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Midterm Activity#2_Global Media Culture

Lim, Krishia
Santiago, Princess Gail
BSAC 1-1

1. In what way do you consider media or social media helps the world to become a
better place to live?

In the quest to create a better world, media and social media emerge as influential
forces, actively contributing to positive change through their unique capabilities:

Firstly, these platforms serve as potent tools for raising awareness about critical societal
issues. Topics such as social justice, environmental preservation, and public health are
given a global stage, ultimately catalyzing constructive transformations within society.
Through the dissemination of information, media and social media become agents of
enlightenment, inspiring individuals to engage with and address these pressing
concerns.Secondly, they facilitate global connectivity, enabling individuals and
organizations to unite in tackling overarching challenges and humanitarian endeavors.
Geographic boundaries fade in the face of shared objectives, allowing for cross-border
collaboration. This interconnectedness fosters a sense of global community, promoting
cooperation for the betterment of our world.

Moreover, media and social media offer a platform for voices that have historically been
marginalized or silenced. By amplifying diverse perspectives and providing a space for
underrepresented groups to express themselves, these platforms promote inclusivity and
mutual understanding. In doing so, they cultivate empathy and tolerance among a
diverse and interconnected global population.In conclusion, media and social media
emerge as catalysts for positive change in our world. They not only raise awareness of
pressing issues but also facilitate global collaboration and empower marginalized voices.
Through these multifaceted roles, they contribute significantly to the ongoing journey
toward a better, more inclusive, and enlightened society.

2. What particular advantages you get from using social media and how does it help
you in your journey of becoming the best version of yourself?

Utilizing social media for personal growth presents several notable advantages:

Networking and Professional Advancement: Social media platforms offer opportunities

for connecting with industry experts and peers, providing access to job openings, and
keeping abreast of industry trends. These connections can foster professional growth
and advancement.

Access to Knowledge and Information: Social media provides a vast repository of

educational content, news updates, and valuable resources. This wealth of information
empowers individuals to expand their knowledge and stay informed about relevant

Personal Brand Development: Social media allows users to construct and promote their
personal brand. By expressing thoughts, sharing achievements, and showcasing skills,
individuals can establish a distinct professional identity, which can be influential in career

Motivation and Inspiration: Following motivational figures, thought leaders, and success
stories on social media platforms can be a wellspring of motivation and inspiration.
These insights and examples can propel personal development efforts and drive
individuals toward achieving their goals.

In sum, social media serves as a versatile tool for personal growth, offering networking
opportunities, access to information, personal branding capabilities, and a source of
motivation. Harnessing these advantages can contribute significantly to one's journey of
self-improvement and professional development.

3. What is the importance of media in the process of globalization?

Media's role in the process of globalization is multifaceted and pivotal, shaping our
interconnected world in various ways:

First and foremost, media serves as a conduit for the unrestricted flow of information and
ideas across national borders. It allows individuals to access news, entertainment, and
cultural content from diverse corners of the globe. This facilitates the dissemination of
knowledge and fosters a global perspective, breaking down geographic barriers.

Furthermore, media promotes cultural exchange and mutual comprehension by exposing

audiences to a rich tapestry of traditions, languages, and perspectives. Through the lens
of media, people can gain insights into different cultures, promoting tolerance and
appreciation of diversity.

In the realm of economics, media supports global commerce and business endeavors by
facilitating international advertising, marketing, and communication. This
interconnectedness enables companies to reach broader audiences and consumers to
access products and services from around the world.
Lastly, media wields considerable influence in international politics and diplomacy. It
plays a pivotal role in shaping public opinion on global issues through news coverage
and the expression of ideas and opinions. This influence extends to international
negotiations and diplomatic efforts, making media an integral player in global

In conclusion, media, whether in traditional forms like television and print or modern
digital and social media, acts as a potent instrument in shaping the interconnected global
landscape. Its profound impact transcends boundaries, affecting various facets of
society, including culture, economics, and politics, as it continues to drive the process of
globalization forward.

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