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Viva questions

What is data?
 Data are raw facts. The word indicates that the fact have not yet been processed to reveal
their meaning.
What is the difference between data and information?
 Data are raw facts. The word indicates that the fact have not yet been processed to reveal
their meaning.
 Information is the result of processing raw data to reveal its meaning.
What is a database?
 Database is a collection of logically inter related records. Database is a very large integrated
collection of data.
What is dbms?
 A dbms is an application software for creating and managing databases. DBMS provides
user and programmes with a systematic way to create, retrieve, update, and manage data.
Name any 5 types of dbms?
 fox pro, MS Access, SQL server, My SQL, IBN, DB2, Oracle. SQL(structured query language)
what do you understand by rdbms? Name any one
 A relational database management system(rdbms) is a database management system based
on the relational model invented by Edgar f. Codd .
 E.g. ms access
What are key in dbms and tell types of key?
 Key are the unique attributes used to identify the data.
 Super key – a super key is combination of columns that uniquely identifies any row within a
rdbms table.
 A primary key is a key in a rdbms that is unique for each record. It is a unique identifier ,
such as emp_id, license no. A relational database must always have one and only one
primary key and it should not be null.
 Composite key _ if their is no attribute in a table that qualifies to be the primary key then 2
attributes are combined together and it is called composite key
 Candidate key- in a table if their is possibility of 2 primary key but 1 is selected as primary
key so the second attribute which qualifies to be the primary key is called candidate key.
 Foreign key – when you use primary key of one table on another table , it is called foreign
What is cascade update and cascade delete?
 Cascade delete is that when the record of determinant is deleted , the record of dependent
is deleted automatically
 It updates the record of dependants when the record of determinant is updated. It happens
in very rare cases.
What is referential integrity and why do you enforce it?
 Referential integrity is a relational database concept , which that table relationships must
always be consistent. In other words, any foreign key. Thus , any primary keyfeilds changes
must be applied to all foreign keys, or not all . he same restriction also applies t foreign keys
in that any updates must be propagated to the primary parent key.
Data types in ms access?
 Text
 Memo
 Number
 Date/time
 Currency
 Autonumber
 Yes/no
 Ole object
 Hyperlink
 Attachment
 Calculated
 Lookup wizard
Extension of database?
 .accdb
When 1 to 1 relationship occurs?
 When db designer relates 2 primary key and then second primary key is not part of
composite key.
Group by , aggregate function and order by function condition ?
 Group by- this works by sorting the tuples by the group by attributes and then doing the
calculation each grouped section of the table by the DBMS.
 Aggregate function- where end value of input but give 1 value of input. Eg. Count , max,
sum, avg, they do not return the table but single value. Also know as summary function.
 Order by-arranges the value returned to the query in ascending or descending order.
Default value of is ascending order
What is the difference between drop table and delete table?
 The drop command removes a table from the database . all the tables rows, indexes and
privilege will also be removed . drop table is a ddl command whereas delete is a DML
command . delete operations cam be rolled back, while drop operations cannot be rolled
What kind of keys can be null?
 Primary key
 Composite key
 Candidate key
Join conditions?
 Natural join links table by selecting only the rows with common values in their common
attributes. It is the result of a 3 stage process
1. Product
2. Select (where pk=fk)
3. Project (to eliminate the duplicate value)
What is normalisation?
 Normalisation is process to eliminate the redundancy, organize data efficiently, reduce the
potential anomalies
What is the max number of records a table can have ?
 No limit on record insertion but size of database should be 1gb but if the size of database
increases more than 1gb efficiency of database decreases.
What is validation text and validation rule?
 Validation rue- a field property that sets limit or conditions on the data that can be entered
in the field.
 Validation text- is a custom message that is displayed if invalid data is entered in afield or
control where a validation rule exists.

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