to
perform calculations, interpersonal relationship qualities to present his projects, bodily and kinesthetic
skills to be able to direct construction, etc. ______________________________ Answer: Multiple
b) Einstein is no more or less “smart” than Pele, what happens is that his intellectual qualities belong to
different fields of knowledge and skills. ____________________________
Answer: Multiple Intelligences
11.- Select from the following list which types of intelligences correspond to those proposed by the theory of
multiple intelligences:
a) Componential – mathematics
b) Logic - mathematics
c) Musical Answer: b, c, e, g, yj
d) Experiential – creative
e) Corporeal - kinesthetic
f) Emotional
g) Interpersonal or social
h) Contextual - practice
i) Sentimental
j) Linguistics
12.- What is the unique mixture of types of reasoning and acting in the face of various stimuli that each
person has, as a result of skills, challenges, experiences and training? Learning styles
13.- How do you present or format the work?
A) You wouldn't worry about the work background, you think that the most important thing is that the
information is complete, because the format is the least important.
b) Based on the content, you rely on the computer program to use graphic elements to present the
information more clearly.
c) You would make an effort to use colors and put decorative images in your work, in addition to using a
special folder to make your presentation more attractive.
d) Since you don't know how to use computer programs, you would work on the content and ask someone
else on the team to be in charge of formatting it.

*14.- Select the option that contains one of the two names to choose from for each of the following
a) They clarify the learning objectives to be achieved, their operating conditions and the level of demand or
expected achievement. They include the content broken down into learning units referring to knowledge or
knowledge, skills, attitudes or values and the competencies to be achieved.
( Study programs / Self-assessments)
b) They contain information about the formal knowledge to be acquired and that in traditional courses is
provided by teachers through classes. The guides inform about these materials including documents, books,
texts, manuals, instructions and internet sites.
(Tutorials / Reference Materials )
c) They inform about the characteristics of the work to be carried out and the procedures to carry it out
through steps or stages. They offer precise information about what should be done and how to proceed to
do something.
(Exercise and applications / Manuals )
15.- Select from the following list of characteristics of the modalities in which the baccalaureate can be
studied, those for which you chose the current study modality.
a) Flexibility of schedules
b) Classes scheduled by hour and day
c) I can choose the dates on which I want to take my exams
d) Personalized advice with teachers to review all knowledge
e) No minimum or maximum time to finish school
16.- Select the option that completes the following sentence:
The different types of texts are classified depending on the audience to whom it is directed and the author's
intention in texts __________________
a) Work, summary and periodicals
b) Scientific, content and opinion or commentary
c) Scientific, dissemination, technological and educational
d) Literary, scientific, popular and journalistic
17.- What is the statement that summarizes the content of a publication?
Answer: Title
18.- What are the features that make up the graphic identification of a text called?
Answer: Superstructure.
19.- Is it a brief presentation of a large amount of information on a topic or issue? Answer:Summary
20.- Select the option that completes the statement: Good writing is the result of, on the one hand,
knowledge of the language and, on the other hand, _____ Practice ___________
a) Syntax c) Results
b) Praxis d) Practice
21.- Point out the option that is correctly accented:
a) Tell him to give you permission to go to the fair at night
b) I saw you leaving the library shortly before noon
c ) I know you need money and I know you don't have it
d) That afternoon we had a very special feeling
22.-* From the following statements, identify the general characteristics of scientific texts:
a) Denotative language f) Select information
b) Abstract lexicon g ) Use of technicalities
c) Do not pass judgment h) Argumentative speech
d) It is objective i) It is informative
e) Cultured language j) Iconographic_elements

