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Introduction Road these two sayings and discuss the questions below In pairs or small groups: Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach him how to fish and you feed hina for a lifetime. Red sky at night, shepherd's delight; red sky in the morning, shepherd's warning. 1. What do the sayings mean? 2.Do you think they are useful? 3. What part of the world do you think they come from? 4.Do you have any similar sayings in your language? @ Reading Read the text below and answer these questions: 1. What do we know about Murphy? 2. What is the basic idea behind all of Murphy's laws? 2 MURPHY’S LAWS: 3 a é > Itwas.a'man called Murphy, about whom we seem to know nothing other thai his ‘name and his pessimistic view of life, who first made the profound tevelation that if anything can go wrong, it wil. This simple idea about the way the world works has sirice planted itself in the human mind with a deep and lasting effect on the way we live, From his first and most famous law — ‘If anything can ga wrong, it will’ ~ Murphy went on to develop his theories, creating other related principles that govern our lives. Undoubtedly one of the most important thinkers of our time, ‘Murphy has seen to the very heart of our existence and operied ouir eyes to'the mysterious ways of fate. Murphy's inspiration is often seen as a defining moment in global history; copied by many, but equalled by none, i + If anything.can go wrong, it will * If there is a possibility of several things going wrong, the one that will cause the ‘most damage will be the one to go wrong, Note: If there is'a worse time for something to. go wrong, it will happen then, : * If anything just cannot go wrong, it will anyway, are i: * If you see that there are four possible ways in which something ci go wrong, and take precautions agalns these, then a‘ith way, which you have not prepared for, will suddenly develop. * Left to themselves, things tend to go from bad to worse * If everything seems to be going wel, you have obvicusly overlooked something ‘A further important rule to remember is: + A knowledge of Murphys Law is no help in any situation, Discussion Work in pairs or small groups. Discuss these questions: 1. How important does the writer say that Murphy's theories are? 2, How serious is the writer? eof M _ ; ; , 3. Can you think of any examples of Murphy's Law applying in your life or the lives of people you know?, Fhe you have similat “laws in your country? VERE eeePORECOUOCOCOOTLOOCEOLOO LTT aa & a I Add to the list of sayings below with Ideas from your countryleutture: 1.1f you tell a dream before breakfast, it will come true. 2.1f you walk under a laddes, you will have bad luck, 3.1 your nose itches, somebody is coming to visit. Compare your si groups. fentences in pairs or small Discussion 1. Work in pairs. Complete the sa ings below with words from the box: om ~ 1.Children ...... more need of models than of tities. 2.Don't lec grass... on the path of friendship. 3.Doube the key to knowledge, ‘4-People «their character by what they laugh at. ‘$.Heroism ...... of hanging on one minute longer. 6. You can't. ..... the whole sky through a bamboo tube. 7. Liberty , ‘NO price, 8. today’s anger until tomorrow. What Is the point of each ‘ing? Have you heard any of them bolore? 2. Where do you think each saying comes from? Match each of tho above with the following sources: Germany the Philippines Norway Spain Japon France Tran Native American Discussion |. Sometimes le claim that there are rational, bc even tee exactions er folk wisdom. For example: The idea that itis lucky to put a horseshoe over ‘our front door comes from a time when it was believed that witches rode on broomsticks because they were afraid of horses. Purting a horseshoe over your door kept witches away. The idea of having seven years’ bad luck if you break a mirror comes from the time when mirrors Were very expensive. If you broke yours, it would take seven years to save the money for 2 new one. 2. Can you think of any rational or historical explanations for these ‘sayings? 1. The rail of a fox dead of old age brings good luck. 2. Never touch a baby, all in one day. 3. Nothing succeeds like success, 4.Never argue at a crossroads, 3. What about for these actions? 1.Touching wood. 2, Making the sign of the cross. pillow at night. 4 Making a wish when you cut your birthday 2 mother and a tombstone cake. Shine hands with your right hand (aoe your Some more sayings Horo are some more {8 any truth in any An expert is someone with word processor. Everything tastes mo There are three kind convenient, aN opinion and a Fe OF less like chicken, of memory: good, bad and

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