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I want to dedicate this project to God above all things because he gave me the wisdom and
strength to finish the assigned work and thus complete my university studies.

I also dedicate it to my daughter Ilianis Noriega, who has been my greatest strength and
inspiration to continue and complete the practice.

In the same way to my mom, who supported me in everything I needed, she always
encouraged me.

First, I thank God for allowing me to finish this project.

I thank Professor César Rujano for all his help. In addition, I am deeply grateful to the
principal Jaqueline Rodríguez for allowing me to carry out my professional practice at the
C.E.B.G. Platanillo, in the same way with the teacher Maidellyne López for all the time that
she was teaching me to carry out the class planning process, how to teach the students with
different learning techniques and for supervising my classes.

I want to thank the English teacher Leyra Guevara for her support and for all the information
she gave me. She was the one who shared with me the most because she was the English
teacher of the groups I attended. From day one to the last day, she was watching over me. And
to all the teachers for accepting me as one more teacher at their school.

Finally, I thank to all the children for the unconditional and sincere love they gave me.


1. CHAPTER I DESCRIPTION OF THE C.E.B.G. PLATANILLO......................................2

1.1. Historical review C.E.B.G. Platanillo..................................................................................3

2. CHAPTER II WORK PERFORMED.....................................................................................4

2.1. Classes taught week by week...............................................................................................5

2.2. Activities carried out in the C.E.B.G. Platanillo.................................................................38


3.1. Contributions.................................................................................................................42

3.2. Achievements................................................................................................................43

3.3. Limitations.....................................................................................................................45





The following report concerns my professional practice carried out at the C.E.B.G. Platanillo.

In chapter I, I will present the historical review of the C.E.B.G. Platanillo.

In chapter II, I will present my classes taught week by week, various activities that were
carried out at the school in which I took part, personal experiences, contributions, and
interaction with some parents. In addition, you will see some photos that I took during this
practice time, the topics, and the workshops that I carried out in the classroom with the

The classes and activities were supervised by the English teacher, Maidellyne López.

In chapter III, I will present my achievements, limitations, and contributions.

General aim:

● To carry out professional practice at the C.E.B. G Platanillo as a graduation option to

get a bachelor's degree in humanities with a specialization in English.

Specific objectives:

● To work as an English teacher at the C.E.B. G Platanillo for 16 weeks.

● To teach basic level of English such as vocabulary, pronunciation, writing, and

development of reading comprehension to preschool, first grade and second-grade

students at the C.E.B.G. Platanillo for 4 months.

● To write a practice report on everything applied daily for 4 months to the students of

the C.E.B. G Platanillo and the participation in different activities carried out at the

● To present the internship report at the university to finish the professional practice.


1.1. Historical review C.E.B.G. Platanillo

The community of Platanilla was founded in 1980. Its first settlers were Pastora Pérez and
Antonio Cerrud. They give the name Platanilla because of a plant with long leaves that
abounded in the place. The Platanillo school was founded in 1986, when parents like
Francisco Domínguez and Agapito Alfonso, among others, requested a teacher for the
community from the Ministry of Education (MEDUCA) and their first enrollment was 30

Initially, the school was built of penca and wood with the support of the community. Later,
with the support of Fund for Equity and Quality of Education (FECE), a concrete school was

In 2007, the multi-grade junior high school program was implemented for the first time and in
2014, the multi-grade senior high school in commerce was created.

The C.E.B.G. Platanillo is a school that has as a priority in its mission; study, progress, and
well-being. It is in the community of Platanilla, Rio Congo Arriba, district of Santa Fe,
province of Darién. It has three levels: Primary, junior high school, and senior high school.
Managed by principal Jaqueline Rodríguez, it has 18 teachers and an enrollment of 317

The C.E.B.G. Platanillo

Currently, the educational center has an enrollment of 317 students from preschool to twelfth

The teaching staff of the educational center consists of the principal, six primary-level
teachers, a special needs teacher, a preschool teacher, and an English teacher. 8 teachers from
different subjects attend the junior high school and senior high school.

