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Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Questionnaire


The following statements refer to experiences that many people have in their daily lives. Choose the
option that best describes HOW MUCH discomfort or discomfort this experience has caused you
during the last month.

Not at all/
None/ Quite a lot A lot A lot Very little
1. Accumulate things to the point that
they get in the way.
2. Check things more often than necessary.
3. That things are not well ordered.
4. Feeling the need to count while doing things.
5. Touching an object when you know it has been touched by strangers or certain people.
6. Not being able to control their own thoughts.
7. Accumulate things you don't need.
8. Repeatedly check doors, windows, drawers...
9. Let others change the way you have ordered things.
10. Having a need to repeat certain numbers.
11. Sometimes having to wash or wash oneself simply because of feeling contaminated.
12. Having thoughts
unpleasant against their
13. Feeling unable to throw
things away for fear of
needing them later.
14. Repeatedly check gas,
water and light after they
have been turned off.
15. Having the need for
things to be ordered in a
certain way.
16. Feeling that there are
good and bad numbers.
17. Wash hands more often
and for longer than
18. Frequently having
disgusting thoughts and
having trouble getting rid of


The Obsessive-Compulsive inventory short version. Foa, Huppert, Leiberg, Langner, Kichic, Hajcak, G.,et
al. (2002). Psychological Assessment, 14, 485-405. Validation for use in Spanish in clinical population:
Belloch et al., Journal of Obsessive Compulsive and Related Disorders, 2013, 2, 249256.

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