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The Imperium is both a diverse and dangerous place, choked with

worlds mired with billions of humans. Among all that teeming
humanity, and over the course of the many millennia since mankind
first stepped out among the stars, it is little wonder that the human
race has devolved and diverged numerous times into mutation.
Many hive worlds and similar developed planets have significant
mutant populations, the twisted rejects of humanity warped by
chemicals, radiation, or successive generations of inbreeding and
genetic impurity. Condemned to a miserable existence as forced
labour or culled to “acceptable” levels, mutant populations are usually considered an unpleasant
problem by planetary governors and kept far away from the eyes and lives of its citizens.
Mutants are also often seen as touched by the Warp, or somehow in league with the Ruinous
Powers, and thus always considered dangerous and suspicious by Imperial authority, and
among the first to suffer the attentions of the Inquisition.

Not all mutants are so scorned or oppressed by the Imperium, and some have even
reached a point of sanctioning and induction to the Astra Militarum. These are stable strains of
mutants known as abhumans, primarily consisting of Ogryns and Ratlings. Beastmen and the
Squats also count amongst the ranks of sanctioned abhumans, although these curious
creatures are much less visible in the modern Imperium. Sometimes these individuals might find
their unique physiology or talents gain the attention of an Inquisitor, typically one of a more
radical persuasion. Abhuman Acolytes are a rarity, but not entirely unheard of.

While abhumans are permitted to exist within the Imperium, saved from the worst of the
brutal cullings less stable mutant strains are subject to, they are still the object of revulsion and
fear from Imperial citizenry. More puritanical members of the Inquisition and Ministorum still
seek to purge abhumans out of existence, meaning abhuman Acolytes must tread very carefully.

⬛⬛ ⬛
When making a Charm, Deception, Leadership or Negotiation check targeting a human,
abhuman characters add . This penalty might be decreased to , or no penalty at all,
when dealing with particularly heretical or open-minded humans, at the GM’s discretion.
Typically there is no penalty to interacting with other abhumans, and most xenos are unlikely to
see any meaningful distinction between regular humans and their mutant counterparts.

The following pages present the abhuman species options available when creating an
Acolyte for Dark Heresy. Players should choose from these options instead of the home world
options provided in Dark Heresy. While abhumans can hail from a variety of worlds, their
experiences as mutated social outcasts typically overpower any socialisation they might
experience on their home worlds.
Homo Sapiens Variatus - “Beastmen”
Beastmen are horned, hoofed abhumans covered in thick, shaggy hair, their bodies combining
features of both human and animal. While their specific animalistic traits can vary, they typically
tend to resemble a twisted rendition of a humanoid goat. They are brutish and aggressive
creatures with a reputation for poor discipline. Beastmen sit on the very border of what can be
considered a sanctioned abhuman, with many amongst the more puritan factions of the
Inquisition calling for their reclassification as mutants, and subsequent eradication. In the
modern day, Beastmen are a rare sight due to millennia of violent repression.

As the result of years of persecution, Beastmen have been placed on the Register of Proscribed
Citizens (Class A-G worlds) by the Adeptus Arbites. As such, they are effectively precluded from
settlement on, or transportation to or from, more than three hundred thousand worlds of the
Imperium and are forbidden from being conscripted as an Imperial Tithe obligation. While once
valued members of the Astra Militarum forces, these restrictions mean most Beastmen are
forced to languish on the fringes of Imperial society. These restrictions are a sure sign that
Beastmen will soon lose their Abhuman status completely and will be reclassified as true

Brawn Agility Intellect Cunning Willpower Presence

3 2 2 2 2 1

● Wound Threshold: 13 + Brawn

● Strain Threshold: 10 + Willpower
● Starting Experience: 95 XP
● Animalistic: Beastmen begin the game with one rank in either Coercion or Survival.
They still may not train these skills above rank 2 during character creation.
● Bestial: Beastmen increase the difficulty of all Charm, Deception, Leadership and
Negotiation checks made towards humans once. They reduce the difficulty of all
Coercion checks made towards humans once, to a minimum of Easy (◆).
● Natural Warrior: Beastmen possess powerful hooves and sharp horns, making them
fearsome melee combatants. When making an unarmed combat check, Beastmen add
+1 to their base damage and have a Critical rating of 3.
Homo Sapiens Gigantus - “Ogryns”
Ogryns are large, bulky humanoids, standing seven or eight feet tall and wrapped in massive
slabs of muscle. Despite limited imagination, they make excellent shock troops, where their size
and ability to ignore all but the most grievous of wounds allows them to plough into the enemy,
leading the way for their comrades. Ogryns are also fantastically loyal and make excellent
bodyguards, fighting to the death or standing resolutely over the body of their fallen master like
a faithful dog (granted, a seven foot dog armed with a shotcannon). For their strengths, though,
Ogryns do have their weaknesses. In addition to their limited intelligence, which, without proper
leadership, can leave them confused or dithering in the midst of battle, they are also adverse to
confined spaces, especially dark ones. Due to their limited intelligence, most Ogryns are of
limited use to agents of the Inquisition, but with cerebral implants and appropriate training, they
can become valuable shock troops for the Holy Ordos.