The Platanillo educational center belongs to school zone No. 5. The supervisor is Fred


2.1. Classes taught week by week.

I taught at the C.E.B.G. Platanillo, to pre-kindergarten, kindergarten, first, and second

students. I taught and provided material on the following topics: weather, primary colors,
secondary colors, school supplies, parts of the face, numbers from 1 to 20, people at school,
parts of the body, and the numbers from 21 to 40. In a time of 40 minutes per group. All the
topics were facilitated by the English teacher Leyra Guevara, based on the English book from
MEDUCA. With pre-kindergarten and kindergarten, I looked up for the activities myself
because they don't have books for these groups. I take part in activities such as the initial
week, farmer's day, and student's day.

Class Schedule

Hours Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday


7:10 1º 5º 6º 2º 1º

7:50 Pre- 6º Pre- 6º Pre-

kindergarten kindergarten kindergarten

8:30 5º 2º 1º 4º 3º

9:15 R E C E SO

9:30 kindergarten 4º kindergarten 5º Kindergarten


10:15 3º 3º 4º Especiales 2º

10:55 F E E D BACK

During my practice, I did:

Week 1

I started on Monday. On my first day at school, I met the principal and teachers. The English
teacher Leyra Guevara and the first grade, pre-kindergarten, and kindergarten students.

On Tuesday, I met the English professor, Maidellyne López. She explained to me everything
related to planning, material to teach classes, registration, and unique notebook that are
necessary tools for a teacher. I also knew the second-grade students.

On Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, I watched English teacher Leyra Guevara teach her
classes to students from pre-kindergarten through sixth grade. Because she suggested finishing
her topics on Friday so that I could continue the following week with a new topic. She attends
all primary groups. On Friday, the teacher Maidellyne López gave me the topics with the
respective information and their activities to start classes the following week.

Pre-kindergarten (6 students) kindergarten (15 students)

First grade (17 students) Second grade (16 students)

Week 2

This week, I started classes with the students on a new topic. The first thing I did each day of
this week was to call roll for absences and lateness and then started classes.

On Tuesday I attended second grade. The topic for second grade was primary colors and
shapes. I explained the aim of the class: SWBAT use correctly adjectives to know colors
(primary) and shapes in the context. I asked them questions on the topic, then I introduced the
topic and finished by answering their questions.

On Wednesday, I attended first-grade students, then pre-kindergarten, and finally

kindergarten. The topic for first grade was school supply’s part 2, and the aim was SWBAT
name the school supplies shown in the flashcard. SWBAT locate school supplies at school and
at home. The topic, for pre-kindergarten and kindergarten, was the weather. I explained the
aim of the class that was SWBAT observe the weather and tell me what weather it is. In first
grade, I asked them questions about the topic. I introduced the topic and finished by answering

their questions. In pre-kindergarten and kindergarten, we sang the song today is sunny, today
is rainy, today is windy, today is cloudy, then I explained the topic.

On Thursday: second grade, I made them a reminder of what they gave on Tuesday. I gave
them and explained the activity 1 about the history of my gift and answered the questions
about the reading. The methodology for this activity was cooperative learning.

On Friday: first grade, pre-kindergarten, and kindergarten. I reminded them of what I gave on
Wednesday. First grade, I gave them and explained the activity 1 about drawing, tracing the
lines and color school supplies. The methodology for this activity was TPR (Total Physical
Response). In pre-kindergarten and kindergarten, I gave out and explained the activity 1 about
coloring the weather. The methodology for this activity was TPR (Total Physical
Response). In second grade, I handed out the activity 2 that was about drawing objects using
primary colors. The methodology for this activity was TPR (Total Physical Response).

kindergarten working on their activity 1

Topic: the weather

First grade (Activity 1)

Topic: school supplies part 2

Second grade (activities 1 and 2)

Topic: primary colors and shapes

Weeks 3, 4 and 5

In those weeks, no classes were given because the teachers went to support the strike that was
carried out at national level requesting that President Laurentino Cortizo fulfills certain
promises that were made to the Panamanian people, because of the high price of fuel, the basic
basket, health, education, roads, etc.

Week 6

I continued with the same topics of week 2 for all grades. For first grade, school supply’s part
2. For second grade, primary colors and shapes. In addition, for pre-kindergarten and
kindergarten, the weather. Besides, I used the same objectives. All week in each group, I
started passing the attendance list.

