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1)Define Software Testing. State Objectives of software Testing?

=> Software Testing is the process of evaluating and verifying a software

application or system to identify and address defects, errors, or quality issues.
It involves running the software and executing various test cases to ensure that it
behaves as expected and meets the specified requirements. The primary objectives of
software testing are as follows:

Bug Detection: One of the main goals of software testing is to discover and report
defects or bugs in the software. These bugs can include coding errors,
functionality issues, or discrepancies between the actual and expected behavior.

Quality Assurance: Software testing is essential for ensuring the quality and
reliability of the software. It helps identify issues that may lead to system
crashes, data corruption, or security vulnerabilities, thus enhancing the overall
quality of the software.

Validation and Verification: Testing verifies that the software meets the specified
requirements and validates that it fulfills the intended purpose. It ensures that
the software aligns with user expectations and business needs.

Risk Reduction: Testing helps reduce the risk associated with software failures. By
identifying and addressing issues early in the development process, it minimizes
the chances of costly and disruptive problems occurring in production.

Documentation: Testing generates documentation, including test plans, test cases,

and test reports, which can serve as a reference for developers, testers, and
stakeholders. This documentation aids in understanding the testing process and

Continuous Improvement: Testing provides feedback that can be used to improve the
software's design and development processes. It helps developers understand areas
where enhancements or optimizations are needed.

Customer Satisfaction: Ensuring that the software functions correctly and meets
user expectations is crucial for maintaining customer satisfaction. Effective
testing helps prevent customer dissatisfaction due to software defects.

Compliance: In certain industries, software must adhere to specific regulations and

standards. Testing helps confirm that the software complies with these
requirements, such as security standards, accessibility guidelines, or
industry-specific regulations.

Performance Evaluation: Testing evaluates the software's performance under

different conditions, including load, stress, and scalability. This ensures that
the software can handle varying levels of user activity and data volumes.

Cost Savings: Identifying and fixing defects early in the development process is
more cost-effective than addressing them later in the software development life
cycle or after the software has been deployed.
In summary, software testing is a critical phase in software development that aims
to ensure the reliability, functionality, and quality of the software while
reducing risks and improving the overall development process.

2)Write down the testing approaches of Web Application.

=> Testing web applications is essential to ensure their functionality, security,
and performance. There are various testing approaches and techniques you can employ
to thoroughly assess a web application. Here are some common testing approaches for
web applications:

Functional Testing:

Unit Testing: Test individual components or modules of the web application to

ensure they work correctly.
Integration Testing: Verify that different modules or components integrate
System Testing: Assess the entire system's functionality to ensure it meets the
specified requirements.
Usability Testing:

Evaluate the user interface (UI) and overall user experience to ensure it's
intuitive and user-friendly.
Compatibility Testing:

Test the application on various browsers (e.g., Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Internet
Explorer) and devices (e.g., desktop, mobile, tablet) to ensure consistent
Performance Testing:

Load Testing: Evaluate how the application performs under expected load conditions.
Stress Testing: Assess the system's behavior under extreme load to identify
breaking points.
Performance Profiling: Identify bottlenecks and optimize the application for better
speed and responsiveness.
Security Testing:

Penetration Testing: Attempt to exploit vulnerabilities to identify and address

security weaknesses.
Security Scanning: Use automated tools to scan for common security issues like SQL
injection, cross-site scripting (XSS), and more.
Authentication and Authorization Testing: Verify the application's authentication
and authorization mechanisms.
Accessibility Testing:

Ensure that the web application is accessible to users with disabilities, complying
with standards like WCAG (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines).
Regression Testing:

Continuously test the application after each change or update to ensure that new
features or bug fixes do not introduce new issues.
Cross-Browser Testing:

Check the application's compatibility and functionality across different web

browsers and their versions.
Cross-Device Testing:

Ensure the web application works correctly on various devices with different screen
sizes and resolutions.
Localization and Internationalization Testing:

Verify that the application works seamlessly in different languages and regions,
accounting for cultural and language-specific nuances.
Data Integrity Testing:

Ensure that data is stored, retrieved, and processed accurately within the
Scalability Testing:

Assess the application's ability to scale up or down based on changing load and
resource demands.
Backup and Recovery Testing:

Test backup procedures and data recovery mechanisms to ensure data can be restored
in case of data loss or system failures.
Usability Testing:

Conduct user-centered tests to evaluate the application's ease of use and user
API Testing:

Test the application's APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) for correctness,

reliability, and security.
Mobile App Testing:

If the web application has a mobile counterpart, perform testing specific to mobile
devices and platforms.
Browser Developer Tools:

Utilize browser developer tools to inspect network requests, debug issues, and
analyze performance.
Code Review and Static Analysis:

Analyze the source code for vulnerabilities and adherence to coding standards.
Documentation Review:

Review the application's documentation to ensure it is accurate and up-to-date.