Brawn Agility Intellect Cunning Willpower Presence

5 1 1 2 2 1

● Wound Threshold: 15 + Brawn

● Strain Threshold: 9 + Willpower
● Starting Experience: 75 XP
● Brute: Ogryns begin the game with one rank in either Coercion or Resilience. They still
may not train these skills above rank 2 during character creation.
● Hulking: Ogryns have a Silhouette of 2. In addition, if an Ogryn attempts to use a
weapon without the Ogryn-Proof item quality, they increase the difficulty once and
[TH][TH] on an attack check can be spent to damage the weapon by one step.
● Dense: Ogryns may not increase their Intellect through the use of the Dedication talent
or by spending experience during character creation. They may only possess up to two
ranks in Intellect-based skills.
● But It Dark in Dere!: Ogryns are extremely claustrophobic. They will not enter caves,
basements, ruins, infantry fighting vehicles like the Chimera, or even smaller than
average buildings of their own free will.
Ogryns may overcome this aversion as an action by succeeding on an Average
(◆◆) Cool check, or may be ordered to overcome their fear if an ally succeeds on an

Average (◆◆) Leadership check. While inside such confined spaces, Ogryns add
to all skill checks.
Homo Sapiens Minimus - “Ratlings”
Only reaching heights of three or four feet, Ratlings make excellent snipers and infiltrators, their
keen senses and small size allowing them to slip past larger foes. Ratlings have their own home
worlds, descended from ancient human colonies where they levy troops for the Imperial Guard,
and so feel their rightful place among the Imperial Guard just like any other world might. Unlike
other worlds, though, Ratlings are not large or strong enough to make acceptable front line
troops and thus do not comprise complete regiments in the same way as the rest of the Imperial
Guard. Instead, Ratlings are used as specialist troops, either as snipers and infiltrators (where
their natural marksmanship and skills at stealth outshine ordinary Guardsmen) or as their other
great vocation: cooks. Due to their natural cunning and talent for marksmanship, Ratlings easily
fit into the operational doctrines of the Inquisition, making valuable infiltrators.

Brawn Agility Intellect Cunning Willpower Presence

1 3 2 3 2 2

● Wound Threshold: 7 + Brawn

● Strain Threshold: 10 + Willpower
● Starting Experience: 75 XP
● Trailblazer: Ratlings begin the game with one rank in both Stealth and Survival. They
still may not train these skills above rank 2 during character creation.
● Chef Extraordinaire: Ratlings are naturally talented cooks. Any character who
consumes a ratling-made meal adds ⯀ to their next skill check.
● Puny: Ratlings have a Silhouette of 0.
Homo Sapiens Rotundus - “Squats”
Evolving isolated from the Imperium on gravity-heavy mining worlds, Squats resemble short,
stocky humans typically sporting bushy beards. Once a powerful part of the wider Imperium,
Squats ruled over their own worlds with a great deal of independence, developing potent
technology rivalling that of the Adeptus Mechanicus and becoming a crucial part of the
Imperium's military forces. This was not to last, however. In the late 41st Milennium, the Squat
homeworlds attracted the attention of a Tyranid Hive Fleet, and their home was quickly overrun,
leaving the bulk of Squat society utterly eradicated. The few worlds which remained intact were
swiftly annexed by the Imperium, spelling the end of a millenia old dynasty. Only a few scattered
and embittered remnants of Squats survive throughout the Imperium.

Brawn Agility Intellect Cunning Willpower Presence

3 2 2 1 2 2

● Wound Threshold: 11 + Brawn

● Strain Threshold: 10 + Willpower
● Starting Experience: 80 XP
● Forgemasters: Squats begin the game with one rank in both Resilience and Tech-Use.
They still may not train these skills above rank 2 during character creation.
● Practical-minded: Squat technicians are less focused on ritual and ceremony than their
Adeptus Mechanicus counterparts. Once per encounter, a Squat may suffer 2 strain to

perform any Tech-Use action as a maneuver instead.
● Grounded: Squats remove up to imposed on skill checks due to high gravity.

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