On Wednesday: first grade, I did a summary about school supplies. I gave them and explained
activity 2 about completing the chart with the missing vowels. The methodology for this
activity was TPR (Total Physical Response). In pre-kindergarten and kindergarten, we sang a
song about the weather. I gave them a summary about the weather, and then I gave them
activity 2 about painting and matching the weather. The methodology for this activity was
TPR (Total Physical Response) and flash card.

On Thursday, in second grade. I gave him a summary of the topic, and then they developed
activity 3 about the use of shapes, sizes, and primary colors. The methodology for this activity
was TPR (Total Physical Response).

On Friday: First grade, I handed out and explained activity 3 about looking at the pictures and
answering the questions. The methodology for this activity was cooperative learning. In
second grade, I did a formative test about writing the name of each color and reading
questions and choosing the right answer. Formative test about primary colors and shapes. I
marked and gave the formative tests back.

First-graders doing their activity 2

Topic: school supplies part 2

Pre-kindergarten and kindergarten activity 2

Topic: the weather

Second grade (activity 3 and formative test)

Topic: primary colors and shapes

Week 7

On this week, I continued with the same topics from week 6 for all grades. For first grade,
school supply’s part 2. For second grade, primary colors and shapes and for pre-kindergarten
and kindergarten, the weather. All week in each group, I started passing the attendance list.

On Monday: first-graders, I applied the formative test about listening and circle the school
supplies. Formative tests about the topic school supplies, part 2. I marked and gave the
formative tests. They showed excellent results. Pre-Kindergarten and Kindergarten did activity
3 with cardboard. They made flash cards. I cut the figures and the children just glued them
because time is too short for them to cut them themselves. The methodology for this activity
was flash cards.

On Wednesday, first-graders developed their summative test about matching the pictures to
the word. Summative test about the topic school supplies, part 2. They all got excellent results.
I am pleased with that result. Pre-Kindergarten and Kindergarten completed their oral
formative test using flash cards. Formative test about the weather. Practice with them several
times for their oral summative test.

On Thursday: Second graders did their summative test about writing the name of each color
and matching the colors with the objects. Summative test about primary colors and shapes. I
marked and gave back the summative tests.

On Friday: in first grade, I started with topic 3 primary and secondary colors. I explained the
objectives of the class: SWBAT identify the primary and secondary colors. SWBAT relate
colors with school objects. I explained the topic. I asked them to bring out their coloring
pencils and then told them to show me; what are the primary and secondary colors? Pre-
kindergarten and kindergarten did their oral summative test about the weather. In second
grade, I started with the topic 3 secondary colors and sizes. I explained the objectives of the
class: SWBAT use correctly adjectives to express colors and sizes. SWBAT list an object
(color and size) using a simple sentence. I collected some coloring pencils from the students
and then asked them; what are the secondary colors? I explained the topic. I ended with a
game where the children had to point to objects in the classroom that had secondary colors.

The English professor, Maidellyne López, visited me, and I asked them some questions about
certain activities that I was looking for and adding to pre-kindergarten and kindergarten. Then
I went to the principal office for the principal to sign the planning.

Pre-kindergarten activity 3 (flash cards) and criteria to evaluate the oral summative test

Topic: the weather

First Grade formative test and Summative test

Topic: school supplies part 2

Week 8

I continued with the same topics of week 7 for all grades. For second grade, secondary colors
and sizes. First-graders did not have classes this week because the teacher tested positive for
COVID-19. Pre-kindergarten and kindergarten did not have classes this week because they
were celebrating the initial week. I took part with them on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.
In second grade, all classes I called to the attendance list.

On Tuesday, second-graders did their activity 1 and 2 about the story of the library and
painted to create the secondary colors using coloring pencils. The methodology for these
activities was TPR (Total Physical Response) and cooperative learning. I finished singing the
song the rainbow colors.

On Thursday: Second graders did activity 3 about coloring the house with primary and
secondary colors and circling new words. The methodology for this activity was TPR (Total
Physical Response). We sang the song about the rainbow colors.

