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Ambra Kaye P. Ariola BSBA Legal Management
Part 1
1. Identify the two sub-claims given in the video.
2. Make a list of all of the ideas that support the claim “Avengers: Infinity War
is one of the most brilliant screenplays the video creator has watched.”

Sub-claim: The Avengers movies have less completely satisfying stories.

Sub-claim: The alien storyline changed the Marvel cinematic universe making it a
worthwhile watch.

The Avengers movies have great dialogue and plot lines.

Marvel had a real and substantial story by providing a proper beginning, middle, and
end that satisfyingly continued throughout different storylines.
Marvel had hit the Avengers a Fibonacci spin that sent out all realities
The lead actors get a satisfying amount of screentime and have character
development while making a huge contribution to the overall plot.
Part 2
Please tell me about your hobby or favorite pastime. Give two different
reasons why you enjoy the hobby or pastime. Explain. Minimum of one
introductory paragraph and two paragraphs giving one reason each.

“Touch some grass.” A famous Gen-Z catchphrase I have been reading online that
means to reconnect to reality or to go outside and see the world. As a person who
spends time browsing online on different social media platforms, and who often
labels myself as “chronically online”, I was definitely taken aback by it. Well,
primarily because it was true and I do need to touch some grass. So, as my way to
touch grass, I have hobbies. The first one is to play my favorite simulation game
which is The Sims 4 and the second one is to bake.
As a homebody and an introvert, my favorite hobby is to play The Sims 4. I
always jokingly thought to myself that the reason why I love playing this
simulation game is because of the ability to control life. In a sense, there is a truth
to it because life in the real world is already draining as it is. Waking up everyday
without generational wealth and not having the same privilege compared to rich
families is an already tiring experience. But kidding aside, I think that what is
happening today is too overwhelming and actually quite depressing for me. The
way how society gradually emerges to cruelty through the manifestation of the
Philippine government is quite a burden to bear and carry everyday. Not to
mention that there are a lot of atrocities happening such as the controversial
confidential funds, the oppressive church against the LGBTQIA+ community, the
abusive doings of a cult in Socorro, etc. With how stressful reality is, Sims is my
source of relief that gives me a sense of control to give my sims a good life.

On a lighter note, my second hobby is baking. Similar as my first reason in the

preceding paragraph, baking also helps me to destress. Its just that the outcome
of my stress reliever comes in pastries and bread. But of course, I do not normally
bake everyday even if I get stressed out most of the time because the ingredients
are expensive and I have requirements due thus, I would bake on a weekend
every month. It gives me so much joy to spend my time and do this particular
hobby. It might not be the usual “touch some grass” activity but as stubborn as I
may seem, at least it gets me off the internet indoors.

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