Compliance Testing:

Ensure that the application complies with industry-specific regulations and

standards (e.g., HIPAA for healthcare, GDPR for data privacy).
The choice of testing approaches depends on the specific requirements and
constraints of your web application project. It's often advisable to use a
combination of these approaches to thoroughly evaluate the application from
different angles.

3)Explain the Performance Testing and its Criteria.

=> Performance testing is a crucial aspect of software testing that evaluates how a
system or application performs under various conditions. The primary goal of
performance testing is to ensure that a software application or system meets
performance expectations, such as speed, scalability, stability, and
responsiveness. It helps identify bottlenecks, resource limitations, and potential
issues that can affect the system's performance in real-world scenarios.

Performance testing typically involves the following criteria:

Load Testing:

Definition: Load testing assesses the system's performance under expected load
conditions. It helps determine if the application can handle a specific number of
users or transactions within acceptable response times.
Criteria: The criteria for load testing include:
Defining the target load, which could be concurrent users, transactions per second,
or any other relevant metric.
Measuring response times and throughput to ensure they meet performance goals.
Identifying performance bottlenecks and scalability issues.
Stress Testing:

Definition: Stress testing evaluates the system's behavior under extreme conditions
beyond its expected capacity. It helps uncover the breaking points and weaknesses
in the application.
Criteria: The criteria for stress testing include:
Pushing the system to its limits, often beyond the maximum specified load.
Observing how the system degrades or recovers when subjected to excessive load.
Determining if the system can handle unexpected spikes in traffic or resource
Scalability Testing:

Definition: Scalability testing assesses the system's ability to handle increased

loads by adding resources like CPU, memory, or servers. It helps determine how well
the system can scale vertically or horizontally.
Criteria: The criteria for scalability testing include:
Evaluating the system's ability to accommodate additional resources seamlessly.
Measuring performance improvements as resources are added.
Identifying any limitations or diminishing returns in scalability.
Volume Testing:

Definition: Volume testing evaluates the system's performance with a large amount
of data, such as database records, to ensure it can handle the expected data
volumes without performance degradation.
Criteria: The criteria for volume testing include:
Testing with a dataset that exceeds the anticipated data volumes.
Monitoring system resource utilization, response times, and data integrity.
Verifying that the application can handle data growth without issues.
Endurance Testing:

Definition: Endurance testing, also known as soak testing, assesses the system's
stability over an extended period under normal or heavy loads. It helps uncover
memory leaks, resource exhaustion, and other long-term performance issues.
Criteria: The criteria for endurance testing include:
Running the system under continuous load for an extended duration, often 24 hours
or more.
Monitoring memory usage, CPU utilization, and system stability.
Ensuring that the system remains responsive and stable over time.
Concurrency Testing:

Definition: Concurrency testing evaluates how the system handles multiple users or
processes accessing it simultaneously. It helps identify issues related to
concurrent data access, locking, and synchronization.
Criteria: The criteria for concurrency testing include:
Simulating concurrent user actions or transactions.
Detecting deadlocks, race conditions, or data corruption caused by concurrent
Verifying that the system maintains data integrity and consistent behavior.

4) List any four skills of software tester.

=> Certainly, here are four essential skills of a software tester:

Analytical Skills: Software testers need strong analytical skills to thoroughly

examine software applications, understand requirements, and identify potential
defects or issues. They must be able to break down complex systems into smaller
parts for testing and problem-solving.

Attention to Detail: Testing often involves meticulously reviewing software for

even the smallest discrepancies. Testers must pay close attention to detail to
catch and report defects accurately. Missing a minor issue could have significant
consequences for the software's functionality and user experience.

Communication Skills: Effective communication is crucial for software testers. They

need to document their findings clearly, write comprehensive test cases, and
communicate defects and issues to developers and other team members. Being able to
explain complex technical issues in a non-technical manner is also valuable.

Technical Proficiency: While not all testers need to be programmers, a solid

understanding of the technical aspects of software development and testing tools is
important. Testers often use various testing tools and may need to write or modify
code to create automated test scripts. Familiarity with programming languages,
databases, and testing frameworks can be beneficial.

These skills, along with domain knowledge and the ability to think critically, are
vital for a successful career in software testing.
5) Differentiate between Quality Assurance and Quality Control.
=> Definition:

Quality Assurance (QA): QA is a proactive and systematic process that focuses on

preventing defects and ensuring that quality standards and processes are
established and adhered to throughout the entire product or service development
lifecycle. It is a process-oriented approach.