Second-graders doing their activity 2

Topic: secondary colors and sizes

Second-grade activities 2 and 3

Week 9

I continued with the topics of week 8 for all grades. For first grade, primary and secondary
colors. For second grade, secondary colors and sizes and for pre-kindergarten and
kindergarten, primary colors. On Monday, I was dressed in a Kuna ethnic outfit in honor of
the International Day of Folklore. The C.E.B.G. Platanillo invited all its students and teachers
to wear typical outfits.

On Monday: first grade, I did a summary related to the topic primary and secondary colors,
and then they developed activity 1 about tracing words, cut and pasting primary colors. The
methodology for this activity was TPR (Total Physical Response). I finished singing the song
the rainbow colors. Pre-Kindergarten and kindergarten, I started with the topic 2 primary
colors. I explained the objectives of the class: SWBAT identify the primary colors. We sang
the song about balloons being red, balloons are blue, balloons are green, and yellow too, and
then I explained the topic. I showed them a picture and asked them: what color is it?

On Tuesday, second-graders did activity 4 about choosing the correct colors and I finished
singing the song (rainbow colors). The methodology for this activity was multiple

On Wednesday: First graders, I handed out and explained activity 2 about writing names with
secondary colors and matching secondary colors. The methodology for this activity was TPR
(Total Physical Response). We sang the song. In pre-kindergarten and kindergarten, I asked
them to point out objects in the classroom that had the primary colors on them. I finished the
activity 1 about color objects with primary colors.

On Thursday: Second graders did the formative test about coloring the images and tracing the
images with the correct color, then writing the name of the color. Formative test about
secondary colors and shapes.

Pre-kindergarten doing their activity 1

Topic: primary colors

First-grade activities 1 and 2

Topic: primary and secondary colors

Second-grade activity 4 and Formative Test

Topic: secondary colors and sizes

Week 10

This week, I continued with the topics of week 9 for all grades. For first grade, primary and
secondary colors. For second grade, secondary colors and sizes and for pre-kindergarten and
kindergarten, primary colors. At the end of each class, all the children pasted their copies into
the English notebook.

On Monday: first-grader students developed activity 3 about cutting the picture and pasting
according to the colors. The methodology for this activity was TPR (Total Physical
Response). I finished singing the song the rainbow colors. Pre-kindergarten and kindergarten,
I started with the activity 2 and 3 about coloring with primary colors and match about primary
colors and I finished singing the song (balloons are red). The methodology for these activities
was TPR (Total Physical Response) and flash card.

On Tuesday: Second graders did their summative test about writing the name of each
secondary color and matching the names of colors with the correct pictures.

On Wednesday, I printed the letters of the alphabet. I laminated the copy, and I pasted in the

On Thursday, I started with the topic 4 related to the numbers 1 to 20 with the second-
graders. I explained the objectives of the class: SWBAT identify the numbers from 1 to 20.
SWBAT write the numbers 1 to 20. I explained the topic. I glued a copy on the board and I
asked them which of those numbers did they know, and they mentioned those to me.

On Friday: first-grader students developed the formative test about connecting the primary
colors with the correct objects. Formative test about primary colors. I finished singing the song
the rainbow colors. Pre-kindergarten and kindergarten, I started singing the song (balloons are
red). I finished, performing the oral summative test using the coloring pencils and objects in
the classroom. Second grade, I explained to them and handed in activity 1 about writing the
missing letters, then finding the hidden words. The methodology for this activity was multiple

Kindergarten is ready for their oral summative test and after finishing the class

Topic: primary colors

First-grade activity 3 and formative test

Topic: primary and secondary colors.

Second-grade activity 1

Topic: numbers 1 to 20

Week 11

I continued with the topics of week 10 for all grades. For first grade, primary and secondary
colors. For second grade, numbers 1 to 20 and for pre-kindergarten and kindergarten,
secondary colors. I was pleased to share with my students. I have learned a lot about the work
that a teacher does. I enjoyed interacting with the students. I am pleased to teach them and
help them improve their learning. Every day I gained new knowledge and learn.

On Monday: First grade, I applied the summative test about tracing a line between the objects
with the same colors and circling the images with the corresponding color. Summative test
about primary and secondary colors. Pre-kindergarten and kindergarten, I started with the
topic 3 secondary colors. I explained the aim of the class: SWBAT identify the secondary
colors. I posted a picture on the board and asked them: what were the secondary colors? I
finished explaining the topic.

