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Quality Management System (QMS) for Small Workboat Operation

1. Introduction:

The Quality Management System (QMS) for our small work boat operation aims to ensure the highest
standards of safety, efficiency, and customer satisfaction. This system outlines the processes, procedures,
and controls necessary to maintain consistent quality throughout our operations.

2. Quality Policy:

Our organization is committed to providing safe and reliable work boat services that meet or exceed
customer expectations. We prioritize continuous improvement, compliance with applicable regulations,
and adherence to industry best practices.

3. Organizational Structure:

a) Roles and Responsibilities: Clearly define roles and responsibilities within the organization to ensure
everyone understands their responsibilities for quality control and improvement.

b) Competency and Training: Ensure that all employees receive appropriate training to perform their
duties effectively and in accordance with established quality standards.

4. Document Control:

a) Document Management: Establish a system to control the creation, review, approval, distribution,
and retention of documents and records related to our work boat operation.

b) Document Version Control: Maintain a controlled document hierarchy to ensure that the latest
version of documents is readily accessible and used.

5. Risk Management:

a) Risk Assessment: Conduct regular risk assessments to identify and mitigate potential risks and
hazards associated with our work boat operation.

b) Risk Treatment: Implement control measures and mitigation strategies to minimize identified risks
and their potential impact.

6. Operational Planning and Control:

a) Operational Objectives: Set clear objectives aligned with our quality policy and monitor progress
towards their achievement.
b) Resource Management: Ensure adequate resources, including personnel, equipment, and
infrastructure, are available to support the safe and efficient operation of our work boats.

c) Emergency Preparedness: Develop and maintain an emergency response plan to handle unforeseen
incidents or emergencies that may arise during work boat operations.

7. Safety and Maintenance:

a) Vessel Maintenance: Establish a preventive maintenance program to ensure that all work boats are
in optimal condition, minimizing the risk of breakdowns and ensuring compliance with safety standards.

b) Safety Procedures: Develop and implement safety procedures for routine tasks, emergency
situations, and the handling of hazardous substances on board.

8. Customer Satisfaction:

a) Customer Requirements: Identify and understand customer requirements, including their specific
needs and expectations regarding timing, efficiency, and safety.

b) Feedback and Complaints: Establish a mechanism to receive, record, and address customer
feedback, suggestions, and complaints,

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