Quality Control (QC): QC is a reactive process that involves checking and verifying
the quality of the end product or service. It aims to identify and rectify defects
or deviations from established quality standards. QC is a product-oriented


QA: The primary objective of QA is to prevent quality problems from occurring in

the first place by establishing robust processes and standards. It focuses on
continuous improvement and process optimization.

QC: QC aims to identify and rectify defects in the finished product or service. It
verifies that the product meets the established quality criteria and standards. QC
is about finding and fixing issues after they have occurred.


QA: QA activities are integrated throughout the entire development process, from
project planning to design, development, and testing. It is a proactive approach
that ensures quality is built into the product or service from the beginning.

QC: QC activities occur after the product or service has been developed, just
before or during its release. It involves inspection, testing, and validation of
the final product.


QA: QA is the responsibility of everyone involved in the project. It involves

defining quality standards, processes, and guidelines that all team members should

QC: QC is typically the responsibility of a specialized team or individuals whose

primary role is to check and verify the quality of the product. They focus on
finding and addressing defects.


QA: Documenting and enforcing coding standards, conducting code reviews,

establishing testing processes and methodologies, and ensuring that project
management practices promote quality.
QC: Manual or automated testing of software, conducting inspections and audits,
reviewing documentation for accuracy, and performing validation and verification
activities on the final product.

6) Explain Test Case. Which parameters are considered while documenting a Test
=> A test case is a detailed set of instructions or conditions that a software
tester follows to verify whether a specific aspect of a software application or
system is functioning correctly or not. Test cases serve as a roadmap for testers
to systematically evaluate the software's functionality, features, and behavior.
They are a fundamental component of software testing and quality assurance.

When documenting a test case, several parameters or elements are considered to

ensure that the test case is comprehensive, well-structured, and effective. These
parameters typically include:
a)Test Case ID, b)Test Case Name/Title, c)Objective/Purpose, d)Preconditions,
e)Test Data, f)Steps/Actions, g)Expected Results, h)Actual Results, i)Status,
j)Priority, k)Severity, l)Test Environment, m)Test Setup, n)Test Dependencies,
o)Test Execution Steps, p)Attachments, q)Test Author, r)Test Date.

7) Explain V-model with diagram a) Why Boundary Value Analysis is required? Give
=> V-Model (Validation and Verification Model):

The V-Model is a software development and testing framework that emphasizes the
importance of validation and verification at each stage of the software development
lifecycle. It is called the V-Model because of its V-shaped diagram, which
represents the parallel and corresponding phases of development and testing.

Diagram of the V-Model:

| | | |
V | | V
Design | Implementation
| | |
Verification Validation
| | |
| | |

Why Boundary Value Analysis is required:

Boundary Value Analysis is required for several reasons:

Boundary Effects: Software often behaves differently at the boundaries of valid

input ranges. Boundary conditions are more likely to lead to errors, so testing
them is critical.
Error Detection: BVA is effective in detecting off-by-one errors and other issues
related to boundary conditions, which are common sources of defects.

Coverage: It provides a systematic way to test a wide range of values with

relatively few test cases, improving test coverage.


Consider a simple scenario of entering a password for a web application. Suppose

the password must be between 8 and 12 characters long, inclusive.

Valid Boundary Values:

Minimum Length (8 characters)

Maximum Length (12 characters)
Invalid Boundary Values:

One character less than the minimum (7 characters)

One character more than the maximum (13 characters)
Boundary Value Analysis would involve testing the system with passwords of exactly
8, 12, 7, and 13 characters to ensure that the application handles these boundary
conditions correctly. This helps uncover any issues related to boundary validations
in the password input field.

8) Differentiate between Alpha Testing and Beta Testing

=> Alpha Testing:


Alpha testing is conducted by the internal development team or a specialized

testing team within the organization.
It aims to identify defects and issues in the software before it is released to
external users or customers.
The focus is on validating the software's functionality, reliability, and overall
Test Environment:

Alpha testing is typically conducted in a controlled and isolated environment,

often within the development organization's premises.
It can be performed on a limited scale, usually involving a small group of testers.

Testers in alpha testing are usually internal employees, including developers,

quality assurance engineers, or other designated testers.
They have a deep understanding of the software's design and architecture.

Alpha testing covers the entire software application, including all features and
It may involve both scripted test cases and exploratory testing.
Feedback and Iterations:

Feedback from alpha testing is typically used to improve the software's

functionality and performance.
Developers can make immediate fixes and enhancements based on the feedback.
Beta Testing:


Beta testing is conducted by external users or a select group of customers who are
not part of the development organization.
Its primary goal is to gather feedback from real-world users and assess how the
software performs in different environments.
Test Environment:

Beta testing takes place in a more diverse and realistic environment, as it

involves external users' hardware, software, and configurations.
It can be conducted on a larger scale, reaching a broader user base.