On Tuesday, I started with the second-grade children, where I explained and handed out
activity 2 about choosing the correct words from the list below and writing them under the
correct pictures. The methodology for this activity was multiple intelligences.

On Wednesday: First grade, I started topic 4, about the upper parts of the body. I explained the
objectives of the class and then the topic. The objectives of the class: SWBAT identify some
upper parts of the body. SWBAT say and point to the upper part of the body. At the end, I
asked them to get up, point, and repeat the parts of the face. Pre-kindergarten and
kindergarten, I pasted an image of secondary colors on the board, and we repeated it several
times. Then the children developed the activity 1 and 2 about color objects with secondary
colors. The methodology for these activities was TPR (Total Physical Response) and flash

On Thursday: Second grade did activity 3 about writing the missing letters in the boxes to
complete the numbers' vocabulary. The methodology for this activity was TPR (Total Physical
Response). I helped some children who had trouble reading. I graded and handed out the

On Friday first grade, I started by telling the children to stand up, point, and repeat the parts of
the face with me. I explained and handed out activity 1 about solving and pasting the face

puzzle. The methodology for this activity was multiple intelligences. Pre-kindergarten and
kindergarten, I explained and handed out the activity 3 color and match. The methodology for
this activity was TPR (Total Physical Response). In second grade, I did a practice with the
students about counting the chairs in the room, practicing for their oral summative test. I told
them that their evaluation would be in two parts: oral and written. Finally, the students went to
the board to write numbers.

First grade developing their summative test

Topic: primary and secondary colors

Second-grade activities 2 and 3

Topic: numbers 1 to 20

Week 12

Pre-kindergarten and kindergarten students did the formative and summative tests orally. The
reason was that these students still did not know how to write. I pasted all the copies used to
develop in class in the English notebook.

On Monday: first grade, I explained and handed out activity 2 about completing the face. The
methodology for this activity was TPR (Total Physical Response). I finished with the children
by pointing and repeating the parts of the face. Pre-kindergarten and kindergarten did their
oral summative test using coloring pencils and crayons. Summative test about secondary
colors. I started with topic 4 school supplies. I explained the objective of the class: SWBAT
identify the school supplies. I introduced the topic. Then we repeated the names of the school
supplies three times.

On Tuesday, I applied the oral summative test to the second-grade students. Summative test
about the topic numbers 1 to 20.

On Wednesday: I applied activity 3 about matching coloring with the students of first grade.
The methodology for this activity was TPR (Total Physical Response). Pre-kindergarten and
kindergarten we reviewed what I gave on Monday, and then they did activity 1 about tracing
and coloring school supplies. The methodology for this activity was TPR (Total Physical
Response) and flash card.

On Friday I attended to the third-grade students to help the English teacher, Leyra Guevara,
who was in a meeting with the principal. The topic was the parts of the plant. I explained the
activity to develop. The children drew nicely. I liked their creativity.

First-grade activity 2 and 3

Topic: upper parts of the body

Pre-kindergarten and kindergarten activity 1 Second grade criteria to evaluate

Topic: school supplies the oral summative test

Topic: numbers
1 to 20

Third-grade activity about the draw and writing parts of the plants

Week 14

Monday and Tuesday: I did not go to school because the English teacher, Leyra Guevara, did
not attend. She asked me not to attend. The reason was that at the beginning of the practice;
she said that she wanted to be present in all classes. I informed professor Maidellyne Lopez.

Wednesday: I applied the summative test to first-grade students about writing the name of the
upper parts of the body. Summative test about the topic upper parts of the body. I marked and
gave out the summative test.

First grade doing their summative test.

Week 15

This week was the closing of the second trimester. Therefore, students were allowed to
complete their pending assignments or summative tests.

On Tuesday: the second-grade students performed their summative test about writing the name
of the number from 1 to 10 and writing the names of the missing letters in the boxes from 11
to 20. Summative test about the topic numbers 1 to 20.

