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New sunrise international school

Science – grade 3
Revision based on
Unit 1
Lesson 1 How do scientists collect and use
Unit 3
Lesson 1 What are some plant life cycles?
Lesson 2 What are some animal life cycle?

Read each statement and then write if it is (T) or (F).

1- Spores are seeds. ( )

2- Cones release spores. ( )
3- Mosses make spores. ( )
4- Ferns don’t make flowers. ( )
5- Mosses don’t make seeds. ( )

Write each term after its definition.

Thermometer – measuring cup –time - balance – volume –

temperature – hand lens – forceps
1- A tool used to measure mass. (………………………..)
2- A tool that measure temperature. (……………………………..)
3- Something you measure with stopwatch. (…………………………..)
4- A tool used to measure volume. (…………………………….)
5- How much space something takes up. (…………………………….)
6- A tool you hold against your eye to make things look bigger.

7- A tool used to pick up tiny objects. (…………………………)
8- How hot or cold something is. (…………………………….)
Circle the best choice:
1- A………………………. means the stages that happens to a living thing during its life.
a- Reproduce c- Stem
b- Life cycle d- Pollination
2- Ferns and mosses produce…………………………
a- spores c- seeds
b- flowers d- cones
3- A plant without flowers will have………………………to reproduce.
a- roots c- leaves
b- stem d- cones
4- Which of these is what a plant does to make more plants like itself?
a- spread c- grow
b- reproduce d- germinate
5- A seed…………………. when it breaks open and a small plant comes out of it.
a- germinates c- dies
b- reproduces d- pollinated
6- The powder like material that helps a plant reproduce is called…………………
a- pollen c- seed
b- leaf d- root
7- some trees make this kind of plant part. Which statement tells what this plant part does?
a- It takes in water.
b- It makes flowers.
c- It takes in light.
d- It makes seeds.

8- Which part of a plant helps to spread seeds when it is eaten by an animal?
a- Stem c- Fruit
b- Flowers d- Leaf
9- The picture shows a stage in the life cycle of many animals.

Which kind of animal can have this stage in its life cycle?
a- A frog c- an insect
b- A bird d- a dog
10- A young grasshopper is called………………………..
a- Larva c- tadpole
b- Nymph d- pupa
11- Tadpole uses………………… breathe under water.
a- Gills c- tail
b- lungs d- fins
12- Which of these is the name of the young animal that hatches from ladybug egg?
a- foal c- tadpole
b- larva d- nymph
13- A fly has four stages that all look different in its life cycle. Which of these describe what
happen in the life cycle of a fly?
a- Complete metamorphosis c- incomplete development
b- Complete development d- incomplete metamorphosis
14- Which of these is a plant reproductive part that can grow into a new plant?
a- pollen c- spore
b- frond d- fruit


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