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864 ‘REVIEWS ‘The monograph comprises a study of the glioma, pituitary adenomas, meningiomas (to which term the author still clings), acoustic tumors, eongen- ital tumors (craniopharyngiomas, cholesteatomas, teratomas, chordomas), metastatic and invasive tumors, granulomas, bloodvessel tumors, pri ‘sarcomas, papillomas of the choroid plexus, and miscellaneous tumors. It ig wel illustrated and planned. It is a book which should be in the hands of every physician regardless of speciality, but it will be most int to the neurologist snd neurosurgeon. The, general practitioner shoul Jnow it in order to realize the possiblities which neurorurgery offers. ‘Tas Warre House Conrerexce Ponuicavions on Cito Heaurs axp ‘Protection. New York: The Century Company, 1932. Growth and Deselopment. of the Child: Part II. Nutrition, of the Com- mittee on Growth and Development, Knxxera D. Brackran, M.D., Chairman. Pp. 532; various tables and charts. Price, $4.00. “Norarrtow implies ‘a study of the food substances and of the biochemical processes which utilize them.’ This book, therefore, contains both an analysis of the components of diet and an account of the intricate chemistry of the body. ‘The topics of discussion range from an appraisal of the national food supply’ to the feeding habits of children and the psychologic facts in nutrition.” : a Obstetric Edueation, Report of the Subeommittes on Obstetric Teching ‘and Education, Frep Laan Apatn, M.D., Chairman. Pp. 302; various tables and charts. Price, $3.00. : “Recommendations are offered to improve obstetric practice and to lower the present high maternity death rate in the United States. Conscious that the high maternal mortality rate isa reflection on the training and education of those who are charged with furnishing maternity care, the Subeommitiee fonde sn appraisal of: The, training of physicians for obstetric practic, Jncluding Underpraduste training and subsequent or graduate education, the obstetric eduestion of nurses and nursing attendants; the history, status abroad and status in this country, education and training of mi ‘wives; the obstetric education of the laity and of social workers.” rap Boor. By Wauer B. Caxnox, MLD., Sc.D., LL.D., ge. Professor of Physiology Harvard Mia School Pp. 312; 41 illustrations, New York: W. 1. Norton é& Co., Inc., 1932. ‘Tax author's important experiments on the physical effects of the emo- tions and on the internal balancing adjustments in the body have for ‘years been appreciated by the medical profession, as they have 2 From time to time in medical journals. This comprehensive statement, ‘the first book that he has published since “Traumatic Shock,” in 1923, not only wil serve as a useful reference and summary for the profession, but should prove interesting and valuable to a wider circle of readers who are dd to get accurate information from 8. eoogaized authority on matters st have & wide human application. “The Wisdom of the Body,” a title ‘taken from Starling’s Harveian Ovation, deals with the wonderful adjust- ments that have arisen in mammals, whereby the “extraordinarily unstable material” of which our bodies are made is eo6rdinated by the two branches of the nervous system and a few other mechanisms into a stable unit capable GRADWOHL: LABORATORY TECHNIQUE * 865 of remarkably quick, accurate and efficient sdaptations. This relatively constant but dynamic condition, to which the author has given the name, Jomeoelasis, is here explored and in terma le to 46 the philosophically minded, "ts inferences, if they could be comprehended by our publicists, would be of incalculable val the social organism to maintain a constancy of existence and safely the reefs of our present-day difficulties and. smmitig. Neopzasus oF Doursricars> ANDWALS. (Mayo Clinic Monograph.) By ‘Wiis H. Ferpman, D.V.M., MS., Division of rimental Surgery * and Pathology, The Mayo Foundation, With a Foreword by CHaRLEs H. Maro, M.D. Pp, 410; 193 illustrations, Philadelphia: W. B. Ssunders Company, 1932. Price, $6.00. ‘Tas book its extensive observations on tumors in domesticated mals together wit ie i ies of animals r with an adequate review of the literature. Theor ology, indudng experimental adie; clasetion, nomencatne ine « dence and ‘characteristics of animal neoplasms are discussed in the opening chapters. - Following this are sections on mesodermal new growths, including those of blood-call-forming tissues; melanotic and epithelial ‘tumors; the transmissible lymphosarcoma of dogs; experimental studies, and ‘4 Gal chapter on preservation of tissue. ‘This treatise should be of special ‘Yalue in courses on veterinary pathology, and should appea! to all students ‘of neoplastic diseases. Of particular interest are the sions of tumor incidence in certain species of animals and the apparent suceptiblity of various breeds to ceriain type of tumors. HR Parsonocy ron Nunses. By Evaexe C. Perte, M.D., Pathologist and ‘Director of the Clinical Laboratories of the West Suburban Hospital, Oak Park, Il. Pp. 251; 65 illustrations, some in color. Philadelphi F. A. Davis Company, 1932, Price, $1.76. ‘Tus insurmountable difficulty of presenting etiology, pathologic anntomy, and elinieal pathology in 240 small pages ling bean met here about as well as can be in books of this kind. It tess is as good an adjuvant as can be expected to the equally bref lectures asigned to this mbject. Lanonarony ‘Tscusgun. By R, B, H. Gnapwomt, M.D., Director, ‘Gradwohl School of Laboratory Technique. Pp. 462; 148 illustrations. ae Gradwohl School ‘of Laboratory Technique, 1932. Price, Is apt ofthe numerous work thst have recenly been published in this field, this book will doubtless fill a useful corner in many 8 laboratory. ‘The information is securate and presented in easily available form. Espe- Gally valuable are the newer hematologic methods (he thick drop, reticulocytes, ete.). ‘Though only 5 pages are devoted to- omerograptiy and 3 to electrocardic 1, these sections are treated as hints on procedures, which make them useful adjuncts to. the usual sources of {nformation. " Ilustrations are colleeted at the back, even after the indox— 4 procedure of doubtfal value for several reasons, They are, entirely ‘original, mostly photomicrographs that really bring out the point they ave supposed to illustrate, and constitute an excellent festure of the book. ‘The space gained by the use of small type is mostly wasted by the unneces- sarily large margins; the price algo seems too high. ELK

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