On Wednesday, I attended two pre-kindergarten students. I explained and handed in their


On Thursday and Friday, I did not attend to any students since they all had their English works

Pre-kindergarten students doing their activities

Second-grade summative test

Topic: numbers 1 to 20

Week 16

This week started the third trimester. On Thursday, few students attended because of the rainy
day. The first thing I did each day this week was call to the attendance list.

On Wednesday: First grade, I started with the topic 1 lower part of the body. I explained the
objectives of the class: SWBAT identify some lower parts of the body. SWBAT say and point
to the lower parts of the body. I sang the song: head, shoulder, knee, and toes. I introduced the
topic. Pre-kindergarten and kindergarten, I started with the topic 1 people at school. I
explained the objectives of the class: SWBAT identify people at school. I introduced the topic.

On Thursday, I started the topic 1 related to the numbers from 21 to 40 with the second-grade
students. I read the objectives of the classes, and then I introduced the topic. I explained the
objectives of the class: SWBAT identify the numbers from 21 to 40. SWBAT write the
numbers from 21 to 40. Only 5 students attended.

On Friday: first grade, I did brainstorming about the lower parts of the body. I graded and
handed out the activity. Pre-kindergarten and kindergarten, I carry out activity 1 about the
color images of people at school. The methodology for this activity was TPR (Total Physical
Response) and flash card. Second grade. I posted a copy of the numbers on the board. We
went over the numbers. To finish, the children counted the numbers using the objects in the
class. I went to the principal office to look for the principal to sign the planning.

On Thursday, second grade students began their third trimester

Pre-kindergarten and kindergarten activity 1

Topic: people at school

Week 17

I continued with week 16 for all grades. For first grade, lower parts of the body. For second
grade, numbers from 21 to 40, and for pre-kindergarten and kindergarten, people at school.
Pre-kindergarten and kindergarten students had very little interaction with children from other
groups because they did not leave the classroom. Their recess is done inside the classroom.

On Monday: First grade, I started by explaining the reading comprehension activity about a
look, cut, and shape. I graded and gave the activity. Pre-kindergarten and kindergarten, I
explained the topic. Then we went to the office to greet the principal, to greet the first-grade
teacher, and greet the second-grade boys and girls so that they could identify the vocabulary of
the topic.

On Tuesday: Second grade, I started with activity 1 about matching and writing correct
numbers in front of the number names. The methodology for this activity was TPR (Total
Physical Response). I graded and gave back the activity.

On Wednesday: First grade, I started explaining activity 1 about the look and write activity.
The methodology for this activity was TPR (Total Physical Response). I graded and handed in
the activity and finished singing the song. Pre-kindergarten and kindergarten, I started with
activity 2 about looking and match. The methodology for this activity was TPR (Total
Physical Response) and flash card. We reviewed the vocabulary.

On Friday: First grade, I explained and handed out activity 3 about writing sentences. The
methodology used in this activity was cooperative learning. I reviewed the vocabulary and
sang the song. I graded and gave back the activity. In pre-kindergarten and kindergarten, I
reviewed the vocabulary. I handed out and explained activity 3 about color images of people at
school. The methodology for this activity was TPR (Total Physical Response) and flash
card. In the second grade, I started by reviewing numbers. I explained activity 2 about writing
the missing letters, matching, writing the number name, and putting the numbers in order from
the smallest to the biggest. The methodology for this activity was multiple intelligences. I
graded and gave back the activity.

Explain the activity 2 second-grade students

Topic: numbers from 21 to 40

Pre-kindergarten and kindergarten activities

Topic: people at school

First-grade activities

Topic: lower parts of the body

Second-grade activities

Topic: numbers from 21 to 40

Week 18

This week I finished the professional practice. I am pleased and grateful to God for everything
I have achieved. I took part in the student's day celebration.

On Monday: first grade, we reviewed the vocabulary and sang the song. We practiced the
parts of the body with the children for their oral summative test. Pre-kindergarten and
kindergarten, we review the vocabulary, and I realized a practice with the students for their
oral summative test.

On Tuesday, second grade, I reviewed the numbers. They practiced for their oral summative

On Wednesday: First grade, we sang the song. We practiced for the oral summative test. In
pre-kindergarten and kindergarten, we reviewed the vocabulary, and we practiced for the
summative test.

