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Oral Communication speech

Accepting Failure

Failure… a word that we hate a word we try to avoid.Sometimes it is our doing that
got us to it and somehow we try to deny it.we try to avoid failure so often even
though that it is inevitable. we still want to avoid it even if it means to do
unnecessary acts like cheating in the exams or hurt others to achieve your desires.

We’ve been avoiding all the means just to avoid failing on something we want to
accomplish.If you succeed in your test or other stuff well then congratulations you
deserve it but then when the opposite happened you didn’t pass your test or you
didn’t achieve of something you want to do ,you throw a tantrum,you mope on your
bed or heck you deny it…, do not do that! but rather just accept it.learn from your
mistake and do better next time, do not be a sore loser about it instead learn from it.
Reflect of your actions that got you at this point and used that for the next the time
you get to try something you really wish to you are right now your still
young you have plenty of time to grow.and when take criticism don’t shrug it off
accept it .criticism is also one of the keys of success.accept it like a lucky charm.

At the end there will be a point in our life were we face challenges and hardships,
and failure is one of them.its just a trial and error thing until you get it right, do not
be afraid of growth.remember when you fail… its not the end of the world take a
deep breath and reflect about your actions.its ok to cry its ok to sulk but in the end
you gotta make your stand up and better start reflecting, think of those
criticism and your flaws because acknowledging failure will soon lead to success.

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