23.- Which of the following resources supports the understanding of the lexicon in literature?
a) Dictionary
b) Encyclopedia
c) Lapels
d) Our cultural background
e) Deduction of the meaning of words and expressions from the context
f) Cover
g) Relationship of terms with unknown meanings with others that we do know
h) Index
24.- What is the sentence that contains a formal word?
a) The goal left the players [sprawled] and without spirit.
b) When they moved [pa] to the right, the crash occurred
c) The growth of [pύber] implies physical and psychological changes.
d) They made us [hollow out] the room so that the boss could enter
25.- A group of people wants to organize the elements of a summary, they indicate how they should reorder
a) Recognize the main idea of each paragraph
b) Complete the ideas with your own words Answer: a,b,d, c
c) Organize and relate ideas with links and punctuation marks
d) Locate the repeated words to eliminate them
26.- To express through the written word what we must communicate and comply with certain fundamental
norms, it is necessary to resort to: Answer: Write a text.
27.- Choose the word that completes the following statement: During this stage that we identify with the
name ___ Writing __________, a first draft is prepared or the parts of an outline are developed.
a) Rewriting
b) Planning
c) Writing
d) Review
28.- Select the option that correctly completes the following sentences
a) The words _________________ (grave/ acute ) only have an orthographic accent when they end in –
n, en, -s or vowel
b) All words _____________ ( esdrújulas /acute) have an accent or spelling accent
c) The words ___________________ (esdrújulas/ graves ) have spelling accent when they end in a
consonant other than –n, or –s, they are also accented when they end in –s preceded by another
29.- Choose the correct sentence, according to the use of the letters “z”, “c”, “s”
a) My mother first coats the fish to fry it
b) The brazier returned to its country after eight years
c) The bread dough is very spongy
d) The cat stalks a little bird from the roof
30.- Indicate which one is written correctly:
a) That bag is for the donkeys to sleep in
b) They learned mathematics efficiently
c) A fraudster was arrested when boarding a plane
d) Go to your room and don't bother me anymore!
31.- Identify the order in which the following elements must be given, so that an adequate reading process is
carried out:
a) Identify the main ideas and underline them
b) Summarize, take notes, make tables or diagrams
c) Transform the titles and subtitles into questions such as: what?, who?, why?
d) Write down unknown words to consult them in the dictionary
e) Compare the notes with the text, verifying that the information is correct and complete
f) Inspect the entire book, graphs, charts, tables, headings, titles, subtitles, diagrams and photographs
Answer: a,f,b,c,d,e,
32.- A synthetic note has as its main objective:_ Reconstruct the content of the consulted text, in a
schematic, understandable and effective way.
33.- _____ Journalistic _________ texts take advantage of the printed image, the placement of the letter, its
size and shape, to attract the reader's attention before they start reading.
34.- When writing a text, you use a pair of commas, now enter:_____ _________
35.- Relate the columns by pointing out the punctuation marks with their characteristics
Eat *It refers to an idea that is not essential but that the
author considers important
Two points Indicates that we have finished talking about one
topic and are starting to talk about another.
Semicolon *Indicates a slightly longer pause that tells us that
an idea ends to begin another
Point and followed *Indicates that you should take a slightly longer
*Indicates that you should take a brief pause while
New paragraph *It is used in an interspersed phrase with an
independent explanatory meaning.
*Indicate that precedes an explanation.

36.- Relate the columns according to the classification of paragraphs

Types of paragraphs Classification
Transitive paragraph It represents the end of the text, suggestions are
given and the author's position is made clear.
Conceptual paragraph All necessary explanations are included so that the
result of the investigation is understood.
Explanatory paragraph The most important concepts of the text are clearly
Concluding paragraph It serves as a link between the introductory part and the body of the
37.- Correctly order the procedure to outline the plot of a narrative work
a) Write a paragraph with the main ideas, using linking elements and appropriate punctuation.
b) Number the paragraphs
c) Underline and grade the importance of ideas.
Answer: c, b, a

38.- A comment is based on the reading of a text for its subsequent synthesis and evaluation, divided into
several parts that are: textual coherence, textual characterization, cohesion and __ justification ____