On Thursday: a celebration, student's day. The student, Aurora Cedeño, was the one who
taught the classes.

On Friday, I collaborated cleaning the school and making a bulletin board related to the month
of the country. I helped in different areas such as cutting out letters, printing information,
organizing the names of the highest-academic grade students in a Word document, and pasting
decorations in the hallways. I finished my practice with many experiences gained and much

Wednesday with kindergarten students

2.2. Activities carried out in the C.E.B.G. Platanillo.

Initial week (pre-kindergarten and kindergarten)

I took part on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. I went to the classroom, at the time that class
corresponded to me with this group. Monday: the children had to bring a puppet. On
Wednesday, the children had to dress as cowboys. Friday was the closing of this activity. The
teacher played games with the children from other groups. They went rounds and sang songs.
Parents took part. On Monday help, the teacher collected the children's puppets and put them
on a table. Then the children made a presentation to their classmates using the puppet. On
Wednesday, I joined the teacher for a walk with the children with their toy horses throughout
the school. On Friday, I took part in the rounds and sang. I helped handed out food (lunch).

Monday Wednesday


Farmers' Day

This activity took place on Friday, September 30. It was made on behalf of the following
provinces: Panama, Bocas del Toro, Herrera, Darién, Los Santos, Chiriquí, and Veraguas.
Each group did different activities representing the tradition of the province, such as costume,
gastronomy, dances, customs, and tradition. Juries evaluated the presentation of the stands. A
winning province was chosen. The province that I represented was Bocas del Toro. On
Thursday, the preparation for the stand began. On Thursday, from 2 to 5 in the afternoon, I
went to help make the stand. I helped to weave palms. I searched for the information referring
to the province to put on the mural of the stand. On Friday, I put the letters and information
about the province. I helped to dress the girls in their skirts about Bocas del Toro. I helped to
sell the food.

Making the stand on Friday, day of the cultural activity

Other stands

Student's Day

I carried this activity out on October 27. The students with the highest academic grade
replaced all teachers. The teachers prepared various activities for the students, such as singing
contests, poetry, blowing up balloons, and a race in sacos. They gave prizes to the winning
children. I was dressed as a student. I helped writing the names of the children who were
going to take part in the contests. To end the event, gifts were given to the children who
replaced the teachers, and we made a food toast.

Student's Day

Students who replaced teachers.


3.1. Contributions

My contributions, besides my responsibilities as an English teacher, were:

The alphabet: I searched for the letters on the internet. I bought a paper to laminate them. I
printed and then laminated the letters. I gave them to the English teacher, Leyra Guevara. The
next day, we pasted them into the classroom that she uses the most.

Supporting material: I facilitated Internet pages such as, and to the English teacher Leyra Guevara to find material and
activities for the students. The MEDUCA books do not contain activities for preschool
students. I also gave her a mini speaker to play songs for the children and audio of the
pronunciation of the vocabulary words.

I downloaded the nature app to download the songs from YouTube.

I taught her how to use this page so that

she can convert certain documents into images, and it will be easier for her when printing from
the phone. I also taught her how to edit images with paint.

3.2. Achievements

I could give my classes adequately to each group, transmitting my knowledge to them.

Treating them with a lot of love and patience. Answering their questions to clarify their
doubts. Helping them improve their areas of deficiency.

I could develop myself at a professional level and gained the confidence to present myself
every day of the week in front of the students with a positive attitude. Showing them how fun
it is to teach English.

I got the students who disliked English, now love to receive English class. Every time they
saw me, they called me teacher Rachel; are we going to have English class today?

Work as a team with the English teacher, Leyra Guevara, for of the students to impart quality
material and information.

Work as a team with all the teachers of the C.E.B.G. Platanillo, when activities such as the
initial week, farmer's day, and student's day.

The methodology used during the lessons was Total Physical Response (TPR)

Total Physical Response (TPR) is a set of methods developed by Dr. James J. Asher, a
professor of psychology at San José State University, to assist in language learning. The

method assumes when additional language is learned, we internalize this language through a
code-breaking process, similar to first language development, and this process allows for a
long period of comprehension development before acquisition. Language production. Students
are called upon to physically respond to verbal commands.