Beta testers are external individuals or organizations who volunteer or are invited
to participate in the testing.
They may have varying levels of expertise and may not be familiar with the
software's inner workings.

Beta testing often focuses on specific aspects of the software, such as usability,
compatibility, and real-world performance.
It may not cover all features or functionalities comprehensively.
Feedback and Iterations:

Feedback from beta testing is valuable for understanding how the software performs
in diverse user environments.
It can inform future updates and improvements to enhance the software's usability
and address any unexpected issues.

9) Prepare any eight test cases for college admission form

=> Certainly, here are eight test cases for a college admission form:

Valid Personal Information Submission:

Test the form by entering valid personal information, including name, date of
birth, address, and contact details.
Ensure that the form accepts and stores the information accurately without any
Mandatory Field Validation:

Submit the form without entering data in any of the mandatory fields (e.g., name,
email, or date of birth).
Verify that the form displays appropriate error messages for each missing field.
Valid Email Address Format:

Enter an email address in an invalid format (e.g., missing "@" symbol or no domain
Confirm that the form rejects the invalid email format with an error message.
Date of Birth Validation:

Enter an invalid date of birth (e.g., a future date or an unrealistic date).

Check that the form rejects the invalid date and displays an error message.
Upload Document Test:

Attempt to upload a document (e.g., a transcript or identification) with an

unsupported file format.
Verify that the form prompts the user to select a valid file format (e.g., PDF,
Password Strength Check:

Enter a weak password that does not meet the specified password strength criteria
(e.g., too short or no special characters).
Ensure that the form prompts the user to create a stronger password.
Confirmation Page Display:

Complete the form with valid data and submit it.

Check that the form redirects to a confirmation page, displaying the submitted
information for review.
Edit and Update Information:

Access the confirmation page and attempt to edit and update the previously
submitted information (e.g., change the address or phone number).
Verify that the form allows users to make changes and updates the information
Payment Processing:

Proceed to the payment section of the form and enter valid payment details.
Confirm that the form securely processes the payment and provides a payment
Session Timeout Handling:

Open the admission form and leave it idle for an extended period to trigger a
session timeout.
Check that the form displays a session timeout warning and allows the user to log
in again without losing entered data.
International Address Handling:

Enter an international address with non-standard characters and formats.

Ensure that the form accepts and stores international addresses correctly.
Submission Confirmation Email:

After successful form submission, check the registered email for a confirmation
Confirm that the user receives an email with the details of their application

10) Explain Entry and Exit Criteria of Software Testing.

=> Entry Criteria:

Requirements Confirmation: Before testing begins, the project team should review
and confirm that the software requirements are complete, well-defined, and
approved. Testing cannot proceed without a clear understanding of what needs to be

Test Environment Setup: The necessary test environments, including hardware,

software, databases, and network configurations, must be set up and ready. Test
data should also be available.

Test Plan Approval: The test plan, which outlines the testing strategy, objectives,
scope, and resources, should be prepared and approved by relevant stakeholders.

Test Cases and Scripts: Test cases and test scripts must be developed based on the
approved test plan and requirements. These should be reviewed and approved by the
testing team.

Test Resources: Testers, test data, and test tools or software should be allocated
and available for use. Training, if required, should be completed.

Test Environment Readiness: The test environment should be stable and configured to
mimic the production environment as closely as possible. Any necessary test data
should be prepared and loaded.

Test Execution Schedule: A test execution schedule should be defined, including the
sequencing of test cases and milestones. Testers should be aware of the schedule
and responsibilities.

Defect Tracking System: A defect tracking system or tool should be set up to log
and manage defects identified during testing.

Exit Criteria:

Test Completion: All planned test cases and test cycles should be executed as per
the test plan. Testers should have tested all identified scenarios.

Defect Closure: All reported defects should be resolved, retested, and verified as
closed or fixed. There should be no critical or high-priority defects open.

Test Documentation: Test documentation, including test cases, test scripts, test
reports, and any other relevant documents, should be updated and organized.

Test Summary Report: A test summary report should be prepared, summarizing the
testing activities, results, and any issues encountered. It should be reviewed and
Code Freeze: The development team should have completed its work, and a code freeze
should be in effect to ensure that no new code changes are introduced during

Stakeholder Approval: Relevant stakeholders, including product owners or project

managers, should review and approve the test results and overall testing process.

Exit Meeting: A formal exit meeting should be held to discuss the testing outcomes,
any remaining risks, and the readiness for the next phase (e.g., production

Go/No-Go Decision: Based on the exit criteria and test results, a go/no-go decision
should be made regarding the software's readiness for production release.

Test Artifacts Handover: Test artifacts, such as test cases, scripts, and test
data, should be handed over to maintenance or production support teams if

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