39.- Relate the types of reviews with their corresponding descriptions

1.Text a) The film Adele and the Mystery of the
Mummy renews the Spanish film billboard today,
Friday, September 10. Writer, director and
producer Luc Besson's love for science fiction
adventures with huge budgets is well known and
2.Of show b) This book, written by José Cruz López,
narrates the adventures of Gilgamesh, who knows
the value of friendship and loyalty, which helps
him confront monstrous creatures and
persistently seek immortality.
3.Cinema c) Today around noon the ¼ mile drag
program took place on a part of the Tierra del Sol
Boulevard. It was organized by the Chapus Club
Oaxaca, in coordination with the Huajuapan Club
and was sponsored by various commercial houses
such as “Maderería el Roble”, TOYO Tires, among
4.Of an event d) The Caterpillar (Bullying) tells the story of a
teenager who, after being systematically harassed
at school by her classmates, decides to commit
suicide. Then he will appear like a ghost, pricking
the consciences of his executioners, repeating to
them: why me? Based on this, Alejo Beccar,
playwright and director of the play, seeks to
provide elements for the understanding of
*Answer :1-b, 2-d, 3-a, 4-c e) This is the album linked to the decision to
leave the Ministry of Culture of his country that
Gilberto Gil announced just two weeks ago, but at
the same time Banda Larga Cordel is always a
rehearsal, a manifesto and a position taking in
addition to music with restlessness
40.- There is an asterisk (*) in the sentence. What punctuation mark should be replaced?
Madam (*) I am writing to tell you that the request you sent…… ____ Comma ______
41.- In the following sentences, place the parentheses where necessary
a) Surveys indicate that the number of voters has increased ( approximately 15% ) in the last 5 years
b) Salvador Díaz Mirón gave his state ( Veracruz ) the glory of being its cradle
c) When the Flemish scientist Jan Baptista Helmont ( 1577-1644 ) coined the word “gas” he derived it
from the word chaos.
42.- Select the punctuation mark from the left column that is appropriate to use taking into account the
characteristics of the sentence in the right column.
1.Parentheses a.The man in the red shirt was responsible for
2.Script b.Instead of crossing the middle finger with the
index finger, cross the legs similarly
3.Quotes c.I hope everything goes well, said Azucena with an
excited gesture.
d. Then take that dagger and kill me with it,
Cuauhtémoc said to the conquistador Cortes.
* Answer:1-a, 2-c, 3-d
43.- Relate the left column referring to the types of tokens, with their basic data in the right column
1.BIBLIOGRAPHICAL a.Header or title (capital letters) that indicates the
subject of the card
2.CONTENT b. Name of the author, complete surname with
capital letters and followed by the author's name in
additions and deletions
c. Name of the author, surname in capital letters,
then the abbreviated title of the book, underlined
d.Name of the director or editor of the publication
and that of the magazine
e.Heading or title and subtitle of the book in italics
f.Name of the translator in lower case, preceded by
the abbreviation tr. or translation, edition number,
place and date of printing, publisher and number of
gAbbreviated pages where the information and
content of the file is dried

Answer: 1-a,c,f, 2-b,e,g

44.- A “comma” should be used to:
a)Separate ideas and concepts within a sentence .
b) Terminate a set of ideas in several sentences.
c) Emphasize a change in intonation when reading the text.
d) Terminate a sentence within a paragraph.
45.-Identify the parts of the operating system interface

A) Dialog box
B) Desk
C) Start Menu
D) Taskbar
E) Software button
F) Start button
G) Icons
H) Program running in a window

A) (1-D) (2-E) (3-G) (4-A) (5-B) (6-H) (7-F)
B) (1-D) (2-E) (3-G) (4-D) (5-B) (6-A) (7-F)
C) (1-C) (2-F) (3-D) (4-A) (5-B) (6-H) (7-G)
D) (1-D) (2-F) (3-G) (4-A) (5-H) (6-B) (7-C)

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