In the classroom, the teacher and the student take the roles similar to the parent and the child,
respectively. Students must physically respond to the teacher's words. The activity can be
simple, as Simon says, or more complex games that include more complex grammar and more
detailed scenarios. It is also useful for telling stories.

According to its proponents, it provides some advantages. Students will enjoy spending time
out of their chairs. TPR activities are simple and do not require special preparation by the
teacher. TPR does not require aptitude and works well with classes of mixed-ability students.
It is beneficial for hyperactive students, who need to be always on the go in class. Class size
shouldn't be an issue, and it works effectively with children and adults.

The first skills that are practiced are the receptive ones, and something commonly accepted is
that the student will go through a period of silence before producing any oral or written
message. Between these two phases, there is an intermediate one in which the student can
physically respond to show an understanding of a message. We follow a natural process of
learning a foreign language, trying to emulate how you learned your mother tongue.

Some games and songs based on the technique of “Total Physical Response”

Simon Says (variant): The teacher shows actions (clap, jump, raise your hand, etc.) and
performs them at the same time as the children. In a second step, the teacher shows the
actions, but does not carry them out, only the children will. In a last variant, the teacher can
deceive the children by performing an action besides the one he has showed. Those who make
a mistake can be eliminated. All students like to be last. It should not always be the same to
maintain the group's motivation.

“Head, shoulders, knees, and toes”: Song about body parts. As he names them, the child
touches that part of the body as a dance.

3.3. Limitations

I observed small situations that I consider limiting when carrying out my professional practice
at the C.E.B.G. Platanillo.

There is no exclusive classroom for the English area. Therefore, didactic sheets cannot be
purchased to facilitate teaching. The projector cannot be used. It is not possible to make sheets
or support materials because there is nowhere to put them. We held classes in front of the
grade teacher. Children sometimes entertain themselves by talking to the teacher.

The schedule is very short. Children do not have enough time to finish their activities. This
makes it impossible to put in cut-and-paste activities among others. It cannot put more than 1
activity per class. Occasionally, they took the activities home, but two things happened; they
do not finish or throw away the copy. Therefore, I tried all activities to take place in the
classroom during the 40 minutes.


This professional practice was my first work experience in education, where I gained new
knowledge, experiences, and learning. I liked the work that a teacher does, even though it
carries a great responsibility because it deals with the teaching-learning of the students. You
don't just work in the classroom. You also work at home.

Regarding the students in the classes, I can say that some understood the explanation of the
activities faster than others. Some asked what they should do. Others did nothing, and I had to
go to their chairs to explain to them individually. At the time of developing the activities,
some finished faster than others. Some children were deficient in reading and writing. I had to
read to them and write the words on the board for them to work on their activities.

Finally, I can say that the work of a teacher goes beyond just imparting knowledge.


My recommendation would be that the principal includes a project on adapting room 7 with all
the tools to teach English classes and thus improve the teaching-learning of the students. For
example: electronic board or a projector, internet, didactic material among others. This
classroom in the morning shift is not used. Implementing a special English classroom with
technology tools will help hastily to get the attention of the students in classes.

An adequate space can do didactic games with the students that give us a fun environment for

More English classes per week must be considerate in order that the students can be related to
the language daily.


Englishsheets. (s.f.). ESL Printable Vocabulary Worksheets and Exercises. Obtenido de


Wordsearch (numbers 1-12):

LIVEWORKSHEETS. (s.f.). Parts of the face. Obtenido de


MEDUCA. (2021). guias de aprendizaje. Obtenido de

MONITOR, C. (s.f.). The Human Body Activity. Obtenido de Worksheet - Complete the Face:

MONTENEGRO, D. A. (2022). Informe de práctica realizada en el parque municipal

summit. Panamá.

Pinterest. (s.f.). FREE Weather Flashcards! Obtenido de

Seven, E. (8 de octubre de 2013). Actividades y recursos para aprender inglés. Obtenido de


C.E.B.G. Platanillo

International Folklore Day, August 22 (with the principal and sub-principal of the
C.E.B.G. Platanillo)

Making the alphabet on Wednesday, August 31.

Maidellyne Lopez' supervising visit

Bulletin boards and arrangements of the school on October 28.


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