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Instructions: Sometimes people use anger to get their way. Being assertive doesn’t mean
getting your way; it means that you can express your wishes and beliefs in a nondestructive
way. Some examples of how people deal with anger are listed below. Brainstorm some ways
that are used to deal with anger. Include both good and bad methods. When you have finished
with a list, decide on the methods that are healthy ways to deal with anger.
Throw things _nothing________
Scream__a lot_____________
Count to 10 ___10_______

Activity: RESPONSIBLE ACTION SHEET. I am the BOSS of my feelings!

1. When I get angry, it helps me feel better if I let go the things I can’t control or deal with .
2. When I feel sad, it helps me feel better if I
_lay on my bed and play some music .
3. When I feel anxious or nervous, it helps me feel better if I _breathe and thinking about
the good things that happened to me that makes me feel so happy.
4. When I feel grumpy, it helps me if I
Stop the things that makes me grumpy so that will no one else noticing that I’m being grumpy .
5. When I feel lonely, it helps me if I
Lay on the bed and try to think something.
6. When I feel embarrassed, it helps if I
7. When I feel sick, it helps me feel better if I drink some medicine.
8. When I feel silly, I like to
_do the things that makes me even more silly.
9. When I feel disappointed, it helps me If I not talk to anybody or anything else. 10. When
I feel broke______________________, it helps me feel better if I
_ask my mom to give me money by persuading him because I have no allowance.

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